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Multiple Settings π“π–πŽ π“πˆπŒπ„ β˜… [20+ lgbt original and fandom ccxcc ocxoc]

garbage bread

Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

stay friends! problem that you can't defend.
ABOUT ME: 29, she/her, panromantic ace, EST. You can call me Jenna. I'm a legal assistant working to get my paralegal degree so that stupid English degree I earned isn't so useless, so I'm probably tired 3/4 of the time. I have a girlfriend and two fur children. One of them has a perpetual blep, and it's great. (It's not my girlfriend, for the record. It's my dog. Just to clarify.) I like videogames, books, and music, and I'll happily fawn over those things with you if OOC is your jam. I write third person, past tense.

YOU: You're preferably 18+ because I'm old and roleplaying with minors is weird. It's not you, it's me. I'm old. Otherwise, I just want a decent grasp on spelling and grammar from you, and for you to contribute to the plot/story. I also prefer that you also write third person, past tense. That's it. Jazz hands.

PREFERRED WRITING MEDIUM: Threads > private messages > anything else. It's a hard no from me to use discord for rp unless that's your hill to die on. That said, the character limits kill me. I am weak and caved, so I now write on discord sometimes. Mostly, I use discord for ooc after talking on-site long enough to know you aren't a creep. I'd really prefer to stay on-site, but ya girl just wants to write.

POSTING FREQUENCY: On my end, I can post once a week minimum, unless life happens. I'd promise more, but I work full time at a law office, I'm a student, and I also have depression. I'm not going to promise more than I know I can actually give; it's not fair to either of us. As for you, a post is a post. I'm super patient-- if it takes you two months, we're good as long as I know you aren't dead in a ditch somewhere.

POSTING LENGTH: I like writing lengthier posts, and can easily go above 1,000 words if given enough to work with. I won't force myself, and some scenes require far less, but that's how I tend to write. Prefer shorter posts? Okay, just let me know. As long as I have enough to work with, we're golden. That said, I probably need more than a paragraph from you or I'll lose interest.

ROMANCE: It's not necessary to write with me. Platonic relationships are underrated. If there is romance, though, it has to develop slowly and naturally-- give me that slow burn romance with a dash of pining, and I'm happy. As for orientation: gay/queer romance > hetero romance. I'm not straight. My characters tend not to be either. I can and will write cishet romance, but it has to be a dang good plot. (For some reason, the last couple of cishet roleplays I've had were as shallow as a kiddie pool, and it's made me wary. So: a really good plot or bust.)

FANDOM: Heck yeah. I only do canon x canon or oc x oc, with a huge preference for canon characters. Sorry, but I've been burned one too many times to mix the two. You cannot currently convince me otherwise: my free time is too limited right now for me to consider writing things that I know is a gamble.

FACE CLAIMS: I literally couldn't care less about this. Want to use them? Cool. Have a preference for real people/anime? Cool, let's do that thing you prefer. Don't like to use them? Sweet, let me describe my character in text. I'll follow your lead because I couldn't care less. Honestly, I don't know why this is a hill people die on; until five minutes ago I didn't even know there was a hill. My lands are flat and relatively corpseless, apparently.

OOC: Optional, but a bonus. I like sharing headcanons, playlists, mood boards, memes, ect. Not your cup of tea? That's fine, I'll just hoard them like some weird meme gremlin. It's what the good lord would have wanted.

NOPE: I will never do anything involving the following: pregnancy, furries, incest, high school settings, pure "crack" plots, slave/master dynamics, and anything involving needles because I'm phobic. Unsure of something? Just ask.

CLOSING: PLEASE have something in mind when you contact me. It doesn't have to be something extremely concrete; an inkling of a plot or just a character you'd like to play is an excellent start. Let's just say it's a pet peeve of mine to be asked what I want to do when I've given someone a list. Literally. If you can't decide between a few things, that's fine! Just... don't be that roleplayer that asks, "You want to rp Umbrella Academy? Or these fifty other things on your list?" and we're good. Yes, I want to write that, that's why I listed it, you absolute chestnut. I'm old and cranky; don't make me come over there.

The obligatory rules post is complete. Onward to the actual interesting things, yeah?
These are super vague starting points that I would love to write, but that need some fleshing out. I have some more developed plots too! They are in the next tab.
EXXUS ─ glass animals
"When you see him
Look him in the eye, look him in the eye
And he won't dare to follow
If you need to
Hook him with your right,
hook him with your right
'Til he wiggles and wallows [...]
You wake up with a hatchet over your head.
I can see you running, I can see you running.
Gone in the blink of my eye."
Someone who cheated death x Death. It doesn't have to be a romantic pairing, but it could be interesting. Death doesn't get the chance to get to know anyone, after all, and after trying to collect what is owed to them over and over and over again, well... Death can't help but begrudgingly respect the effort.

GHOSTING ─ mother mother
"I've been ghosting, I've been ghosting along.
Ghost in your arms, ghost in your home.
When you're tossing, when you turn in your sleep
It's because I'm ghosting your dreams.
And this is why I have decided
To pull this old white sheet from my head.
I'll leave it neat and tidy
so that you'll know I'm out of hiding."
Ghost x Living. Alternatively: different dimension shenanigans? Heck if I know, but the song is catchy and makes me want to write.

HOPE IN THE AIR ─ laura marling
"I forgave you your shortcomings
And ignored your childish behavior
Laid a kiss on your head,
and before I left, said, 'Stay away from fleeting favour.'
No hope in the air, no hope in the water.
And sadly not me, your last serving daughter."
Youngest child of royalty x Someone trying to help them undo their parent's mistakes, save the world against all odds, and maybe fall in love along the way? The song is based on "King Lear" (in my opinion) so... have at. Help me worldbuild. I'd prefer fantasy, I think.

I AM STRETCHED ON YOUR GRAVE ─ kate rusby (cover)
"Oh, the priests and the friars,
They approach me in dread.
Oh, for I love you still,
Oh, my life, and you're dead.
I still will be your shelter
Through rain and through storm
And with you in your cold grave
I cannot sleep warm."
This could be ghost x living again, but this song gives me fae vibes, or even witch x familiar vibes. I just want something lowkey spooky, lowkey the village outcast loving something distinctly "other" while everyone else cowers in fear.

SPACE GHOST ─ glass animals
"Said to you, 'Why did you do it?'
Touch the glass, I'll feel you through it
Against the wall with the bracelets on
You look bizarre in the apricot.
You think that you're Space Ghost
You're wanted coast to coast
Fuck that shit, now I go
My way and you go yours."
Old partner in crime x criminal. The partner finally has their life together. They cleaned up their act and are on the straight and narrow now. Might even be engaged, with a white picket fence life, finally... until they get a call from the criminal, asking for help. One last crime, one last heist, and the criminal is done. The partner owes them, after all. The partner never got caught while the criminal rotted in jail, and it'd be a crying shame if that picket fence got ruined because of a snitch. (Maybe they were lovers, too, before? For added flavor.)

"Well you look like yourself
But you're somebody else
Only it ain't on the surface
Well you talk like yourself
No, I hear someone else though
Now you're making me nervous."
I'll add a plot when I'm not on mobile. It is an uphill battle I am currently losing.

labyrinths / conspiracies / murder / curses / crime rings / not-so-friendly-fae / dragons / princes(ses) that save themselves / dystopian societies / life after the apocalypse / coffeeshop au / thieves and vagabonds / fairy tales and fables / magical realism
high fantasy / androids / androids as weapons of war / time travel / alternate universes / doppelgangers / strangers you once knew / lost in the woods / ghosts / oops wrong number / amnesiacs / back from the dead / unwilling heroes / not so imaginary friends
found families / yandere / obsession / mmos / faustian contracts / bounty hunters / necromancy / time loops
All of these can be modified to suit both of us! Don't like an element? Let's take it out or change it so that the plot suits us both. Like the gist of a plot but want to take it in a completely different direction? Neat. I'm flexible.

"imaginary" friend" x friend plot. dark. psychological horror.
The imagination of a child is a strange thing, isn't it? A thousand possibilities laid bare by the minds of babes, with adults looking on in bemused wonder at the days they've lost with age. A cardboard box, in the hands of a child, becomes a castle. A stick, a sword. The neighbor's dog, a dragon... Whole worlds, from the smallest of things. Whole imaginary people, from nothing but a scrap of inspiration found from God knows where.

Our story begins with one such child. A particularly lonely child winds up imagining their first imaginary friend, as children are apt to do. At first, no one thinks anything of it. Most kids have an imaginary friend at some point, after all, and so the kid's parents don't raise an eyebrow... at first. Sure, the friend looks a bit odd in the drawings their kid makes, but that's really no cause for alarm, due to it being imaginary and all. Children do have rather detailed imaginations, and what an adult views as odd and what a child views as odd are two very different things, after all. And so it goes. Their child is happy at long last, and isn't that what matters?

The child thinks that the imaginary friend is a super great, of course! They are never mean, and they always go along with whatever games the kid comes up with. The friend even changes shapes, which is really entertaining to watch! Talons and feathers and horns and back again, all in the blink of an eye. Most importantly, the friend promises the child that it's not going anywhere... ever. They'll be friends, always and always, and isn't that just great?

At least, it's great until the friend keeps that promise. For years. The child grows older and older, and while other kids have cast away their imaginary friend due to the juvenile nature of the thing, the kid (now almost grown) can't get rid of them. They're a very lonely person, after all, and it'd be just mean to cast away such a loving friend, right? But reality catches up to the best of us, and eventually, the kid's parents express great concern because their child is now in their teens, and the drawings on the fridge have become more and more detailed as the years pass, and, well.... The friend is scary. Their child is almost an adult, so they push for the kid to let the friend go. And so the kid tries, but the harder that the kid tries to push the friend away, the more angry and violent it becomes. It's having trouble keeping a form that is pleasant to the eyes, and it's begun to start lashing out. Each time, it tries to break something, to hurt, but it can't. It's imaginary, after all. So it screams and sobs, pleading...

...Until it succeeds, at least, which it does. Something breaks, and suddenly, it doesn't seem so friendly.

Through therapy, medicine, and religion, the kid manages to make the imaginary friend go away, nothing more than a bittersweet memory of youth and the "visions" of a delusional mind.

Years pass, and the kid, now an adult, almost forgets. Almost, but never entirely, because even now, if they look carefully enough, in the corner of their eye, there is a familiar face. It's getting closer by the day, and my, my, does it look angry... and quite solid.

How long can one go asking for companionship before something comes to answer?

necromancer x creation. fantasy. dark. codependency. potential dystopia and/or romance.
((Ooc: This needs some serious fleshing out and tweaking. Bear with me.))

Character A always was too smart for their own good. Always a little too curious, a little too ambitious. Where everyone else reached for the stars, they wanted the whole galaxy, and nothing short of the galaxy would do. Impossible? Maybe. Were they mad? Probably. It didn't matter though, because Character B had always stood by their side, and if they had Character B's support and adoration, nothing else mattered. All they needed was B. They were obsessed. Character A couldn't exist without B. Couldn't breathe. They needed B.

But Character A was meddling in something bigger than them. They get recruited. An organization wants their knowledge to assist them in producing a medicine that will slow the progress of disease, so known cures have more time to take effect. A fast spreading cancer can be halted so it can be removed before it can grow. A disease that causes advanced aging can be stopped entirely. But Character B doesn't like it. Something doesn't seem right, and it's only a matter of time before B's good sense proved to be correct. That research wasn't for medicine at all. It was meant to be a weapon of war. Soldiers who can never tire. Soldiers who can be shot, and keep fighting. Forever.

Something goes wrong. Maybe it's due to the research. Maybe it's a freak accident. Either way, though, B sacrificed themselves to save Character A. After all, Character A was always too smart for their own good, but Character B wasn't stupid. They saw the risks. They knew the dangers. And they paid the ultimate price for knowing.

Knowledge, after all, is a dangerous thing.

Character A was inconsolable, of course... but they're too smart for their own good, and some way or another, they found a way to bring B back to life. It's not true life... but B is the same as they always were, except there's holes in their memory they cannot explain. Things that they do remember, that don't make sense, like images of being somewhere dark, and being unable to move, or memories of fire. And Character A looked different than they remember. Older. And for some reason, B doesn't feel right. Like something was horribly, horribly wrong, and they're so cold. Why were they so cold?

It's hard to explain someone coming back. Especially if the technology used to do so was supposed to belong to the organization A was working for, and the longer B's up and walking, the more they seem to struggle. Animals fear them. They don't hunger... and sometimes, just sometimes, they don't seem to be like B at all. They seem angry. Volatile. Like maybe, just maybe, B's intuition is correct, and maybe? Maybe they really aren't quite right.

...I swear I don't just write dark/scary things.
Fandom Cravings
So here's a list of my current fandom cravings, with a few pairings sprinkled in. The pairings are not all-inclusive, so ask away if you don't see something! Underlined characters are the ones I'd prefer to play, but I'm flexible. AU, crossovers, and rare!pairs are also welcome and encouraged!

  • Demon Slayer
    • Inosuke x Tanjiro (aged up)
  • Naruto (AU or canon-divergent only because I stopped mid-Akatsuki.)
    • Kakashi x Iruka
  • Mob Psycho 100 (anime only for now)
    • Reigen x Mob (Platonic only)
    • Reigen x Serizawa
  • Mushi-Shi
  • Promare
    • Galo x Lio
  • Yu Yu Hakusho
    • Hiei x Kurama
    • Yusuke x Kurama
    • Kuronue x Kurama
Most things from the 90's/2000's, to be honest. Let me relive my childhood.

  • Ace Attorney
    • Phoenix x Edgeworth
  • Dandelion! Wishes Brought to You (more interested in something based on this)
  • Danganronpa (Currently watching Hope/Despair, about to start 3)
    • Komaeda x Hinata
    • Toko x Komaru
  • Dragon Age series
  • .//Hack GU
    • Haseo x Endrance
    • Haseo x Kuhn
  • Harvest Moon
  • Persona 3/4/5/Strikers
    • Fem!3MC x Aigis
    • Souji x Yosuke
    • Souji x Kanji
    • Chie x Yukiko
    • Ann x Makoto
    • Akira x Yusuke
    • Akira x Mishima
    • Akira x Akechi (I used to hate this ship so I've officially lost all control of my life due to P5R)
    • Akira x Kasumi
    • Ryuji x Sophia
  • Pokemon (ocxoc preferred for now! I've played/beaten all main games and most spin-offs.)
  • Rune Factory series
  • Spirit Hunter series
    • Akira x Seiji
  • Story of Seasons
  • The World Ends with You
    • Joshua x Neku
  • Yakuza 0-6 (Always craving. Help. Just started 7, might restart series after. Haven't played the spinoff games.)
    • Majima x Kiryu
    • Majima x Nishitani
    • Kiryu x Nishiki
    • Kiryu x Akiyama
    • Akiyama x Hana
    • Daigo x Mine
  • Yuppie Psycho

  • Avatar: The Last Airbender
    • Sokka x Zuko (aged up)
  • Good Omens (Book and/or TV version)
    • Aziraphale x Crowley
  • Harry Potter (Craving. Rowling is absolute trash so I'm rubbing my queer hands ALL OVER IT out of spite)
    • Harry x Draco (I have plots! )
    • Ginny x Luna
    • Hermione x Pansy
  • The Magnus Archives (I'm a new listener and just started S2. I am catching up fast.)
  • SCP Foundation Database (maybe)

This thread has been updated on 02/18/22.
Please pm me if interested!
Do not post unless private messages are not an option. Thank you!​

  • ABOUT ME: 29, she/her, panromantic ace, EST. You can call me Jenna. I'm a legal assistant working to get my paralegal degree so that stupid English degree I earned isn't so useless, so I'm probably tired 3/4 of the time. I have a girlfriend and two fur children. One of them has a perpetual blep, and it's great. (It's not my girlfriend, for the record. It's my dog. Just to clarify.) I like videogames, books, and music, and I'll happily fawn over those things with you if OOC is your jam. I write third person, past tense.

    YOU: You're preferably 18+ because I'm old and roleplaying with minors is weird. It's not you, it's me. I'm old. Otherwise, I just want a decent grasp on spelling and grammar from you, and for you to contribute to the plot/story. I also prefer that you also write third person, past tense. That's it. Jazz hands.

    PREFERRED WRITING MEDIUM: Threads > private messages > anything else. It's a hard no from me to use discord for rp unless that's your hill to die on. That said, the character limits kill me. I am weak and caved, so I now write on discord sometimes. Mostly, I use discord for ooc after talking on-site long enough to know you aren't a creep. I'd really prefer to stay on-site, but ya girl just wants to write.

    POSTING FREQUENCY: On my end, I can post once a week minimum, unless life happens. I'd promise more, but I work full time at a law office, I'm a student, and I also have depression. I'm not going to promise more than I know I can actually give; it's not fair to either of us. As for you, a post is a post. I'm super patient-- if it takes you two months, we're good as long as I know you aren't dead in a ditch somewhere.

    POSTING LENGTH: I like writing lengthier posts, and can easily go above 1,000 words if given enough to work with. I won't force myself, and some scenes require far less, but that's how I tend to write. Prefer shorter posts? Okay, just let me know. As long as I have enough to work with, we're golden. That said, I probably need more than a paragraph from you or I'll lose interest.

    ROMANCE: It's not necessary to write with me. Platonic relationships are underrated. If there is romance, though, it has to develop slowly and naturally-- give me that slow burn romance with a dash of pining, and I'm happy. As for orientation: gay/queer romance > hetero romance. I'm not straight. My characters tend not to be either. I can and will write cishet romance, but it has to be a dang good plot. (For some reason, the last couple of cishet roleplays I've had were as shallow as a kiddie pool, and it's made me wary. So: a really good plot or bust.)

    FANDOM: Heck yeah. I only do canon x canon or oc x oc, with a huge preference for canon characters. Sorry, but I've been burned one too many times to mix the two. You cannot currently convince me otherwise: my free time is too limited right now for me to consider writing things that I know is a gamble.

    FACE CLAIMS: I literally couldn't care less about this. Want to use them? Cool. Have a preference for real people/anime? Cool, let's do that thing you prefer. Don't like to use them? Sweet, let me describe my character in text. I'll follow your lead because I couldn't care less. Honestly, I don't know why this is a hill people die on; until five minutes ago I didn't even know there was a hill. My lands are flat and relatively corpseless, apparently.

    OOC: Optional, but a bonus. I like sharing headcanons, playlists, mood boards, memes, ect. Not your cup of tea? That's fine, I'll just hoard them like some weird meme gremlin. It's what the good lord would have wanted.

    NOPE: I will never do anything involving the following: pregnancy, furries, incest, high school settings, pure "crack" plots, slave/master dynamics, and anything involving needles because I'm phobic. Unsure of something? Just ask.

    CLOSING: PLEASE have something in mind when you contact me. It doesn't have to be something extremely concrete; an inkling of a plot or just a character you'd like to play is an excellent start. Let's just say it's a pet peeve of mine to be asked what I want to do when I've given someone a list. Literally. If you can't decide between a few things, that's fine! Just... don't be that roleplayer that asks, "You want to rp Umbrella Academy? Or these fifty other things on your list?" and we're good. Yes, I want to write that, that's why I listed it, you absolute chestnut. I'm old and cranky; don't make me come over there.

    The obligatory rules post is complete. Onward to the actual interesting things, yeah?
Last edited:
Hey, I’m absolutely enthralled with you and your writing style! I kind of hop back and fourth on rp nation but I’m absolutely interested. I would love to do oc x oc, and I particularly love the two plots you’ve written. For whatever reason I can only imagine mothman as the imaginary friend though, ahah. Maybe we could do a little something with this, and add a kind of ganders twist to it? (Not cheesy - I hate using that word but, I like playing with obsession/ psychological ideas.) and the imaginary friend is really just this entity from the 1700’s that kind of manifested as the angry spirit of burnt witches and such, giving it this acute fear of fire or something,Lol.
I’m also just a huge sucker for creature + human dynamics. Would you prefer playing the creature or human?

im totally going on and on here. But point is, I am hella interested! You seem great!
Hey, I’m absolutely enthralled with you and your writing style! I kind of hop back and fourth on rp nation but I’m absolutely interested. I would love to do oc x oc, and I particularly love the two plots you’ve written. For whatever reason I can only imagine mothman as the imaginary friend though, ahah. Maybe we could do a little something with this, and add a kind of ganders twist to it? (Not cheesy - I hate using that word but, I like playing with obsession/ psychological ideas.) and the imaginary friend is really just this entity from the 1700’s that kind of manifested as the angry spirit of burnt witches and such, giving it this acute fear of fire or something,Lol.
I’m also just a huge sucker for creature + human dynamics. Would you prefer playing the creature or human?

im totally going on and on here. But point is, I am hella interested! You seem great!
Nice to meet you, Vesper! I'm guilty of hopping back and forth on here as well, but I'm trying to make a home here this time seeing as how the site I came from has been on a steady decline for... gosh, I want to say years now? It's sad, but I need to plant roots somewhere, so here I am. (Even still, it took me months to even post a search thread so I'm not good at putting roots down. Oops.)

I'm totally fine with the imaginary friend being some sort of cryptid! Not sure about mothman, mostly due to the weird statue of it in god knows where, USA, but also because the only bits of the mythos for mothman that I'm familiar with are related to the bridge collapse stories in California. (I do love cryptids though.) I'm also not placing ganders, although I feel as though it's ringing some very vague bell. Can you elaborate on that? It feels like an itch I can't scratch right now, because it's familiar but also not. (Like I wanted to say creepypasta, but that doesn't seem right, and I don't recall it being something in any of the other creepy things I consume which is frankly obscene in its quantity alone, so I'm at a total loss.) I am, however, a big fan of playing up the obsession and psychological bits, and I'm, again, all for creatures and humans interacting, so I'm very interested!

And honestly? I'm open to either role. I've written something for this plot a long time ago that never quite got off of the ground as the imaginary friend, but they weren't quite as cryptid as what you have in mind. (Still something "other," but more human than creature.) I'll try to hunt it down and post it in a bit, if you'd like? It's from the dying rp site I mentioned earlier, ha. I love writing spooky characters, but it's fun being on the receiving end and being terrified, too.
Nice to meet you, Vesper! I'm guilty of hopping back and forth on here as well, but I'm trying to make a home here this time seeing as how the site I came from has been on a steady decline for... gosh, I want to say years now? It's sad, but I need to plant roots somewhere, so here I am. (Even still, it took me months to even post a search thread so I'm not good at putting roots down. Oops.)

I'm totally fine with the imaginary friend being some sort of cryptid! Not sure about mothman, mostly due to the weird statue of it in god knows where, USA, but also because the only bits of the mythos for mothman that I'm familiar with are related to the bridge collapse stories in California. (I do love cryptids though.) I'm also not placing ganders, although I feel as though it's ringing some very vague bell. Can you elaborate on that? It feels like an itch I can't scratch right now, because it's familiar but also not. (Like I wanted to say creepypasta, but that doesn't seem right, and I don't recall it being something in any of the other creepy things I consume which is frankly obscene in its quantity alone, so I'm at a total loss.) I am, however, a big fan of playing up the obsession and psychological bits, and I'm, again, all for creatures and humans interacting, so I'm very interested!

And honestly? I'm open to either role. I've written something for this plot a long time ago that never quite got off of the ground as the imaginary friend, but they weren't quite as cryptid as what you have in mind. (Still something "other," but more human than creature.) I'll try to hunt it down and post it in a bit, if you'd like? It's from the dying rp site I mentioned earlier, ha. I love writing spooky characters, but it's fun being on the receiving end and being terrified, too.
Ahh honestly I’d love to hear more about this. And I’m curious as to see you write as the creature/imaginary friend. I’m a sucker for the.. lets say; monster in Paris kind of dynamic,Loll.

It isn’t any kind of urban legend or creepypasta, I solely love the idea of this imaginary friend being some kind of incarnated spirit of rage or agony. Or that it has been around for hundreds of years and for whatever reason, decided to plant itself here.
For timelines and things, where would we take off? Start young and skim through the years before lets say late teens early twenties - before things begin to resurface?
Hey - if you’re up for it (I’m indifferent to face claims, and do not mind wether it’s realistic face claims or cartoon,) we could send those over discord. I’m aware you are kind of iffy on there. If you have any other platform you’d prefer, let me know!
Hopefully??? That fixed my coding issues. I swear I posted, came back a few days later, and then EVERYTHING was wonky. That took longer to fix than expected but hey: new and (hopefully) improved.)
Your about has quite intrigued me because you tick a lot of boxes with what I like as well (I am a bit older than the average, I work at the hospital so what is free time, slow burn/development when romance is included is also what I am most comfortable with). It's been a while that I did anything ATLA but I used to write Zuko. Would you like to chat about a plot?
Your about has quite intrigued me because you tick a lot of boxes with what I like as well (I am a bit older than the average, I work at the hospital so what is free time, slow burn/development when romance is included is also what I am most comfortable with). It's been a while that I did anything ATLA but I used to write Zuko. Would you like to chat about a plot?
Sure! I've not written Sokka in a while, either, but I've been rewatching ATLA and feeling nostalgic. I'll shoot you a PM, if that's okay?
Bump. Still looking, but I'll be slow to respond to rp inquiries until Saturday around 1:00 p.m. EST. I have a final exam. (I am so ready to be done with this class. So, so ready.)
Hello! I am really sorry to bother ya, but I was wondering if you would accept someone who meets all of your listed requirements save for being 17 instead of 18+ - you said that it was preferred, not required, so I decided to take my chances. I have been writing for quite a long time, and like to believe that I have a cohesive grasp on the art of literature, and am also looking to hone my craft, as are you.

If you are okay with that, and are looking for some more information, I am specifically looking to do a Pokemon roleplay with you, seeing as it's a fandom I have been drawn to for an extensive length of my lifetime, and enjoy writing stories based in that world - be it Pokemon and Trainer or PMD. Let me know if such a request is acceptable - and you are completely free to deny me if either of these are an issue. I will not take offense to it, nor will I be upset.

Thank you for your time, and I hope to hear from you soon :)
Bump. I need to update my fandoms, but I'm on mobile and that's not happening right now. Looking for 1-2 more partners.

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