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Realistic or Modern Villmont College for Witches IC



Junior Member
The night was cold and crisp as the missing student stumbled onto school grounds. She had no idea why she even went to the school since she couldn’t remember it but the building seemed to have called to her from the distance.

Slowly and sluggishly she moved along the path leading from the woods to the back of the school building. Her movements were odd and if anyone would have spotted her they would have guessed the young lady was drunk as she stumbled and tripped her way to the door.

Just as she tried to open it a woman in her late thirties with a strict hairstyle ending in a bun on the back of her head opened the door with a disapproving look on her face. She was dressed all in black with blood red fingernails. The woman looked elegant to the point of resembling a model “young lady, have you not seen what time it is? We have a strict curfew here at Villmont...” she trailed off as she finally placed the girls face and gasped “oh my! You better come inside. We have to get you to the headmistress. Quickly!” she whispered in an urgent whisper as the woman ushered the girl through the halls of the school.

She reached a big sturdy door at the end of the hall and knocked before being asked to enter. “Miss Petrova We have another one” she said to the headmistress who looked at the young girl and sighed.
[IMG='width:216px;']https://i.imgur.com/BbnMnZ3.jpg[/IMG] Minevra Night
Location: Library - Forbidden section > Common Room
Current time: 4:00 p.m.
Mood: Unsettled
Interacting: open

Dust collected on every surface as far as the eye could see, spiderwebs wove loosely around books as dirted shelves. The only light in the room came from the flickering candle in Minerva's hand. The main part of the library was beautiful and well taken care of, but this hidden area looked like it hadn't seen the light of day for decades. Minnie set her candle down as she pulled a book from its shelf, wiping the dust from its cover. Another Necromancy for beginners book, not what she was looking for. She placed the book back on the shelf, sighing out of frustration. She had been searching through the old books for a few hours now. Minerva had been having trouble sleeping ever since Violet disappeared, so she spent most of her 'sleeping' time searching for answers. A few nights before she had stumbled upon this hidden room by chance.

Minerva didn't even know what she was looking for, only that she would know it when she found it. There were so many secrets hidden within the school that she thought that she would have found something by now. Anything that could have hinted towards her friend's whereabouts. Something soft curling around Minnie's legs brought her back to reality. Dorcas, her familiar had obviously been trying to get her attention for a while now. "You're right. We should head back to the dorms; people will be getting up soon," she spoke to the fox. Picking her candle up once again, they left the hidden section. Dorcas scouted ahead as they made their way back to the dorms. If they were caught, questions would be asked and she didn't want anyone catching onto what they were doing. Minerva would bring someone else with her to the library later that night, three heads were better than two.


Later that day, Minerva sat sipping a cup of tea as she lounged in a chair of the common room. She was only half paying attention to her game of exploding snap with Dorcas, this caused her finger to get singed as she didn't move her hand out of the way. "Ouch. Maybe a less painful game?" she suggested to her familiar, sucking on her finger to relieve the pain. It was quite obvious to anyone who paid attention to her that her mind was elsewhere. She needed to find Diana at some point so they could get the word out about the next coven meeting. They would need the strength of their coven if they were to find out what had happened to their friend, the more heads the better. The female was started to be tempted to use darker magic to get some answers. She had found a book she believed would work and had stashed it under her bed the night before. The only thing that had prevented her from turning to darker forces earlier is the fact that they could betray and lie to them.

Minerva shook her head in an attempt to remove the thoughts from her head. They weren't that desperate yet if they kept searching then they would find what they were looking for. Her discovery of the hidden section just proved that they didn't know all the school's secrets. Minnie sighed, picking up her now empty cup of tea and examine the tea leaves. She didn't know why she kept examining them, each time was the same. The tea leaves formed perfect clouds in the bottom on her tea leaves, meaning serious troubles lay ahead. As if there weren't enough troubles going on. Maybe she could read one of the girl's tea leaves later and see if they were similar.

Anatasia Bextiyar
[IMG='width:345px;']https://sm1.narvii.com/6669/000c67514f3402c744f029e555b71387aa9ccf6c_00.jpg[/IMG] Location: Unknown Room (Top Floor) > Common Room
Current time: 4:00 p.m.
Mood: Intrigued
Maree Maree

Salagadoola mechicka boola bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!
Put 'em together and what have you got?

First an index finger jabbed at the apple, then fingers crossed. Two fingers next, then the apple tossed. “Damnit. This was supposed to be magical!” The raven-haired girl scowled, emphasising the last word with an indignant pout to no one in particular. “Maybe I should have tried that with a pumpkin, huh?” She looked to her right, sighting her blurry reflection in the filthy windowpane. Times like this made her wish a little more to have a familiar of her own, though the immediate, follow-up thought came dismissing the notion with a pinch of reality. After all, Anastasia was never one to care for something paltry like familiars. No, no! She snapped her fingers as she levitated the fallen apple, stealing furtive glances at her empty surroundings before stashing it in her sling-bag.

A soft sigh escaped her lips as she looked around her once more out of pure habit. She still had no idea what this room at the end of the corridor was meant to be but she liked it just fine. Except that, she thought as her eyes settled first on the broken chair, splintered, rotten word poking out dangerously at her. And that, stains on the floor, as if suggesting something sinister in its history. “Right.” A certain finality infused her tone of voice as she stepped out of the room, breathing easy at the lack of passing students. Few students seemed to come this deep into the school’s top floor, so she was worrying unnecessarily. Still, she treaded lightly so as not to make too much noise as she stepped back into the world at large.

She walked with no particular destination in mind, instinctively finding her way back into the Common Room. At the present time, students were starting to return from the day’s classes and though the room was far from crowded, it would be soon. Anastasia had on a sour grimace as she stalked across the room, nodding at the occasional acquaintance but mostly trying to keep from getting caught into a troublesome interaction. That endeavour was quickly forsaken as a particular figure caught her attention. Before she knew it, her feet brought her close to the lounging student, stopping short of taking the seat facing her.

Minerva… the Watery. Did it matter that Anastasia smirked at her own pathetic attempt at humour? She heard through the grapevine about Minerva’s innate ability and had been enthralled since. More so with the contrast of the latter girl’s head of red or the simple fact that she was of a different breed. Inadvertently, Anastasia’s mind wandered once more to the potential punishment that could be dished out at her. Then, she took the seat. “’Sup,” she chirped, all too cheery to someone who was, at best, a stranger. “Are you going to show some cool tricks?” Her tone was deceptively disinterested, but anyone who looked into her eyes would see a blatant truth.



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Jessica Greene (Library-> Common Room)

Jessica closed the book she'd borrowed from the library with a groan. 5 pages on the use of pitcher plant? I had no idea there were so many potions that needed the damn stuff. The shapechanger took a little sip from her thermos- water with a bit of daffodil nectar added in. Even when she didn't have feathers, there were still some residual effects of the changes. Putting the book in her purse, she made her way over to the common room.

Minerva, Dorcas, and Anastasia were already there. "Hey, folks. Any news on Violet?" Jessica had been rather busy herself on that front, asking the animals and insects to keep an eye out for the missing witch. So far, though, no luck- which raised a lot of questions, considering how many informants she had. However the other girl had been disappeared, she'd been really disappeared.
Rosario Syxir (Started outdoors, Currently in the Common Room)
Interaction: Maree Maree Miracleist Miracleist Shagranoz Shagranoz
Unlike a majority of the good and studious witches that would attend their classes, Rosario had chosen to skip one his more boring lessons in exchange for a nice nap outside. He had already spotted a rather large tree that was a few feet away from the entrance to the woods that would suffice as a sleeping area. The grass beneath him gave way allowing him to settle down quite nicely. "I'm all for going in depth about the history of runes but...I'm pretty sure that all the information on their origin has been ingrained into my head from the teachers I had at home," Rosario grumbled that too himself as he pulled his hat over his eyes and adjusted to find his prime sleeping position.

A few hours had to have past before something began to scratch his face. Being the rough sleeper that he's always been, it took a good minute before Rosario was able to force one of his eyes to crack open. He blinked three times before his eyes landed on the intruder that would dare interrupt his precious sleep. A deadpan expression crossed his face once he made hard eye contact with Ruxay as she continued to tell him off about forcing her to sleep outside like some kind of wild animal. "....You're basically wild, you do know that right? It's not like you ever listen to me." His sentence ended with a chuckle that was still deep from sleep as he gathered the fuming lizard into his arms. Harmless puffs of smoke erupted from Ruxay's mouth as she continued to call him a wild animal and exclaim how happy she was to be headed indoors.

As the duo walked into the school, Ruxay had made herself comfortable along Rosario's shoulders, also known as the best place to absorb the constant heat that seemed to radiate from the core of his being. He wasn't sure if he felt like going back to sleep or if he just wanted to relax. He decided that relaxing in the common room would probably be the better option since Ruxay was still on the offense when it came to his roommates own familiar. Before Rosario could fully step into the common room, Ruxay raised her head up before sprinting off of his shoulders. Curious as to what would cause her to behave like that, Rosario followed behind her as if were the familiar in the situation. By the time he caught up to spiked lizard, she had placed herself on a chair near Jessica with a look on her face that Rosario understood as confusion and curiosity. 'It's the human with the weird scent RIo! She smells like that damn bird that bothers me. Are you sure she's human?' Rosario shrugged his shoulders playing along as if he didn't know. It didn't take long for eyes to land on the girl he only knew as Anastasia since they weren't close but still offered her a smile and a wave. His glacier eyes soon recognized a head of red hair that caused him to sigh and crack mischievous grin. "Sorry about Ruxay Jessica, she's still getting use to you. And I'll be damn if it isn't little Minnie looking all serious, did someone rain on your parade kid?"
Caleb .jpg
(this picture was just more interesting, matches more of Caleb's aloof personality.)
Caleb J. Allen
Mentions: Shadow Alpha Shadow Alpha
Location: Outdoors --) Common Room
Currently Wearing:
Orange Sweatshirt Outfit.png
Caleb sighed, he retired to the precisely trimmed grass outside of Villmont College. A month was spent here since he was sent to the school, and he used his time wisely, either in the Library or in classes. Stress was occupying him, and he couldn't locate a safe place to smoke without getting caught. Caleb felt a sharp stabbing in his front pocket, recalling he had a few pointy roots in it. He shoved his hand in, fishing it out. He opened his palm, a cloth bag, full of ingredients he had received from the Advanced Potions Class. The bag was labeled, "Healing Potion." He knew this was going to be "helpful" in his life as a witch, but he wanted to get it done as quickly, and with little care as possible. He looked up from the bag and noticed Rosario Syxir heading in for the day, one of his roommates at Villmont but he decided to stay out for a while, not wanting to get up, since he was comfortable in this spot. He felt the soothing breeze that swept through his thick, brown hair. This was an enjoyable spot to de-stress. His palm still held the bag, so he hastily stuffed it into his pocket, sighing. He will get the project done one day. He figured it would be best to head towards the library, to study up on his magic since there was so little that he knew about it. On the contrary, Caleb wanted to dump his backpack in his dorm, so he decided to head towards the common room.
Caleb began to walk into the large building of Villmont College for Witches. It was interesting being called a witch, he always thought that Witch was a female term, and Warlock was the male. He assumed where he got the information was likely from a mundane book or website. As he walked closer to the entrance of the school, he noticed a printed sheet of paper. Have you seen me? Was in bold letters. A picture of Violet was above it. It was a mission person paper. "Violet?" He said aloud, looking at the photo with a tilted head. He had he seen this girl before. Caleb's thoughts were soon infiltrated by a raucous flapping, and suddenly a thunk.
"She's prettyyyyyyy" Teller declared, sounding like one of the many high teenagers on the Vegas Strip. His landing was imperfect, almost landing on his head and slamming into the foundations of the building. Caleb thought that it would be an interesting conversation with the headmistress on how his familiar slammed into a wall, on "accident". Caleb spoke aloud, not caring whether or not anyone was around him. "Teller, shut up. She's missing for Satan's sake!" Teller's head tilted, his beady, black eyes looking at the photo, pausing for a few seconds. "Honestly if she was missing they'd find her by now. Who am I to care? Now help me up. Never knew you had such compassion for these random girls." Teller responded casually. The filter on both Caleb and his thoughts were Caleb scoffed, bending down and holding a finger out. Teller climbed onto his finger and was lifted to his favorite spot onto Caleb's backpack. "Let's just go inside, if you really care about her then you should talk to her friends."
"I don't, and if they want to talk to me, they can do it themselves. I don't want to get myself involved unless there's a bigger secret to the situation. They'll probably just want me to leave them alone, let them mourn." Caleb said. They walked down the long sets of hallways he memorized somehow, and it led him to the Common Room. In the Common Room, there were people he recognized, and many he didn't want to engage in conversation. He picked up Teller and started fishing through his feathers. He always gets things stuck inside, and he'd rather have a clean bird than a dirty one. Teller and Caleb bickering while Caleb was picking out twigs and pebbles.
Mercedes Zabielski
Mercedes hadn't quite been at Villmont long enough to not be considered the new girl anymore. The 19 year old, though she wouldn't admit it out loud to anyone, had feared that she would struggle to fit in at first. After all, being used to hiding who she truly was, she'd never quite fit in in high school. Try as she might, she'd never truly been accepted there among mortals. But here...

Here, things were different.

The redhead smirked at her reflection, smoothing out imaginary wrinkles on her plaid skirt. She'd reinvented herself here at Villmont; no one would have any idea that she'd come from the bottom. She'd come out on top; that was all that mattered. Turning away from herself, she moved to perch on the edge of her bed, slipping her feet into her black flats.

Reaching up to run her fingers through her hair, she pulled the curls to one side, admiring the fishnet stockings she'd acquired. With her fingernails painted black, she knew she was quite the sight.

But perhaps she should venture out, no? Why dress to impress if you were going to remain in your room?

Pushing herself off the bed, she grabbed her messenger bag full of schoolbooks and other miscellaneous items before leaving the room she shared with Minnie. She wasn't sure where the girl was, but once she reached the common area, Sadie spotted her roomie pretty quickly. Quirking a brow as she saw who she was with, she straightened and sauntered over to the small group.

"Minnie, you're not being bothered, are you?" Sadie cast a glance at Anastasia, considering she was the one around she knew the least. She felt protective of one of her closest friends here. After a moment she looked away from her, at Rosario. Well, and Ruxay. She'd still not gotten used to the lizard always being around. Suppressing a shudder, she looked back down at Minnie as she came to stand beside her chair. She noticed the tea leaves, and felt a slight chill run down her spine. "Anything new?"

Location: her dorm ---> common area

Mood: "Fuck with her, you fuck with me."

Tags: Minnie ( Maree Maree ); Anastasia ( Miracleist Miracleist ); Rosario ( Shadow Alpha Shadow Alpha )

Outfit: xXx
Code by apolla apolla
Location: on the way out- school
Interaction: none (except a text she sent to the girls to meet them)

Stretching her hand in front of her face to protect it as well as her hair from the countless spider webs lining the secret passageway Ivy quickened her pace to keep up with Luna. Her familiar was walking with her bushy tail and nose in the air like a queen in cat form.

“Ivy, you are quite slow for someone so young. This way it will take us forever to get to the end of the passageway.” Luna complained while glimpsing at Ivy only to turn back up front and continue her way down the darkened underground path.

Ivy was slightly annoyed at what seemed like Luna’s hundredth complaint about Ivy’s lack of speed. Deciding not to respond so that the cat wouldn’t continue complaining she slightly sped up her pace and followed her familiar to a dead end.

“Great. Now what? There is a wall in front of us. It took us fifteen minutes to get here. We don’t have much time, I need to meet Violet’s date as well as get back to class before I get discovered” Ivy said exasperatedly. Which made Luna look at her with an expression that told her the cat was questioning her smarts.

“Your a witch aren’t you? Use the walk through walls spell” Luna said as if talking to a five-year-old and Ivy actually did feel slightly silly for not coming up with it herself.

She nodded, started looking through her small backpack and soon pulled out a piece of white chalk. She drew a door shaped square on the wall and put the chalk away and started concentrating her energy on the line before she said in a melodic tone:

When you find your path is blocked,
All you have to do is knock.

And knocked on the ‘door’ which suddenly opened and let her through to the other side…


After seeing Violets date and talking to him she texted the girls to ask for a meeting. She might not have found out much but they still needed to talk about it. Maybe one of the girls could notice something in the info that she couldn’t. Ivy quickly made her way back to school.
Location: Herbology Greenhouse > Common Room
Mood: melancholy
x x just the outfit & headphones, not the glasses or hair, etc
Interactions: Maree Maree
Mentions: Pastry Pastry

Diana hummed along quietly to the mundane song she was listening to, tending to each of the plants in the greenhouse as they needed her with great care. She hadn't gone anywhere for the past few weeks, not even to the greenhouse, and though the other students seemed to have attempted keep-up in her place, none ever had quite the hand with them that Diana did. Even the more common flora and fauna that they all handled daily in class reacted in a much more positive way to her touch. Silently, she apologized to each one as she treated them with her magic, as well as the simple things of weeding or watering. Already, the plants around her seemed to have gained a healthier look to them and had grown in small ways- an inch or so taller here, a few centimeters fuller there. The work made her feel good, as it always did, but she couldn't quite label the feeling as happy, just soothing. Drowning out the sorrow that had consumed her since Violet disappeared with work and music had been her saving grace once she had decided to finally leave her room. Pulling her hands back from the budding bush she had been working with, she smiled lightly in satisfaction and slid her headphones down to hang around her neck, barely audible notes the only hint that there was still a song playing. The greenhouse was quiet around her, the only sounds being those of the nature and of the gardening tools. While this normally calmed her, the almost-silence allowed for a bit too much thought for her liking at that particular moment. Letting out a sigh and pushing herself up from where she had been sitting on the floor, she looked around- not surprised to find no one else there. It had been early morning when she'd begun, though she highly doubted it was still morning now. All of her friends had always thought Diana somewhat crazy for just how much time she could comfortably spend in places like the greenhouse, even Violet; though her closest friend had always simply made a small comment about it before launching into a discussion about this-or-that, and handing over whatever treat she had elected to bring with her that day. Diana could remember distinctly the last time they had been here, and could almost hear her best friend's voice...

Blinking, Diana pulled herself from her thoughts, wiping the moisture that had gathered in her eyes in that moment away and quickly removing her gardening gloves. Crying over happy memories wouldn't help anything right now, she needed to get back to the school and back to the coven. She needed to find Violet.


Entering the common room, Diana discovered a bit of a group that had formed of her classmates. Excluding, of course, Caleb, who she had noticed to be more of the loner type. She still perked up her expression a bit into something of a tired smile and waved his way as she approached Minerva and the others. While she may not be more than a familiar name to some of the school, the least she could do considering every and anything, was be kind- to everyone. And she would do her best to be an optimist, even in times like these. Stopping just beside Minnie's chair, she smiled to each of her classmates who had gathered around in greeting. While they might not reach her eyes as much as they would've mere months ago, it would still come off as kind- just a bit dulled, as she felt.

"Did I miss a party invitation?" she joked, leaning against Minerva's chair slightly and keeping her eyes far from the empty tea cup that her friend held. It could only hold a bad omen- she hated to assume, but that's all anything had been lately; bad omens about bad days to come.

Glancing down a moment as she felt something soft brush against her ankles, she was glad to find her familiar staring back up at her. Adonis purred as he curled himself around her legs a time or two- a comforting gesture as he knew when she was hurting, even just a little bit- before deciding to hop up onto a nearby window sill and watch their little 'gathering' from there.
[IMG='width:216px;']https://i.imgur.com/BbnMnZ3.jpg[/IMG] Minevra Night
Location: Common Room
Mood: Really needs a stronger drink
Interacting: Miracleist Miracleist , Shagranoz Shagranoz , Shadow Alpha Shadow Alpha , apolla apolla , aurnia aurnia

Minerva turned her attention from Dorcas as a girl she wasn't familiar with approached her. Dorcas quickly informed her that the strange female's name was Anastasia. One of the many perks of having a familiar, they always seemed to know everything. Minnie raised her brow as Anastasia casually took the seat in front of her. She had to give it to the girl she had guts an admirable quality. They needed more people like that in times like these. The coven needed it. Maybe she would extend an invitation to her when they were alone. "Hello, Anastasia," she said, her expression staying neutral. One of the reasons most people found her intimidating was the fact that she never wore her emotions. Did she like you? Was she planning to curse you when you slept? Who knows. "Tricks? If you mean, can I hold a ball of water around your head and slowly watch you drown? Then yes, I do tricks," this time she let a small smile form on her lips to signal that she was kidding. Minerva pulled the leftover tea from her cup and had it float just above the tip of her index finger. She spun it into a small heart before flinging it at the back of an unknown students head.

Then another girl decided she could waltz up and talk to her as well. Luckily for them, Minerva was in a better mood than she usually was so she could tolerate the pestering. Dorcas reminded her that it was the weird animal girl, Jessie. She had been helping look for Violet so she decided to give her a pass and not snap at her for addressing her and Anastasia as 'folks'. Minnie utterly despised that word more than anything. Last year she had cursed a girl for addressing her and Violet in that manner. They had been vomiting slugs for a month before they were able to reverse it, she took pride in the complicated nature of her curses. "Nothing new. Been meaning to track down the kid who showed up last night. But Dorcas says that the word is she can't remember anything. How convenient" she said, running her fingers through her red locks, messing up the curls a bit.

With the ending of classes, more people were starting to flood into the common room. Including a few people that made her want to get up and leave. The appearance of the familiar Ruxay put her in a bad mood. For the lizards master Rosario always seemed to find a way to push Minevra's buttons. The way he waltzed up to her and called her by her nickname that only her close friends were allowed to use, it was like he liked being cursed by her. Minnie made a mental note to find time to place another curse on him later. "Call me that again and I will make sure that you can never ignite another flame again" she hissed, narrowing her eyes at the male. Oh, the school had been so much better before they started letting males attend. They were never on the same level as they were. All they did was skip classes and waste everyone's time.

Before her mood could sink any lower a familiar redhead entered the room, lifting Minevra's mood. She had started to wonder when Mercedes would show up. Today was one of the days when she didn't see much of her due to different classes, it was a shame because she did enjoy being around her. "Rosario is always a bother, even when he's just breathing," she said, rolling her eyes. Minnie tilted her head a little as she took in Mercedes outfit. "Is that my skirt? Well, to be fair it's more like our skirt" she said, laughing softly. To be fair they both had quite similar taste in clothing, at this point their closet was just shared. They were the same size and she had no idea who's clothing was who's anymore. She felt her phone buzz, a notification from Ivy. They needed to meet later. "Nothing yet but we are chasing down some more leads," she said as she quickly responded to her group chat.

To: Ivy, Diana
Meeting later tonight, usual time. Mercedes seems like she's good at chess. Should we extend an invitation?
Minnie didn't know who came up with the idea to call the coven chess club. It was an alright cover but she thought that the inventor could have come up with something a little more interesting. Then again that might have been the point. It seems she could have waited a few minutes to send the text as Diana approached her right after she sent it. "Oh it's always a party when I'm around" she joked, smiling softly at her friend. She took Diana's hand and hers and gave it a little squeeze, a small sign of affection. Minerva knew that their friends' disappearance was hitting her the hardest and wanted to be sure that Diana knew she was there for her.

Anatasia Bextiyar
[IMG='width:345px;']https://sm1.narvii.com/6669/000c67514f3402c744f029e555b71387aa9ccf6c_00.jpg[/IMG] Location: Common Room > Pulling away from the crowd
Mood: Intrigued
Interacting: Maree Maree | Shagranoz Shagranoz | Shadow Alpha Shadow Alpha | Pastry Pastry | apolla apolla | aurnia aurnia

Anastasia had on a plastic smile as she leaned in on the table, her grin a contrast to Minerva's stoic expression. As always, unreadable; though how much of that was true to Anastasia remained up in the air. She had never been good at reading the mood and Minerva was letting so little it would be a problem under normal circumstances. Fortunately, Antastasia was far from normal. Her smile grew in kind at Minerva's gallows humour - the underlying, potential threat suppressed, concealed as she crossed her eyes, sticking out her tongue as she gripped her collars. "That wouldn't be good, would it," she chuckled, taking a quick breath as her eyes glimmered with anticipation - almost as if she desired to see it happen.

The moment was interrupted promptly as one by one, their other school mates began to appear in turn.

First, Jessica, the shape-shifter. Certainly the least curious of the lot, as far as Anastasia was concerned. Still, she was intrigued only on the spell-crafting level, which confounded any potential for further development given this talent was innate to Jessica. Violet was the more interesting person. Anastasia glanced over to Minerva before turning back to Jessica with a dismissive shrug. The missing Witch had proven especially elusive such that even her tracking spells could do little in the way of elucidating a path forward.

... Or, perhaps, those experimental spells needed more fine-tuning. Loathe as Anatasia was to admit, she conceded the point as she looked to the next newcomer.

The hottie. Her smile took on a more dreamy quality as he waved a greeting at her. Her raven eyes promptly drawn to his glacier pair. The simple things in life that holds Anastasia's interest - hotties and magic. And beauty, she had to add that to the list now. That was an aesthetic appeal of the sort that made Anastasia stand from her seat, leaning in after Minerva's irate retort. "Careful, she might just hold a ball of water to your head and drown you, you know," giggling, Anastasia waved it off almost the instant she said it, as a third (fourth, technically, she noted as she spied Caleb standing in the corner) person came in.

She only pouted, looking from Mercedes to Minerva. M&Ms, perhaps the name was why they were close. Thus Anastasia continued to build her reputation for eccentricity with an untimely giggle. She quickly excused herself with an exaggerated curtsy, walking off just as Diana entered. A brief nod followed, of course - it would never do to be rude, after all.

Anastasia made a beeline for Caleb, stopping before the boy as she pressed her hands on her hips. "Hey, cutie," she slapped Caleb's arm lightly, mindful not to disturb Teller's preening. "And hi, Teller." Looking at the familiar, she grinned with far more heartiness. That quickly dissipated, turning into an eager expression.

"Have you tried out that spell-craft assignment yet? I actually did, tried to incorporate some... legit... sources, but it didn't quite work out. I just knew I needed a pumpkin, not an apple. Maybe that would make the spell work eh?"

Her words flowed so quickly in such animated fashion she only stopped once she was done speaking. Like a child chattering about a long-anticipated trip to an amusement park, her face glowed with the by-now obvious radiance of excitement. Passion for the craft; how much was truly here in a place like this?

Jessica Greene- Common Room

Jessica watched with distaste as Minerva idly commented about drowning Anastasia. She might be a talented witch, but she's an even more talented bitch. I mean, seriously- who talks about murdering someone to their face? Glaring at the hydromancer- she couldn't see the signs of a joke from her angle- she turned to Ruxay and Rosario.

"Hey, Ros. Been having a little trouble with that levitation spell we were doing in class today. Mind giving me a hand? And Ruxay, it's good to see you again. He's been giving you a few too many crickets, though- you're getting a bit of a belly there." She layered the second part of her statement with magic, so the lizard would understand her.
Rosario Syxir (In the Common Room)
Interaction: Maree Maree Miracleist Miracleist Shagranoz Shagranoz
Rosario could only chuckle at Minerva's humorless threat and the joking concern that Anastasia showed. He sent a slight wink in Anastasia's direction, "No need to worry, A little water helmet won't do much good once its heated to the point of almost instantaneous evaporation." He was aware that his ability to focus and remain calm in a situation would also come into play. The idea of it alone sent a surge of adrenaline through his body.

Watching a few more people ranging from over familiar to mildly recognizable caused him to settle down. The part of his brain that was used to overanalyzing most things had kicked in as more bodies filled in the common room. The supposed secret coven had always been on the back burner of his brain. The small gestures and slight eye contact amongst the rumored members would have easily been bushed off by most people. Rosario sighed to himself and decided that it wasn't worth the headache especially with different conversations taking place around him.

By the time he had finally began to focus on reality, Jessica had gained his attention. Ruxay was grumbling about a comment on her weight before taking it as some sort of compliment. The lizard puffed out her chest along with her spikes, "Thank you wild human, I take pride in my lavish lifestyle as a full belly is a sign of wealth." Rosario could only shake his head while also wondering if he should be cutting back on her late night/early morning snacks. "The levitation spell...? Ah, I had almost forgotten about it since the lesson itself was just dull repetition. I'd love to help you out in anyway I can Jess."
Caleb .jpg
Caleb J. Allen
Mentions: Shadow Alpha Shadow Alpha aurnia aurnia apolla apolla Maree Maree Miracleist Miracleist Shadow Alpha Shadow Alpha Shagranoz Shagranoz
Interactions: Miracleist Miracleist
Location: Common Room
Currently Wearing:

Minerva Night, Rosario Syxir, Mercedes Zabielski, Diana Walcott, Anatasia Bextiyar, Jessica Greene. People. He knew of their names, and little of their persona's. Well, except Rosario, a casual roommate nonetheless. But those--- four names. Mercedes, Diana, Ivy,-. He paused. Minerva Night. He was staring at Teller now, his hand in a bundle of loose feathers, threatening him to pull it out. He soon released the bunch, and heard one of the loudest PheeeeeeeeeHEW! Come pouding into his thoughts like a freight train. "Shut up, I'm thinking." He retorted to the sarcastic tone in the crow's "voice". He focused on that subject he was once thinking about. Minevra Night. He didn't like to get wrapped up in problems that weren't his, but this witch in particular was one that intrigued him. He saw the looks exchanged, the messages passed, the haste text messages and hiding the screen from anyone. They all had some sort of chemistry, something tying them together.
And then it hit him.

"Hey cutie." A girl's voice penetrated his thoughts. He turned his head. The soft eyes of Anatasia Bextiyar struck him. "Hey sweetie." He said, a smile creeping from the corner of his lips. He'd worry about the whole- "Secret Coven" later. Teller was eventually going to pick up on his thoughts, and mess with him all day. He'll worry later. A light slap hit his arm. He smiled, standing up, picking up Teller and allowing him to rest on his shoulder. Greetings... Fellow- Witch? Teller commented. Caleb brushed the shoulder keeping the bird upright, Teller jumping and giving a loud caw at him, which- was most likely a few curses from Teller. "Dont mind him, he's... an interesting bird." He scoffed, staring into Teller's beady black eyes. His gaze soon shifted to the eager expression on Anatasia thin face. He heard Anatasia's question quite well, actually, but he looked past her shoulder, noticing that the group that had gathered, of water to fire, from... Illusory to a shifter. He noticed between all of them, Minerva was holding a tea cup. That shouldn't be good. He put it off- "Later" he thought. His eyes fixed on Anatasia once more. "Pumpkins would work much better. In fact, the seeds and their roots make fabulous ingredients for the spell. How about, after everyone calms down and stops threatening each other, we could go and try to find pumpkins. I'll have Teller fly before total darkness is reached, and he could go find wild ones. Or we could... Try the greenhouses." He suggested. Teller was about to lead an insurrection of protests in his mind, but he glared at the bird, silencing him.​
Mercedes Zabielski
Mercedes looked up as Diana entered the room, the slightly dull-eyed girl making her way over to the chair where Minnie and the others were gathered. Sadie smiled back at her, though it was short lived. Not that Sadie had anything against the girl, she just thought that she needed to get over her friends disappearance. Heartless? Maybe. But Sadie couldn't very well form a coven with weak minded individuals, or sad ones.

More people were gathering in the common area now, but Sadie put her attention back on Minnie as the girl commented on Sadie's skirt. "This ol' thing?" She grinned, sliding away from the chair to feign surprise, looking down at the skirt she'd indeed snatched from Minnie's closet this morning. "I just found it, you know, lying around." Her tone was teasing; she loved sharing clothes with her roomie.

Minnie pulled out her phone, and Sadie had no qualms about trying to read the message over the girls shoulder, though she grew distracted as Anastasia giggled, pulling some weird curtsy move before practically running off. Her gaze remained on the girl for a moment as she started a conversation with Caleb, and she pursed her lips.

She and Caleb shared a power. It was interesting to her, considering she'd never met anyone with a similar power to her. Tilting her head, she regarded the pair carefully, deciding whether or not to intervene. Rosario spoke just then, drawing her eyes towards him and his... lizard. Without realizing it, she wrinkled her nose at the creature.

"You two should just kiss and get it over with." She glanced between Rosario and Minnie, her tone light and teasing again. She loved making people uncomfortable and saying off the wall things that made people look at her. She thrived on the attention. "Just kidding." She rolled her eyes, leaning against Minnie's chair again, resting her chin on her hand.

Location: common area

Mood: "I thrive on the attention."

Tags: Minnie ( Maree Maree ); Anastasia ( Miracleist Miracleist ); Rosario ( Shadow Alpha Shadow Alpha ); Caleb ( Pastry Pastry )

Outfit: xXx
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