Other The Happiness Thread! :D

Sunstone Sunstone you have 24 hours to get your stupid butt over here before I blow up your phone. No but really. You're cool, thanks for getting me into the money vacuum magic the gathering.
Wow. This is optimism the thread.

I love it :D

I mean, my entire life philosophy is based around making people happy. So if you're ever feeling down, just hit me up in PM and say hi! I'd love to share my dumb jokes and brighten your day.

But what can I say for everyone in general? Well, I'll share something that I know made me happier. A while ago, I was going through some serious issues myself. I felt depressed and, more specifically, useless. I felt like I could do nothing, help nothing, be nothing. And then Mom started taking us to this food pantry. I didn't think I would be able to do much, and started immediately falling back into my emo thoughts. But I tried to help a little. They thanked me for coming, and I felt... happy. Useful. I smiled back, and I can say it was in earnest. I came back next week, and the next, and every time my smile became a little more genuine and a lot less of an act to keep people from worrying. Just knowing that I was able to help? That despite everything I thought, that I could do something? To be able to go and keep doing something every week? That pulled me out of my rut.

So if you feel like I did, if you feel useless and full of self hate, I'd really recommend going to a food pantry, or just finding somewhere you can help out to make the world a little better. Because it won't just help others. It'll help you.

Hmm? Nominees? Dude. You already nominated most of my friends lol. But I do know a couple of names...

Hey dude! There's a chance you'll be annoyed at me nominating you for something so clearly not your cup of tea... but hey, give it your best shot, okay? Say something positive!

elusivethought elusivethought
Hey there! Share anything that makes you happy and can make someone else happy! And yes, that probably does mean good books you think people will like lol. So say anything that counts!

I know some other people besides those two that you didn't mention... same time, not a lot of other people that I don't know only in RPs or haven't talked to in a bit. So yeah. That's my happy post. So go spread joy! There are people out there who need it.

Derpy Dev Derpy Dev

OATHBRINGAHHHHH (I'm still reading, btw, just trying to catch up where I've got plenty to chat about. ^.^)


1. RPN ARTEESTS. Gee, I'm a terrible RP partner (no, seriously) but my time on here has been brightened especially by these beautiful, stunning writers:

Fable Fable Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum Faraine Faraine Leyara Leyara Viper Viper Sia Sia

I have had so many wonderfully fulfilling experiences on here, and even though sometimes I get really busy and distracted and distant, I am sincerely thankful for everyone who writes with me.






Plans for this semester include an art class, an astronomy class, another public speech class (I like them? The fuck), and a creative writing class

If I get my head on straight, I might finally start my hormones!! I'm excited and nervous!! WOOTT

Probs gonna get on disability, so now I can pay my parents some rent (and pay my library fines)

Might get a new computer

Uh, I fucking love my cat

And both my doggy boys

I have lots of creativity

My state isn't on fire! Or in a drought! IT'S RAIN SEASON

I'm getting into new shows. Gonna see if I can get through X-files, Camp Camp, and RWBY


uh yeah this is all I got so far. Ya boy outttt

AbsurdNerd AbsurdNerd Thanks for tagging me! Where's your list?


Let me just preface this with my New Year's resolutions:

1. put bra on in the morning
2. two cups of coffee before noon
3. go outside and stop being a hermit every day
4. cuddle with dog, children and man friend
5. loads and loads and loads and loads of writing, less loads of bs
6. get eight hours of sleep per night
7. remember to eat
8. maintain social life


1. tea, coffee, wine
2. my children
3. my husband
4. writing, writing, writing
5. friending
6. drinking wine (did I already say that?)
7. ...I dunno, foxes? Why the hell not



Thanks for the tag elusivethought elusivethought !!
AThiefOfSpades AThiefOfSpades my list is here: RpNation

Uhh I like chewing pencils and playing magic the gathering and roleplaying and writing and trying to draw and listening to the same three songs over and over again and watching tv and YouTube all day.
Okay!! Time to do some POSS-ITIV-ITAY!! WHY AM I SHOUTING?! I think I'm psyching myself up XD

Okay anywho, list time.

1: I'm actually rather happy for having learned about the Furry fandom. Some people may have their issues or what not, but without finding it and learning of it, and of course joining it… I would not have joined the realm of role playing, now, excuse me if I don't wanna talk about my early days of that but, not proud times. But, knowledge of the fandom brought knowledge of other things, Roleplaying included, and that brought more happiness I shall speak of.

2: I'm extremely happy and thankful for the world of roleplaying! Without it, well… I'd have a lot less motive to be happy honestly. The discovery of it lead me to become more creative, to give me drive and belief in writing again, and it honestly helps me just be happy in itself. A new adventure every story that is helped by the great minds of the people I have the chance to do this with! So, for this I'll reference an old status from my first days on RPN, often roleplaying or the prospect of it, makes me "giggle like a neko in a fish market" or would it be "purr"? "Mewl"?

Tehwee = 3: For all the virtual people I know! Extremely thankful for all of them, both the ones I once knew and the ones I just met. I personally am just a people-person, and everyone is my oldest friend. And all these people… Or even programs, I don't judge… I care for deeply, it may just be me but I am thankful for them and happy to even just get a few sentences in their book cuz each of them are amazing! ^~^

4: I'm extremely thankful for music, many things have been said about what it can do, many more things will be said about what it has done, and I'm sure a few of us can make up some on the spot just cuz we loved a certain song. Music can "soothe the beast" as it has before for me. It can inspire. It can make one think deeply. It can make one feel they can do anything. Music is sound and words, each with feeling and it's simply wonderful.

5: Extremely happy and thankful for one song in particular. "Why Worry" by Set It Off. I've tried and still am trying to make that song my motto for life, it always picks me up without fail when I need it and it's simply amazing in what it says.

SO! As my parting gift for this post of positivity, let me gift you this song to the best of my ability...
Hmm, this seems like a good thread to start posting?

I have a generally positive outlook in life, so let's see!

1. My doggo is a treasure! His name is Roope, he's an ugly golden retriever and I am not ashamed of shoving this unnecessary information in your face!!

2. I have never had anything but wonderful friends. These friendships may not have lasted through life and most of em have had a problematic life/crippling depression... but they were all good friends that I can remember with warmth. Zero backstabbing cases, no friendship ever ended abruptly, and they were always there when they were really needed. Genuine people!

3. I love my country! Being an introvert and living in Finland is a perfect match! Lots of nature and there are very few people in comparison to most countries out there. And a lot of em are honest people, at least up here in north.

4. I'm glad communities like these are a thing. And by that I mean not just writing and roleplaying, but all kinds of places that serve as an escape from the dull reality. And, while creating a story alone is cool, creating and experiencing one together is one of the best things I know.

5. Internet. It's such a new phenomenon in a way. Just imagine how many people you've met that you would have never even known about if it wasn't for internet?

6. Science in general. Sure, there are a lot of ethical questions concerned but hey, it can also be the hero we deserve and at least I like knowing about how the world works! It's like irl magic hell yeah

7. Candy. Sob I love candy, why did I agree to participate in this stupid sugar-free January thing help

8. I'm determined to list 10 things, so! English, as a language. Do you know how close I came to never learning it properly because I hated my English teacher? It allows us non-native people to experience so much more and communicate with people from other countries. It's a superpower in my eyes!

9. And speakig of English, I owe everything to the crappy DBZ dub and countless silly fanfics for elevating my understanding of the language from potato to only occassionally looking at the dictionary.

10. ...Um... one more... Video games? Yeah, vidya gaems.
I have been summoned for a positivity thread? Nice choice! If positivity is what your looking for you called the right guy!

Well, so many things i can say but i'll keep it short.

I would like thank RPNation for helping with my writing skills, for real! I have improved since i started roleplaying here! I would also like to thank you guys for being there for me! <3 You guys are the bestest friends this shmuck could have! The community is very nice. There are potential friends everywhere! I like to make friends, even though i have a hard time doing it in my local school. (Because everybody is mean here) Good thing you guys are nice and kind to me! I keep being teased due to how strange and dumb i was. Always spacing out and saying irrelevant thing that doesn't concern them. Well... I'm not the brightest bulb out there but i know what respect is. My kindness is always abused like it was some kind of drug. In the end, i stayed kind. I always look to the bright side of life. Here take my line that i always keep saying to myself.

The world is getting darker and more twisted, each day. Everyone is walking in darkness. That's why i am here. To be little light of the world. Help those who are in need. The reason why i exist.
Vagabond Spectre

Computing Magus Computing Magus
I nominate this guy. For he is the reason why i am here. I am his descendant. An apprentice of his former glory. Pay him some mad respect when you see him. He pops out once in a blue moon. Love you, brother!
Sorry, but you speak of an urban legend, happiness doesn’t exist unless your god.

Why have I been nominated, I'm not chill. I'm the most hyperactive kid whose ever used the internet. That's saying a lot.
I've started taking each day by day. I've stopped planning ahead and just survive by setting myself goals in my head, 'get to mum's birthday' 'get to finish the semester'

But tonight, I felt happy.

I've basically taken my best friend and she's now seen as a member of the family in my mum's eyes. Her sister threw her out after an augment, before texting her 'yiu habe two weeks to move out' and I saw it all happen before my eyes.

In the last 6 hours, I managed to secure her a small house to live in, meaning she won't lose her job and she'll be able to go to university in September.

When me mam arrived, my friend broke down crying claiming she's never had anyone in her family treat her the way we treated her.

And that made me extremely happy.
I've started taking each day by day. I've stopped planning ahead and just survive by setting myself goals in my head, 'get to mum's birthday' 'get to finish the semester'

But tonight, I felt happy.

I've basically taken my best friend and she's now seen as a member of the family in my mum's eyes. Her sister threw her out after an augment, before texting her 'yiu habe two weeks to move out' and I saw it all happen before my eyes.

In the last 6 hours, I managed to secure her a small house to live in, meaning she won't lose her job and she'll be able to go to university in September.

When me mam arrived, my friend broke down crying claiming she's never had anyone in her family treat her the way we treated her.

And that made me extremely happy.
Things like this are what give me faith in humanity, so heartwarming!
She's lucky to have you in her life QUQ

I wish you and your friend all of the best~ >w<
I have a depression xddd
I'm so sorry to hear you're struggling. :(
I've literally struggled with depression for.... like, it feels like forever.
As cliche as it sounds, it gets better.
Let me rephrase that. It doesn't get better. You get better.
You found this thread for a reason. Maybe it was just at the top of the list. Or maybe you were tagged. Maybe you were just furiously clicking (sounds like something I'd do tbh. XD).
But you're here, and we're happy to have you!
I sincerely hope life gets better for you. ^^
Phadia's Daily Dose of Happiness!

1. I'm happy to have slept well last night. I slept better than I have in weeks, and I just feel well rested and ready to take the day!
2. I'm happy for the people that I have in my life. This is different to my family, but the people that care about me and take the time to interact with me... the wise people that offer words of wisdom, and the acquaintances that wish me "good morning". Just the people in my life that do little things to spread positivity, even if they don't realize it.
3. I'm happy to be alive! Being depressed for a long time, it still weirds me out to say that, but I am! Things, all though difficult right now, I can see a light at the end of the tunnel. And that's something worth working towards.
4. I'm happy for the warm days and the rainy days. The spring and the fall. The peaceful days and the sweet smell of the grass and the trees.
5. I'm happy for all the people who have posted here, spreading the positivity! Great work, everyone!! <3
6. I'm sincerely thankful for my friend on this site, Daisie Daisie . Who has gone above and beyond to tag everyone, but deserves being tagged herself. *hugs*
Phadia's Daily Dose of Happiness!

1. I'm happy to have slept well last night. I slept better than I have in weeks, and I just feel well rested and ready to take the day!
2. I'm happy for the people that I have in my life. This is different to my family, but the people that care about me and take the time to interact with me... the wise people that offer words of wisdom, and the acquaintances that wish me "good morning". Just the people in my life that do little things to spread positivity, even if they don't realize it.
3. I'm happy to be alive! Being depressed for a long time, it still weirds me out to say that, but I am! Things, all though difficult right now, I can see a light at the end of the tunnel. And that's something worth working towards.
4. I'm happy for the warm days and the rainy days. The spring and the fall. The peaceful days and the sweet smell of the grass and the trees.
5. I'm happy for all the people who have posted here, spreading the positivity! Great work, everyone!! <3
6. I'm sincerely thankful for my friend on this site, Daisie Daisie . Who has gone above and beyond to tag everyone, but deserves being tagged herself. *hugs*
This post just... idk... Made my day. Thank you so much <3 It's so wonderful to know about everything that makes you happy. It makes me happy.
1: I'm actually rather happy for having learned about the Furry fandom. Some people may have their issues or what not, but without finding it and learning of it, and of course joining it… I would not have joined the realm of role playing, now, excuse me if I don't wanna talk about my early days of that but, not proud times. But, knowledge of the fandom brought knowledge of other things, Roleplaying included, and that brought more happiness I shall speak of.
Yay! I may not be super duper active in the fandom, but I do, in fact, consider myself a furry. I even have one furry OC. My bro got me interested, like... A few years ago. And while I can't say that it's helped me get into roleplaying or anything else major, I'm so happy that you've really found something in it! ^^

As cliche as it sounds, it gets better.
Let me rephrase that. It doesn't get better. You get better.
Also, I love this, too. I just love it.

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