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Fantasy The Zodiac Princess OOC


Trash Writer \ouo/
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The profile thread is up. I put the link at the top as well as some rules for the rp and the threads in general. I will be gone this weekend but will try to check the threads on my phone. I will be putting the rp thread itself up in the morning. 
I made the Thread for the rp. I am hoping to get all the profiles up over the weekend so that when I return. If you have any questions feel free to ask me. I will do my best to respond. Please read the background as it will help with your character creation and give you an idea of what will be going on in the rp. 
Welcome to the OC thread. Since you joined that means we have two more slots, which I can get filled if there isn't anyone interested by Sunday night. I'm excited for this. ^-^ First time being in a group rp in a while. 
I'm particularly excited to see what other people come up with for their characters :) I'm working hard to construct a good character who will fit the Capricorn zodiac well, so hopefully I do okay with that. Though with group roleplays it can be very fun to see what character dynamics end up being established, so that's what I'm most looking forward to.

It's been awhile (a couple months) since I was in a group rp as well, but I enjoy them a lot. Hopefully this will be a fun experience for all ^_^
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I'm in many group RPs, but they're all Hosted Projects, so I'm not used to this type of format for things. You'll all have to forgive my ignorance. ^^'
I'm in many group RPs, but they're all Hosted Projects, so I'm not used to this type of format for things. You'll all have to forgive my ignorance. ^^'

I think the main difference between this type of rp and hosted projects is that everything is compiled into a single thread. Specifically, everything that happens in an rp is confined to one of three threads, and all of the characters are posted to the same thread as well. A separate thread for roleplaying, characters, and chat are made, but all relevent information to each thread is pasted within that thread. Other than that, there aren't many significant differences.
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I think the main difference between this type of rp and hosted projects is that everything is compiled into a single thread. Specifically, everything that happens in an rp is contained to one thread, and all of the characters are posted to the same thread as well. Other than that, there aren't many significant differences.

Fair enough. But I do like Hosted Projects a bit better, because of everything being in one place, to be honest. 
Fair enough. But I do like Hosted Projects a bit better, because of everything being in one place, to be honest. 

Hosted projects are pretty similar to what most forum rp sites do. This site used to have a unique format that was functional and not as complex as hosted projects, making it rather ideal. However, that was somewhat disrupted,  and though the "regular" rp threads attempt to mimic it, it's not quite as functional anymore. Initially, everything was connected by tabs, and one could switch to different tabs of the rp by clicking on them at the top of the page. So it would be very easy to navigate between them.

The site was updated back in August, and the tabs were no longer part of the site. Thus, this resulted in the regular rps becoming disconnected. I think that there may be a future update which restore the usage of tabs and make this form much more convenient. Hopefully that change comes  soon.  As of now though, I completely agree that hosted projects tend to be a bit more functional. Still, once you're following all three relevant threads it should become easier to use this particular format since you can navigate to a given thread through notifications (not as convenient as hosted projects, but it'll be functional enough).
o-o I'm afraid I'm not sure what a hosted project is. I hope the tabs come back as well as it was much easier than switching to different parts of the forums. I am, however, used to doing things that way as every other site I used we either did it that way to the profiles were just put in the same thread as the rping it self and there was a separate ooc thread. I haven't done much exploring of the update though I really hope the tab comes back. It was the best way I have ever seen rps organized. I also hope they fix the issue where you don't get updated when stuff is posted in your threads x.x that is why it takes me so long to reply to stuff. 
Hosted projects are pretty similar to what most forum rp sites do. This site used to have a unique format that was functional and not as complex as hosted projects, making it rather ideal. However, that was somewhat disrupted,  and though the "regular" rp threads attempt to mimic it, it's not quite as functional anymore. Initially, everything was connected by tabs, and one could switch to different tabs of the rp by clicking on them at the top of the page. So it would be very easy to navigate between them.

The site was updated back in August, and the tabs were no longer part of the site. Thus, this resulted in the regular rps becoming disconnected. I think that there may be a future update which restore the usage of tabs and make this form much more convenient. Hopefully that change comes  soon.  As of now though, I completely agree that hosted projects tend to be a bit more functional. Still, once you're following all three relevant threads it should become easier to use this particular format since you can navigate to a given thread through notifications (not as convenient as hosted projects, but it'll be functional enough).

Oh, I'm aware. I joined the site about a week before the update. ^^
Oh, it was. Especially since my very first RP on the site died soon after ;-;

I've definitely gotten used to it, that's for sure!

It was a pretty tumultuous time, and I think a lot of  people ended up abandoning the  site. Though I think a lot of the changes  have been good ones ^_^  So  much drama went down though. It was kinda hilarious, though I felt bad for the staff who had to put up with it. I'm happy that the community is still going strong :3
Ahhh. I'm so excited. Only one more spot left x.x I almost don't want to leave this weekend so I can go ahead and start the rp when that last spot gets requested. Cancer is the last zodiac available <3
Reading peoples' character sheets is fun ^_^ I'm already imagining what Vijay thinks of them all. I suspect he will be silently judging them highly respectful to them all lol. There are some fun personalities people are coming up with, and the characters are pretty well related to the zodiac signs. I'm excited to read more :)

What I really don't get is what initiated the change.

This isn't 100% clear to me either, which is why I left my character's reasoning a bit vague. My understanding is it's the classic "why do we have to serve humans when we're better and more powerful?" reasoning that led to the conflict, though perhaps it differs a bit from character to character. In general though, the change was probably a fairly gradual thing of the signs getting increasingly frustrated (either with serving humans or with having to put up with the more corrupt aspects of humanity). That was my impression at least.

There also seems to be a degree of a corrupting element of "the darkness"? I'm not entirely sure if it was a 100% willing exposure corruption that came as a result of rebellion, or if it was a catalyst that characters were not entirely aware of or in control of. Perhaps you can clear that up @Buffasaur?
Yeh , all the characters that are currently up are pretty cool and I have to agree with the fact there pretty accurate when it comes to the star signs themselves. I cant wait to see what the others have in store for us.

To better explain, or try to anyway, Scorpio was the first one to begin showing signs of corruption. He never really liked humans as he felt they should not have to protect such weak creatures. I haven't developed the exact aspect of where the corruption came from as the story that this rp is being based on i am still working on but i will probably have it as something created by Scorpio himself, either from his anger or something he came across himself. The zodiac that go with uer were pretty much convinced of his same opinion by his constant asking of "why should we keep doing this? Why protect such weak creatures?" Scorpio essentially wanted to rule over the humans. The mistake was upon Scorpio trying to convince one of the zodiac that are loyal to the princess and their telling the princess. The thing that officially caused the "evil" zodiac  (essentially they could be called fallen zodiac as well if that appeals more) to leave was a huge argument and them refusing to keep serving the humans. I hope that helps. Feel free to ask whenever you have questions about the story. I know i suck at explaining stuff xD

The story will probably change a bit as i do more planning and if you guys have any suggestions i will gladly accept them. I won't officially start writing my novel until November.

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