Other Why did you pick your name?

I chose MrThe because it is anonymous. I like having a name that sounds like it could be anybody because that's what RP is all about to me. It's about wearing a mask where you could be somebody else, anyone else. It's also why I still haven't picked a profile pic because they make you stand out, they individualise you and that's not something I want when I roleplay.
I named myself 'caolierose' because Caolie is the nickname my best friend gave me (and it has a nice ring to it). 'Rose' because I really like roses, I associate moments of triumph and happiness with roses. My parents and relatives normally give me roses after I achieve amazing things. Also, I really like Rosé from Blackpink, her voice is so precious!
San Narciso is the fictional city Thomas Pynchon set his novel The Crying of Lot 49 in. There's a real place (two places, actually) called San Narciso in the Phillipines but Pynchon's is in California.

I loved having to read Lot 49 at uni. In such a short novel Pynchon got me entirely caught up in all the paranoia and mystery and insanity and the book has really just stuck with me.
I've had this name as my username for pretty much everything since 2011. Sometimes I would branch off a bit, but for the most part I stuck with this. It has become somewhat of an actual name for me, something those I've met on the internet really know me by. Heck, my brother sometimes calls me "jiggles", so that might help show you how much it's grown on me, and vice versa even. This is the name I had when I improved my writing/RPing skills. It's pretty sentimental. As to the origin of it? No idea. I am fairly certain that it was some joke between my family that I have long since forgotten. I once had a dream about the origins, and afterwards I felt like that dream really was the answer, but I completely forgot that too.
my best friends all call me Jade, after Jade Harley. on most sites I get sick of my username pretty quickly. hoping since this one is just my nickname and birth year, I won't get tired of it
1.) because it sounded like a cool username
2.) because i knew that people would be so uncreative in an argument that they would use it to insult me. so far, I've been pretty satisfied, as two people have done that since i changed my username
I picked Ser Loh because...well...it was a place holder name when I was playing FF14 (Real name was suppose to be LaLiLuLeLoh) but it just kinda stuck so I've been using it for almost everything >.>
Because of a certain bad multi-lingual pun. Why would anyone ever need a better reason than a bad pun, after all?
The Fatalis is an Elder Dragon from Monster Hunter. Dunno, I just decided to stick with that name.
Hmm, I think I played a Top Gun game a long time ago where Viper was the callsign, and I outgrew my two previous usernames in crazyweirdo2000 and thewarrior25, so I decided to use ViciousVip3R. At first I added Vicious because Viper was already taken, but this name has grown on me and now I use it for everything. Eventually some Czech players in a game I was playing thought my name was Vici, and I have used that as my nickname ever since.
Because I like flowers and I also like mythology and it kinda looks like a typo. I don't know, it just worked out for me
It's an alias of mine that's about six years old. I've altered its meaning and used it here because 'Sibelle Grey' sounds similar to part of my irl name and I wanted something that still sounds like me. It has a French touch, which I like because French is my first language. I love the light sound of 'Sibelle'. Also, 'si belle' is in the lyrics of a lullaby I've always loved, so there's that as well.
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A lot of people think I chose this because of the animation but I was playing a game called choices aka 20 diamonds for a stupid biniki that doesn't change much. I was trying to name my character Shelby but my tablet autocorrected to Shelter, and the name grew on me. I even used it for MC in Mystic Messenger.

Holy crap I can't believe I actually found someone else who plays Choices. And I bought the same thing and also regretted it!
I chose this name because of my affinity for boba tea, more specifically for the tapioca pearls at the bottom of the cup. I will not stop until I have demolished each and every boba.
My xbox 360 gave me the moniker Nomadicdesert and since it's never taken anywhere I use it everywhere
Well, it's a very personal story.

When I was a kid, my dad would be constantly playing rpgs and a ton of other scifi/fantasy games too, and I'd usually end up watching him. Fallout 1 and 2, Persona 2, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy, Master of Orion 2, The Temple of Elemental Evil. You name it, my dad probably played it, and I probably watched him play it in awe at his total badassery.

Around the time when I was six or seven was when I first started playing the vast collection of games my dad had gotten over the years. And my first forray into rpgs was TES III: Morrowind. I died a lot. And also got lost a lot. But damn, I had a blast.

A few short years later, when I was nine, my dad bought a new computer, as his old one had finally kicked the bucket. And with it, he bought two new games. Age of Empire III, and TES IV: Oblivion. Now, when we first got it, the machine did NOT want to run these, and would only play the little cinimatic movies in the beginning, before CTDing.

It took about a month for my dad to scrounge up the dough to buy a new video card for it, so that the games could run. During that month, I would almost CONSTANTLY boot the games up to watch those cinimatics, until every detail was engrained into my skull. Every moment of redcoats fireing guns, samurais charging, ships sailing, demons marching, and, of course, every line spoken by the sweet sweet voice of Sir Patrick Stewart as Emperor Uriel Septim the Seventh.

Finally, I was able to play it. But, before I created my first character in Oblivion, I decided that he deserved a name better than any of the silly and childish ones I could think of. One that was deserving of a true hero. So, I went to the Tamriel Rebuilt site, and found a name generator. And I would do that for hours until I finally saw one that just seemed perfect, that seemed to speak to me. Dalamus Ulom.

Ever since then, I've been using it for every account I own on every website I've ever used. And thus, here I am.

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