Experiences Whats making you angry today? Rp pet peeves

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I hate when anyone stereotypes another persons ideas or tries to drop them into some concept of a fandom. I've had the dwarf/elf issue myself. Had someone get annoyed an elf character I had could sword fight as well as another non elf character I had. Because he should use a bow. BTW he could use a bow, he did when hunting. But that should be his primary weapon apparently. And while playing another elf character in an RP where the people had dwarves the person made a few passive aggressive snide comments because when the dwarf tried to start s***my character didn't take the bait and kinda just ignored them. The closest he came to arguing was countering his anger with questions.

I think from a practical point of view, both Dwarves and Elves benefit from using similar weaponry but with some distinctions. For example, a typical elf has a far longer reach than a Dwarf or Human and thus could therefore find alot of use with something like a billhook or some other type of polearm. Since they can easily out-reach the other races and usually have faster reactions then they don't particularly need the protection of heavy armour or shields to protect themselves when advancing upon the enemy. As for the Dwarves, they need all the help they can get in the 'reach' department. I can imagine something very similar to the Dwarven armies of Tolkien's world would be very viable. Ranks upon ranks of heavily armoured footmen using shield walls, pikes ~ overall a mash-up of Roman and Greek tactics back in the day.

All in all however, I think presumptions about what someone can and cannot use is as pointless as trying to use it on people today. Just because someone trained as a boxer doesn't mean they can't put several holes in you with a modern rifle. Everyone has the ability to adapt and use their personal strengths if it benefits them, not everyone has to be a trained soldier to fight with weapons we have today and using a bit of that logic in fantasty related roleplays could conjure up some interesting choices of equipment.
This is gonna sound a bit weird, but the fact that almost every rp, regardless of if they're set in 1800's England or the fucking far side of the moon, always have at least one Japanese character is starting to get on my nerves.
This legitimately made me laugh because it's unfortunately true 😂
I LOVE writing Japanese characters (don't get me started on Feudal Japan, what a wild ride) but only in setting appropriate scenarios.
The weird prevalence of them in settings where it makes noooooo sense whatsoever will never stop being hilarious to me.
It's no different than injecting a furry into a super serious WWII plot. Makes no sense, is kind of ridiculous, but it seems sort of discriminatory to call it out.
This legitimately made me laugh because it's unfortunately true 😂
I LOVE writing Japanese characters (don't get me started on Feudal Japan, what a wild ride) but only in setting appropriate scenarios.
The weird prevalence of them in settings where it makes noooooo sense whatsoever will never stop being hilarious to me.
It's no different than injecting a furry into a super serious WWII plot. Makes no sense, is kind of ridiculous, but it seems sort of discriminatory to call it out.
It's the anime faceclaims.
Once I made a detailed RP interest check and some guy came on just to tell me that my RP wouldn't get any members because according to him my RP was too strict when it came to the combat system and I was overbearing. When I told him I wasn't expecting many people he rudely said I was brat who was unwilling to take criticism and no one would sign up. It was one of those PM me if you're interested type deals and unknown to him I already had 5 people who had signed up. I kind of wanted to rub it in his face that he was wrong but I didn't.
Please give a more detailed explanation on what exactly you are looking for in a potential partner and how you are as a roleplayer in your request thread rather than just a paragraph of you saying you are up for anything.
You claim to have read and understood my rules, therefore understand the conditions preventing me from replying to you right away. Then, you leave me a passive-aggressive message all because I didn't reply when you wanted me. If that's not bad enough when I try to reply you block me like a coward.
if you're not prepared for your roleplay to not go the set path you intended, don't make a roleplay. if you're not prepared for not all of the characters to be a certain sexuality or age or ethnicity or whatever, don't make the roleplay. if you're not prepared for things to go wrong inside the story of the roleplay, don't make the roleplay. roleplays are fun bc you're not the only one dictating what happens. if that doesn't sound good to you.. just write a book?
People who try to push a ceratin fantasy on your character, obviously without your consent and showing no interest in your comfort. I posted an Ad on a certain platform, and after a brief conversation, someone started arguing my character should, er, try to force theirs to do something 'nasty.' When I refused, they sent me a long and deplorable rant, accusing me of being a terrible writer. Their logic was something along the lines of "your character is bad, and he is a man, and mine is just sooo hot".

Please, don't. Keep in mind there is a person behind the screen. Your writing partner isn't a robot programmed to please you.
Ok so here's a peeve that I was reminded of by a couple of threads here. One is the "People taking RP too seriously" thread, and another one was a post where someone mentioned characters bringing groups of NPCs with them, and yet another where someone was talking about mental illness portrayals in RP.

My peeve: Vetting people's characters when you're the GM.

So, I once ran a forum which shall remain nameless in which I had a small group RP, there were about four-five of us, which was pretty tight in terms of writing standards, character creation standards and scope of the plot. I say "scope" because obviously who knows where exactly the plot will go, but there was a very strong general theme. Running this RP really put me off GMing for several reasons but one of the worst things was having to vet people's character submissions because, my god, there were some doozies.

I had one player who demanded to play a military general with 300 NPC soldiers at his command. When I vetoed this and explained it was a matter of character balance, he kept asking for smaller numbers like we were haggling. "How about 100?" "How about 50?" No, no, and no. My god. In the end he did not join the RP because I had to give him a "my way or the highway" ultimatum in the end. I tried. I tried my best.

I had one player who tried to join with a character that could do everything. A master thief, a schoolgirl alchemist, and also had magical powers. Magical powers in a universe where there was no magic. I talked her down from the magical powers and helped her make a more realistic character, and that was fine in the end. I also had another person try to join who decided that SHE wanted magical powers and this time she left rather than accept the compromise to be exactly the same as all the other characters in the RP and not have any.

I had one player who already had one character in the RP. This character was basically a self-insert, and she had never RPed before. She was a pretty boss writer, I knew her IRL, but a novice RPer, so there were times when I would have to say "no you can't control someone's character" or things like that, which she didn't like but accepted. Anyway, one day she said to me she wanted to make another character. "I'm going to make a sociopath," was all she said. The red flags were flying like it was October 17th. Sociopaths are almost always bad for an RP for a multitude of reasons, so I sent her a long message indicating that she shouldn't base a character around a mental health condition and gave her some advice about how to make a good character. As you guys have seen I'm not like, an especially rude or confrontational person I hope, lol. But she absolutely went APESHIT. "I know how to make characters! I've made hundreds of characters! How dare you patronise me! You're not the boss of me!" etc. And our other friend had to stage an intervention.

I mean good Lord almighty, all I wanted was to have sensible characters. Is that too much to ask?! Apparently it is. Anyway I hated it.

Thank you. X3
If the RP group is too fast paced for you, just quit. Don't try to make everyone else feel bad for posting quickly. It's okay not to be able to post quickly, but maybe try to find a RP more compatible with your pace instead.
If the RP group is too fast paced for you, just quit. Don't try to make everyone else feel bad for posting quickly. It's okay not to be able to post quickly, but maybe try to find a RP more compatible with your pace instead.

This is generally why I usually stick to 1x1's. Most groups are too fast.
This is generally why I usually stick to 1x1's. Most groups are too fast.

Sometimes my Exalted group takes off running, but everyone tries to not leave someone behind. One of our players regularly spends his weekends caving, so he tends to play catch up on Monday.
People who try to push a ceratin fantasy on your character, obviously without your consent and showing no interest in your comfort. I posted an Ad on a certain platform, and after a brief conversation, someone started arguing my character should, er, try to force theirs to do something 'nasty.' When I refused, they sent me a long and deplorable rant, accusing me of being a terrible writer. Their logic was something along the lines of "your character is bad, and he is a man, and mine is just sooo hot".

Please, don't. Keep in mind there is a person behind the screen. Your writing partner isn't a robot programmed to please you.

So sorry to hear you had to put up with that. Sheesh that sounds stressful. I hate people who try to push that sort of thing on people. And to try to tell you what YOUR character would do is just ridiculous. I've dealt with weirdos before and they can really make you rethink RPing.
Ok so here's a peeve that I was reminded of by a couple of threads here. One is the "People taking RP too seriously" thread, and another one was a post where someone mentioned characters bringing groups of NPCs with them, and yet another where someone was talking about mental illness portrayals in RP.

My peeve: Vetting people's characters when you're the GM.

So, I once ran a forum which shall remain nameless in which I had a small group RP, there were about four-five of us, which was pretty tight in terms of writing standards, character creation standards and scope of the plot. I say "scope" because obviously who knows where exactly the plot will go, but there was a very strong general theme. Running this RP really put me off GMing for several reasons but one of the worst things was having to vet people's character submissions because, my god, there were some doozies.

I had one player who demanded to play a military general with 300 NPC soldiers at his command. When I vetoed this and explained it was a matter of character balance, he kept asking for smaller numbers like we were haggling. "How about 100?" "How about 50?" No, no, and no. My god. In the end he did not join the RP because I had to give him a "my way or the highway" ultimatum in the end. I tried. I tried my best.

I had one player who tried to join with a character that could do everything. A master thief, a schoolgirl alchemist, and also had magical powers. Magical powers in a universe where there was no magic. I talked her down from the magical powers and helped her make a more realistic character, and that was fine in the end. I also had another person try to join who decided that SHE wanted magical powers and this time she left rather than accept the compromise to be exactly the same as all the other characters in the RP and not have any.

I had one player who already had one character in the RP. This character was basically a self-insert, and she had never RPed before. She was a pretty boss writer, I knew her IRL, but a novice RPer, so there were times when I would have to say "no you can't control someone's character" or things like that, which she didn't like but accepted. Anyway, one day she said to me she wanted to make another character. "I'm going to make a sociopath," was all she said. The red flags were flying like it was October 17th. Sociopaths are almost always bad for an RP for a multitude of reasons, so I sent her a long message indicating that she shouldn't base a character around a mental health condition and gave her some advice about how to make a good character. As you guys have seen I'm not like, an especially rude or confrontational person I hope, lol. But she absolutely went APESHIT. "I know how to make characters! I've made hundreds of characters! How dare you patronise me! You're not the boss of me!" etc. And our other friend had to stage an intervention.

I mean good Lord almighty, all I wanted was to have sensible characters. Is that too much to ask?! Apparently it is. Anyway I hated it.

Thank you. X3

I really don't understand why a person would want to force things into plots they don't belong in. I don't do group RPs online myself, but it seems the number one complaint my friends who do have. They get a good theme going then the odd person come in. Bringing guns into primitive settings, magic into heavy sci fi. Or robots into heavy fantasy. Don't know what your RP ad said, but I have a feeling they probably didn't read it or take it serious before contacting you.

And as for the sociopath wannabe. That's something that should be decided on a basis of if the other RPers would enjoy their characters having to deal with it. I for one hate having someone trying to put in the disruptive character and their being no reason for my character to put up with it other than "The RP can't happen if they don't".
If I tell you I'm not feeling well and the literal next words that come out of your mouth are if I want to continue the RP right now and not get well soon, we are about to throw virtual hands and I am about to say something very, very nasty to you.

Is how I have felt several times but managed not to do.
Can I proofread your posts before you post them? Please? Because I swear if I have to read another one of your typo-ridden, punctuation scare, capitalization error common posts, I’m actually going to throw myself off a bridge.

Two roleplays so far I have wanted to say that. I get English not being someone’s first language, but both occasions these were multiple line, in the latter case mostly paragraph length posts. Why? Why put in the effort to write that much if you aren’t going to reread them to make sure they’re y’know, readable?
Your character is half-dragon, half-demon, or literally any other half?

Are they also half-attention whores?

plus halves only comes in two. If it’s any more than you need to recheck your math.

I always want to say “so they’re PART XYZ”. Or maybe one eighth whatever. Or to put it simply they’re a mutt.
Your character is half-dragon, half-demon, or literally any other half?

Are they also half-attention whores?

I can't take characters seriously that are half-dragon or half-any other animal. Realistically, it's not even possible. Even in a fantasy world it's not possible. Dragons are vicious creatures that would not be breeding with humans, even if their biology allowed for it.
I can't take characters seriously that are half-dragon or half-any other animal. Realistically, it's not even possible. Even in a fantasy world it's not possible. Dragons are vicious creatures that would not be breeding with humans, even if their biology allowed for it.

Depends on how you define dragons. Some are sentient beings that can naturally take human form, others are semi-divine creatures that have various magical powers, etc.

I mean it would sort of depend on the biology of that world and how you are saying the child was born. I had a reptilian species that had kids by flooding a specific location with their magic and then a set time later the kids popped out of the ground like daisies.

Now granted the more parts you throw into the final product the more likely some fucked up Frankenstein/Jurassic Park crap went down. But even then it’s not impossible if you back it up with world building.
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