Experiences Where did you roleplay before you came to RPNation?

Way back in the day started on like Wizard 101 and WoW. Discovered Nation States and moved on from there to Facepunch and eventually to the wonderful world of D&D.
Started with D&D groups and then started to do things like Picture Wars on Facepunch (which can kind of count as roleplay) before recently doing full RPs with the group on there. I actually did a TON of Serious Roleplay on Gmod between that, mainly set to Fallout: New Vegas.
Well I used to roleplay in Instagram back in 2012 when the TMNT 2k12 fandom had just started blooming, and then I noticed people in Deviantart all used kik for role-playing and so using kik has stuck with me until now that I've recently gotten back into role-playing
Tumblr. Had some really good ones there, but after a while the group kinda dissipated.
About a decade ago I joined the Wurm Online forums (a largely forgotten game now) since I played the game, but on the offtopic section there was a guy who began running RP games where you roleplayed as nations.

After doing this for a few years I later moved to the Facepunch forums and borrowed the concept from him, starting up my own series of nation RP games set in the Victorian era where you had to build empires or fight as revolutionaries. It was wildly successful, and from it I founded the Facepunch RP community from it that has lasted about 7 years (before it eventually migrated here because of our old host forums threatening to shut down) and loads of games have been played in that time. We ran so many in fact that we ended up making a small wiki to document it all (courtesy of Damian0358 who has very meticulous) and have done very well by it: Facepunch RP Wiki If anyone is interested in the Facepunch RP group and the games it used to play or in reading them they can check out that link (there's a lot of supplemental maps, images, files, writings, etc).

I've written a great deal already, and I might end up writing more in the future - certainly hoping to participate in some games to say the least.
I have a lot of roleplay history on the internet.

My first departure into the topic was at Chatango, twelve or so years ago. Then I went to Roleplayerguild, where I stayed for a long period of time, whilst simultaneously participatin in this site's former form, Naruto Roleplaying-something. After the Roleplayerguild's first iteration shut down for a while, I went over here to RPNation, just a short bit after the merger, then I participated on here for a few years.

After a bit, I went back to Roleplayerguild where I roleplayed for two years, and now I'm here again.
The first place I ever role played, was on a ds lite. You could use text, or draw.
it had little chat rooms, and I used to play with my brother, pretending to be various marvel characters, and oddly enough, sometimes even the Muppets. Such fun memories... ^33^

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Started on AIM (yes I'm old) and mainly stuck to the messengers since I made friends over them. About 4 years ago I was rping on 8chan, but it was a Kisekae board and making all the images was tiresome.
I've been at many different places(I've been writing for over half my life). Most recently I was on a HP site. I can no longer consider it my RP home, though, because of a bunch of stuff I'd rather not get into.

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