The New OOC and Hangout

Gus Gus The depowering gas will eventually get her, like Harry who can hold his breathe indefinitely - the particulates will get in the nose, the eyes, the lips, and even eventually seep through the skin.

As for being not-a-fish... what did she look like when she was born?
Oh and one last thing: I was thinking about the fact that Manami has gills, and how that is usually a weakness, causing her to get slow and stupid and lose strength rapidly on land... What do people think about that turning into a strength in this case? To be specific: I don't think the depowering gas or the tear gas would effect her at all, or if at all, in much reduced fashion. She has nictating membranes, can't cry, and most of all, I don't even know what depowering would look like when you are basically a fish. She turns into NOT a fish? Help me out here people, you're my only hope.
I consider physical changes off-limits, even if they were caused by the supergene, it is part of their DNA now... There's only so much we can do about it. Limiters and the like don't affect them at all, unless you're a shifter super (which would bring them back to their real form). If it was my character I would be going the same path as you are, would probably lock Manami out of 'hulk' mode and wind her down even more.

Just my two cents~

Though, looking at it again, I might be wrong. (That's what I get for replying too fast >w<)
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Gus Gus Even at that speed, it would be like connecting with a pool of water. Depending on the height I guess she could piece it, with enough force, but if she 'falls' from a few stories, it is going to hurt as much as if she fell into a lake from a couple stories up. To make the water wall viable, she needs to give it a significant amount of surface tension. Does that make sense?

If Manami, or any character, asks aloud who is doing the water dome, or asks for the 'unknown super' to do something, Susan will likely oblige. She's not trying to conceal herself from her allies, necessarily, just the obvious knight attackers. With that much water between them and everyone else, she knows anything she says will be too muffled to be heard by the knights right now.
Gus Gus The depowering gas will eventually get her, like Harry who can hold his breathe indefinitely - the particulates will get in the nose, the eyes, the lips, and even eventually seep through the skin.

As for being not-a-fish... what did she look like when she was born?

She was born fishy.

So it is ok if she is resisitant though, if not immune? I like Nessy's idea too, of de-hulking gradually. Still a fish, still breathe under water, but super strength dialed down to normal human eventually. Hell, that might be the only way to calm her down if she gets upset enough.

Syrenrei Syrenrei The surface tension thing makes perfect sense, I was just wondering if the water within the surface tension skin had any 'give' or 'bounce' to it. (A lake, after all, is water all the way down to the ground. Water with air bubble trapped under, i was thinking of more like a water balloon)

She is actually falling from about 1200 feet, but she will turn her flying back on before impact. (After impacting the drone though) Or missing.

Manami has no requests. She just wants to clap and sing out its praises. All hail the water wall! :D
If she was born fishy, the anti-power gas will just.... yeah....... no stat changes for you, i guess?
Gus Gus As yes, okay, I understand now. Yes. The water between the two sides of the wall would be no different than water in the bay. It is slightly more pressurized, but if she broke through the surface tension she would fall the rest of the way through. It would just probably hurt >.>
I have posted a side mission titled "What A CAT-astrophe" in the threads forum! My only rule for joining is that I only want each person to be bringing in one character into the mission! That way we can have some of the newer characters shining forth! Speaking of welian welian make sure to approve some of those characters sometime soon so they can join in!
Naturally, the ticket system we use at work went down for half the day, in addition to shitty wifi and stupidly strong winds. On the bright side, I got a lot of my work done once I threatened my laptop that I would switch over to the backup network. I also spent a third of my lunch with the CEO standing over my shoulder while we figured out how to set up the categories he wanted for a new website.
Naturally, the ticket system we use at work went down for half the day, in addition to shitty wifi and stupidly strong winds. On the bright side, I got a lot of my work done once I threatened my laptop that I would switch over to the backup network. I also spent a third of my lunch with the CEO standing over my shoulder while we figured out how to set up the categories he wanted for a new website.
The kind of standing over the shoulder where he's like actively hanging over or was it more just occasionally coming over to look at the progress made?
The kind of standing over the shoulder where he's like actively hanging over or was it more just occasionally coming over to look at the progress made?
The kind where you're almost just passing the keyboard back and forth, and you kinda wish someone had a laser pointer.

Nice guy, helped himself to some of the candy I keep at my desk. I'm just miffed my ramen got cold.

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