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  • yall its been three years since i've put anything on my page lmao

    update: im in college now
    someone convince me that my Oc's I made two years ago are actually still salvageable
    They're still salvageable. đź’— Characters can always change and improve just like people in real life.
    You know it's a weird day when you find your fat cat staring at herself in the mirror, wishing why she existed and why she had let herself to get to this size.
    Not enjoying my profile picture as much as I hoped I would, should I change it?
    Bill Nein
    Bill Nein
    Idk. I was bored of my old one and now I have this one
    welp, it's been six months since I have even looked at this site.

    I have rejoined now as a mere squire.

    Happy Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Kwanza, Hannukah, and whatever religion ya celebrate.
    I was thinking about doing a VR based theme called "NerveDrive". Pretty much made a plot where everyone goes into this game and they get trapped in it by an evil admin and have to go through this whole thing to finish the game. A mixture of SAW and stuff.

    And then I realize, there's a whole TV show on that. Called "Sword Art Online". Heard of it?
    SUCH A GOOD SHOW. At least, the first season was IMO.
    *cough cough* .HACK IS THE SUPERIOR TRAPPED IN A VR GAME ANIME *cough cough* excuse me, got something in my throat.
    as long as its not centered around a very op uninteresting character /like sao/
    A potato flew around my room, so I called my local Priest from the Morman church I don't go to.
    lmao i relate somehow #utahstruggles
    No I wouldn't, it would actually be pretty cool, what are you proposing?
    My first association was a fanfiction. So basically it's based o the events that happen in the "main rp" but we're able to explore their relationship as a main idea rather ththan hog the entire rp with them having private moments that dont "help" move the story along as much.
    There is more to it than that but it's all I can come up with as of right now..
    Random question. Would you be opposed to giving Noah and Ayden their own rp. Set in this universe but as freely expressed i guess...
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