The New OOC and Hangout

I don't think anyone would complain if Mrs. Brahn were trapped in a wall.
I should think she'd have difficulty complaining from inside. Also...

Also, Season 2 antagonists will be a cannibal cult who think they will gain superpowers if they eat supers.

... Definitely not something we discussed in Laz and Ajax's Bogus Journey. Never crossed our mind. Unrelated note, I must speak with you privately sometime today... <.< >.>
Thanks for the concern, but if she is to get shot, she is getting shot.

Kezia is a brutal one, I'll give you that (though the funnel would end up making it tougher seeing Cecil so, harder to aim), but there is a chance they'd just try to disable her instead of killing in the spot.

I guess it's up to Giyari Giyari but Kezia has killed NPCs already demonstrating the willingness to use excessive violence, is currently agitated with having her foot pinned, is trained to kill, and originally here to 'judge supers' through pewpew. It doesn't make much sense for me for her to just 'disable' a threat when she could permanently put it down. Aaron notwithstanding because I'm not even sure if the knights can legitimately hurt him?

I would like to echo Syren's sentiments, though. This has been a concern of mine for a while with player controlled knights. It's my understanding that these characters are here to add gravity to the situation, in a sense that they are not your typical Saturday morning, mustache twirling, albeit just as demented, villains who forget how to aim properly when engaging another player character, like so:


Not saying Kezia should gun down Cecilia on the spot; she might not even see the girl through the water wall or the crowd. However, try not to be so willing to expose your characters to danger? Expecting to only be 'disabled' instead of killed if you do so puts those of us with Knights in a precarious spot. I'd hate to force others to play their character being out of character, and this goes the same way for people with Knights, expendable as these antagonist characters are. If we're pressured into just disabling player characters with our Knights in situations where they could and probably would do much worse given their motives, I don't really see the need for player controlled Knights, is all. I'm not trying to get the cast killed here, but just tossing the perspective out there for those who might not have considered this yet.
Pretty much. Like, if the knights were just expected to be an annoyance and like a speed bump and that's it, NPC's would have sufficed. Buuut they're also player characters, so they have the capacity to do as much damage as the other player characters. Therefore their actions should be considered the same as any other player characters, and be given the same level of caution.
I guess it's up to Giyari Giyari but Kezia has killed NPCs already demonstrating the willingness to use excessive violence, is currently agitated with having her foot pinned, is trained to kill, and originally here to 'judge supers' through pewpew. It doesn't make much sense for me for her to just 'disable' a threat when she could permanently put it down. Aaron notwithstanding because I'm not even sure if the knights can legitimately hurt him?

I would like to echo Syren's sentiments, though. This has been a concern of mine for a while with player controlled knights. It's my understanding that these characters are here to add gravity to the situation, in a sense that they are not your typical Saturday morning, mustache twirling, albeit just as demented, villains who forget how to aim properly when engaging another player character, like so:


Not saying Kezia should gun down Cecilia on the spot; she might not even see the girl through the water wall or the crowd. However, try not to be so willing to expose your characters to danger? Expecting to only be 'disabled' instead of killed if you do so puts those of us with Knights in a precarious spot. I'd hate to force others to play their character being out of character, and this goes the same way for people with Knights, expendable as these antagonist characters are. If we're pressured into just disabling player characters with our Knights in situations where they could and probably would do much worse given their motives, I don't really see the need for player controlled Knights, is all. I'm not trying to get the cast killed here, but just tossing the perspective out there for those who might not have considered this yet.
Oh no, sorry. That was not the impression I wanted to give... I'm not expecting anything, I am not saying this will happen, it's a chance. The last thing I would want people to do is go OOC for me. I don't want that, I don't do that. I may not sound so worried in typing, but trust me I am. I like Cecilia, a lot, but if it comes a point where Giy might go OOC for her to survive then I don't want that. It's supposed to be real danger, and I want it to be so. This is kinda the talk I had with Sy about plot-armor, there are possibilities and possibilities, some that I wish for more than others, but I'd never force such a thing upon other to make them come true.

This kind of scene is something I've been always wanting to happen, tho truth be told in a lesser scale. Maybe if episode 4.5 on the convenience store had gone anywhere it would have happened there, it's a bit of a turning point that eventually would open way for her to be more acquainted and confident about her power... A little push if you will.
I want it to happen, I didn't want it to happen now because it will make things worse for everyone, but like I said before, it is the most accurate thing given her character and the circumstances, there's just nothing else that could happen. All of the variables have allied, you know?

If Giyari Giyari deems that Kezia with 100% chance would shoot to kill and doing anything else would be improbable then I'd give him the order. If this turns out to be goodbye for her, I'd be sad, but I'd be also proud of sticking to my values and honour as a role-player for the good of the group and the story. This is a story, tragedies happen, people die, It's expected and sometimes it's inevitable.

And if someone decide they want to go OOC for me, I'd be mad at them for doing it. This is not how I do things, I am decided to go through with it.
I appreciate the concerns, really, but be sure that I have thought of everything already and come to terms with it.
I am ready for this, whatever happens.

I'd just like to chime in.... I wasn't part of the Discord discussions (obviously) but I know there was a lot of talk about flexibility.

When I was posting for Susan, I was encouraged to be flexible with what actions I could take. Actually, I was pretty much beaten over the head with it! But there is merit to it. There are always choices for characters. Susan could have sent a gigantic tidal wave straight at simj26 simj26 's snipers to take them out. Given everything else being equal, that is probably what she would have done; but that would have derailed the plot and scene. So I looked at other options. What about leaving the scene entirely? Would that make sense? Susan is not afraid of violence, though not as eager to engage as Luther, so she could have also done something brutal, that would in turn have made third parties angry, resulting in the story removing her from Episode 6. Yeesh!

Tonight I hope to write for Luther. She's a loose cannon! With a ton of guns and being an intense woman drawn to risks, she screams someone that could take out a lot of knights and potentially kill herself in the process. Because I am steering her, however, I don't have to take the 'top choice' and can instead veer down a different path that does more for the plot.

Gus Gus and I differ on a lot of things, but I agree with one thing here: keep an eye on the story! And so if I can't squeeze in a cute moment I've been angling for since I joined the RP, or I can't go all MURDERBAT on the Knights so they can stay a real threat for more than three seconds, I'm happy to make that sacrifice.

What I mean to say, Nessy, is while characters might feel alive to us as writers, you don't have to put Cecilia into that position. There are always multiple options open to you. It wouldn't, in my opinion, mean you're doing a disservice to your character. In another RP a fellow writer came up to me and said, "Okay, how can we get our characters to x?" His first suggestion, best for his character, wouldn't work for mine. The second option was less optimal for him, less optimal for me, but it works! So that's what we are doing.

And it's not just about you, it's about everyone. There isn't ever just one option that's right. It's like picking out a flavor of ice cream. One spot might hit the spot better than the rest, but maybe you want your little brother to have the last of it. Maybe you need to save it for tomorrow. You can pick another flavor. The choice is up to you, but it's absolutely a choice.
What I mean to say, Nessy, is while characters might feel alive to us as writers, you don't have to put Cecilia into that position. There are always multiple options open to you. It wouldn't, in my opinion, mean you're doing a disservice to your character. In another RP a fellow writer came up to me and said, "Okay, how can we get our characters to x?" His first suggestion, best for his character, wouldn't work for mine. The second option was less optimal for him, less optimal for me, but it works! So that's what we are doing.

And it's not just about you, it's about everyone. There isn't ever just one option that's right. It's like picking out a flavor of ice cream. One spot might hit the spot better than the rest, but maybe you want your little brother to have the last of it. Maybe you need to save it for tomorrow. You can pick another flavor. The choice is up to you, but it's absolutely a choice.
You're right, it is a choice, this is mine. Because I feel, no more even, I know that anything else that I could do with her would turn OOC. Just as you were in conflict with what to do with Susan because of the character she is, I am decided about this because of the character Cecilia is.

She's more than anything a pacifist, someone that grew up in surrounded by the peace and quiet of nature and was taught to always look for what's best in people. Now you have that person with a possibly dangerous power and she grows afraid of going overboard with things, nay, she grows terrified of herself to the point of not acting because the consequences could be terrible.

Now this person is in the middle of a shooting which she can't understand, is refusing to fight-back and ends in denial over the reality of the situation, because the teachers can solve this, they'd know what to do. They always do.
Except that they don't. Aaron tried being diplomatic and was met with nothing but violence. The fantasy imposed by the denial is shattered just like that, the panic of the situation builds in, she's met with a person that despite her heart wanting to believe has something in good in them, has attacked a peaceful person without motive for it. She's enraged, confused, scared, worried, sad... There's something making her want to absolutely hate this ruthless, awful person with every ounce of her being, burning like the flames of hell and demanding justice but she still can't. She shouldn't. All life is supposed to be precious, protected. Killing someone else is never the way.

Her naive worldview enters in conflict with her feelings, with what she has just saw happen before her eyes. It's as if her inner system is proven broken. It loses its balance and soon there's nothing but despair left.

This is her breaking point.
Her character has been overloaded and tested in each and every possible way, the weight it's just too much to handle.

Will she live to overcome it at a later date? Now, I'm not the one to decide that. The world will.

Part of this conflict it's not even conscious, must I say, Cecilia made it a habit to put her temper at bay since ever and might not even be aware of the negative side of the coin at this point. The human mind it's just tricky like that.

I'm not being stubborn (I mean, maybe a bit?), it's just how her character is built.
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Do you realize.... that I could have argued that Susan was built to take out Simj's snipers, though? And the reason she did not do that is because I am driving her? I don't think anyone is arguing that what Cecilia is going to do is unreasonable, but you keep framing it like this is your only real option... and it's not. And it's not up to the world whether she dies; it's up to other players and what they do.

People say, "Don't drive it OOC!" But on some level we are. This isn't a novel we're writing ourselves. This isn't our lives, where there are things completely beyond our control. No character is driving.

I'm not trying to be mean, but this is really frustrating riding off of me feeling and/or being told I had to be flexible with my Susan post to accommodate other people and/or the plot. It feels, perhaps wrongly, that in one breath I am told that I must make concessions for the plot and story that guides AEGIS, and other characters, but other players and characters absolutely must go down a single path. No other options are available.
Do you realize.... that I could have argued that Susan was built to take out Simj's snipers, though? And the reason she did not do that is because I am driving her? I don't think anyone is arguing that what Cecilia is going to do is unreasonable, but you keep framing it like this is your only real option... and it's not. And it's not up to the world whether she dies; it's up to other players and what they do.

People say, "Don't drive it OOC!" But on some level we are. This isn't a novel we're writing ourselves. This isn't our lives, where there are things completely beyond our control. No character is driving.

I'm not trying to be mean, but this is really frustrating riding off of me feeling and/or being told I had to be flexible with my Susan post to accommodate other people and/or the plot. It feels, perhaps wrongly, that in one breath I am told that I must make concessions for the plot and story that guides AEGIS, and other characters, but other players and characters absolutely must go down a single path. No other options are available.
Okay. Bad move comparing it to your situation, I won't do it again...

This is getting hard to explain...
This is why I role-play okay? This level of deep psyche interpreting, this level of profound fascination for the inner machinations of my characters. This is how I do things, this is what gives me pleasure in this hobby and it's the number one thing I'll go for, playing them by the letter, sure always doing my best to not step on anyone's boundaries, to move the plot forward, but most importantly treating my characters as people, with their own feelings and their own will.

To even suggest I go slightly OOC is to go against what makes the hobby fun for me, and I'm definitely gonna be stubborn now, I will absolutely not do that. All my paths and my options are put against their personalities, at all times, I might not write it but I have a deep trail of thought behind each action that I chose to write. I wouldn't have it any other way.

If I write anything else, yes Cecilia gets a higher probability of living, but it won't feel like Cecilia to me, the post it's as good as inexistent. It will mean something to everyone else, but not to me. It's cardboard flat. I'm the only one that won't be satisfied with it and it will haunt me forever. It would completely kill my enjoyment of the scene. I'm not passing it as a 'No other options available' thing generally, you're misinterpreting me. But If I want to keep having fun with this, if I want to play her character accurately then I have to do this and I WANT to do this.

Heck, call me stubborn at this point, I don't mind it, these are my values as a role-player, what I'm striving for. Yes, if you say I am taking this too seriously, I agree with you. I do take this all very very seriously, to unhealthy levels sometimes.
But it's who I am. And to do anything differently would be lying to myself.

I'm not sure you can understand that. But just let me have it okay?
Don't worry, I won't regret it >w<
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GM Note: Do refrain from going overboard and accidentally solving the entire situation in two posts. I want to end this episode by the 15th, but not like.... too much before the 15th, you know?
GM Note: Do refrain from going overboard and accidentally solving the entire situation in two posts. I want to end this episode by the 15th, but not like.... too much before the 15th, you know?
I don't get the impression it will even be ended anywhere close to two posts.
GM Note: Do refrain from going overboard and accidentally solving the entire situation in two posts. I want to end this episode by the 15th, but not like.... too much before the 15th, you know?
No one is trying to do that, it's just I guess people starting getting worried that Cecilia could get killed or that I was expecting her to not be killed, and I don't know, suddenly I was explaining my reasonings for things and now I'm explaining why I roleplay XD

This has been a weird afternoon ^^'
The strangeness always happens on days where I'm a bit busy. I'm going back and re-reading the last page in here, because I have a sneaking suspicion you and Syren are talking past each other and not quite catching the point.
I'm bowing out of this OOC discussion. I am now far too upset to contribute. Please tag me if I am needed, or message me privately, as I will no longer be checking this thread.
Syrenrei Syrenrei That poor poor motorcycle... QAQ

Btw, not sure if you saw it, but you wrote Red in the Nearby section, I assume it was supposed to be Mr. Brahn instead? >w<


Syrenrei Syrenrei Zahzi Zahzi Lemon Boy Lemon Boy So the four of us (I'm including Lemon's drones) make the clinic scene, right? IMO, Lemon should post next as the drones/traps, and then I think we can keep this pattern as our posting order? What do you think?
The clinic is already booby-trapped, so I wrote as if we were outside it (if we were in it we would have already run into the drones). I think, since Sin has posted twice for Christian and drones, we are chronologically behind him as we've all only posted once. Also, we haven't walked into the clinic yet.

Posting orderwas essentially: Sin, Welian, Sin again, me, Zahzi?

Soooooo.... your turn, boss welian welian .
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we haven't walked into the clinic yet.

I'm not known for paying the most attention ever, so I'll defer to you - what do you need me to cover in my post to bring us back in sync with the rest of the cast?

EDIT: If this were a fantasy RP, I would 100% handwave any spacetime inconsistencies by pointing at fae and declaring the school a liminal space.
welian welian I was thinking that Morgan freaks out, Luther hands Gil a gun, and then we go adventuring!

Otherwise we're already in the clinic, with mines and drones, and are already dead because they were literally set up on top of while we were there.
Death is for the weak!! And... also for GMs who maybe didn't think about character placement all the way through...

.... At least ghosts are semi-canon for psychic-type supers?

But also that sounds like a good idea for a post.
Re-read the whole post timeskip scene to prepare for my post, and I think Lemonboy edited his post to sync already? The line near the end indicates that his distraction by JJ and LARRY made it so he did not hear the noises in the clinic. And the drone are not entirely autonomous I think? Lemon Boy Lemon Boy Syrenrei Syrenrei welian welian

Also, while I am tagging anyway, what happens if Kate hits the water dome from above. Like a water bouncy house effect?

She may or may not be bringing a drone along with her at high velocity, depending on how Lemon responds.

Could she punch through if she missed the drone and was still dropping at 200 mph? (She'll put the brakes on actually, so probably not going more than 50 mph... just curious)

Alternatively she could be dropping onto a drone that is not over the dome and just landing out among the knights somewhere.

Again, kinda up to Lemonboy, since I only specified it was one playing music.

Oh and one last thing: I was thinking about the fact that Manami has gills, and how that is usually a weakness, causing her to get slow and stupid and lose strength rapidly on land... What do people think about that turning into a strength in this case? To be specific: I don't think the depowering gas or the tear gas would effect her at all, or if at all, in much reduced fashion. She has nictating membranes, can't cry, and most of all, I don't even know what depowering would look like when you are basically a fish. She turns into NOT a fish? Help me out here people, you're my only hope.

Giyari Giyari Teh Frixz Teh Frixz B Bag o Fruit Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Malikai Malikai

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