Other Why did you pick your name?

My username is inspired by a mechanic from a mobile game I play, where older characters with their own personal weapons eventually get an upgrade to their weapon called a "refine". My favorite character from that game has a weapon called Niu (actually Níu), and I really enjoyed using her with her refined weapon, hence niurefine.
So i have been seeing a different variety of names many of them have different meanings or they are just them. I started to wonder.... Why? why did you guys choose your names? I choose mine because it means "the eye" refering to god. I have always been a watchful person for others and also means hot spring i always had a connection with water. hby
I use public wifi. when i sat down at the pc there was a megatron sticker on the edge of the monitors frame. so i used that as my user name.
If you’re referring to this username I got, well it’s actually called FloataSoda because it rolls up the tongue because it rhymes. It’s very original too.
It's the name I use(d) on the first site I roleplayed on, and I want any friends on there to be able to recognize me should they choose to join this website.
I wanted something other than my main username so I can keep RP separate from my 'online brand'. Was playing Sonic Adventure 2 at the time and picked this name as a result. I really like Ark as a nickname so it worked out !
Hawke and Shepard are the names I use, both are amazing heroic video game characters, Hawke is a alter inside of my system and my bpd makes me feel like I'm Shepard sometimes.

Hawke and Shepard are both used for the character no matter what gender the player chooses for them meaning they're most likely gender neutral.

I had to search up the meanings but
Hawke means wild honour and Shepard means sheep hoarder

Two more of my names: Nikola and Viktor are from ocs of mine that I hold dear to my heart, Viktor is a males name and I adore being mistaken for a guy irl, but Viktor can also have the name Viki/Vicky, meaning it could technically be seen as gender neutral and Nikola is a gender neutral name. Unfortunately Nikola was also my first ever alter (the alter came before the oc but Niko doesn't give a single fuck)

Viktor means conquerer and Nikola means victor of the people.

Two more of my names are technically from video game characters, but I fell so deeply in love with the video game character it felt like I became them.

Zaeed is most likely a males name, but he's a badass mercenary who gives off masculine non-binary and Sabal is also a male's name of a leader of a rebellion against a evil tyrant. Zaeed is also apart of my osdd system.

Zaeed means extra/excess but it sounds cool.

Sabal means possessing strength.

In other words, all of my names gave me back the freedom and self expression I never had before I turned 16.
It's a combination of my name outside in the real worlds, because I use up all my creative energy on writing instead of usernames haha
I believe I was watching Game of Thrones at the time and was like 'hmm, always wanted to be a reigning monarch' since simply 'monarch' was taken. 😭
My username came from a game of Uno, my friend had kept saying “Wild card” and I just thought it would be a cool name for a character, and here I am today.
Dokkalven was a name I picked up at a pretty young age. I think I was like 14. I remember reading about "evil" fantasy creatures like drow and such, and I saw the words "dokk" and "alven," which I recall were maybe Latin? I kinda just combined them and made by very first OC, a half angel, half drow. And it just stuck with me through the years.
I guess my name is kind of a description of what RPing (or writing in general) is to me- I am a narrator of daydreams, stories and tales. I am also very prone to daydreaming and the narrator in my head never shuts up, so it seemed doubly fitting.
My Favorite character from a tv show. Crowley!
Kintsugi, as an art, has always interested me. The aspect of taking something that is damaged and touching it up. . It's symbolic to me.
So I got Blue_Felix from two different things when I was born I was basically a blueberry, due to lack of oxygen thanks to heart issue ontop of my blue eyes and Felix because Felix the cat is my favorite cartoon character

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