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Fantasy Outside the World of Pangea - OCC Thread

there are also characters who are half human half animal spirit.
as of right now there are humans, Otherworlders which are species from another world such as humans, and there is something a called Waterrian which are people with a connection with water and usually have blue hair. Other than that those are the races that are available.
Would it be okay if I did a post for both Jasper and Caster and get her involved in the interaction?
Okay I have too much fun Writing these shared post with Jasper and Caster
The guard is very skilled at explaining the situation and using the opportunity to gain assistance at the fly
He needs a raise
I love Jasper and Caster so much. They are some of the funnest characters I have to write
Also now I think when Caster takes Jasper home he’s just going to faint.

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