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Fandom The Marauders (OOC)

Which I enjoyed! But I’m sure everyone knows about my propensity for long , introspective posts by now. Heh.
HK Fifty HK Fifty Of those 2 an R-22 would be better but likely significantly harder to get our hands on. Lexa would probably also suggest a V-19 or ARC-170 as they are all slightly older but with 2 weeks she could likely restore even one of the older hulks to full working condition.
We will be doing a time skip, LoneSniper87 LoneSniper87 your post shall be after the skip ok sweetheart?
I believe they already changed it to work better should it be beforehand , mate.

HK Fifty HK Fifty Of those 2 an R-22 would be better but likely significantly harder to get our hands on. Lexa would probably also suggest a V-19 or ARC-170 as they are all slightly older but with 2 weeks she could likely restore even one of the older hulks to full working condition.
Hmm.. a V-19 it is then! She’s more familiar with the V-19 than she is the ARC-170 , and while the 170 gives her an astromech slot it also requires two copilots/gunners to get the full usage out of. And , suffice to say , I seriously doubt she’ll find two other people to crew it for her. Plus I imagine more V-19s were phased out than ARC-170s at this stage , seeing as how there are Imperial-colored 170s , and I’ve never seen an Imperial-colored V-19. (Although supposedly some were reassigned to very , very unimportant bases early on. I doubt any of those are still in service at this point , though). Is Lexa really sure she wants to work with R4-F16 (who is indeed significantly more helpful than R5-K6) to restore and possibly upgrade a bloody V-19 torrent fighter , though?
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HK Fifty HK Fifty Lexa knows her way around V-19 really well so as long as she has access to even rough parts she can rebuild one pretty quickly, even with the tin can running around and being annoying, and the later models came fitted with a class 1 hyperdrive so she wouldn't even need to fit one.
I’m glad to hear that she knows them well. I believe Alashar likely flown one once or twice , and she knows a lot about it by virtue of researching as much as she could about the Clone Army’s tools during the Clone Wars. (She just didn’t think it was a real option for something a criminal would use , since she’s always thought of it as a military-only vehicle). Having a hyperdrive is very much a bonus! Which is part of why I did/she will choose it over the ARC-170 , in addition to the crew issues. And don’t worry about R4-F16 being irritating. She’s actually a really reliable , agreeable little Droid. Unless she’s interacting with someone Alashar dislikes , or someone who she believes mistreats Alashar , but Lexa doesn’t fall into either of those categories.

I’m also rather happy the V-19’s what we’re ultimately going with since I’ve always been rather partial to them. (Like I said , Alashar didn’t think of them for this purpose).
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As she’s about to be making at least one major purchase soon , just how many credits could Alashar reasonably have accumulated by this point if she’s very minimal with her spending? Asides from enough food to ensure she’s well-nourished and enough of a wardrobe where she isn’t wearing the same exact outfit everyday , the only time she ever spends her credits is picking up the tab when she goes out with Sasha. While I’d need Epiphany Epiphany to confirm it , I seriously doubt either of them ever choose to go anywhere or engage in any activities that would be considered lavish or expensive by any estimation.
Sasha lives lavishly when she's under cover, depending on the role she's playing to. But such extravagance is dangerous, given how distracting it is for her targets and victims. By choice, as well as Jedi inclination, she does prefer a simple life. Credits are something she's likely invested slowly and carefully over the last decade, and she probably has a couple of joint business ventures she's bought into on the side, managed by a corporation she trusts (because she's infiltrated them before and personally purged the corruption she found). I don't imagine she's rich but assuming the Marauders have been kicking ass and taking names for most of ten years, it's fair to say she has enough credits to make some expensive purchases.

She'll chip in to help Alashar as needed. In part because she's unlikely to deny the Miraluka anything and in part because, damn, this job is likely to pay back their expenses ten times over or more!
Sasha lives lavishly when she's under cover, depending on the role she's playing to. But such extravagance is dangerous, given how distracting it is for her targets and victims. By choice, as well as Jedi inclination, she does prefer a simple life. Credits are something she's likely invested slowly and carefully over the last decade, and she probably has a couple of joint business ventures she's bought into on the side, managed by a corporation she trusts (because she's infiltrated them before and personally purged the corruption she found). I don't imagine she's rich but assuming the Marauders have been kicking ass and taking names for most of ten years, it's fair to say she has enough credits to make some expensive purchases.

She'll chip in to help Alashar as needed. In part because she's unlikely to deny the Miraluka anything and in part because, damn, this job is likely to pay back their expenses ten times over or more!
Well , that’s good to know in case Alashar ends up finding that she doesn’t have nearly enough to get an entire ship (and whatever parts are needed , along with whatever else she finds she needs for this mission) in what she has put away. Though that’d be her absolute last resort , as she prefers to take care of herself wherever she’s able to. (And in quite many cases where she truly isn’t able to , but ends up being too stubborn to admit she needs help).

Once again , Sasha’s much smarter and forward thinking than Alashar is - she wouldn’t think to invest in somewhere to grow what money she does have. Yet another good reason why Alashar tends to think of herself as a sword hanging by Sasha’s side!

LoneSniper87 LoneSniper87 HK Fifty HK Fifty Epiphany Epiphany Scavenger Scavenger

:) tomorrow morning I’ll post up the time skip and we can hammer out all the details, including what each individual has as well as Mauraduers vault.
Sounds good to me! I’ll make sure to have anything else she needs ready to be declared by then.. if there actually will be anything else that is.
As long as you’re still around and intending to post , I can be patient. Delays happen , I understand that. Real life makes a habit of being unpredictable.
As far as posting for this mission goes, I'll leave it to each of you to create the enviroment around you, use resource material cuz it does help a whole lot. Also you are welcome to spawn enemies into your post. Weaklings can be easily killed by most in our group because we are well trained ex-jedi though try and be realistic about who you're fighting.

Scavenger Scavenger - So in the time lapse Jalen has helped you gain the ship of your choice, go ahead and roll that into the post as well as the mods you two applied.

LoneSniper87 LoneSniper87 - You have the speeder and are on the outskirts of the mission zone, so make your post to something of the aspect of your character doing recon.

Epiphany Epiphany - it is just about time for the repository to be locked down so go ahead and make your move

HK Fifty HK Fifty - Alashar is in charge of the distraction so go ahead and get creative, the group has enough credits to acquire what she needs and the team of Jalen and Alexa are sure to be able to have gotten everything handled in time.
Would it matter if Alashar’s too stocky for most Ubese , or should she change her disguise? Anything with a mask is great with her , because she really doesn’t want to be recognized at all.

If she has to she’ll just dress as Mandalorian and have her armor (which’ll be Durasteel like Death Watch’s armors , not Beskar as most warriors tend to use) painted a dull tan color for camouflage.
Was Alashar supposed to be doing anything once she arrived on-planet , or is skulking around trying to learn about the race-track and where the important people are good enough?
I went ahead and posted. If there’s anything else she needed to have done , or any changes needed , I’ll be back in.. 3-4 hours. Terribly sorry , but I’ve unfortunately got things to do , and I didn’t want Alashar providing the distraction holding everything up.
Jadus Jadus I overhauled that post with more information about her plan and what she thinks she’ll encounter , so you may wish to check it again for any issues or things I’m rather incorrect about that she should know or could assume to be true. Or any other information a decently talented scout like her could’ve acquired by now that I didn’t think of.
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