Other Why did you pick your name?

I've always loved the cold. I have been raised in a desert my whole life. So I took snow, something I don't get very often, and mixed it with shadow because I LOVE darkness and shadows, and used the 1-5 as a way to signify how many times the internet is right (1) compared to how often a PROFESSIONAL is right (5).
Go back like, 10 years, my middle sibling joins DeviantArt and choses the name 'myverti0n' to use in the site. Me, despite being the oldest sibling, am very supportive of them and their art, heck, you could even say I idolized (and still do) them in many different ways... For starters I didn't think I was even capable of drawing at the time, but their passion for the trade inspires me, deeply.

A few years forward from there, I join DeviantArt myself. Finally confident enough to throw myself in the vast of the internet, I pick a name with a similar aesthetic to theirs, they are what inspired me to try, after all. But I wanted it to be mine, to express in it the essence of who I am. I wasn't doing art because I have a plan to indulge in the area, no. It was a hobby, it was fun, like many other things I usually did. In fact, I value having fun more than any other aspect of things, thus 'Necessity4Fun' is what I settled with.
Really proud of it >w<
If you have ever seen the movie Jupiter's Ascending, you would then understand why I choose my name. I don't know why, but I love the movie. Also I'm strangely obsessed with planets.
I use to go by Wasabi but that username was taken on other sites so I just ended up saying/spelling it like this.
This username is based on another that I created when I was twelve. Admittedly it was just combining "Shadow" and "Bird" but at this point I'm too attached to stop using it. "Of The" just kinda happened, trying to find ways to get rid of the numbers that were in it previously. Not really all that interesting but...
Pancakee because when I was making an account for Last Man Standing I wanted to come up with the least intimidating name I could think of, but Pancake was already taken. Plus I just like pancakes!
I chose mine since one time on the PS4 I saw the name BewareDaSamurai. The idea that you could replace the with da made me all giddy for some reason. I changed my name to DaLucky1, but after the lack of fellow Canadians I saw on the internet, I changed it to Dat1CanadianGuy. And yes, I am Canadian. (Everyone always asks jesus its in the name)
My schtick is leaves
My YouTube channel is DJJusLeaves
So for RP sites I just kind of came up with "DanGriin" after the VA for Yugi Muto for the English Dub of Yu Gi Oh
Maybe like an Elf name?
I picked mine mainly because I couldn't think of anything else? I am really bad at making up usernames. The 'insane' is because all my friends think I should be put into a mental asylum. The 'roleplayer' is just because I generally like to roleplay.
Well, my name, "TheAlphaTitan", is one that I've used for several years now. It started from PS3, when I went by the name of AlphaSniperOmega, chosen because I was playing a lot of shooters and loved snipers and in reference to Fallout 3's use of a biblical quote(used for my love of Fallout, not Christianity) - "I am the Alpha and the Omega". I managed to lose my information for that account and created a new account, keeping Alpha because many knew me from that name and using Titan from my love of Greek and Roman mythology. So, I became TheAlphaTitan. Since then, I've used this name for almost everything that I have an account for online. Ta-daa?
Uh well.. My name is Sharon, so there's one part explained.. and the "Sheepy" part is because I own a horse, which I always call my sheep and well that's pretty much it..

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