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Fantasy The Zodiac Princess OOC

She should pick Delmar. Noel's no good for anyone except his scorpion.

Azura will end up deciding for herself eventually, and who knows maybe Noel will like her in the rp, since he likes books and reading here. <- Also Azura will easily forgive him unlike the other zodiacs, since she is extremely kind. 
Azura will end up deciding for herself eventually, and who knows maybe Noel will like her in the rp, since he likes books and reading here. <- Also Azura will easily forgive him unlike the other zodiacs, since she is extremely kind. 

*looks at Noel, who's brooding in the corner*

Yeah... I don't think he'll end up liking anyone but his scorpion.

@Kairikudo Noel x Scorpion is OTP
*looks at Noel, who's brooding in the corner*

Yeah... I don't think he'll end up liking anyone but his scorpion.

@Kairikudo Noel x Scorpion is OTP

Well Azura doesn't know that Noel only likes his scorpion, since she likes both him and Delmar; so she ended up shipping everybody but Cyrus, and then let her daydreaming get creative with the shipping stories after spying on them for a while. =3
Well Azura doesn't know that Noel only likes his scorpion, since she likes both him and Delmar; so she ended up shipping everybody but Cyrus, and then let her daydreaming get creative with the shipping stories after spying on them for a while. =3

We're all aware that Noel x Scorpion is a crack OTP, right?
Would have been so down to see a gay ship lol

Noel and his scorpion will always be the OTP, so needless to say no girl is getting between that  ;)  Not if Vijay's version of fanfics have anything to say about it at least. Crack ships= best ships  :P
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Would have been so down to see a gay ship lol

Noel and his scorpion will always be the OTP, so needless to say no girl is getting between that  ;)  Not if Vijay's version of fanfics have anything to say about it at least. Crack ships= best ships  :P

Apfel, have I ever told you how much I love you sometimes?

Azura doesn't know that Noel loves his scorpions here, since she keeps thinking that his scorpions are just his friends like Delmar and his crabs.

Apfel, have I ever told you how much I love you sometimes?


Azura: When two of your close friends in the past only love their crabs and scorpions, and not you even though you like them. D=
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Love Stings - Chapter 1

Noel sat in the shade of a palm tree beside the shore of an oasis. He gazed out at the surface of the water, it's surface as smooth as the face of a mirror. In the heat of the day, it was unfortunate that there was not a single breeze to ripple the water's surface, or offer even the slightest amount of relief to the citizens of the nearby desert town. The sun beat down mercilessly, and yet Noel was oddly peaceful. His eyes were closed, and he sat serenely in the slight shade that was offered by the tree which he sat beneath. He remained unaware of the arachnid which was crawling towards him.

Suddenly, Noel's eyes sprung open. He could feel the slender legs of a scorpion crawling across his hand. Ever so gently, he lifted his hand, gazing down at the scorpion which lay in his palm. A slight smile tugged at his lips as he regarded the beautiful, sleek body of the small, venomous creature.

"Hello there little friend," Noel said softly.

His eyes traveled over the scorpion, looking fearlessly upon its deadly but elegant stinger and its dangerous yet strong claws. The scorpion gazed back at him, and they looked upon each other with an almost intimate fondness. In Noel's eyes there was a spark of admiration - as well as, perhaps, something more.
Don't worry Kairi, Vijay will work on rectifying that

Sometimes, I think I amuse myself too much for my own good xD
Kairi: wandering why there is no fanfiction about her and her katanas

Azura: "Because shipping people with someone is more fun, and you guys are in love with objects/animals not an actual person." This is why the other zodiacs don't get along with each other either, since you guys love those.
In that case, Vijay shall begin work upon resolving the horrible lack of fanfiction which exists for Kairi/Katanas. :P
Azura: "Because shipping people with someone is more fun, and you guys are in love with objects/animals not an actual person." This is why the other zodiacs don't get along with each other either, since you guys love those.

Oh so that's what caused the whole thing! Damn us! How could we love objects/animals more than people! 

forgive us Azura

In that case, Vijay shall begin work upon resolving the horrible lack of fanfiction which exists for Kairi/Katanas. :P

Kairi thanks him

even if she hates him.
In that case, Vijay shall begin work upon resolving the horrible lack of fanfiction which exists for Kairi/Katanas. :P

Azura: "Why must you go to the dark side, Vijay? Oh wait, you are already in the dark side. Why must you return to the dark side?"
Love Stings - Chapter 1

Noel sat in the shade of a palm tree beside the shore of an oasis. He gazed out at the surface of the water, it's surface as smooth as the face of a mirror. In the heat of the day, it was unfortunate that there was not a single breeze to ripple the water's surface, or offer even the slightest amount of relief to the citizens of the nearby desert town. The sun beat down mercilessly, and yet Noel was oddly peaceful. His eyes were closed, and he sat serenely in the slight shade that was offered by the tree which he sat beneath. He remained unaware of the arachnid which was crawling towards him.

Suddenly, Noel's eyes sprung open. He could feel the slender legs of a scorpion crawling across his hand. Ever so gently, he lifted his hand, gazing down at the scorpion which lay in his palm. A slight smile tugged at his lips as he regarded the beautiful, sleek body of the small, venomous creature.

"Hello there little friend," Noel said softly.

His eyes traveled over the scorpion, looking fearlessly upon its deadly but elegant stinger and its dangerous yet strong claws. The scorpion gazed back at him, and they looked upon each other with an almost intimate fondness. In Noel's eyes there was a spark of admiration - as well as, perhaps, something more.



Kairi: wandering why there is no fanfiction about her and her katanas

*eyes widen*

*scurries off to fulfill this request*
Passion on the Battlefield - Chapter 1

Kairi stood, her chest rising and falling heavily as she gazed upon the fallen warriors which had foolishly attempted to best her in combat. It was foolish because she had yet to taste the bitterness of defeat, for no man nor woman could ever hope to match her skill with the blade. Knowing this, Kairi found herself wondering if she would ever meet the one who could become her equal. Could it be that she was too strong? Too skilled? Kairi was momentarily filled with a sense of dread that she would never find anyone with whom she could confidently say was good enough for her. Yet she could not compromise her standards, for to accept any less than her equal would be a stain upon her honor as a warrior.

As she pondered this, Kairi noticed enemies beginning to climb the hill towards her. She readied her katanas, and it was then that she was suddenly struck by an epiphany. Of course! How could she have been so blind? Kairi already was in possession of the one thing which would truly match her strength. Her faithful katanas, metal shining in the light of the setting sun, appeared more beautiful than any living being whom Kairi had encountered. Her weapons had served her in countless battles, always by her side and always capable of protecting her. They were the pinnacle of perfection, and no person could ever hope to compare to that.

Her confidence renewed in full, Kairi tightened her grip on the hilts of each sword, holding her katanas poised for attack. The blades became one with her, an extension of herself, and she was filled with the passion she felt for battle. Kairi's senses were heightened and she felt every fiber of her being prepare for the ensuing bloodshed. Confident in her katanas, she knew that together they would always be an unstoppable and inseparable team. They reflected her, and enhanced her, and her love for them ran deep into her very soul. Her katanas were connected with her, and as the enemies drew near, Kairi and her katanas began the elegant dance of combat.
Azura: "Why must you go to the dark side, Vijay? Oh wait, you are already in the dark side. Why must you return to the dark side?"

Because the dark side has crack fanfiction

He simply allies himself with the side which best suits his interests ;)
I didn't realize you'd left it :P  Noel and Vijay need to have a talk, particularly about what being on the "dark" side entails. I'd be up for a falshback-type thing if you want, or as I said Vijay will come to Noel after his conversation with Cancer. Either works for me, though if @Kimona doesn't respond in the next few days I'm just going to have Vijay going to where Scorpio is anyways.
Passion on the Battlefield - Chapter 1

Kairi stood, her chest rising and falling heavily as she gazed upon the fallen warriors which had foolishly attempted to best her in combat. It was foolish because she had yet to taste the bitterness of defeat, for no man nor woman could ever hope to match her skill with the blade. Knowing this, Kairi found herself wondering if she would ever meet the one who could become her equal. Could it be that she was too strong? Too skilled? Kairi was momentarily filled with a sense of dread that she would never find anyone with whom she could confidently say was good enough for her. Yet she could not compromise her standards, for to accept any less than her equal would be a stain upon her honor as a warrior.

As she pondered this, Kairi noticed enemies beginning to climb the hill towards her. She readied her katanas, and it was then that she was suddenly struck by an epiphany. Of course! How could she have been so blind? Kairi already was in possession of the one thing which would truly match her strength. Her faithful katanas, metal shining in the light of the setting sun, appeared more beautiful than any living being whom Kairi had encountered. Her weapons had served her in countless battles, always by her side and always capable of protecting her. They were the pinnacle of perfection, and no person could ever hope to compare to that.

Her confidence renewed in full, Kairi tightened her grip on the hilts of each sword, holding her katanas poised for attack. The blades became one with her, an extension of herself, and she was filled with the passion she felt for battle. Kairi's senses were heightened and she felt every fiber of her being prepare for the ensuing bloodshed. Confident in her katanas, she knew that together they would always be an unstoppable and inseparable team. They reflected her, and enhanced her, and her love for them ran deep into her very soul. Her katanas were connected with her, and as the enemies drew near, Kairi and her katanas began the elegant dance of combat.

*Tears up* this is so beautiful *claps and cheers at the master piece*

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