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Realistic or Modern Villmont College for Witches OOC

I've had six before. I got this-

Doing assignments really drains my energy. I need to do something interesting
I also feel confident to say that my character is done.

if anyone feels there's something wrong with it let me know, it's been a while since I've been on this site and my creative writing has been smooshed to the bottom with my boot, it is now only resurfacing and it's satisfying to see a sister surface.

I'm only curious about this: why's "good job" the most harmful two words in English? :lennyslash:
I'm only curious about this: why's "good job" the most harmful two words in English? :lennyslash:

Good question, so there's this quote from the movie "Whiplash" that I've been obsessed with for a long time now, and it's from this guy called "Fletcher". He's the director of this jazz group and yadayadayada and he tells Miles Teller that there's no to words harsher than "good job", because he's trying to make a point that a more effective term would be "not good enough". It's almost like saying. "You did SO FREAKIN GOOD OMYGOSH" when all ya did was get an F on your math test. If people who are really good at their craft, and they're just told "good job", then they don't really become and evolve to the best they can be. It's weird, I know.

So there's a little story behind my signature. Essentially its just a quote from Whiplash that I absolutely love.
I've had six before. I got this-

Doing assignments really drains my energy. I need to do something interesting

I believe in you. Also, I love the Alcohol Empowerment on your character, really gives the minor powers lot of originality.
Good question, so there's this quote from the movie "Whiplash" that I've been obsessed with for a long time now, and it's from this guy called "Fletcher". He's the director of this jazz group and yadayadayada and he tells Miles Teller that there's no to words harsher than "good job", because he's trying to make a point that a more effective term would be "not good enough". It's almost like saying. "You did SO FREAKIN GOOD OMYGOSH" when all ya did was get an F on your math test. If people who are really good at their craft, and they're just told "good job", then they don't really become and evolve to the best they can be. It's weird, I know.

So there's a little story behind my signature. Essentially its just a quote from Whiplash that I absolutely love.

Hmmm, fair enough, I'll definitely have to check that movie out some day. Hopefully it's on Netflix already or something. And, I see that's why your familiar's Teller too :P
Hmmm, fair enough, I'll definitely have to check that movie out some day. Hopefully it's on Netflix already or something. And, I see that's why your familiar's Teller too :P

To be cautioned if you are very religious or don't like constant causing and the dropping of f-bombs, this movie has a LOT of it. But one of the greatest, of all time.

Rip Stan Lee, by the way, don't know why I mentioned that.
Also, any chance someone might create a chat server someplace, like Discord? Tend to be on there more often owing to the speediness and convenience for plots and schemes.
Especially since there will be a Halloween ball : ) can't have one if it's not October right? Unless you prefer not to have a Halloween ball?
i hope it's okay for me to put a place holder bc this looks amazing ???
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ayee are y'all still accepting ??

because this looks v good
i hope it's okay for me to put a place holder bc this looks amazing ???
There is still time until Friday night to post a CS but there is only one more spot open since otherwise there will be too many characters. Of course, in case of a drop out (someone leaving the RP) or some other reason like inactive players the people that had expressed interest (or even posted a CS) will have first chance of taking a free spot.
I need a Halloween ball
Cool : ) I was thinking it would add an interesting touch. The girls could go costume/dress shopping or make their own (maybe alter a bought dress with a spell) and there could be students that would pull a Halloween prank at the ball to scare the others, maybe a haunted house setting and a real incident like a missing teen showing up in the middle of the ball and causing chaos or something. Lots of options and fun stuff that can be added.
Oh and now the accepted characters can start planning relationships (rivalries, frienships, frienemies and all that).

My character is also open to plannning.
Same. Would that serve a different purpose than an OOC board anyway?

Some people just prefer it because it's a chat based thing, and quicker, than an ooc board. Among other reasons. I love discord personally, but I'm good with or without one.
I had it installed for like a couple of days and got really frustrated because I kept missing the time's people were online and then there was an endless list of posts I would miss and it gave me anxiety like you wouldn't believe :S (I can't respond or read while at work)
Oh and now the accepted characters can start planning relationships (rivalries, frienships, frienemies and all that).

My character is also open to plannning.

Would love to set something up, but, before that: how long have your characters and the members of the "Untouchables" been in Villmont? The fact they're a coven of their own and famous enough to warrant a nickname seem like the sort of thing that people around at least a year would have - certainly not a month anyway (as possible as that might be).

Some people just prefer it because it's a chat based thing, and quicker, than an ooc board. Among other reasons. I love discord personally, but I'm good with or without one.

Yep, exactly that! And I'm good either way, no stress.
Also, can I report BELIAL. BELIAL. for CS murder? Because this monster killed it right there. Like, how, was there some tutorial somewhere in this site?
Pthenora Pthenora Something similar but a little more free to come and go without notifications piling up on mobile is PiratePad. Have you heard of it? I used to use it for RPs before i got on Discord. It’s basically a text document ppl can chat in (but otherwise you can keep all plots written and logged which is nice so you dont need to go scrolling into the infinity)
Would love to set something up, but, before that: how long have your characters and the members of the "Untouchables" been in Villmont? The fact they're a coven of their own and famous enough to warrant a nickname seem like the sort of thing that people around at least a year would have - certainly not a month anyway (as possible as that might be).

Yep, exactly that! And I'm good either way, no stress.
Yeah my character had been there a year, it's her second year at Villmont.

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