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Fantasy The Zodiac Princess OOC

Vijay would probably praise Azura for her... creativity, and have no comment other than that lol. Though inwardly his reaction would be quite different.
Vijay would probably praise Azura for her... creativity, and have no comment other than that lol. Though inwardly his reaction would be quite different.

He would be nicer than Kairi would be. Kairi would be in too much shock to realize how thoughtless her words were to Azura
Lol who knows? He might surprise you with what he chooses to do with this information.
I wonder what Vijay would use that for, since not all of the shipping on her list are correct here.

Azura's shipping story with Noel and Delmar is actually the most funniest, since she really got creative with that one. Also the weird thing about that shipping story is that it already mentioned about Noel killing a princess, and this was before she talked to Kairi in the past too. =3
He has his own nefarious purposes u_u The nerd lord Vijay has many uses for that sort of information.

And if Azura wrote a story about Noel killing a princess, then I have some serious concern about how she sees the other zodiacs. Might need to send her to a counselor to work through that apparent dark side that her mind has.
Yeah. Azura ended up making the story have a happy ending though, and Noel killing a princess part was to make the story more interesting here.
Heila would beg to differ on the idea that a story where the princess dies could have a happy ending. She would be highly disapproving of that lol
It's not the zodiac princess though, since the princess in the story was evil. Also the story is not about the princess, since she isn't the main character. Azura is the main character in that story. xD
You sure she's not on the renegade side? lol

The idea of the zodiac princess being evil/corrupted was circulated around on their side after all.

Though seriously, it is interesting how invested she is in playing matchmaker. There's always one person in any friend group who does that (either secretly or brazenly)  :P  
Yeah; but this was before this whole situation was going on here, and she had no clue about this. 

Btw that story has a sequel, and the evil princess ended up being reincarnated into a normal boy, who wanted to move on from the past by an goddess.

Azura ended up dating with someone here, and they ended up living in harmony with Azura's new friends on her journey. <- I am not telling you if it's Noel or Delmar, since that is an surprise.
Lol well I won't be impressed unless she can accurately guess Vijay's motivations behind why he joined the renegade side. I have indeed come up with a reason and am just waiting for the best time to reveal it ^_^  Though it is funny that her fanfictions are weirdly accurate in predicting future events (event though they may lack some accuracy in respect to other things  :P )
That is the weird and funny part about Azura's shipping story, since stories can sometimes be weirdly accurate in predicting future events. But the creator of the story or the people reading it will never know about it until later; plus this only adds more prove that Azura can predict the future. Although she sometimes does it without knowing about it.

Azura do sometimes notice it like with the crows hanging around outside of the princess's room, but most of the time she doesn't even notice it. =3
I wonder what Vijay would use that for, since not all of the shipping on her list are correct here.

Azura's shipping story with Noel and Delmar is actually the most funniest, since she really got creative with that one. Also the weird thing about that shipping story is that it already mentioned about Noel killing a princess, and this was before she talked to Kairi in the past too. =3

He has his own nefarious purposes u_u The nerd lord Vijay has many uses for that sort of information.

And if Azura wrote a story about Noel killing a princess, then I have some serious concern about how she sees the other zodiacs. Might need to send her to a counselor to work through that apparent dark side that her mind has.

I ship Noel and his scorpion.

Nothing else will work out due to his lack of self-esteem.

Which one's Delmar again?
Delmar and Noel aren't actually shipped with anybody in the rp, Anime; since they don't know about this. Azura ended up making a shipping list in her journal from the past. =3
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If Noel burned Azura's journal up, she will be angry at him. Also I never said that Delmar and Noel were gay in Azura's shipping story, since one of them ends up being with her in the end. xD
If Noel burned Azura's journal up, she will be angry at him. Also I never said that Delmar and Noel were gay in Azura's shipping story, since one of them ends up being with her in the end. xD

Then Noel won't have to have any awkward moments. Alright, I'm okay with that.

Though I must point out Noel ships himself with death the girl that died all those years ago who was extremely charitable

Ah, references to character sheets
Yeah, but Noel has no idea that Azura likes him here. Also it's a bad idea to burn that journal up, since it strangely predicted the future even though not everything is 100% accurate.

Azura also likes Delmar too, but she doesn't know who to pick here. =3
Yeah, but Noel has no idea that Azura likes him here. Also it's a bad idea to burn that journal up, since it strangely predicted the future even though not everything is 100% accurate.

Azura also likes Delmar too, but she doesn't know who to pick here. =3

She should pick Delmar. Noel's no good for anyone except his scorpion.
I ship Kairi with her katanas because there is no greater love than a girl and the tools she uses to kill people with.

I'm kidding of coarse.

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