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Realistic or Modern Villmont College for Witches OOC

I did some relationship ideas, guys! Let me know what you think. (:

Diana Walcott ( aurnia aurnia ) - For her first few weeks at Villmont, Sadie did alot of sitting back and watching, learning the people around her. She learned about Violet's disappearance, and figured out who her friends were. From what Sadie saw and heard, she wondered how such a nice girl could possibly be friends with her. She thinks Diana might be the key to forming her own coven, so she's nice to the girl, and is surprised to find that Diana is just... nice in general.

Caleb Allen ( Pastry Pastry ) - So he and Sadie actually sort of share a power: dream walking/influencing. Though influencing dreams is a later step to what Sadie can do now (which is just walking in dreams of others) she has no idea how to do that, so I can see her going to Caleb to ask for his help in teaching her the ways of the dream world. (Actually reading further into your sheet, they're both illusionists, so I can see her asking for help on other things, too). He'd be perfect to join a coven with her, and she'd want to convince him so.

Ivy Cassia Warren ( Pthenora Pthenora ) - Sadie would recognize that Ivy is a good person to have on your side, and she wouldn't have anything against her, really. Though if Ivy were to petrify something and be unable to bring it back, Sadie would shrug it off and say that's life, but Ivy would be upset, so Sadie would want her to be a bit 'stronger' in that aspect though she would recognize that Ivy is strong willed and able to stand up for herself.

Rosario (Rio) Syxir (@Shadow Alpha) - Oh, Sadie's reaction to Ruxay would be HILARIOUS. She wouldn't exactly be afraid, just startled, and I can just see her expression in my head. XD Sadie would love the fire that burns in his eyes; it matches her hair. She feels as though he's powerful and wants to know what all he's capable of. She could even try to help him reign in his control.

Minerva Night ( Maree Maree ) - I can definitely see Minnie and Sadie clashing at first, because despite the fact that they're pretty similar in the aspect that they prefer truth to pretty lies and such, they're such bold personas that I could see them not getting along. Perhaps if we moved past that, they could have a deeper bond later down the line! But Sadie wants her own coven, and she wants to be leader, so that might be an issue.

Anastasia Bextiyar (@Miracleist) - I'm not exactly sure about Anastasia's personality, but from what I think I'm gathering, Sadie might consider her too 'soft' for her. She'd want to help the girl build a backbone (aka be like her). She might be a little too 'good' for Sadie's tastes.

Jessica Greene ( Shagranoz Shagranoz ) - She might be a little too 'free' for Sadie's tastes, if that makes sense. Her carefree nature, Sadie would see it as a downside, or even something dangerous. She would probably not engage.

Lucinda Sandrine Yves-St. George ( BELIAL. BELIAL. ) - I could also see Lucinda and Sadie struggling to get along at first, because they're both blunt and slightly aloof, though Lucinda might be a bit more extroverted than Sadie. Sadie would notice the gloves Lucy wears and be instantly curious, wanting to know what she can do. Once she finds out, Sadie would definitely wanna be on her good side.
YES. Our characters do have similar magic, and they could quickly bond since Caleb would probably be asking sooooo many questions since he didn’t grow up with a magical family. Caleb and Sadie would be great academic friends, for learning purposes and maybe they develop a friendship from there.
I did some relationship ideas, guys! Let me know what you think. (:

Diana Walcott ( aurnia aurnia ) - For her first few weeks at Villmont, Sadie did alot of sitting back and watching, learning the people around her. She learned about Violet's disappearance, and figured out who her friends were. From what Sadie saw and heard, she wondered how such a nice girl could possibly be friends with her. She thinks Diana might be the key to forming her own coven, so she's nice to the girl, and is surprised to find that Diana is just... nice in general.

Caleb Allen ( Pastry Pastry ) - So he and Sadie actually sort of share a power: dream walking/influencing. Though influencing dreams is a later step to what Sadie can do now (which is just walking in dreams of others) she has no idea how to do that, so I can see her going to Caleb to ask for his help in teaching her the ways of the dream world. (Actually reading further into your sheet, they're both illusionists, so I can see her asking for help on other things, too). He'd be perfect to join a coven with her, and she'd want to convince him so.

Ivy Cassia Warren ( Pthenora Pthenora ) - Sadie would recognize that Ivy is a good person to have on your side, and she wouldn't have anything against her, really. Though if Ivy were to petrify something and be unable to bring it back, Sadie would shrug it off and say that's life, but Ivy would be upset, so Sadie would want her to be a bit 'stronger' in that aspect though she would recognize that Ivy is strong willed and able to stand up for herself.

Rosario (Rio) Syxir (@Shadow Alpha) - Oh, Sadie's reaction to Ruxay would be HILARIOUS. She wouldn't exactly be afraid, just startled, and I can just see her expression in my head. XD Sadie would love the fire that burns in his eyes; it matches her hair. She feels as though he's powerful and wants to know what all he's capable of. She could even try to help him reign in his control.

Minerva Night ( Maree Maree ) - I can definitely see Minnie and Sadie clashing at first, because despite the fact that they're pretty similar in the aspect that they prefer truth to pretty lies and such, they're such bold personas that I could see them not getting along. Perhaps if we moved past that, they could have a deeper bond later down the line! But Sadie wants her own coven, and she wants to be leader, so that might be an issue.

Anastasia Bextiyar (@Miracleist) - I'm not exactly sure about Anastasia's personality, but from what I think I'm gathering, Sadie might consider her too 'soft' for her. She'd want to help the girl build a backbone (aka be like her). She might be a little too 'good' for Sadie's tastes.

Jessica Greene ( Shagranoz Shagranoz ) - She might be a little too 'free' for Sadie's tastes, if that makes sense. Her carefree nature, Sadie would see it as a downside, or even something dangerous. She would probably not engage.

Lucinda Sandrine Yves-St. George ( BELIAL. BELIAL. ) - I could also see Lucinda and Sadie struggling to get along at first, because they're both blunt and slightly aloof, though Lucinda might be a bit more extroverted than Sadie. Sadie would notice the gloves Lucy wears and be instantly curious, wanting to know what she can do. Once she finds out, Sadie would definitely wanna be on her good side.
Looks good to me! I figure for most everybody except Minerva and Violet, Diana is "that nice girl" that either they're sort of friends with or acquainted with haha
I did some relationship ideas, guys! Let me know what you think. (:

Diana Walcott ( aurnia aurnia ) - For her first few weeks at Villmont, Sadie did alot of sitting back and watching, learning the people around her. She learned about Violet's disappearance, and figured out who her friends were. From what Sadie saw and heard, she wondered how such a nice girl could possibly be friends with her. She thinks Diana might be the key to forming her own coven, so she's nice to the girl, and is surprised to find that Diana is just... nice in general.

Caleb Allen ( Pastry Pastry ) - So he and Sadie actually sort of share a power: dream walking/influencing. Though influencing dreams is a later step to what Sadie can do now (which is just walking in dreams of others) she has no idea how to do that, so I can see her going to Caleb to ask for his help in teaching her the ways of the dream world. (Actually reading further into your sheet, they're both illusionists, so I can see her asking for help on other things, too). He'd be perfect to join a coven with her, and she'd want to convince him so.

Ivy Cassia Warren ( Pthenora Pthenora ) - Sadie would recognize that Ivy is a good person to have on your side, and she wouldn't have anything against her, really. Though if Ivy were to petrify something and be unable to bring it back, Sadie would shrug it off and say that's life, but Ivy would be upset, so Sadie would want her to be a bit 'stronger' in that aspect though she would recognize that Ivy is strong willed and able to stand up for herself.

Rosario (Rio) Syxir (@Shadow Alpha) - Oh, Sadie's reaction to Ruxay would be HILARIOUS. She wouldn't exactly be afraid, just startled, and I can just see her expression in my head. XD Sadie would love the fire that burns in his eyes; it matches her hair. She feels as though he's powerful and wants to know what all he's capable of. She could even try to help him reign in his control.

Minerva Night ( Maree Maree ) - I can definitely see Minnie and Sadie clashing at first, because despite the fact that they're pretty similar in the aspect that they prefer truth to pretty lies and such, they're such bold personas that I could see them not getting along. Perhaps if we moved past that, they could have a deeper bond later down the line! But Sadie wants her own coven, and she wants to be leader, so that might be an issue.

Anastasia Bextiyar (@Miracleist) - I'm not exactly sure about Anastasia's personality, but from what I think I'm gathering, Sadie might consider her too 'soft' for her. She'd want to help the girl build a backbone (aka be like her). She might be a little too 'good' for Sadie's tastes.

Jessica Greene ( Shagranoz Shagranoz ) - She might be a little too 'free' for Sadie's tastes, if that makes sense. Her carefree nature, Sadie would see it as a downside, or even something dangerous. She would probably not engage.

Lucinda Sandrine Yves-St. George ( BELIAL. BELIAL. ) - I could also see Lucinda and Sadie struggling to get along at first, because they're both blunt and slightly aloof, though Lucinda might be a bit more extroverted than Sadie. Sadie would notice the gloves Lucy wears and be instantly curious, wanting to know what she can do. Once she finds out, Sadie would definitely wanna be on her good side.
Sounds Cool and I like how you listed everybody like that! Its totally amazing since no one is left out : ) also Ivy wouldn't be exactly upset, she would just feel bad but eventually Luna would talk her into shrugging it off (yeah the cat is somewhat of a bad influence on her hehe)
I can't wait for this RP to start hehe. The characters are great and I like how it seems like you guys look forward to this as well.
Agreed, Pthenora Pthenora . Also going to draw up some relationship thoughts for other characters Caleb will interact with in the story.
When i get home i’ll rifle through everyone and give lowdowns on what level of bitch Lucy will or will not be :)
hiiii so I completed the opinions of Caleb J. Allen so if y'all would like to look at your characters and wish to have input on it I'd love to make some official relationships!

Diana Walcott ( aurnia aurnia ) - Caleb always acknowledged the Untouchables, always joking with Teller about the mundane movie “Mean Girls” that they had watched one time at his home in Nevada. However, the jokes and the remarks towards the Untouchables weren’t really what he actually thought of Diana and the other girls apart of the secret coven. He actually thinks that their group is fascinating, how they all stay together and are always great friends. Caleb has always wanted to join a coven, so he’d be interested in getting to know her to see what a coven is like.

Ivy Cassia Warren ( Pthenora Pthenora ) - As a powerful petrification witch, Caleb has worries about pushing his jokes too far, or even bothering her at all in the first place. She’s mysterious, and Caleb would most definitely try his best to avoid her unless she shows him that she can be a friend and not a foe.

Rosario (Rio) Syxir (@Shadow_Alpha) - Ruxay, an absolutely beautiful familiar that Rosario has, absolutely fascinates Teller and Caleb. They’d never seen such an animal before, of this sort of color. Pyrokinesis has fascinated him since he was little, he always creates illusions that he can see of him wielding fire, and he envies that Rosario is what he’s always wanted to be. Caleb wants to be friends with him, just to have a friend that is easy going and can have a laugh in tough situations.

Minerva Night ( Maree Maree ) - Oh. My. God. Caleb loves her fiery and blunt personality, just like his unfiltered nature and knack for messing with people. He loves the confident personality and would most likely try his best to get to know her. Playing jokes on teachers and students would be especially fun with her.

Jessica Greene ( Shagranoz Shagranoz ) - Caleb would get along with her, but he won’t feel any direct attraction with her. He could most definitely relate to her about living in the mundane world, hiding in plain sight. Maybe they could even bond over mundane things.

Lucinda Sandrine Yves-St. George ( BELIAL. BELIAL. ) - Lucinda seems to Caleb like an uptight girl who needs to be shown how to party. Caleb would most likely target her to mess with, he’d do so to anyone that shows wit and the ability to fire back at him. It wouldn’t be any fun to play jokes on someone who wouldn’t get back at him.
Since people were probably going to quote the above ^, I wanted to make this boi separate.

apolla apolla Just to confirm, the relationship between Caleb and Sadie is to be:

Caleb and Sadie always got along. After greeting one another for the first time in class, and soon discovering that they had similar magic, they soon became friends and studied together frequently in the library. These meetings were of pure academic standards, Caleb learning how to perform his magic and show Sadie his craft, whilst Sadie returning the favor in teaching him her ways of Illusory magic.

Or did you wish for it to be different?
Pastry Pastry For sure Lucy will fire back. She used to be quite vivacious and was a little drama queen when she was younger but her growing powers and the death of her mother have closed her off a bit. Someone as loose and fun as Caleb would be a gucci ally to give Lucy a lil bit of licorice to her whip (lord knows what the fuck that means but uhhhh)
Caleb is the Anna to her Elsa. Boom. LOLOLOLOL
Pastry Pastry For sure Lucy will fire back. She used to be quite vivacious and was a little drama queen when she was younger but her growing powers and the death of her mother have closed her off a bit. Someone as loose and fun as Caleb would be a gucci ally to give Lucy a lil bit of licorice to her whip (lord knows what the fuck that means but uhhhh)
Caleb is the Anna to her Elsa. Boom. LOLOLOLOL

Let's make sure it's not black licorice. That stuff is the devil's work in my teeth.

Let's just hope that I don't have some prince charming take me away and play "finish the sandwich" with me. (Always and forever obsessed with "Love is an Open Door")
I'm not really sure I want to predetermine relationships. Always liked developing that organically.

In other news, are we having roommates for this shindig?
Let's make sure it's not black licorice. That stuff is the devil's work in my teeth.

Let's just hope that I don't have some prince charming take me away and play "finish the sandwich" with me. (Always and forever obsessed with "Love is an Open Door")
BRo u def want someone to finish a sandwhich with you. how romantic is to chow down from both ends of a footlong while maintaining eye contact?

ANYWAY, Lucy’d be sure to be like “yo, kid i will lash you senselessly with my wit and snark but i genuinely enjoy your humour” but ofc in her Lucy way

Also Caleb and Lucy r both NY babies
Ezekai's CS is (mostly) done. I might do some minor edits and formatting changes later when I have access to a real computer. But for now, he's up and ready to get down. :3
I'm not really sure I want to predetermine relationships. Always liked developing that organically.

In other news, are we having roommates for this shindig?

In general, I usually agree. But in this case, school has been in session for a month now, and some of these kids have been there for more than a year. So it makes sense that some of them ought to know each other by now.
BRo u def want someone to finish a sandwhich with you. how romantic is to chow down from both ends of a footlong while maintaining eye contact?

ANYWAY, Lucy’d be sure to be like “yo, kid i will lash you senselessly with my wit and snark but i genuinely enjoy your humour” but ofc in her Lucy way

Also Caleb and Lucy r both NY babies

Totally, just walking up to some random peep and just ask them "Hay you wanna eat a footlong with me?" I'd totally score some sort of reaction.

Caleb would honestly love thattttt.

OMagoodness, I didn't even realize they're both from New York. Sadly Caleb was taken away when he was a small boi so he can't really relate to the fun that goes on there.
changing Caleb's age to be fitting to his biography.
Since people were probably going to quote the above ^, I wanted to make this boi separate.

apolla apolla Just to confirm, the relationship between Caleb and Sadie is to be:

Caleb and Sadie always got along. After greeting one another for the first time in class, and soon discovering that they had similar magic, they soon became friends and studied together frequently in the library. These meetings were of pure academic standards, Caleb learning how to perform his magic and show Sadie his craft, whilst Sadie returning the favor in teaching him her ways of Illusory magic.

Or did you wish for it to be different?

That sounds awesome!! She might need some reigning in on the bitchiness sometimes, think he's up for the challenge?

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