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Fantasy The Zodiac Princess OOC

At some point, one can't take on all the blame for another person crying. There's always factors to take into account, such as that individual's level of sensitivity and how upset they were before you even started talking to them. So to be entirely fair to your character, it wasn't his fault that she was crying in the first place, so it shouldn't reflect all that negatively on him that she was crying more because of a fairly casual conversation.

Azura is a crybaby when people are saying stuff like that, and Cyrus isn't helping with this either. <- She is a Pisces after all, so of course she is oversensitive. 
Ehh....I had planned for them to be bad, information was shared, now it's just he. Whatever at this point xD  Like if ya want your character to be bad go ahead if not it's just whatever. There may eventually be some actual villains I meant wah <.< >.> I said nothing. *goes back to working on character planning for my novel*
Azura is a crybaby when people are saying stuff like that, and Cyrus isn't helping with this either. <- She is a Pisces after all, so of course she is oversensitive. 

Yeah but over sensitivity is on her lol. Cyrus can't do anything to change that, so he can't be held entirely responsible for upsetting her (and neither can Adam really).
Yeah but over sensitivity is on her lol. Cyrus can't do anything to change that, so he can't be held entirely responsible for upsetting her (and neither can Adam really).

Yep, and usually Cancer is there to calm her down here. xD
Sorry for being scarce you guys >_< I'm working on a presentation that's due Tuesday and I've been spending the weekend researching. If anyone is particularly waiting on me (as in you can't continue without me posting), let me know and I'll respond asap. Though I don't think I've left anyone hanging. Heila's just got to beat up a snake and Vijay just has to deal with potential paparazzi(?) or curious people who might respond to Clair's attempt to inconvenience Vijay. But if I've forgotten anything, please don't hesitate to remind me :)

Also, if anyone would like to do some flashback scenes (since my characters don't seem likely to engage with anyone in particular any time soon) let me know. I'll still be preparing for my presentation for a few days, but I'll be around for a little while Monday and Tuesday (and maybe a little on Wednesday night, if my schedule allows it). I should definitely have more free time on Thursday and the weekend though. So expect me around a lot more after that ^_^  I'd really like to get a chance to interact with other peoples' characters more (and perhaps showcase a bit of Capricorn's earlier personality and see how other characters will play off it).
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Sorry for being scarce you guys >_< I'm working on a presentation that's due Tuesday and I've been spending the weekend researching. If anyone is particularly waiting on me (as in you can't continue without me posting), let me know and I'll respond asap. Though I don't think I've left anyone hanging. Heila's just got to beat up a snake and Vijay just has to deal with potential paparazzi(?) or curious people who might respond to Clair's attempt to inconvenience Vijay. But if I've forgotten anything, please don't hesitate to remind me :)

Also, if anyone would like to do some flashback scenes (since my characters don't seem likely to engage with anyone in particular any time soon) let me know. I'll still be preparing for my presentation for a few days, but I'll be around for a little while Monday and Tuesday (and maybe a little on Wednesday night, if my schedule allows it). I should definitely have more free time on Thursday and the weekend though. So expect me around a lot more after that ^_^

I'd be happy to do a flashback with you.
I'd be happy to do a flashback with you.

Awesome ^_^ We can probably start it tonight even if you're up for it. I just have to finish up my literature review for my presentation (which should be in maybe a half hour?) and I'll be up for a little while after that :)
They are for later x.x Cheshire was supposed to mention it for happydeath but she got busy. They aren't for right now. 

I had confirmed this with Buffasaur. The Zodiac Hunter will only be that character and Gothika's character simply because I had noticed we have no...real...actual...villain for the roleplay. He will not make any appearance any time soon..but rather later on into the roleplay when things are a bit more..."settled"...and it is also for the sake of my computer...to rid mahself..of allllll of dem tabs I have up X.X
They are for later x.x Cheshire was supposed to mention it for happydeath but she got busy. They aren't for right now. 

Oh okay, I was just concerned cuz I didn't remember any mention of it. I follow the character thread, so I was like "Whaaaaa" when I saw it. 


I had confirmed this with Buffasaur. The Zodiac Hunter will only be that character and Gothika's character simply because I had noticed we have no...real...actual...villain for the roleplay. He will not make any appearance any time soon..but rather later on into the roleplay when things are a bit more..."settled"...and it is also for the sake of my computer...to rid mahself..of allllll of dem tabs I have up X.X

Sounds good. Was just being paranoid.
@AnimeGenork No worries. I wouldn't dream of adding any more characters right now xD  We are still trying to get everything on track so no more new characters for now.
Awesome ^_^ We can probably start it tonight even if you're up for it. I just have to finish up my literature review for my presentation (which should be in maybe a half hour?) and I'll be up for a little while after that :)

Would you like to plan it out in the PMs?
Capricorn is an "actual villain" gosh darn it >3> Lol xD

But a hunter is a particularly interesting contribution. I have to wonder why so many villains are obsessed with blood though ha ha. If that's a prerequisite to being a villain, Capricorn falls a bit short in that respect :P

Would you like to plan it out in the PMs?

Sure that'll work for me :)

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