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Fantasy The Feuding Kingdoms---IC


Character: Cheneka, Lady in Waiting to Princess Hana
Location: Eastern Kingdom - Inner Garden
Interaction: Northless Northless

Cheneka smiled at Nome as she rose from the bench and nodded at her. She had always found the eldest princess to be the most polite and 'polished', knowing how to carry herself in front of others in most circumstances. This wasn't to say Hana, the youngest princess, wasn't mature. She just didn't carry the same grace or etiquette as Nome did; she came across as a more spoiled or stubborn character (she was still a nice and kind person however, just less princess like as expected to be).

"Cheneka, I always appreciate your company, don't ever doubt it." Nome said. These words had made Eileen blush; it wasn't in a romantic way, she had just never received praise about her company from a royal before. Usually the praise was just about how hard she worked, what she had accomplished or the loyalty she carried for the royal family. It was the simple words that made her blush and currently she had turned a little red. "I believe you have heard of the recent mayhem surrounding the marriages. You're accompanying us, both of you will accompany us to the Middle Kingdom, right?"

The girl let of a gentle sigh, knowing that the royal is probably as distressed about the situation as the next person. "Why yes your majesty, I will be joining you in the future ahead," The Lady in Waiting wasn't sure, but she presumed Nome wanted the validation of knowing that some of her staff and even friends would be there in this time of difficult circumstance. "I don't mean to sound rude if I do, but if I am being honest I'd rather not join in. I fear this will be the last time I may see this garden if I am sent away to work in another kingdom, that your family has married into. N....No....Not that you won't enjoy yourself and come home again!" The girl furrowed her forehead, realising her words were poorly chosen.
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Elder Prince of the North

Karion, Northern Kingdom

Interacted: Hyunjae ( Hyelin Hyelin )
Mentioned: Erlria ( Cosmos Cosmos ), Angeline ( NightPhoenix NightPhoenix )
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Homecoming IV

A gentle thud echoed across his room, where the Silver Wolf found himself in solitude once again. Silver steel and ringed mail were expelled from him. What was once a tall figure cladded in steel and fearsome eyes, was now but a slender, albeit well-conditioned figure. His dark brown tunic cast to the side, unveiling his pale skin, adorning legions of scars upon his back - a testament of his deeds far from home. While Kirin was no longer burdened by his armor, spontaneous contemplation was as heavy as his troubled heart. Where maidens were obligated to assist his respite, the Prince simply dismissed them. Vapors emanated, inviting the weighed prince to partake in its warm embrace. Retreating beneath the warm tub water, the prince doused himself in thoughts, dwelling upon his sisters' words. Despite their awkward encounters, Kirin found comfort in knowing that he is finally united with his siblings. His drowsy eyes directed towards the rim of the tub, envisioning what he should say or do.

(Welcome home...brother)

Those words echoed within his head. Words could not express his great elation upon hearing that from his younger sister. Kirin stretched a smile across his face, before being dissuaded by the reality of his self-procured smile, of which had turned into a wicked grin instead upon his reflection upon the mirror. Sighing slightly, Kirin hid himself beneath his hair, before submerging himself again.

Refusing to close his eyes, Kirin was keen on staying awake. Where his eyes would concede to the realm of dreams, nightmares would follow. He knew this, evident in his baggy eyes, refusing to relinquish his paralysis upon sleep. A habit of staying awake every waking hour to be ready, as he deemed it, was nothing short of his self-endowed paranoia and insecurities. Even now, the eerie voices within his head kept him accompanied, among haunting faces and memories of those who he had slain and those that bled beside him. While he was now home, the war has yet to subside, as it now lives within him, like a scourge of maladies.

Letting out a sigh, Kirin disengaged himself, and quickly got dressed with a new set of clothes. The pungent scent of cinders and faded pines were now replaced with imported lavender and jasmine petals, courtesy of their friendly Eastern neighbor. While it was quite repulsive for the simple man of war at first, Kirin slowly grew fond of it, as he made his way towards the dining room.

The lavishly embellished dining room, enlightened by the warm chandeliers coated in diamond glasses and gold trims, unveiled before the prince's eyes. Kirin shied from the luminescent candles and silvers, pacing himself towards the end of the room. His steps echoed beneath the auburn floor, where Northern masonry had brought about a certain sense of comfort for the man, as opposed to fleeting hays and cold stones that he tends to see. Where Kirin once perceived soiled grasses and tender snows, was now replaced with fine furnishing and stoked shelves.

Before long, the Prince caught sight of Hyunjae, of whom was accompanied by her friend, of whom he has yet to procure her name. Shaking his head slightly, the man tried to put up a friendly face. Despite countless nights of practice, his best attempts at a smile only brought disastrous results. A palely slender figure with a wicked grin was more than enough to dissuade most from even looking at the man. But before he could speak, Kirin spotted Hyunjae's eyes, laden with distraught. Her tender hands gripped with nightly melancholy. Shifting his gaze towards the parous lady and then back at his sister. Something wicked was afoot, the prince thought. His stern eyes cast upon Hyunjae, before giving in to his concerns.

"What ails you, sister?" Kirin said, with a heartful voice, before his eyes caught the letter beside them.

While he did not have the chance to decipher its contents from afar, Kirin was sure of the cause of Hyunjae's troubles. Is there going to be another war? Or perhaps something had upset Hyunjae personally. A part of him fell into the void, as his battle instincts kicked in. The Silver Wolf would not condone the assailant's acts, after all the things that he did to secure his place at home with his siblings. Needless to say, he was ready to kill for just a few moments more at home. Where he remained composed on the outside, Kirin was far from relaxed, as he now awaits what his sister has to say.

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Angeline - Youngest Princess of the NorthInteracting with: Hyunjae ( Hyelin Hyelin ), Kirin ( Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 ), Erlria ( Cosmos Cosmos )
Mentioned: -
Nearby: -

Earlier in the day, Angel had baked a luscious red velvet cake, wanting to do something special to welcome her brothers home. After everyone in the reunion had dispersed, she headed straight to her rooms to change into a simpler dress, before heading down to the kitchens.

As instructed, the cake had been left untouched in the ice box. She easily whipped up a sweet-but-not-too-sweet (in case her brothers didn't have much of a sweet tooth) cream cheese frosting. After gently unwrapping the cake layers, she applied the frosting with the same laser-sharp focus to detail she gave her ice sculptures. Using the fine crumbs that she had grated after leveling the top of the cake, she finished off the decorations by sprinkling the crumbs on top, completing the elegant look.

She kept the cake back in the ice box, giving clear instructions to the pastry chef in charge to take it out approximately an hour before dessert was to be served. With that, she went back up to her rooms to change again, this time into a sweet lacy white dress that went to her knees.

Angel headed to the dining room, waltzing in, her mood pleasant. Then she saw her sister at the table, tears staining her cheeks, while Kirin stood nearby and Jae's lady-in-waiting El knelt next to her...with a glass of water on her belly?

Confused and worried, she rushed towards them. As she stepped closer, she noticed an open letter on the table. Was the content of that letter the reason for her sister's tears? She looked at the other two. Did any of them know why her sister was crying so woefully? "What happened?" she demanded, addressing no one in particular, or perhaps all three of them. She didn't mean to be impudent, but Jae was crying, and if Jae was crying, she wanted to know why, immediately.

Calrin - Butler of the Eastern Royal FamilyInteracting with: Nome ( Northless Northless )
Mentioned: Cheneka ( MinTea MinTea )
Nearby: Cheneka ( MinTea MinTea )

"Both of you will accompany us to the Middle Kingdom, right?"

Calrin brought his right hand to his heart, palm inwards, and bowed slightly. "If Your Highness wills it, I will follow Your Highnesses, without question."

Truth be told, it was similar to a question he had been pondering since the news arrived. Accompanying the four siblings to the Middle Kingdom would be no problem at all, but what came after? When the princes returned here, and the princesses followed their new husbands home, who would he serve? Logically speaking, since he was the butler, wouldn't he return to the East as well, to serve the Eastern palace? But that would mean...he'd have to separate from Hana. Even if he wasn't by her side now, even if he had to watch her give her heart to another man, he still felt the comfort of knowing that she was there, she was safe, she was happy. But to be divided by miles and miles of land—he didn't quite know how he was supposed to feel. Concerned? Sad? Angry? Or perhaps, even happy for her future married life?

Cheneka responded somewhat differently. After confirming that she would be following them, she continued on to admit, "I don't mean to sound rude if I do, but if I am being honest I'd rather not join in. I fear this will be the last time I may see this garden if I am sent away to work in another kingdom, that your family has married into. N....No....Not that you won't enjoy yourself and come home again!"

He mentally raised an eyebrow. The garden? Was it that important to her? What sentimental value did it hold? Didn't most staff prefer to hold their tongue rather than possibly offending a royal? The fact that she was willing to do so, because of the garden, mystified him.
Last edited:
Ashkin, Kinght of the South and bodyguard of Marcus Flameheart
idalie idalie (Magnus) Kloudy Kloudy (Marcus) Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving (Isla)​

As the head of the General rolled off the stage and the crowd cheered, Ashkin stepped off the stage. Giving the extremely recent execution no mind, Ashkin's mind wandered to other things, like his best friend and brother in arms getting married. Marcus getting married would change both of their lives, for better or worse. Ashkin would have to protect his wife when they're married and would have to stand guard when they did anything...intimate. God, he is not looking forward to that. Marcus' new wife might not even allow Marcus to drink, so Ashkin would be forced to find another drinking buddy. And god forbid if he married a Northern wife. The very idea that he'd have to spend the rest of his life living in the North scared Ashkin more than death itself.

Well, if there was one silver lining, it's that Ashkin wouldn't have to marry a random woman because he's a Bastard who attracts the ire of most nobles he meets. Score.

Location- Eastern Kingdom - Castle Halls
Interaction- Reiia silver Reiia silver (Hana)

Mentioned- Soma Schicksal Soma Schicksal (Nero)
Outfit: 01

"Princess Hana wishes to see you." Lost in thought, Devi hadn't noticed the maid until she spoke, pulling the fark harder woman away from whatever she had been thinking about so heavily. Anyway, It was finally something to do, Devi slowly rising from the bench she had been seated on for the past little while, she gave the maid a nod. No verbal confirmation was needed between, the maid simply stepping aside as Devi walked past. She may not have been a royal, but the Queen had granted her nobility long ago, and even if she hadn't well, Devi's reputation around here would surely have grabbed some respect all on its own. "She's in her room. I won't be returning with you, I feel like this is a private matter."

"Yes, thank you." The two girls parted ways when the hall split, the maid going off to do whatever she needed, while Devi was still aimed for Princess Hana's bedroom. Shen she arrived, she knocked once to let her know she was coming in, before quickly entering and shutting the door behind her. "My lady Hana," she curtsied, ignoring Nero. "You wanted to see me? Is something wrong?" Devi had a feeling her day was going to get a lot more interesting in just a matter of minutes thanks to the princess, in what way she couldn't exactly tell, but interesting none the less. "You always know who to call when a problem needs solving."

Lukas - Youngest Prince of the East

“I’m quite offended! You don’t trust my choice in clothing? I’ll have you know even the best designers ask me for my advice,” Lukas joked, throwing his hands up to exaggerate his point. He glanced over to Anneliese as she asked his thoughts. He had to think about his answer. Towards anyone else, his response would be immediate. Something along the lines of ‘Of course I’m ready for it. My bride-to-be should consider herself lucky to be in the presence of a man such as myself’. He had to keep up his confident appearance. Who knows what others would think if they heard about his doubts?

Lukas felt like he could truly express his thoughts around Anneliese. She was safe to talk to. At the same time, she wouldn’t hesitate to tell him if he was being an idiot. “Truthfully, I feel conflicted. I suppose I understand the reasoning behind these marriages. I’m not sure if I’m prepared to be married.”

Arriving to his room, Lukas took a seat on the edge of his bed, resting his chin in his hand. “How do you feel about all of this?” He asked. She must have been at least apprehensive about the marriage if she had brought the subject up first.

Interactions: animegirl20 animegirl20
Mentions: N/A

Celeste - Youngest Princess of the West

Celeste turned away from her brother as the sounds of footsteps rapidly approached them. A young girl was running towards them. She barely had time to rub the tears from her eyes before being hugged, the force pushing her a step backward. The young girl’s hug was warm but her words were even warmer.

The child’s sudden realization and transition to shyness was what finally pushed Cici over the edge. A smile spread across her face and she burst into giggles. “Oh my goodness, you are just the cutest!” She couldn’t help but wonder where this girl had come from. Whoever she was, she had managed to cheer Cici up rather quickly. “What’s your name?”

Celeste looked up from the girl when she heard the voice of Eliot. Her smile only grew as the paladin gave a bow. “The situation? Well, I ran into the blacksmith. I think his name was Vulkan or something? He, um, sort of kissed me,” she explained, wringing her hands. “But Aery is taking care of it, I’m sure!” Cici furrowed her eyebrows as she spoke Aeryn’s name. Was she still mad? She shook her head. No, she wouldn’t think about it right now, forcing a smile back on her face. “Then, he ran off and Aery left for somewhere. Then Kyne came and this little girl showed up and then you showed up!” Celeste said confidently as if the second part of her explanation was necessary to the story.

Interactions: Reiia silver Reiia silver Silver Wolf Silver Wolf AEONmeteorite AEONmeteorite
Mentions: FireMaiden FireMaiden
2untitled.png“I’m quite offended! You don’t trust my choice in clothing? I’ll have you know even the best designers ask me for my advice,”

"Sure they do," Anneliese said as walked into the room and went straight to the walk-in closest and started looking through his clothes. Actually, his taste wasn't that bad she mostly teasing but it was at times questionable. She started pulling out clothes and setting them on the bed.

“Truthfully, I feel conflicted. I suppose I understand the reasoning behind these marriages. I’m not sure if I’m prepared to be married.”

Anneliese stopped what she was doing and glanced over at him. "Well yeah, that's only normal your about to marry someone you never met. Most people well....common folk anyway don't get married unless they are in love. Seems like nobles and royals don't always have that freedom but there are times that arranged marriages do work out and the two people actually fall in love. So maybe you'll get lucky." She smiled at him then went back to taking clothes out of his closet. He actually felt conflicted goodness that was a change. "Oh by the way." She poked her head out of the closest. "You are so not mature enough for marriage." She smirked and then went back to what she was doing.

“How do you feel about all of this?”

Anneliese was standing the closest getting ready to grab a shirt of his and froze at his question. She wasn't expecting him to ask her that. "Oh uh.....I'm not big on the whole marriage thing in general.....but if your going to do it.......it shouldn't be like this.....but! doesn't really matter how I feel about it......though I would like to know where this leaves me..." She grabbed the shirt then came out of the closet and tossed it on the bed and then she went over and sat next to him. "You see since your getting married now my position may change. I have no idea what's going to happen to me after you get married and it would be nice to know."
Mooniee Mooniee
Kyne 2.jpgKyne
Youngest Prince of the West Kingdom
Interactions/Nearby: FireMaiden FireMaiden Moonie Moonie Silver Wolf Silver Wolf

As Kyne's sister jumped to him and "told" him what had been happening, his face only twisted into forms of anger. The blacksmith? The blacksmith. Someone hurt his sister. One of his precious sisters who deserved no such thing, even though he was terrible at keeping tabs on them or even speaking to them. What's more was that Aeryn supposedly hated her. That wasn't right. "What--" he began to say but was interrupted as a little girl jumped into Celeste's arms and then an inquiry led to all the information that hadn't been given to Kyne.

The prince pulled back his head, tugged on his gloves and took a step away from the group. "That's why there are guards quaking the floors. That's why your emotions are this way. This information," he pulled out his journal and flipped to the page with his list. He reached into his pocket where a dingy quill was removed along with a tiny ink pot that he put on the opened book. He screwed off the lid of the pot, dipped his quill in the ink and wrote:

Above everything on this list is for the removal of the blacksmith and the safety of my blood.

With every stroke of his quill, he scratched deep into the fibers of the page. He tightened his lips. His movements sharp and near orchestrated as he raked his agenda into his book. Once he closed the pot and drained the quill, he blew on the page in the most un-provoking fashion and said, "You must dry these things before you close them, else they bleed onto the other pages and ruin your masterpiece." Finally he slammed the book shut and cleared his throat. "Celeste, I would ask of you to head to the Middle Kingdom early for your safety. I would prefer you leave now. I could not contain any such thought of your mouth being attacked again by another mouth. Such war is unforgivable. No such battle should be performed with lips."

The man didn't take much notice to the girl nor Eliot. He had funnel-vision. The only person who mattered was Celeste at the moment. While in some ways it was good he set in mind on things he found important, it also left him blind of issues in his kingdom.
youngest princess of the East
Interactions: FireMaiden FireMaiden (devi) Soma Schicksal Soma Schicksal (Nero)

Hana waited patiently in her room, at this point she was pacing back-and-forth finding it difficult to sit still. Her eyes were full of fear, it was a chance she was willing to take that her lady in waiting would not run off and tell everybody her secret. Never had she dealt with that, when it came to Devi, she seemed absolutely loyal to Hana and made sure to always be there. She looked down at the floor, her nerves were getting the best of her and she was running out of energy quickly.

Just then she heard the woman’s voice and turned her head towards her, making sure the door shut before she could even think about speaking. “Ah, yes….. It’s been a long time, I think I have learned that I can always trust you.” Hana had a smile on her face, as she reached out to give her a hug. She stopped after a moment, before turning away from her and this time there was a seriousness to her voice. “I do have something to tell you, although in my mind it is not a problem…. Perhaps, it’s just my heart speaking….” She looked towards Nero, smiling at him sweetly before turning around.

“As you know I have been in love with Nero for quite some time, longer than I could even imagine.” She cleared her throat for a moment, but it was mostly because she was trying to buy her time. “Nero and I have been having an affair, for quite some time and…. Well, no use beating around the bush…. We have a son together, he is a month old and we hid him in a cottage in the woods….. The only problem is, I- I can’t leave him!” She began to tear up a little bit, as she tried to gain her composure. “I need help to figure out how I can take him with us and I need somebody to care for him for the time being…. Will you help me?”
6e67f8badb652ee7f70ccd535057e5dc (1).jpg
Location: Western Kingdom - Castle Halls
Interaction: idalie idalie
Mentioned: Mooniee Mooniee Soma Schicksal Soma Schicksal Reiia silver Reiia silver (Essie)
Outfit: 01

"Nightmares would describe them better," Aeryn admitted, "I relive every pain, every touch, I wake up choking and in tears, like I still feel his hands around my throat..." She shook her head. Lawrence may be the only one she could ever admit this to. Who else would learn her weaknesses, but not let it affect the way they look at her? And what would her mystery husband think? "I...I shouldn't complain. I've seen the effects of war and other traumas in many people, I would say I'm a lucky one." She chuckled, dropping the topic.

Lawrence looked happy, he looked scared, most of all, he looked almost like he was going to pass out thanks to stress. Aeryn only smiled at him. Soft, warm, comforting. "She sounds lovely," The princess cooed, shifting her weight slightly. "You know, if you want help, all you need to do is ask. You've been my best friend for years, I'd happily assist." She was interrupted, however, by a guard entering the room. He bowed, to both her and Lawrence, giving Aeryn time to put on her "queen face" before he rose to address them.

"The Blacksmith Vulkan has been apprehended. He was injured but taken to the cell in barracks. Should we have a medic come and take a look at his wounds?" The guard informed. Aeryn furrowed her brows for a moment before her face relaxed.

"No. Bring him some supplies, and if he cannot treat his own wounds, leave him like that until tomorrow morning. Only then get a medic." The guard nodded, bowed once more, and then left. "He should also be told we Westerners don't show mercy like this often," Aeryn mumbled before her attention turned back to Lawrence. "I need to go find Cici, and I'd love to meet your daughter. Shall we?" The princess asked, making a gesture towards the door with her hand.
the middle kingdom

5:00 A.M

damp from raining the night before, it's spring so the flowers are sprouting and there is just a bit of moisture on them to make them look absolutely beautiful. It is currently clear and show no sign of rain.

What's happening
currently everybody is arriving at the middle kingdom, the Queen has sent her guards to greet everybody. The Queen is not going to be seen yet, she is in her room alone and currently giving everybody the morning to adjust into the kingdom. Everybody is probably eager to see the Queen, probably let her know what they think of the marriages. Queen Jake can be rather intimidating, so one should not tread lightly when sharing their disgust of the arranged marriages.

There is a banquet that is set to happen at about 10 AM, everybody is required to attend and that's when they will finally be able to see Queen Jade.

The throne room


The bedrooms


The hallways


The garden


The small pond area


The dining hall


Music room

Library/sitting area



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Angeline - Youngest Princess of the NorthInteracting with: Erlria ( Cosmos Cosmos )
Mentioned: Hyunjae ( Hyelin Hyelin )
Nearby: Hyunjae ( Hyelin Hyelin )

"Your Highness? We've arriving at the palace soon,"

Angel was roused from her strange dreams of spaghetti, ice carvings and a serious-looking man who seemed to be a few years older than her by her lady-in-waiting's gentle voice. Blinking her eyes slowly, she pouted as she stretched her aching muscles slightly. The carriage had been built to maximize comfort for the royals who rode it, but it was impossible for it to match up to her soft bed back home.

Opposite her, her elder sister Jae sat, looking as immaculate as ever, even in sleep. Her two brothers were in a separate carriage. She was glad to see the weary lines of her sister's face softened by sleep. Her sister was usually calm and collected, but the news received a couple of days ago had sent her into great distress. She still remembered how she had found her sister sobbing in the dining room. She had seen her sister crying before, of course, but never in such distraught. Jae had never allowed herself that freedom of expression outside her own chambers.

She considered now. Should she wake Jae up or allow her a few more minutes of rest? Her sister's lady-in-waiting El was also in the carriage with them, and she was likely about to wake Jae up like Angel's lady-in-waiting had done for her. On one hand, she'd love for Jae to get more rest, but she also knew that her sister would want to make a perfect...less sleepy first impression. Chewing her lower lip, she nodded at El to wake Jae up.
Eldest Princess Miriam of the South
NightPhoenix NightPhoenix Kloudy Kloudy
The sun was just barely starting to come up, but the eldest princess could not bring herself to sleep. Miriam was leaning against the glass of a window in the common area set aside for the Southern royalty. All their bedrooms lead to here one way or another. She'd insisted on leaving early to arrive before any of the other nations and it seemed they had succeeded in that endeavor, but it had done little to quell the worries on her mind. There had been little to nothing to do after they'd arrived, having already been late in the evening. Some food, a bath, a quick tour of the most important places and then they'd all gone off to sleep. As much as Miriam wanted to say it satisfied her to be ahead of every one else she just... well it was like she'd told her brother wasn't it? Just running and running... She hoped Kae was right about taking this whole ball thing slowly and simply enjoying the event.

Movement down below caught her eye, pulling her momentarily from her thoughts. It was... a line of carriages, well designed and beautiful. Another nation's royalty was arriving. Which one though? North? West? The horse drawn vehicles were still some distance away, she'd be able to tell once they were closer. Soon enough the banners hoisted high and proceeding the caravan could be made out and left no doubt who had followed them up to arrive second. It was the North.

Miriam teetered for a moment, wanting to see if she could spot the northern royals, or perhaps some of their knights. Her brother would be more likely to recognize their warriors than she would, but she didn't want to deal with him this early in the morning. Still, some company would be nice...

A moment later she'd made her way into Kaeden's room. It was pretty much identical to her own, which didn't surprise Miriam too much. "Hey Kae, wake up. The other nations have started to arrive." Miriam softly shook her younger brother, hoping to pull him over to watch.


Adrian Aylian
Royal Knight of the North
NightPhoenix NightPhoenix Hyelin Hyelin Trappy Trappy Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59
Miriam wasn't the only one who couldn't sleep. Though at least she could if she'd been able too, Adrian had to be awake either way. Adrian had been riding on his horse for hours now, part of the forward guard for the Royalty's Caravan. This whole thing had seemed like a dream at first, or perhaps a nightmare by the way the news had received the news, but he he was with the great Jade palace looming over them in the distance. Even in the early morn, with but the smallest ray of sunlight, the knight could tell the place was beautiful, elegant. Yet... there seemed more to it than that, some kind of... authority that even the palace back home in the northern capital didn't have.

Arriving here like this, with a new day just about to break, it was the first time in a good while Adrian had the shiver of intimidation crawl down his back. Change was in the air, and if he didn't feel ready for it, he could only imagine what Prince Kirin and the other royalty must be feeling. A small movement in one of the windows caught his eye, but Adrian did not think too much of it. Even at this time they were one of the four royal families, it should come as no surprise to think someone was watching their approach.
interactions: Mooniee Mooniee (Lukas) NightPhoenix NightPhoenix (Calrin)
Hana could feel the carriage bouncing around, after days of this it was beginning to grow increasingly worse with each movement. Of course she was still healing from having a baby only a couple months ago, she had made sure to leave him with someone who would make sure to guard him with their life. She looked over her brother, knowing full well he had no approval of what she had done, it hurt to know that her child was in the world and not wanted. On top of that she lost her beloved a couple days before the check, he had been protecting her and next thing she knew he was gone.

She had no idea how she was going to go on knowing that he was dead, but she was going to do her best and especially for their son.She didn’t know what was going to happen now, she was riding along the carriage with her brother. Her other brother and sister had gone along in another character, she looked over at Lukas as she was hoping not to hear ‘I told you so’from him she gave him a soft smile.

“If you look at the window, you can see the castle in sight, I suppose it would help to look at this like it was an adventure!” she tried to speak brave and tried to not sound like she was going to cry, but the tears began to fall as all she wanted was to hide away from everything. She turned away and instead buried her head into Calrin’s shoulder she just couldn’t hide it anymore.
interactions: Morzone Morzone (mirim)
It had been a very long journey, Erica was very tired and had tried numerous times to no avail in getting some sleep. So when the carriage finally arrived at the castle, she was only too eager to get out and stretch. She couldn’t believe that soon enough they would all be going to different kingdoms, they would be marrying soon enough and she had requested not to journey with her siblings. Even though when she was most close to, her oldest brother, marx as she really just wanted to take time and think. She left later than the others, knowing full well that they probably had arrived a lot sooner. She looked around at what would be her home for a short time, she wondered if this was really going to bring peace.

She guided the workers who were beginning to carry her stuff, making sure they were very careful with her items and following them to wear her room would be. She was hoping there would be a fireplace, if she could have access to one then it would be a lot better. She could easily go wherever she wanted, within reason and get all the presidency she could possibly want. She made her way towards her room, but noticed that the room a couple doors down long-term discipline, so she made her way over there and walked in.

She smiled before embracing her siblings in a hug, a bright smile that could light up the room. “I’ve missed you guys, I’m sorry I couldn’t ride with you…. I just needed some time to think, everything seems to be happening so quickly and I fear our future….” She moved away from hugging her sister, she looked out the window below and shook her head. “Will we ever see tethered again, I mean how is that going to work!”

Eldest Eastern Princess: Shokatsu

Location: Middle Kingdom Palace

Interactions: (Open)

Mentioned/In Area: (Null for editing)

It had finally stopped, the long ride was over and Shokatsu took a long stretch with a relatively pleased looking groan. She relaxed her entire body and her kimono spread out as though it was dissipating with her worries. With a grin she sat back up and gave a light hop out of the carriage, opening the door herself and taking in the sight of the Middle Kingdom's palace. Moister on the grass tickled her toes exposed by her sandals. She didn't stare at the magnificent palace with wonder or joy, but rather with an unease if one could dig far enough into her expressions. Hands were wrapped around her. The left covered her abdomen and the right soared across her chest as it came up to rest under her chin. This was the place where her fate was to be decided. It seemed so removed from her own home, and it made her wonder what she might miss should she be kept from her home.

With a deep breath, the eastern princess pulled herself back to sure mental footing. She looked around with a slight grin on her face. Some others seemed to be arriving around the same time. She almost didn't want to go in yet. The stone building was so alien, that she feared it to be like the inside of a cave or perhaps something darker. None of her family riding with her, so Shokatsu began looking around for them. When she didn't see anyone, she took some steps towards the building and debated upon going inside.

"Princess Shokatsu, are you alright?" one of the escorts asked nervously to the princess.

"I'm fine. Just thinking about my future a little."

"You'll be fine, it's for the good of the kingdom."

She pulled herself into a hug and looked down at the floor a little before meekly responding, "Yes...for the good of the kingdom. I hope this is the right path."
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