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Realistic or Modern Villmont College for Witches (anouncements and information)



Junior Member
This is still a WIP and will be updated. More information will be added etc...


  • 5cee51bf7fdc53fb9f083e0d4eaf3cc4.jpg
    The school building.
    When the cars arrive they drive along the circular driveway to the front door of the school to let out the students or pick them up. There are no parking spaces for students so the school provides cars and drivers in case of the students wanting to go to town, all they have to do is let a teacher or the headmistress know they wish to go to town and things will be arranged. The official hours in which students can leave the school are Tuesday, Friday and Saturday between 4-8 pm.

    The school library in which students can find books needed for their classes, research, spell books and more. While the spells available to students are many they are carefully monitored and picked out during class but the library offers more possibilities to find what you are looking for.

    The school's horse stables, Here students can pick a horse to take care of and ride (if they pick the horse riding class).

    The road behind the school that leads through the woods and to a clearing that the school uses for school rituals (like the ritual they will perform for the goddess to bless and take the missing -presumed dead- students under her wing in their afterlife. The clearing like the rest of the school grounds are bespelled so mundanes cant enter.

    This is what is left of a witches house that used to live in the woods a long time ago (she is the one that is mentioned by the waterfall). You can see this when you walk towards the clearing used for rituals.

    The haunted waterfall. A place that is feared and rarely if ever visited because it's haunted by a vengeful ghost of a man. A witch that once lived in the woods fell in love with a man who later broke her heart. In a blinding rage she used her magic to drown him in the water of the waterfall. His spirit had been there ever since, attacking whoever got near it, especially witches. Once a student went there and came back to school with the ghost sickness the place became forbidden to Villmont students (basically if not treated in time you could die of fear or insanity that comes from the attack of a very powerful ghost. Ghosts are otherwise rather rare as well).

    A small lake near the school with a high energy level. Its often visited by students to collect the water for spells and rituals. Its water has especially strong energy during the full moon and greatly helps in a spells success.

    The beach not far from the school. there is a hidden cave the girls often go to in order to secretly have a party or do magic and rituals.


    An abandoned building a bit further away from the school. You can get there following a small barely noticeable path in the woods.

    The town.

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