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Realistic or Modern Westbrook


Before he knew it, the two boys were shoving each other through musical instruments. And the next thing he knew, the two were falling into his guitar, and the sickening sound of it snapping and breaking into pieces left Jace speechless. For a moment, Jace completely forgot about Stu. He looked down at the broken pieces of his guitar, stunned beyond even being able to speak as he picked up one of the more intact pieces of the neck. God, he'd had that guitar since he was little. It had been the first guitar he'd played on, one that his mother used to play to put Jace and Ash to sleep. And then she'd given it to him, and Jace remember how little him had barely been bigger than the guitar. It had gone everywhere with him. It had been something familiar, a little bit of confidence for him in this really shitty world.

And then, all of Jace's sorrow turned to anger as he glared at Stu. The main lights were now engulfing him. The cast had moved off to the sides, leaving just one little stupid freshman that had caused nothing but trouble in Jace's life since he'd first shown up. He thought back to the first party of the year, when he'd pissed all over Jace's petunias and slippers. And Jace had felt bad about tossing the kid out on the street, but now, he was glad that he'd done it. Stu deserved no mercy.

Jace dropped the broken fragments of the guitar and then stood up, glaring at Stu for a moment before he ran forward and tackled the smaller boy to the ground. Their little skirmish continued, now across the center of the stage, with both boys throwing some fairly weak punches and mostly just smacking and shoving each other. It was truly rather pitiful.

Dede Dede

Okay, so... That felt more like them than Rizzo and Kenickie, but obviously it's just because they were totally the perfect casts for them... Didn't mean anything. However, the kiss was heated. Leaving her hands on both sides of his face as she kissed him back. Raven knew she had to stay in character, unsure on why he deepened the kiss, letting out a surprised hum as he lifted her up not breaking the kiss, this wasn't in the script. but she wasn't about to end the scene in a complete mess, only pulling away once he'd got them out of the spotlight and set her down. She wiped at the corners of her lips while Grace and Sawyer were doing their scene. Giving a firm nod as she watched the two perform their scene. "So..." What the fuck was that.

Raven looked over to Mason, and narrowed her eyes at him and stared at him inquisitively. It was a little weird the fact that he didn't follow the script they'd set on. She cleared her throat and shrugged. Deciding that it was probably just a better idea to just leave it like it happened, it was a great scene after all. Surely one people will talk about the most. Considering, well... have you seen everyone else? Not exactly the best actors at the moment. Granted, it was just the depressed cheerleader, but she was the lead. "Nice Improv." Making eye-contact. Even though it was just a play she wasn't sure how Alaska would react.

Shaking off her confused thoughts, Raven was somewhat amused at his whole line, grabbing the bottom of his chin and tilting his head to the side to see the bruise, grinning. "Hey, look you were right. You're way better now." She teased. Shrugging uncaringly. "Y'know. Because you got me." Rolling her eyes in mock annoyance. Although a smile played on her face.

Once Grace and Sawyer had finished their part. The finale was coming to a close and everyone got in their places, danced, the whole thing. It sucked because everyone else did. But... oh well. It wasn't her fault. Pretty sad though. It'd only got worse when Stu and Jace had started fighting, and Raven wanted to intervene, surprising, right? Well. It just wasn't particularly a nice thing to watch. Jace was what... eighteen? The little blonde boy he was shoving looked like he was 12. She sighed and moved only about an inch when her phone rang. It didn't help with the soft silence along with the two boys fighting. Raven cleared her throat and gave a nod to whoever's attention was on her at the moment. "Great show, nice job everyone." She clapped her hands together, giving an all too-fake smile, she turned around and went backstage to answer. It wasn't like she couldn't just put it on silent. It could've been important.
Winona Winona


JJ watched the whole mess happen from backstage. It was depressing and sad really, even got worse when the two boys were going at it. The fight was stupid enough for her to roll her eyes at it, turning around at the sight and hanging up the clothes that hadn't been used. Juliette was so much more than upset. Why was Ash being so... touchy with her boyfriend? Can't she get her own? Well, yes, but obviously she can't keep one. What? Okay, look. She understands they're love interests. But come on. That was so not Danny and Sandy, that was just Ash being a bitch in general.

Surprisingly enough Juliette had decided to not confront her, sending a glare her way instead and focusing on finishing here so she can just get the hell out of here now. She was just so done with this play and slutty cheerleaders.

Saying her lines back to Sawyer, while trying to push most of her thoughts and worries away, it wasn't like it was actually working... but... gotta try... right? She was almost more nervous now than when they had their first kiss. Or... y'know... other first things. Hesitating for a mere moment when she pressed her lips to her own. Surprising that Sawyer had decided to prolong the kiss, but she kissed her back. It's different when they decide to find a private corner at a party, where everyone's drunk and hardly paying attention. Or when they're in empty classrooms. Even when they have the smallest amount of privacy or hell, even if it was in the middle of the hallway at school. She was trying, learning not to care too much.

But this was different, this was on stage, in-front of many people, many judging people and of course, included her mother. Today with Stu didn't help ease her worries either, upset at herself for not telling her in the first place. It didn't help her mood that the musical was going terribly. Their very own Sandy wasn't acting the way she was supposed to. As much as Grace didn't want to, she blamed Ash. She was... acting sloppy, and out of tune.. she could go on, but she'd rather not. Giving a weak smile to Sawyer at her grin, and waited for the music to start for the finale. It had to work out this time. It was the ending, at this point Grace had full faith in Ash that she'd pull it together. Maybe she was just... trying to get back at her mother? Not sure if that was even the reason at all, but Grace desperately wanted one. Why else would she ruin the play? It didn't make sense to her.

Glancing over at where her mother and David were at, she knew where they were sitting considering she'd seen them earlier, except she didn't see her. And that only meant one thing. Grace highly doubted her mother decided to go for a bathroom break, catching sight of her blonde hair walking out, leaving an upset David who'd looked conflicted whether or not to go after her, but he stood in his seat. She was so stupid. She should've told her, warned her, or whatever the hell she was supposed to do. Grace was just convinced she was a disappointment. When the music started, she blinked back tears in an attempt to recover herself and stay in-character.

As the music started up, Grace found it hard to even follow her own steps as she watched everyone else. Ash was everywhere, just not where she was supposed to be and it made Bryan totally confused and he still managed to keep his cool at least. And the music just got more horrific by the second as everyone messed up, ending on a worse note than possible. What was the point of everything then? Trying so hard for what? Realizing that they were still holding hands Grace released Sawyer's from her grasp. Blaming herself for everyone else's mistakes. What did she do wrong? Did she not... explain it right to Zach earlier? Did she not give the right instructions to Darius on lights?

Maybe she should've talked it through with Stu, Jace, and Oliver? Helped Ash go through the scenes and acts? Or was it the fact that she was just a horrible director in general. She learned her lines last minute, gave the audience a rather huge show of homosexual make out sessions. Her girlfriend tried to talk to her through the whole play and she brushed her off like she was nothing. Her mother thinks she's a sinful disappointment of a daughter, and her best friend came to her and poured her heart out about her ex. God, she even admitted that she wasn't eating as well as she was supposed to, and Grace just... left her like that? For the play that failed? Wow. Good fucking job. 'The Grace Jackson.' the girl who everyone thought could do any wrongs and yet, failure was the only thing she was ever good at.

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Everything was burning down around her, and Ash had no idea what to do or how to pull this back. Hell, she could barely even think straight, or stand right. She backed away from the stage as Jace and Stu started fighting, and then she looked around for Grace, only to see her best friend in absolute shambles at how this musical had fallen apart. And the worst part that it was Ash's fault. Well, mostly. Partly. No, mostly. She never should have drank the alcohol, she never should have eaten that brownie.

Ash diverted her gaze away from Grace, and then her eyes fell on JJ for a moment as JJ glared at her. And Ash, well, she didn't know what else to do and she was so full of emotion, and she was tired of people pointing fingers, and assuming things, and she didn't know what else to do. So Ash stumbled her way across the stage towards JJ.

"What the hell is your problem?" She snapped, stopping in front of JJ and narrowed her eyes at the other cheerleader. "Why the hell do you think I was hitting on your boyfriend? I'm not a whore like you, I don't do that." Her words were hardly even making sense to her, and Ash's mouth felt like sandpaper. Ugh.

Soap Soap

That was a complete and utter disaster. Ash was completely out of sorts, most likely from the fucking pot brownies that Sawyer had been trying to tell Grace about this whole damn time. At least Bryan, poor guy, had tried to pick up her slack but there was only so much you could do when your co-star wasn't even in the right place. To top it all off, Sawyer was fairly certain Grace was going to have a literal breakdown at this point. Stu and Jace were on stage literally fighting eachother and Sawyer had no want or need to even pay any attention to that. They fought like third graders anyway, not much danger there. Sawyer's eyes stayed glued on Grace as they all kind of shuffled off stage. She could hear her father's laugh in the audience. Jesus. He'd eaten the damn brownies too. That's just great. The air was thick and Sawyer wanted to leave. So she did, pulling Grace along with her in the ever so common fashion she seemed to always follow.

Sawyer didn't know what to say, so she didn't say anything. She just kept walking toward the back exit with Grace in tow. They were so close. So close to the outside where the air wasn't hot with tension and disaster. Sawyer could've reached out and touched the door. But suddenly, in a fit of deja vu, Kate was standing in front of them. This time around though, Sawyer had no polite greetings for the woman. In fact, she didn't have a greeting at all, just a long moment of silence and a cuss word. Words could not describe how much she disliked this goddamn woman. There was not a person on Earth that she hated more than Kate Fucking Jackson.

"Of fucking course." Sawyer groaned under her breath, running a hand along her brow in frustration. If she were alone she would've said a few more things to Kate but since Grace was literally standing right there she held her tongue. She made no move to say anything else to Kate, waiting for either her or Grace to speak since she assumed that's who Kate wanted to see.

Soap Soap
Cutie Pie.gif

Well, Drake wasn't sure if he'd describe it as nice, but it was whatever at this point. Most people were surprised to hear it, or even teased him about it. And yet Belle didn't even to mind it. Heck, she seemed to think it was normal and alright. "Thanks. And yeah, I mean, sometimes I do, but..." Drake shrugged helplessly. His phone buzzed in his pocket and he pulled it out, looking at a text for a moment before he sent a quick reply and shoved his phone back into his pocket. "Alright, alright. Don't worry about it. And sorry about the brownies thing. I was just planning on making a few bucks."

Instead, Drake's friends now hated him, and all of his money had been left at the school. Undoubtedly, Nona was going to keep it, which meant that he was out quite a bit of cash. Weed was not cheap. But he pushed those thoughts aside, instead listening as she explained what a nice date for her would be. "I've never really played Mario Kart, so that sounds really fun." He admitted, a little bit embarrassed to note that he'd hardly played any video games. But it was too cold to swim, and Drake had exactly thirty two cents, a paper clip, and some lint to his name. This was why he didn't date. So damn expensive.

And then the question was turned on him, and Drake wasn't sure how to respond. "Well, I guess I like walking in the woods. Climbing trees and that kind of stuff." Mainly because he could go out there and get high without Mason lecturing him about it. But he wasn't going to say that. And as he thought about it, Drake realized that most of his hobbies included drugs. Well. "I also like sports. Like, football and soccer, and jogging. But none of that is very good for a date..." Drake said, furrowing his eyebrows together as he continued to struggle for something. Damn. Drake had never been on a date where they didn't just go to some party and get fucked p.

Then, Drake's phone was buzzing once again and he pulled it out, looking over the texts before slipping it back into his pocket. "Well, I gotta go, it's getting late. But I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" Drake asked with a little grin. "And I will take you on the best date ever, and it'll be super fun. And like, don't worry. I promise it'll be great."

Maree Maree

Juliette turned around as Ash drunkenly approached her and it was clear, she was on something or whatever she drank. She rolled her eyes and decided to ignore her, however, her eyes snapped to hers with an eyebrow raised at her insult. "Excuse me?" Juliette threw the jacket she was holding down and made her way closer to the blonde. Does she expect to throw insults and get away with it? Funny. "That's funny coming from you. Haven't you had... twenty boyfriends at this point?" Shrugging, of course she couldn't stop herself. "So what would that be, your 5th abortion?" No, there wasn't any rumors surrounding Ash about pregnancy. Did she care? No. Was she going to continue? Obviously. Do you even know JJ? "I heard the fourth one is free." Her insults were trashy and didn't make sense, not in the slightest bit. But if it pissed her off... it worked.

"Look. I get that you want to feel... i don't know. Sexy or whatever, but keep your hands off other people's boyfriends. Just because you can't keep your own doesn't mean you can poach someone else's."

Letting her eyes trail over her slowly with a satisfied smirk on her face. "I mean, you could surely try. But cmon, they all left you for a reason."

Winona Winona
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As the play crashed and burned, Alaska came to stand beside Raven, hoping that they could talk some more about what this was before she had to go home and face her parents. She didn't like the way Mason had kissed her, that was definitely not how they'd practiced it, even if they weren't dating she was still protective of her and didn't want Mason's hands all over her girl. As she moved closer to the brunette, she overheard Mason talking about beating some poor kid up and she narrowed her eyes as she tried to figure out which poor kid Mason had beat up this time. Suddenly, he said something about screwing up the brownies and not taking meds, and she realized that is had been Drake he'd beaten up outside.

Anger was a very familiar feeling to Alaska. It was probably one of the most prominent emotions in her life, and yet she had never felt anger to this degree before. Not when Ryder had punched Kanen, not when Mason had made his comment about Kanen leaving her, not when Bryan had started the pregnancy rumor about Ash, and not even when Lexi had written on her locker. Drake was one of the only genuinely good people she knew, he had never hurt anyone on purpose and was always trying to make everyone happy. Even if he had fucked up, it had been an accident and he hadn't intentionally harmed anyone. It was all due to his meds, and Mason of all people should've known that beating him up over it would only make Drake worse. Drake adored his older brother even though he was a total dick, Alaska could never understand why he put up with Mason's bullshit even if it was his brother.

"Where is he? Did you even check to see if he was okay you ignorant asshole?" She demanded, pushing him roughly towards the front of the stage. The play was basically ruined now with everything going on between the little blonde kid and beanie bitch, so it's not like she could make it any worse by confronting Mason now. She couldn't even think straight she was so worked up, her poor best friend was probably bruised and bloody and all alone thinking that his own brother hated him. It would've been enough to make her cry if she wasn't so entirely enraged. No one messed with her best friend, not even if it was his brother.

"I'm going to make you wish you were never fucking born, Rivera." She screamed, she knew she was much smaller than Mason, but that had never stopped her from fighting a man before, so she tackled the dark-haired boy to throw him off his balance, hoping to gain the upper-hand. She hadn't really thought it through, and her momentum sent both teenagers over the edge of the stage and onto the floor. It probably hurt, but she was so full of rage she didn't care and her fists connected with Mason's face before they'd even touched the ground. She drove her knee into his side, hoping to hit his kidneys and make him pee blood for a week, maybe even bruise a rib or two. At this point she didn't care if she got expelled, Mason deserved everything he was getting. She aimed her next hit square in the middle of his face, blood squirting from his nose and on to her, and yeah it was gross and he'd probably just gotten his AIDS from Adriane all over her, but she didn't care and the hits kept landing.

Winona Winona i'm so sorry but he deserved it


Maybe it was a good thing Ryder hadn't been in the play, it would've been even more of a shit show than it already was. It was actually kind of funny to watch little beanie bitch trying to fight the freshmen kid, he'd seen the toddler's he coached hit harder than that. However Ryder didn't get to enjoy the fight for long, because suddenly his tiny sister was tackling Mason off the stage and attacking him. He wasn't sure exactly what Mason had done this time, but he probably deserved it. He would've let Alaska have her fun if he wasn't worried about her getting expelled, so he hurriedly stood from his seat and headed towards where the one-sided fight was happening.

And of course, because nothing could ever be normal, Ash decided to pick a fight with Bryan's girlfriend up on the stage as well. Now he was torn between stopping his two favorite girls from making stupid(er) decisions. He knew Alaska could handle herself and that Mason probably wasn't douchey enough to hit a girl, so he hopped up onto the stage and headed to where his feisty little blonde friend was.

"Okay, time to go." He declared, scooping up Ash before she could get herself in trouble and walking away despite her angry protests. She was definitely drunk and this was the last place she needed to be. He was sure she shouldn't face her parents like this, so he made the executive decision to drive her home himself.

"Let's get you some food and get you home." He sighed, setting her in his front seat and making sure she was buckled up before walking over to his side. After being friends for so long he knew all her favorite places, pulling up to a restaurant he knew she wouldn't mind.

Winona Winona
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Before she could keep arguing with JJ, someone came and scooped her up. It took a moment before she realized that it was Ryder, and then all war was on as Ash squirmed and said "No" so many times that the word probably lost all meaning. "Damn it... JJ, this isn't over." She yelled, and finally just crossed her arms and gave up because there was simply no stopping Ryder, especially not in her current, very inebriated, very not okay at all state where everything was swimming.

Still, that didn't mean Ash didn't want to leave, but everything was against her. Ryder was stronger than her, and who the hell invented seat buckles?! It was like some kind of crazy contraption and every time Ash looked down at it, her head started swimming, so finally, she just gave up fully. So she sat in his front seat, arms crossed over her chest, looking out the passenger window and dreaming about how nice it would've been to kick JJ in the face.

Of course, the ride just made Ash feel sick to her stomach and by time they got to the restaurant, she thought she was going to be sick. "No food. I am not... no." She said, groaning and covering her face with her hands for a moment. Luckily, all the effects of all those horrific substances were starting to fade and Ash was feeling at least a little bit better. Well... more herself. "Fuck, how bad was the musical?" It was already a blur. "Never mind. Just... take me home."

a z u l a a z u l a
Neck Tie


Before Neck Tie could catch his breath, Jace sent him tumbling to the floor again with a mindless tackle. Both boys fell scuffling, thrashing, and kicking, all this happening smack in the blinding limelight at the dead centre of the stage. Their struggle grew desperate. After a few twists and turns, Jace had the smaller boy under his control, pinned down with his thin elbow. Well, desperate times called for desperate measures. Neck Tie remembered what his Dad used to tell him in jest: when in doubt, aim for the crotch. Well, he did exactly this, giving it his best kick. Huh? Nothing happened. So either he missed. . . or Jace didn’t have any balls.

Martin was in shock at what he saw. He tried to hurry to his son’s rescue, but he had gotten himself stuck in an entanglement of legs between him and the aisle. Meanwhile, Neck Tie did manage to squirm free, but instead of running away he lunged right back at his opponent. No one could criticise the boy for not putting up a good fight. He showed real fighting spirit, especially for a kid who barely knew how to properly clench a fist. So the scuffling and thrashing and kicking continued. No one had actually tried to break up their fight. Maybe because they all thought it was too stupid a fight to deserve their interruption. Well, Neck Tie didn’t think it was stupid at all. He was fighting for the honour of Sheep Street and for the pride of not being bested by so pathetic an opponent as Beanie Boy.

Winona Winona

The play was... well, it was horrible. People were crying, stumbling, messing up lines, missing cues; he wondered if Grease could ever be considered as a tragic epic. There were parts that weren't so bad, though, and he was absolutely okay with sticking around due to the fact that this was actually entertaining. A different kind of entertaining than he was sure the theater department was exactly going for, but still entertaining. And then things began to go terribly wrong as the band fumbled and came to a full halt before two of the boys began to shove each other and fight. Jamie looked up to the ceiling for a moment, irritated but not at all surprised by the results. At least it wasn't one of the Vaughn's, this time.

He had already been making his way up to the stage when more shouting cut sharply through the commotion still ensuing on stage. His eyes shifted to where the familiar voice was coming from, and he almost laughed. Really? Not again. He wasn't going to be able to get her out of trouble afterwards. Not this time. He had barely approached the stage when Alaska and the boy she attacked flew off and slammed to the ground. Well, that's not going to feel good in the morning. Jamie gave a slight groan. Why had he chosen to come back to Westbrook again? Only a few feet away from them, he prioritized this fight over the one between the band geeks on stage. With a swiftness only a young man raised on consistent hockey training could muster, Jamie shoved his arm between the two and, for what felt like the hundredth time this week, peeled Alaska from wailing on the boy anymore. Immediately, he prepared himself for an attack, attempting to duck his head from any flailing arms that may have tried to reach around to free herself. He didn't budge and kept his arms locked firmly around her torso with her back to him as he dragged backwards.

He turned away from Mason and released her once he was standing between the two. Jamie spun her around by one of her shoulders before gripping both of them firmly. If she was going to try and push past him, it definitely wasn't going to work. "Alaska, what the hell?" His gray eyes turned silver with frustration. If she didn't keep it together, she would have to be thrown off the team or worse - expelled. "You need to go home."

Mentions | Winona Winona
Interactions | a z u l a a z u l a

When Stu had kicked, instead of connecting with his target, the boy had just managed to kick Jace weakly in the side, and then Jace had gone back to his whole trying to murder Neck-Tie. Principal Nona was saying something, and then they were drawing the curtains closed on the horror that was this very pitiful, sissy fight.

Jace could hear Principal Nona on the other side of the curtain. "Yes, I apologize about this production. Please, just go talk with one of our ticket booths and everyone will be refunded. I promise." She was trying to save face, and was probably also taking down the names of everyone that caused issues. Would Jace be suspended? Probably. Was it worth it? Definitely.

And then, their rolling around and weak fighting brought the two into the curtains, and the next thing Jace knew, there were curtains falling down all around him and Stu, covering them from view completely. Jace tried to flail away from Stu but in the process, both boys ended up bumping into something. He heard a yell, and Jace finally stopped fighting and wiggled his way out of the curtains, eyes wide in horror when he realized what the two boys had just done.

Principal Nona was now sitting on the ground in front of the stage, her dark eyes turned on the boys in absolute disgust. In their fighting, they had somehow managed to knock their principal off the stage.

Yep, Jace was dead.

Meanwhile, Elise was hurrying through the crowd after Martin. The musical had been a mess, but she had enjoyed her time sitting in the seats, holding Martin's hand and enjoying the chocolates that he had brought. It had been sweet, but the chocolates had now been forgotten as she hurried through the crowd after him to go retrieve their sons. How embarrassing, and with Kate and Viola in the audience to see this absolute disaster of a musical come to an end. Ash had obviously been drunk, and now Jace had just knocked the principal off of the stage while he fought with a freshman.

Dede Dede

Grace was okay with leaving altogether, so she just followed after Sawyer, however, them trying to leave without another incident of course didn't work out. Right as Sawyer opened the door, she came face to face with her mother, who she knew wasn't happy. She even looked... like she was crying? Kate glared at Grace ignoring Sawyer completely. "What was that?" She gestured to the stage, and Grace didn't say a word, she just stared at her. "How could you embarrass me like that?" She said, but not too loud obviously. Kate couldn't possibly handle any more attention. "In front of everyone? I had to sit there and watch my daughter kiss a woman. Viola might be okay with her children being gay but i'm not." Kate grabbed Grace by the arm and with a last glare towards Sawyer, she walked out of the auditorium. "We'll talk about this more at home." Pulling her along through the school hallways Grace couldn't take it anymore, she was so fed up with her, with Ash, the musical, with... everything.

She pulled her arm away roughly. "No." Kate turned around and raised her eyebrow at her, waiting for her to continue, and it seemed like Kate just got more pissed off by the minute. "I don't want to go home. So what? I kissed a girl. She's my girlfriend." She gestured behind her where they'd left Sawyer, or well, she probably followed them. Grace shook her head. And sighed heavily, she was just so tired. "I get that you want to like... follow the bible or whatever. But that don't mean you can pick out the 'rules' you're okay with and the ones your not. It's not fair." It wasn't. Her mother was the definition of unfair. It was always her way or no way.

"Fair or not. You live in my house so you're under my rules. And I'm forbidding you to see Sawyer anymore." Kate crossed her arms, and Grace scoffed in disbelief at her words. Whether she was okay with her being gay or not was beside the point. But 'forbidding?' Are you kidding? "She's a terrible influence! You're failing Spanish, skipping class, even school altogether. Then proceeding to lie to me?" At this point her mother was fuming. "I know all about your little sleepover. Frankly, it disgusts me. Why can't you just be normal? Is that so much to ask?" Grace was mad, yes, there probably wasn't a word for how upset she was.

How did she even find out? Instead of yelling she found herself wiping tears from her face, she wasn't even sure when she started crying. "I can't change for you. Everything I do is to please you in some way, can’t I just be happy? Can’t you be happy for me? Why do i have to be jealous of other parents! Tonight was a literal disaster and i feel like i can’t talk to you about it because I’m afraid of how you’ll react. I’m sorry I’m not the daughter you wanted. And I’m sorry you’re not the mother you’re supposed to be.” Kate didn’t say anything. And Grace regretting her words already. “You’re my mom you’re supposed to love me the way that I am.” Her voice broke as she struggled to get the words out. Her mother gave a nod and wordlessy turned around and left. Merely a few seconds later David came out of the auditorium, he looked as Grace as if he was asking what happened. “Talk about it at home.” She gave him a weak smile. And he walked away.

Rubbing at the headache she’d been pushing through for hours, backing up and leaning on a nearby locker.

@idkkenzie? KingofAesir KingofAesir

The next few minutes she’d had to herself was only Nancy reassuring her that everything was okay at home. As much as she wished she hadn’t Raven thought it was going to be one of those calls. You know.. the scary ones. Furrowing her eyebrows when Adriane walked up. “I’ll call you back.” Pocketing her phone and turning to her. She shrugged. “Speak.” Raven wasn’t stupid, and this wasn’t her first go around with jealousy. Any normal person would be upset if they were in her position. Because, well, that kiss. Her thoughts drifted to Alaska and she made a mental note to talk to her soon. She wasn’t sure what exactly they were... but they were something. All good thoughts of the beautiful brunette quickly vanished as Adriane started talking. She crossed her arms and decided to listen, narrowing her eyes and it quickly turned into a glare as she continued. “Okay, no.” Taking a step towards the redhead.

“You look. Obviously plently people want me Adriane. I’m just sorry I’m not like you where i throw myself at freshman just for a quickie.” To be fair, Mason didn’t want her, at least to her knowledge. But she wasn’t going to miss a chance to mess with the redhead. Raven doesn’t push back unless she’s pushed. It’s why people tended to not pick fights with her, she usually won.

Obviously Adriane didn’t know her very well. Taking another step closer to her so they were face-to-face. “Baby, you can have him, no-one said i wanted to steal your man.” Adriane deserved what was coming. She grinned and leaned further in. “Don’t think i can’t though.”
Winona Winona
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She was not amused by Raven's nonsense. First off, Adriane didn't just pick up freshman. That would be absolutely disgusting. And to think that Raven though that was even a worthy insult. Adriane's eyes narrowed more as Raven came closer to her. "Okay, so listen, it's cute that you think you could steal him from me. June thought the same thing, and look where we are. So just cut the act, and stop pretending to be something that you're not."

And then, Adriane started to walk away, turning her back for a moment... then, well, she turned around and punched Raven straight in the face. Yeah, this was becoming too much, and Adriane needed to protect Mason from bitches like this. These girls who thought they were all that, who thought they could threaten her, and scare her away. Please.

Her hand did hurt from the contact, but it wasn't the first fight Adriane had been in.

Soap Soap
Casper Ollila

Casper was pretty proud of himself as the end of the play came around- He’d been turning the pages really well, and it made him feel good about himself, which was, to be honest, a rare occurrence. Sure, this was a bit boring, but he had learned how to entertain himself in his head long ago. It was just a matter of coming back in time to turn the pages.

He was smiling, ready for the end of the party and the high five he’d give Neck Tie for doing as well as he had- Sure, it wasn’t perfect, but he was trying, right?- when the worst thing that could have happened did.

Neck Tie hit the wrong chord.

At first, Casper frowned. He didn’t know music, but that didn’t sound right. Then it happened again, and frantic, Casper looked at the sheet music. Had he made a mistake? Was it not the right page? To be honest, Casper couldn’t really tell. He began nibbling at his lower lip as things got even worse, chest tightening.

Everything fell apart, and then they- Neck Tie- they- were being yelled at. Casper teared up, lip wobbling as Jace shoved Neck Tie. He wasn’t sure how, but this was his fault. He was sure of it.

Casper wanted to say something, anything, but instead he remained frozen, unable to think of any way to make things better. In horror, he watched Neck Tie shove Jace, and then Jace shove Neck Tie- and then they were coming right at him. He yelped, arms moving up in defense as his legs lifted onto the seat.

He missed the sight of Jace’s guitar meeting an untimely demise, but he sure as hell heard it. He gasped, staring at its remains even as the pair ended up in the middle of the stage.

More was happening, but Casper’s eyes were glued on the guitar. Distantly, Casper thought that it was kind of poetic- the destruction of a friendship having literal, physical destruction- like something he’d read in a comic, though he rarely read those. He was aware of other things happening, but only looked up at the principal’s yell. Oh. Oh no.

Casper nibbled on his lip some more, hand reaching up to scratch behind his neck, other going to tug at his hair as he mumbled, “Stu…”

Finally, he had found a word- but only one. It wasn’t nearly enough to describe how he felt, and a part of him twisted as he realized that.

He sniffled, and realized that his cheeks were wet and burning. Oh, he was crying. Again. And he couldn’t bring himself to do anything but watch this fight occur, but then again, that was nothing new, was it?

@ idek
At first the play seemed to be going well. The music was a bit eh, some of the actors were definitely high, but for the most part the play held together. At least from his point of view. It was kind of hard to tell, considering Jace had never seen Grease before. Although he had to assume that the actual thing was much better. Definitely so where the music was concerned.

However there was one piece of the performance that even the best Broadway productions could never top. A single girl, at once the perfect combination of flirty and bitchy, pretty much made the whole show for him. Well, more so the disparity between her and all the stoned novices around her. If everyone was as good as Raven then the show probably wouldn't be all that interesting. As boring as musicals usually were for him, it was kind of fun to watch everyone else stumble while the best girl gave a perfectly dramatized rendition of herself. From the moment her gaze met his, with Raven winking at him specifically, Jace couldn't help but have a grin on his face for the rest of the show. Especially when she was on stage.

The Maven kissing scene was a bit weird though. Yes, he knew they were playing Rizzo and Kenickie, but they could've easily just swapped the names out with Raven and Mason for all the difference it would make. He'd seen their practice for the kiss scene in person, and it definitely hadn't been that intense. Not that it made him jealous. Well, kind of, but that wasn't anything to worry about. What did make him raise an eyebrow was what Alaska and Ginger #3 might think of it. At least one of them didn't seem able to tell the difference between reality and showmanship.

Speaking of overdone kisses, there was a much less entertaining part of the play that slightly undercut Raven's peerless performance. Jace knew that Ash was a capable girl. Smart, pretty, and so very talented. He admired her for it, to the point that an idle attraction had gradually turned into something else. Something that hijacked his thoughts every time he saw her. So it was a bit jarring to watch that angel practically dragging the whole play down by herself. Sure most of the cast was pretty bad at the whole acting thing, but this was Ash. She'd definitely eaten one of the brownies before going onstage. Almost certainly, going by the way she kissed Bryan towards the end. It was painful to watch her fail so badly at something she was supposedly good at, but damn he wished he could swap places with her costar in that moment

Even through all of that though, the play never looked like it was going to fall apart. The things Grace had set in motion were somehow managing to bulldoze through everything with the weight of their own inertia. It was like some madman's erratic rube-goldberg machine, barely held together by the esoteric architecture of a tortured mind. Not until the very end did Jace take up his phone and prepare to record his doomsday measurement system's first result. Just as expected the show started to tear itself to pieces. It started with the piano, falling out of sync and gradually dragging the final number down with it. With its purpose completed The Demon's chaotic construct self destructed. It looked like a scene out of Lovecraft as a weedborne madness descended upon the stage, setting actor against actor and geek against geek. It might've been kind of fun to watch in a horrifying, slapstick way if it wasn't for the insufferable drama that he knew would follow. Not to mention the fact that Ash was getting involved. For some reason she decided to be the one to incite drama with Bryon's girlfriend, rather than the other way around. That was weird. Did she actually like that guy or something? Jace frowned at the thought. Another boy in the cheerleader's sights that wasn't him, great. Luckily her ex, who she was apparently still friends with, decided to carry her off to somewhere that wouldn't get her killed. As much as he really didn't like seeing Ash with Ryder, it was probably better for her to go somewhere where she could just cool off and sober up.

Letting out a heavy sigh once she was out of sight, Jace looked down at his phone, curious to see what it his little stopwatch app had recorded. Just a little over two hours since Drake had his breakdown and ran off. What a stunning start for his new calamity measurement program.
June couldn’t believe they actually finished the show. Although, it was bittersweet. No, she thought with her fists clutched into a fist, it was only bitter. She went to the back to wipe her makeup off and to place the wig back when she heard shouting. When she looked, she gasped as she saw Alaska and Mason dive off the stage. Not to mention a scuffle happening with Stu and Jace in the back.

June tossed the wig on the counter of the dressing room and grabbed a towel before running off barefoot down the steps. Another guy got between Alaska and Mason thankfully. Holding Alaska back and June knelt besides him. “God, are you okay?” She asked quickly. It reminded her of the time he broke his leg. But this time he was punched and seemed like he broke his nose. She looked up with a frown as a girl just walked past them, but she could handle it. She took the towel out, hesitating for a moment. Did he even want her help? Would she make things worse? She needed to do something though. His daughter is here after all. She used the towel to clean him up before trying to help him up, she needed to get him away from Alaska.

a z u l a a z u l a Winona Winona Rach Rach Maree Maree
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A confrontation with Kate was the last thing Grace, or Sawyer for that matter, needed right now. But Kate seemed more focused on Grace than she did Sawyer. She tried to pull Grace away from her and out of the school but if Sawyer was anything it was stubborn and she moved to follow as soon as Kate took off. Thankfully, Grace stopped Kate before Sawyer had the opportunity to do something stupid. The way Grace planted her foot and told her mother no surprised even Sawyer. She didn't know whether this development was good or bad, but she was fucking proud. A whole argument ensued in the middle of the hallway with Sawyer just kind of standing there ready to defend Grace if need be. She tried to tell Grace that she was forbidden from seeing Sawyer and she almost had a heart attack right there but Grace didn't seem to be backing down.

When Kate started talking about her, Sawyer frowned a little. Even if Kate was a complete bitch, she was right. Sawyer really wasn't a very good influence. She was fairly certain Grace had skipped more school in the past month with her than she had in her life. The Spanish thing was stupid though. Sawyer was helping her with that, god damnit. But everything else...well...it was true. The mention of the sleepover had Sawyer cringing a little at her own mistake. It had been very smooth of her to just up and tell Kate something like that, but in her defense she was rather preoccupied and just wanted Kate out of her face. It would come back to bite her though, she was sure of that.

Sawyer felt her heart thump painfully in her chest as she watched Grace. She was crying now and Sawyer was having a particularly hard time not crying herself. That was the best friend and girlfriend she'd ever had standing there getting beat down by her own god damn mother. There was nothing in the world that Sawyer wanted to do more than break every damn bone in that woman's body. Fuck her. Sawyer was just about ready t ok act on her wants when Kate simply turned around and walked away. A 'fuck you' slipped off of Sawyer's tongue and when she turned to look at Grace that anger deflated and softened into hurt. She was next to Grace in a flash, pulling the smaller girl into her and wrapping her up as tight as she could.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Her words were barely above a whisper, hoarse from the crying she only now realised she was doing. Sawyer Andrews did not cry, ever, but damnit she was doing it now.

"I love you so much. Please, please, don't let her knock you down, baby. You're so strong. You don't deserve any of this, damnit."

Soap Soap

Raven smiled at her words, she wasn’t pretending, should she want the other Rivera she could have him. Adriane was just pissing her off more and more. She decided to just shut up and let her walk away, however, the red-haired whore had other ideas. Turning around and landing a punch straight to her face, and Raven put a hand to her cheek where she’d hit her. Wow, she was really starting to hate redheads. Raven stared at her for a moment, fighting with herself whether or not she really wanted to start something, glaring up at her. “That’s cute.” Mocking her with her own words before putting her hands at both sides of Adriane’s waist and pushed, Raven tackled her to the floor, what? Adriane started it. She was just finishing it.

Landing on top of her and winding her fist back for a punch, and another, and another. Raven wasn’t new to fighting, especially in the neighborhood she’d lived in, and the school she went to before? Compared to her everyone here was practically first graders. Not to mention the fact that Nancy keeps saying that she used to be a boxer, Raven never believed it. But it wasn’t like she didn’t learn from her how to properly throw a punch.

Ah, poor Adriane. Raven felt for her, really. Throwing a last punch, with an unwavering glare. “I’m not June. You wouldn’t of hit me if you weren’t threatened.” Despite quite the workout, and the stinging pain from her surprisingly good punch. A grin was still set on her face, not that Raven truly gave a shit for whatever Mason’s baby mama thought. But Adriane had nothing on her.

“I would’ve done worse. But you have a daughter to get back to, I wouldn’t want her to see you too beat up.” Raven was pissed, yes, but her punches didn’t have as much forced as it could’ve. A small bruise here and there. Just not hard enough for a black eye or a broken nose.

She lifted herself off of her, and stared down at her. “I know what it’s like to have a shitty mother. I feel sorry for your family, they deserve better.” She shook her head at her, and glanced at herself in the mirror, wiping red from the corner of her mouth, whether it was blood or lipstick, she wasn’t sure.

Raven could tell her multiple stories on how many times she’d seen her mother, bloody, brusied, and high. It wasn’t a good sight for a young girl to see. Looking back towards Adriane, she sighed. “Grow up. Don’t pick fights you can’t win.” Her voice didn’t have as much snark as before. “For her sake. Not for your own.”

“I could care less about you, you rat-haired psycho bitch.”

Winona Winona
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Alaska was even more annoyed when Mason grabbed her wrists to push her away and glared down at her wordlessly. Luckily before he could say anything stupid, a familiar pair of arms was pushing them apart, though she continued to glare at Mason from around Jamie's shoulders. It seemed Jamie was getting used to stopping her fights now, knowing exactly how to carry her away and cause the least amount of damage to himself while she struggled to make him put her down.

Once he finally set her down, she managed to lean around him and his strong hold on her shoulders to speak to Mason, though she had no intention of restarting their physical fight.

"It kills me to watch my best friend slip away more and more every day. He's your brother and you're too busy working about your red-headed whore to give a damn. You're a piece of shit for hurting him even more." She spoke, fighting back tears as she finally turned away from him. Things had been getting worse and worse with Drake all year. It was hard to have a best friend who disappeared for weeks at a time, especially when she didn't know if he would ever return. It was scary and lonely when you had no one to panic with, although now she at least had one other friend besides Drake. Her father had abandoned her whole family, Kanen had abandoned her, and Drake was surely going to abandon her for at least a week as well.

"Leave me the fuck alone Jamie, don't tell me what to do." Alaska was mad, at Mason, at herself, at the world. This night had gone to complete shit, and she knew it was only going to get worse as she spotted her mother striding down the aisle towards her. If Viola hadn't been mad already about her kissing Raven in front of all of her socialite friends, she was surely going to be mad now.

But before Viola could get there, Alaska spotted her father quickly making his way down to where they stood. "Daddy!" She cried, running up to the tall man and wrapping her arms around him, burying her face in his chest to hide the tears. He might not be particularly happy with her either, but he was always much more understanding than her mother and she could do no wrong in her father's eyes.

Winona Winona Rach Rach @myself?



The Vaughn family name was officially ruined. Of all the incredibly dumb, stupid things her children had done, Alaska had really taken the cake tonight with both of her little stunts. Now she would be known as the mother of a violent lesbian to all of Westbrook, as if being Ryder's mother wasn't a bad enough reputation. She and Vince should've stopped having kids after Chase, he wasn't perfect but he was far less destructive than the twins.

"Alaska Nicolette Vaughn!" She yelled, ready to drag the girl by her hair if she was going to be difficult, but before she could get to her child her ex-husband made it there first. The way Alaska clung to her father was ridiculous, he had left them and instead of being mad at him her children had taken their anger out on her. She crossed her arms with a huff as she watched Vince coddle their daughter, soothing her instead of lecturing her the way she deserved.

"Thank you for helping out Jamie, I'm so sorry you had to deal with that." She apologized, smiling as she patted the older boy on the back. Jamie was one of the few friends of her children she bothered to remember because he was a good influence on them and had been one of the best players on the team with Chase and Ryder. She wished Alaska would date a nice boy like him instead of that...girl. Hell, she wished Jamie was her son instead of the rambunctious ones she had now, but she could only hope his charm would rub off on her children.




It was hard not to yell at Ash that she did in fact need food, but she was always so stubborn and he really didn't have it in him to fight with her anymore. With a sigh he parked the car and turned to look at Ash, a frown forming as he tried to find the right words to say. He had no idea how to help her anymore and it scared him, his best friend was falling apart and he didn't know how to stop it. Ash was unhappy with him and unhappy without him, it was a twisted paradox.

"It wasn't that bad. I thought you were really good. " He lied, he was sure that this would be the talk of the town for the next month at least. Hopefully people would be too busy talking about Alaska or Jace's little sissy fight to remember that Ash had been drunk. He felt incredibly bad for her, he wished he could make it all better somehow but he knew he usually only made it worse.

"I'll take you home but I think you should sober up before you have to see your family." Ryder knew all to well the type of situation that Ash was in, he was a pro at avoiding his family when he knew he'd disappointed them, at least tonight it wouldn't be him his mother was yelling at. At least he'd gotten to see his father during the show, he was in town until Sunday so he'd have all of tomorrow to make up for leaving the play so abruptly.

Winona Winona
Belle Taylor

Mood: Neutral| Interacting with: Drake. Mason, Alaska |Mentions: Winona Winona a z u l a a z u l a

Belle laughed softly as his phone kept buzzing. “I wouldn’t mind some tree climbing” she winked, climbing to her feet. She was now pretty curious as to what he was planning. Seeing as he had no idea a few minutes prior. Maybe her suggestions had inspired him even if he didn’t like the idea of the things she chose. “Best date ever sounds great. But you should probably get to whoever that is who needs you” she told him. She hesitated for a moment then wrapped her arms around him in a hug. “See you” she pulled away and headed back in the direction they had came from.

Now that Drake was okay she could head back and see what kind of disasters had occurred while they were relaxing outside. As soon as she entered the school she could hear distant shouting. It seemed like things were going worse than she had anticipated. She pushed open the auditorium door just in time to see Mason being yelled at by a very angry girl. It seemed to be about Drake which made her realise that his friends wouldn’t know he was okay. She was about to speak up when the girl tackled him off the stage. If it was anyone else she probably would have tried to break it up. But it was mason and he deserved to get his ass beaten for what he did to drake. May the lord forgive her for those thoughts but it was true.

Belle watched in slight horror as the angry girl repeatedly landed some really good blows on his face. She was kind of tempted to help him but then she remembered what it was like watching him beat up Drake. So she just watched instead of helping. When a guy pulled the angry girl off she wasn’t sure if she was disappointed or relived. She stepped around Mason before looking back at him. “You seem to have a habit of being punched by girls” she said with a small smirk before continuing to walk past.

The girl had now run to her father and was hugging him tightly. She felt kind of awkward interrupting them but she felt like this girl needed to know he was okay. “Umm excuse me?” She tapped the girl on the shoulder to gain her attention. “I just thought I would let you know that Drake is okay. I was just with him” Belle said to the angry girl though she did stay out of punching distance just in case she freaked out. “I’m Belle. I gave Mason the black eye earlier after I saw him beating Drake up” she told her. She figured she might as well introduce herself while she was at it. Something told her that she was going to need friends in order to survive this school.

code by Ri.a
[class=Notes] // Forward slashes are comments and do no show up in the final design, these are to help you find everything easily and explain some code as well. These comments must be with in a class or script tags in order to be hidden, from what I know// // Long URls are images # followed by letter and numbers are Hex codes or color codes orange is a named color in this code// // This code does not show breaks unless is shows the
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As it all went down, Jesse had sat there dumbfounded and slack jawed in the face of such a scene. After all, where had any of this even come from? He barely knew these kids for the most part, with the occasional rumor giving him information here and there of course. But he never would’ve expected this, even if there was a tad bit of drama that had occurred only moments earlier. What’s more, he recognized the tackled kid as that guy Jae had walked with earlier. The one who’d worn the bloody knuckles and black eye with an unmistakable anger. What the hell was going on?
Maisie, what the fuck?” Jesse questioned discreetly as he turned to her. What he asked was simple in theory, but he felt the inquiry held more weight than even she would be able to bear. Nevertheless she knew the ongoing soft this backwards high school more than he did, so who better to ask in such a moment. After he spoke, an aimless memory broke his train of thought. Jaewha had been with that boy who’d just been floored in front of the entire audience. Where was he?!

Interacting: With Maisie & Jaewha| Mentioned: Soap Soap Kipsy Kipsy | Located: Westbrook Auditorium
[/div] [/div]
Code by @AgWordSmith

Mood: Afraid | Interacting with: N/A | Mentions: N/A

Jae’s chest was tight. He was struggling to breathe. But, as the play went on, he glanced up from his spot on the floor, sniffling and rubbing at his eyes. He knew what Grease was supposed to be like, and this wasn’t it. There were so many inaccuracies he wasn’t sure what to think. Still, his mind was entranced by the flashing colors of the stagelights, which lulled him out of his panic.

But then things got worse. There was some sort of brawl going on all of a sudden and Jae wasn't sure why. He decided there were just too many people for him to keep track of everything anymore. Once again the world started to spin and he just wanted to go back to being a ball. However, he figured if he was stuck to the ground any longer he’d be run over by a fellow high kid.

Taking in a shaky breath, Jae unfolded, slowly standing up. It took a few tries for him get on solid feet without wobbling over. He immediately regretted it and plopped back down onto the floor with a thud. That hurt like hell but the pain only partially registered, as did the action happening around him. People were yelling, shouting, and fighting. It was a mess.

God, when did his peers get so insane?
code by Ri.a

The play had already been off to a... Weird.. Start? Curtains opening too early, Raven and Alaska putting on a show, without having meant to. Madison slowly had felt the effects of the brownies taking place, so he had a hard time picking up that pretty much everyone on stage was feeling the same way as him. The only person he realized was acting out of character, and not the way she should have been was Ash. He really hadn't watched most of the play realistically, high Mads was way more distractable than sober Mads, which didn't seem to be possible.

Madison spent most of the play nuzzling Scars neck, whispering random(really bad) jokes in her ear. Occasionally he would get a bit loud and Scar would have to remind him that everyone around was actually trying to watch the shit show of a play. He took his arm off of around her shoulders and laced his fingers between hers. "I really like you." He scooted further down in his seat, tucking his neck against his chest.
End of play

Madison had fallen asleep within the last thirty minutes of the play, when he woke up his head had been resting on Scars shoulder. He rubbed one of his eyes, slowly sitting up he squinted his eyes at the stage. "I don't remember this part of Grease..." He turned to face Scar, who had obviously realized that everything on stage now was not part of the play. Alaska was fighting Mason, two small built boys were fighting over instruments, he was pretty sure he recognized the small blonde one but he couldn't be sure. "Should.. We do something?" Everyone seemed to be handled at that moment, he may had missed his moment to actually be helpful as he had slept through the entire thing...

Interactions: Rach Rach | Mentions: Winona Winona |

Rae(Still debating if I'll keep her)

Rae wasn't really excited to be at the play, too many people, and honestly she didn't want to watch high school students put on the worst rendition of Grease. It was her family's movie, and no watching it put on by the students wouldn't ruin it. But it was something she loved, and she didn't really care to see it. The only one she was here to see was Chase, despite the high density of everyone in the auditorium. "I'm excited to see Chase.. Yes."She said really plainly to scar, but a smile crept across her face.


Rae leaned over towards Scar, Madison had fallen asleep on her shoulder, and Rae was pretty sure she heard a snort come from him. "Hey.."She whispered in Scarlet's ear. "I think I'm high." She giggled. "This play is really bad." She said just a bit too loudly, and then begin to shush herself. "oops."

She copied her brother scooting down in her seat, pulling her knees up to her chest resting her chin on her knees. "When is Chase coming back out." Rae muttered, wanting to go back stage and find him. But she wasn't sure her feet really would get her there. She started to braid one piece of her hair.

all the fighting

Rae was feeling more herself, and luckily had stayed awake throughout the entire play. She was relatively relaxed considering all the chaos breaking loose around them. Rae wasn't sure where to go, she stood up stretching out her limbs after sitting for two hours. She was almost 100% Chase was going to have to deal with Alaska, when she attacked some other guy on stage till someone came on stage and broke up the fight before anyone else could. Rae turned to Scarlet, "So what are you guys up to after this." She nodded to her sleeping brother, who was finally starting to stir awake.

Interactions: Rach Rach | Mentions: a z u l a a z u l a |

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