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Fantasy The Zodiac Princess OOC

@ApfelSeine xD  We know hehe. We just have stuff planned for later owo. Also I like pinging you because after typing in Apfel you are the only one that pops up xD
:D  That's awesome! I didn't know that was what it meant. I was wondering where you got your name from. That's pretty cool. ^^

Lol my username conveys three things: I like fruit, I like the German language, and I can't spell anything properly :P The literal translation of my username is "apple his", but what I was trying to say was "apfelsine", which is the antiquated German word for orange. I used it back in middle school when I created my username on deviantart. Even after I realized I was spelling it wrong, I kept it up because no one uses that particular (mis)spelling as a username. So now it's the username I use on pretty much every site. It's also fairly reflective of the fact that spelling is not my strong suit. Thank goodness for spellcheck ;)
Lol my username conveys three things: I like fruit, I like the German language, and I can't spell anything properly :P The literal translation of my username is "apple his", but what I was trying to say was "apfelsine", which is the antiquated German word for orange. I used it back in middle school when I created my username on deviantart. Even after I realized I was spelling it wrong, I kept it up because no one uses that particular (mis)spelling as a username. So now it's the username I use on pretty much every site. It's also fairly reflective of the fact that spelling is not my strong suit. Thank goodness for spellcheck ;)


Haha. Same here. Mine is more from typing too fast most of the time. I get to into typing and end up typing really fast.
Capricorn is an "actual villain" gosh darn it >3> Lol xD

But a hunter is a particularly interesting contribution. I have to wonder why so many villains are obsessed with blood though ha ha. If that's a prerequisite to being a villain, Capricorn falls a bit short in that respect :P

Sure that'll work for me :)

I already made plans for her not to like Capricorn
I already made plans for her not to like Capricorn

Lol that's fine. They do say that Capricorn and Gemini aren't particularly compatible anyways. Though I'm not one to put much stock into that xD It'll all be down to how characters play off one another in my opinion.
I spent my entire class period drawing Vijay as he looked before growing his hair out lol. At the very least today was a fairly easy school day :P

Kinda unsure what to do with Noel

Why'd I make him such a whiny little emo

Lol I enjoy his emoness.

Wanna do a flashback with Taurus? I'm around for most of the afternoon (in between working on my presentation for tomorrow) so it could give you something to do :)

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