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Realistic or Modern Villmont College for Witches OOC



Junior Member
You know what this is for : ) talk, ask questions, plan stuff, announcements etc... Have fun and don't fight.

Q: Would you like me to submit a Female character or a Male character? I know in the roleplay it said males were accepted but I didn't know if you wanted a specific amount or anything...
You can apply for any gender but I suggest you guys keep an eye on the number of male characters submitted since if there will be too many guys the chances of being accepted will be smaller. But three males will definitely be accepted.
hey! just wanted to check and see what age range you'd like the characters to fall into for sure
Oh right! I totally forgot to write that into the template! I will edit it now : ) The ages should be early college years so around 18-21?
Maybe a silly question. Are there any rules to magic here we should keep in mind? As in, how does magic work in this world. Is it totally free and expresses itself in different ways, or is it like they need to cast spells and have ingredients/sacrifices/procedures, etc? Is there a downside to using it? Whatever have you.
hi. okay. before i get in trouble for overpowering because i promise i'm not: yes Diana has life/death powers, no she does not use her death powers at all, yes I will stick to this for the entirety of the roleplay unless otherwise directed by Pthenora Pthenora

are we good? okay? okay. (basically she just grows a lot of plants and can make toys/items come to life if she really really wants to, but it's not as easy as plants)
aurnia aurnia Ah, shoot. I was planning to join as a nature witch, but I think our characters' powers would be too alike. You beat me to it. :P I guess I'll invent a new character for this one.
I'm always down for a witch RP! Would a shapechanger be appropriate?
They usually have specs and potions for that but if you wish to be able to change into another form without them that's okay. Just keep it reasonable, no dragons or other stuff that would fit a lot more into fantasy and you should be okay. Maybe keep it to one other human appearance or an animal or something like that?
Maybe a silly question. Are there any rules to magic here we should keep in mind? As in, how does magic work in this world. Is it totally free and expresses itself in different ways, or is it like they need to cast spells and have ingredients/sacrifices/procedures, etc? Is there a downside to using it? Whatever have you.
There are some rules and I will write all of that in a thread with other need to know facts. They do need spells, rituals and potions etc... No magic except their powers can happen just because someone thinks about it. Each thing you wish to accomplish has its own way of being done. But it's not the spells and stuff that are magic since otherwise humans could use them, its the witches that give those words etc... Power to do what the which wants. Like I said I will explain this more in a thread : )
aurnia aurnia Ah, shoot. I was planning to join as a nature witch, but I think our characters' powers would be too alike. You beat me to it. :P I guess I'll invent a new character for this one.
She could have the power of the earth elements (think 'earthquake' moving it, controlling it etc...) or control nature (make nature grow or die, doesn't work on humans of course, she could make it do watrver she commands, within reason and to a certain limit of course) there are a few other options.
Diana's Cs is done! Pthenora Pthenora
I would be okay with having a necromancer in the mix so if you want to you can make her able to reanimate the dead, it would have limits like in American Horror Story where they had to do it in time or the result would be total mess but your power seems okay and as long as she doesn't start dropping students with it its cool (maybe the death power would only work on animals and plants or something along those lines?) anyway your cool. I will read the rest of the CS when I start selecting characters but she sounds great.
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A big question is there any kind of magic we should follow or is it okay that my character uses dark magic and especially related to emotions or the control of the mind or that would be more like mental magic is just that I'm not sure in which category it would fit? Pthenora Pthenora
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A big question is there any kind of magic we should follow or is it okay that my character uses dark magic and especially related to emotions or the control of the mind? Pthenora Pthenora
No mind control please. It's a power that might make them too powerful. As for dark magic I will explain it more in a thread but none of our characters should use dark magic (except for small stuff here and there of course) but no greater black magic please, it shouldn't be any if the characters specialty. I will go into more detail in a thread, it will take me a bit to put together but some of your questions will be answered there.
No mind control please. It's a power that might make them too powerful. As for dark magic I will explain it more in a thread but none of our characters should use dark magic (except for small stuff here and there of course) but no greater black magic please, it shouldn't be any if the characters specialty. I will go into more detail in a thread, it will take me a bit to put together but some of your questions will be answered there.
Okay so just to make sure anything related to the use of magic to control fear, emotions, memories or hypnosis can't be used because that's what I was aiming for but if I can't use it for my character I'll search something else.

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