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Realistic or Modern ๐“˜๐“ท ๐“•๐“พ๐“ต๐“ต ๐“‘๐“ต๐“ธ๐“ธ๐“ถ ~ ๐“ ๐“‘๐“ป๐“ฒ๐“ญ๐“ฐ๐“ฎ๐“ป๐“ฝ๐“ธ๐“ท-๐“˜๐“ท๐“ผ๐“น๐“ฒ๐“ป๐“ฎ๐“ญ ๐“ก๐“ธ๐“ต๐“ฎ๐“น๐“ต๐“ช๐”‚ (๐“’๐“ฑ๐“ช๐“ป๐“ช๐“ฌ๐“ฝ๐“ฎ๐“ป ๐“ข๐“ฑ๐“ฎ๐“ฎ๐“ฝ๐“ผ) (Closed)

Callum Westwick
Duke of Cardiff

body type
body modifications
scar on his left leg from falling out of a tree when he was a child
Toorance Coombs
"My life will never be my own"
Before his life was turned upside down, Callum was devilishly handsome, outgoing, and a playful guy. His father used to say Callum was never going to be serious enough to be a successful Duke but his love for a joke or a little mischief is what made him, him. After the accident, he is a little more reserved and on the mysterious side. Last season, he wouldnโ€™t have disclosed anything he went through. This current season, he is slowly starting to revert back to his old self. You may even get a smile if youโ€™re lucky
lives in the past
Fresh Air
Tea with cream
anything chocolate
Alcohol (doesn't drink anymore)
being reminded of the past
the ocean

Callum grew up in Wales where his father was a Duke of Cardiff. He spent his childhood learning to take over as the Duke. He either was with his nannies or with his father, learning what he needed to know. One of the things he was told since he was around nine years old was that he would marry Lady Evelyn, the daughter of a Viscount who was 2 years younger. He was introduced to her early on and to say they both hated the idea was an understatement. The time that they would be forced to get to know each other was her playing the piano and ignoring him or Callum ditching their meeting altogether. They did this so much that they had to have a chaperone.

Years went by as Callum continued to learn the duties of the Duke from his father and pressured by his mother to know Evelyn. From the time Callum was 16-20, he didnโ€™t see Evelyn while she finished her schooling in Scotland. The summer she returned, Callum didnโ€™t know what had kept him from her all those years. Rich dark brown hair and eyes to match, Callum had lost all of his words. It took almost the entire summer for her to take him seriously but their arranged marriage turned into a love match. They were married the following year when Callum turned 21 and then he officially took over the title of Duke of Cardiff. For the first time, the weight of Callumโ€™s future seemed to lighten. He was in love and being the Duke just came easy to him.

Within two years into their marriage, Evelyn fell pregnant with their first child. To say they were over the moon was an understatement. They could clearly see how the rest of their lives would turn out. Callum was destined to be more present of a father than his was and raise his children in a house of love he built with Evelyn. Sadly, sometimes people want to break perfect things. One early Autumn day, Evelyn was destined to go to the market. So, she took a guard with her and went. That was the last time Callum saw Evelyn and their unborn child due to bandits in the market.

Callum spiraled after that. For 6 months, he refused to see anyone, not making much of an appearance outside his study. He hit the bottle hard, trying to drown out what sorrow and pain losing Evelyn and their child caused. He wouldโ€™ve drowned longer had his father demanded he go to London. Callum was the only heir and he needed an heir. He had a duty. So, six months after the most tragic thing in his life, he went to London like he was told. He had no intention of taking a wife and instead wanted to numb the pain in alcohol. In London is where he met Celestine. She was in her first season and there was something about her that drew him in. Something that reminded him of Evelyn. He wondered that season if he could love again. He was almost convinced which is why he decided to prematurely take her to bed. It was the first time since his wife. It felt like he betrayed every memory of her and though not his best moment, he disappeared back to Wales without a word to Celestine or anyone.
Now, heโ€™s back in London for a second season, clearer in his mind and sober. He hopes to right his wrongs and apologize for the man he was. He isnโ€™t sure if heโ€™s ready to love someone again but he is looking to be the man Evelyn saw he was.

View on Society
Callum is not necessarily against society. He was just thrown into it too soon after the death of his wife. He would love for society to work for him in making his father happy but he just doesnโ€™t know if heโ€™s ready for that.
MBTI & Moral Alignment
ESFP and Chaotic Good
fun facts
Dying In A Hot Tub - Palaye Royale

coded by Stardust Galaxy

History: Callum grew up in Wales where his father was a Duke of Cardiff. He spent his childhood learning to take over as the Duke. He either was with his nannies or with his father, learning what he needed to know. One of the things he was told since he was around nine years old was that he would marry Lady Evelyn, the daughter of a Viscount who was 2 years younger. He was introduced to her early on and to say they both hated the idea was an understatement. The time that they would be forced to get to know each other was her playing the piano and ignoring him or Callum ditching their meeting altogether. They did this so much that they had to have a chaperone.

Years went by as Callum continued to learn the duties of the Duke from his father and pressured by his mother to know Evelyn. From the time Callum was 16-20, he didnโ€™t see Evelyn while she finished her schooling in Scotland. The summer she returned, Callum didnโ€™t know what had kept him from her all those years. Rich dark brown hair and eyes to match, Callum had lost all of his words. It took almost the entire summer for her to take him seriously but their arranged marriage turned into a love match. They were married the following year when Callum turned 21 and then he officially took over the title of Duke of Cardiff. For the first time, the weight of Callumโ€™s future seemed to lighten. He was in love and being the Duke just came easy to him.

Within two years into their marriage, Evelyn fell pregnant with their first child. To say they were over the moon was an understatement. They could clearly see how the rest of their lives would turn out. Callum was destined to be more present of a father than his was and raise his children in a house of love he built with Evelyn. Sadly, sometimes people want to break perfect things. One early Autumn day, Evelyn was destined to go to the market. So, she took a guard with her and went. That was the last time Callum saw Evelyn and their unborn child due to bandits in the market.

Callum spiraled after that. For 6 months, he refused to see anyone, not making much of an appearance outside his study. He hit the bottle hard, trying to drown out what sorrow and pain losing Evelyn and their child caused. He wouldโ€™ve drowned longer had his father demanded he go to London. Callum was the only heir and he needed an heir. He had a duty. So, six months after the most tragic thing in his life, he went to London like he was told. He had no intention of taking a wife and instead wanted to numb the pain in alcohol. In London is where he met Celestine. She was in her first season and there was something about her that drew him in. Something that reminded him of Evelyn. He wondered that season if he could love again. He was almost convinced which is why he decided to prematurely take her to bed. It was the first time since his wife. It felt like he betrayed every memory of her and though not his best moment, he disappeared back to Wales without a word to Celestine or anyone.
Now, heโ€™s back in London for a second season, clearer in his mind and sober. He hopes to right his wrongs and apologize for the man he was. He isnโ€™t sure if heโ€™s ready to love someone again but he is looking to be the man Evelyn saw he was.

Views on Society?: Callum is not necessarily against society. He was just thrown into it too soon after the death of his wife. He would love for society to work for him in making his father happy but he just doesnโ€™t know if heโ€™s ready for that.

Esmeralda Inรฉs Quijada-Hotham

  • 14cd6d2f9036dde5909a7539de4f702d.gif
    Esmeralda Inรฉs Quijada-Hotham

    Age and Date of Birth:
    26 (March 5th, 1789)

    Sexual Orientation & Relationship Status:
    Heterosexual ; Pending ;)

    Face Claim:
    Bruna Marquezine

    Hotham Family (Mother recently married in)

    First Season?:
    It is, and she has no idea what that is.

    If Not, how many season have you been unwed?:
    A lot according to a lot of people. *shrugs* but why does that matter?

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