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Fantasy The Feuding Kingdoms---IC

the freezing cold Princess of the North
Interactions: -
Mentioned; Nearby: Cosmos Cosmos (preggo maid), Morzone Morzone (Adrian), NightPhoenix NightPhoenix (Angeline), Soma Schicksal Soma Schicksal (Jericho), Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 (Kirin), Trappy Trappy (Achillea)

After the little meeting of Angeline and her older brothers... She takes it better than Jae could, she just wishes to be like her... carefree, happy, friendly... but Jae knows she will never achieve that. The golden light of the setting sun shines onto her hair and makes it look like thin golden threads. As she goes into her room she changes her clothes into a more cozy one. Jae takes the letter into her hands and reads it... over and over again. Arranged Marriage... That just can't be true. As time passes she just decides to go into the dining room.

The stairs, the carpets, everything looks so similar but at the same time so
disconcerting. Lost in her discouraging and depressing thoughts, she didn't even realize that she has arrived. Looking around the walls that are covered in old paintings of the many tales of the northern kingdom, make her feel tiny. A shame to all the other Kings and Queens before her. She has failed them, her kingdom, herself... and most definitely, she failed her siblings. The dining room is huge, a long table stands in the middle of it. During the absence of her brothers, she, Angeline and El would dine in peace. Or more those two would, Jae just couldn't, she was sitting all alone in her seat, with her thoughts troubling her.

Now it isn't any different, only that Kirin and Jericho have come back from war. Just to go again. Just to get married. And this all just because of the Middle kingdom! Jae sits down on the bigger, the more ostentatious seat, it was supposed for the king or queen of the kingdom to sit here. But now she does and she reads again the letter of her grandmother. How should she tell her siblings that they're going to be married off? How should she tell them that she failed in protecting them... again?

As time passes the woman just can't suppress her tears anymore. "Why... Why now? Why can't they just give us more time... they... they just came back... no ... Jericho... Kirin... Angeline... I failed you... again... I am... sorry... that I... can't protect you... that I never could... please... forgive me... for being weak... I am a shame... a godforsaken shame!" she cries out and slams a fist onto the table. Jae's tears drop onto the letter, making it waved and unable to read anymore. "I am so sorry...."
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// Before Dinner

As everyone parted on their own seperate ways she gladly allowed Jae some me time to go and change on her own, although customary for her to assist, both sound it silly and to be honest a little embarrassing, after all, it's not like clothes wee that difficult to put on less they be a large ballgown, then El's help was much appreciated she felt. Smiling and humming happily she got to work quickly in the kitchen, although grumbling and glaring at her large stomach protruding every so often if it interrupted she mostly made a simple meal, both for the sake of her back and feet still aching from all this pregnancy business, and secondly for the fact there really wasn't much time fo the extravagant dinners she normally got to help out chef to make.

Chef was her affectionate name for the head cook at the palace, after all, Sammy had practically half raised her as a child, though a sometimes grumpy and intimidating woman, she was kind at heart and always knew how to make you feel important, El loved that about her, after all she'd taught her almost everything she knew in the kitchen. And when you couldn't actually read any recipes nor write down your own remembering things through practice was pretty important.

Once done with a set of the small and simple meat and rice dishes she served them into the bowls with the stew as sauce and of course the selection of tea or alcoholic beverages at the sidelines on the trays, about to lift them an ominous presence made a shiver go down her spine, a small 'eep' escaping her lips as she turned around to an angry looked 'Chef' in person.

"And what do you think your doing?~ Hm, For goodna' sake El how many times do I bloody well have ta' tell ya not to lift up and carry these things when you've got a bun in the oven!? I'll get some of the boys to bring em up to the dining room, if ya needed to cook THAT badly ya could've asked me to help out ya know girl? Last thing we need is one of your fainting spells unattended in this kitchen again, let alone with that little spud on board." She mused loudly with a glare in what appeared threatening but El knew to be truely an affection tone.

"S-Sorry Sam, I-I just really wanted to help out and I knew you were busy so I just- kinda offered to do it myself? I-It wasn't an issue really! nobody made me do it, I just offered since the prince's were back from their voyage and all, they seemed really tired and hungry~" she replied in an innocent tone with a nervous giggle and sheepish shrug in turn the older and much larger body statured woman let out a sigh with hands on hips, still in her work uniform obviously having stayed late as usual to prepare tomorrows ingredients, she really did always go above and beyond at her job, El had always aspired to be like that to, genuinely love what she did as work, and although she mostly did, her worries of messing up or doing things wrong did get in the way, along with her rather unconventional friendship with the princess causing ever more issues, even if a much more enjoyable social environment.

"C'mon then, if ya really wanna do something so badly you can take up the bread entree, k? go chat with that friend of yours, last I heard she was in the dining hall all alone, poor love, seems your just about the only thing that can put a smile on her face these days" El blushed at the compliment a little, she didn't think herself to be that important to the princess, surely she smiled all the time, after all it's not like chef exactly leaves the kitchen much, but, she'd like to think she really meant that much to Jae.

A small "R-Really?…." stuttered out of her mouth before an eyebrow raised glance caused another small panicked noise and with a smile and quick nod she scurried out of the kitchen without further word, well, as much of a scurry as a heavily pregnant woman could do.

Mentioned: Hyelin Hyelin (Hyunjae) Soma Schicksal Soma Schicksal Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 (prince's)
// present time

El let out a sigh as she carried the small woven basket full of this mornings fresh and fluffy bread rolls up towards the dining room, glaring at the stairs with a stubborn sense of determination before pursing lips with puffed out cheeks and getting up them, yeesh- why did castles have to have so many stairs!? Was it a showing off thing? goodness, did that mean the middle kingdom would have even more!? Ah!

Letting her thoughts get the better of her conscious state she half walked into the dining halls doorway giving a blink as she paused rather too close to comfort with the rolls, bumping the basket out front of her into it with a small chuckle of success, "Nice save El, see, pregnancy head has yet to claim you fully yet! you can still be totally aware of your surroundings when spaced out about, wait- what was I thinking about again….." She said with a small stop, staring blankly before yelling, "Argh!? pregnancyyyyyy!" to herself in quiet anger.

Walking through the doors however she dropped the basket of baked goods, met with a sight she could have never expected to see-

…… Was that- ….. Jae….

Wide eyed she stared for a moment, she couldn't remember ever seeing Jae cry in her life, or at the very least she was too young to remember at the time. Snapping out of her shock she looked down at the bread with panic, bending down in an awkward spread leg manner attempting topics up a few before blinking and shaking her head, what was she doing!? Jae NEEDED her more than these darn loaves of wheat.

Getting up with small strained huff she came over in a quick half run, getting to her side she looked with soft and worry filled eyes,
"J-Jae you bread- I-I mean bread you Jae? I- argh!?" she stuttered, she knew the prince's could be nearby and she should use royal names, but this was her best and only friend, crying her eyes out in front of her, slowly she gathered her thoughts with a deep but quick breath.

"Are you okay?…. Y-You know I'm always here for you right? If you need to talk we can! Chef is bringing up the food separately, so- so we can even go somewhere else if you want! The others will still eat!- I-I've never seen you cry before, what's wrong? D-Did someone hurt you? I'll punch their face in?!" she let out the last part in surprising seriousness, furrowed brows and a fist raised into the air with an expression that screamed bloodlust, a rather amusing look with the belly adding on. However spotting the letter a moment later she think she understood, after all she'd read that note with Jae herself- well, she sat there and Jae read it out loud.

The marriages….. Had it really got her so torn up? She'd asked so many times if she was okay with it and the girl just kept saying yes, no, she didn't seem to be lying then, her siblings? Argh- of course, "Dangit Jae, always gotta be the best big sis in the world, huh?…." she mused softly touching a hand to the others shoulder, suddenly however her vision blurred for a moment and she lifted the other to feel her own warm and slightly flustered cheeks.

pulling away a little awkwardly she gave a nervous smile,
"W-Would you like some water? I'll go get us some water!" she ushered out as she walked away to the table only a short distance away at the wall with a steady pace, leaning against it she poured two glasses. Filling hers with ice she took a long sip before letting out a sigh of relief with a wider smile, it was okay, everything was fine, she caught it in time, Jae did not need her annoying condition on top everything else tonight, she just had to stay cool, she knew the drill.

Coming back over with a pleasant and well placed facade of innocence she put the drink down as she continued to hold her own, kneeling beside the other belly resting on lap as her hands gently cradled it, cup resting on top she smirked and looked up at the woman's face with a giggle, "Look! I can do his cool party trick now! haha, I meant to show you yesterday but you seemed pretty busy~ Now give me a smile, alright?~ That beautiful face deserves to look just as happy as the amazing big sister you know you are Jaejae" She chuckled, even adding a little nickname onto the last bit, even more so than the normal version. She'd seen Jae write letter upon letter to her siblings on the front lines, always hoping for a reply, always checking how the battle was doing and that the troops had enough supplies, even if she couldn't be there directly, the girl was always, always being the best she can for them, and for this entire kingdom.

She hoped that maybe even if just for this trip, the girl would get some time to just enjoy being herself.

Mentioned/Interacting: Hyelin Hyelin (Directly talking to lool) Soma Schicksal Soma Schicksal Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 Trappy Trappy NightPhoenix NightPhoenix Morzone Morzone (Other dinner arrivals to come)
Daughter of Lawrence, Knight of the West
interactions: idalie idalie (Lawrence)
Essie was sitting to the side as she waited for the man to get her father, she wrinkled her nose at the thought after all it was really weird. She remained quiet though, she really had no desire to talk to anybody and it was at that moment she heard somebody coming and she quickly looked over to see him. Every girl would dream about what their father would be like, for her it was no different and she imagined somebody dashingly good-looking and she had to admit she wasn’t disappointed.

When they got close to one another, she just stared at him for a moment taking in what he looked like, what he was wearing and everything else. She reached out and gently touching his hand, as she smiled a little bit. She nodded her head quickly, making sure to answer him and then his question, she bit her lip for a moment but still didn’t say anything. In fact, it was a couple more minutes before she finally did answer, she smiled brightly at him. “Yeah, she did talk a little bit about it…. Although I don’t think she mentioned you by name…. She told me stories about dashingly handsome knight who stole her heart and out of that…. I was born!”

She was going to deny the food, but her stomach was telling her otherwise, so she quickly nodded her head again. “Yeah, I’m really hungry!” She kept a hold of his hand though, almost like she was afraid to let go and fearful if she did he would disappear. “Uhmm, you’re not going to leave me…. Are you?” She looked at him, her eyes had such fear in them and hurt, even at 10 years old she still didn’t grasp the whole death thing at least not very well.
Youngest Prince of the West Kingdom
Interactions/Nearby: FireMaiden FireMaiden Moonie Moonie Soma Schicksal Soma Schicksal

After the maid had left, Kyne delved into his own thoughts. He continued to stand in the middle of his room, rubbing his chin while he mulled over his soon-to-be fiancée. He wasn’t one for war. While kingdoms were bitter and feuding, he found himself researching about each family. From the information he had gathered, Kyne concluded there wasn’t a single princess in the kingdoms who wasn’t worthy to be by his side. He had preferences, of course, but all were fine women.

Nonetheless, even with his attitude, he heaved a sigh. “Romance is a fickle thing. Blushing. Hugs. Giggles. They’re fairytales.” He pivoted on his heel and waltzed to his nearby desk and took up a leather-bound journal. Kyne flipped through the pages until he landed on one with a list he had written up:

∆ Make sure to have the carriages clean before departing the castle.
∆ Choose outfits that are pleasing to the eye, but don’t exhume a stuffy attitude.
∆ Prepare weapons on my person. Aeryn will (likely) choose how protection will be done while traveling and at the Middle Kingdom. She has an eye for those things. Truly an attribute I find admirable.
Practice my introduction with a maid.
∆ When I arrive to the Middle Kingdom, be sure to send someone to find the most grand, single flower in all the lands to present to the goddess-like maiden I shall be bestowed.
∆ Envelope her heart with our future.
∆ Woo my goddess.
∆ Hold hands. This is a tough one, I must get past the thought that she may be out to steal my gloves.
∆ Hug. Another issue, she may stab me in the back.
∆ Kiss. The most terrifying, what if I don’t please her?
Change the world together.
∆ Make sure my immaculate sisters are doing fine.

Kyne’s eyes widened as he reread the last item on his list. He didn’t remember the last time he had spoke to them. Ever since Thaddeus left the kingdom, he could hardly bring himself to confront the two. Only trading words on occasion. They were two brilliant women. And, even he knew that Aeryn was the most fit for the crown.

He slammed the book shut between his fingers and tucked it beneath his arm as he stomped to his door. After the marriages, the chances of reconnection were unlikely. Now was the time. Before their fates were sealed, he had to rekindle what their family once had.

The young prince flung open his door, took a step forward, but quickly moved back as a line of guards marched past him. “What?” he breathed and left his room once more as they passed. “Excuse me? What is happening?” he called out and a single guard turned about face to answer him.

“Her Highness, Princess Aeryn, has ordered us to find the Blacksmith, Vulkan. If he attempts to escape, we have permission to kill him. Please do well to keep your distance from him your Highness.” With that, the solider went to join the others.

Kyne pulled back his head due to the soldier’s response. The reason for such an order seemed obscure and he hadn’t been given any details as to why their blacksmith was to be captured, possibly killed. Thus, he sped walked down the hall to locate his sister. He eyed each corridor, any open door, but she wasn’t anywhere near him.

His speed hastened, as he feared for the worst. Was someone attacked? Was his father in danger? His sisters…were they okay? He stopped though as he spotted a glitter from the corner of his eye. It came from beyond the window, all the way on the ground below. Kyne tugged on his gloves with the journal still beneath his arm and peered out the window.

“Armor?” he questioned and continued down the hall and, at first, passed Celeste altogether, but halted his steps and shuffled backward. “My stunning blood that stands before me, what in all the fluttering pegasus is going on?”
Sir Lawrence Llewellyn
Western Knight Commander

The girl hesitated before addressing him, a break for the two strangers to observe one another. See where they shared common blood and of which stories had been told. Aqua, however, hadn’t told of the truth that lay within the sin of Essie’s conception. If Lawrence had his way, Essie would never know. She would be legitimised in his name and they would speak of nothing but daring romance. No gold. No coin. No war.
Lawrence smiled again to renew his vigour, breaking from the barrage of thoughts, “A dashing knight? Well, I’m certainly no pretty thing, your mother on the other hand was something else!” He laughed, albeit the sound was off-key for those who knew him, desperately trying to keep a sense of light-hearted joy at the thought of his carelessness. He should’ve known better. Unsure whether to be angry at the spirit of a dead woman for keeping her secrets, at himself, or weep at the cruel ways of the world.

Essie found his hand and held on, her tiny palm enclosed in his larger one as he got to his feet. Law was almost fearful he’d break it. “We’d better head on over to the kitchens before someone else makes off with all the pastries,” Law playfully tapped his nose, leading the girl away until she gripped his hand a little tighter. The Knight met her gaze, filled with as many fears as his own. She reminded him of many a soldier he’d fought beside -to whom he'd made promises and spoke lies. You could never make an oath on death, alas, Essie was too young to ruin with such philosophies.

“I shan’t leave you, of course not. You’ll be a fine young woman by the time I keel over.” Lawrence reassured, speaking with sincerity over such a thing. No fickle worry by any measure of his imagination, for it was rightfully so she be scared after losing her mother. He could only pray that no conflict would drag him in its midst, as for now, his family had grown.

Llewellyn moved them through the grand palace grounds at a comfortable pace, pointing out the finery of the gardens until they reached a servants entrance. Law ducking his tall form under the doorway to greet the bustling maids going back and forth. It was quite the hive in those working behind the scenes of monarchs; scented by fresh linens, baked bread, and filled with lively chatter as rumours spread of the royal engagements.

He sat Essie down at the table where the cooks bustled, talking with one of the older women before a plate was set in front of the little one. Lawrence was soon sought out again, this news only an incentive to point his anger away from himself and elsewhere.

“The smithy did what, exactly?” He seethed, eyes narrowing as he understood the orders given - perhaps a tad too enthusiastically. Celeste was still a child in his minds eye. A loyal hound, as ever he’d been raised, felt his rage simmer. Leaning over to Essie, Law inclined his head. “I’ll be back soon, I just have a few duties that need tending. One of the girls here will get you cleaned up after you’re finished.” Apologetically he bowed out and marched his way to the war room. Practically shouldering down the door; his eyes found that of Aeryn.

“She’s alright? Not hurt, then? By the almighty-” He huffed and rubbed his jaw, thumb following the line as Llewellyn moved in. "What's going on exactly?"

Reiia silver Reiia silver FireMaiden FireMaiden
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The blooming prince of the East
Interactions: Reiia silver Reiia silver

"Now, now Erica... nobody deserves your tears... not even I do. Please dry them my love" Mizuko whispers reassuringly. The tall boy places his warm hand onto Erica's cheek and gently caresses her. "And I shall find a way for our love. I will promise you that" he continues whispering softly into her ear.

What can't be seen is his own fear. He is a prince and she a princess... that is not the problem, but more the pairing up of the couples is. He doesn't know what to do if they both really get married to someone different... but at the same time, it would be a miracle if they get to be wed to each other.

But to suppress his inner fear, the prince gives her a heartwarming smile. "Everything will work out for our well-being" Well, at least Mizuko hopes so, if not he would have lied to her, or even worse, broken her heart. After a long, affectionate kiss her turns to the window, opens the curtains and looks outside. It is getting darker with every minute. "Dear, should I bring you something to eat or drink?" the man then asks her curious. "The way here must be draining, not?"

Deep inside him, he knows he won't be able to see her for a while after this... and she has been here for a long time as well... she would have to leave... But he doesn't want her to leave, not now... never. Their bond to each other should never end. He prays to everything and everyone to be it like that. For their love.

Celeste - Youngest Princess of the West

Celeste was quite surprised when Vulkan managed to wiggle his way out of the water pinning him. Even more surprising, he attempted to trip Aeryn! He was a brave man albeit a most likely dead one. If he was in danger before, it was much worse now that he was attempting to escape. She didn’t need to look at Aeryn for her expression, the anger almost having a physical presence that suffocated her. Her anxiety grew both worried for the blacksmith and her sister’s reaction.

The name ‘Celeste’ made her wince. Aeryn almost never called her by her full name, unless it was around their father of course. “I’m sorry I-,” her attempt at an explanation was cut short by the icy glare focused on her. Aeryn… was mad at her? In that moment, Celeste wanted nothing more than to just disappear. Her sister was always one to comfort her, not scold her! As she heard orders for the guards under no condition to interact with her, Celeste’s shame grew. Gaze focused to the ground and shoulders slumped, she wasn’t sure what to do. It would only anger Aeryn more if she went after her, trying to explain the situation. Would her sister ever forgive her? Surely she couldn’t! After all, it was Celeste’s own absentmindedness that had caused this situation.

Celeste didn’t think much of the footsteps passing her, assuming it was yet another guard combing the grounds for the blacksmith who had dared kiss her. However, the footsteps scurried back, the voice of her brother shortly following.

The girl practically flew into her brother’s arms. Although she never was as close to him as Aeryn, she would take any comfort she could get. “Oh, Kyne! It’s horrible. Aeryn hates me now!” Celeste said between her sniffles and hiccups. “And.. And it’s all my fault. If I hadn’t ran into that blacksmith, the castle wouldn’t be on lockdown and Aeryn would still love me.”

FireMaiden FireMaiden AEONmeteorite AEONmeteorite Soma Schicksal Soma Schicksal
Eldest Princess Miriam of the South
NightPhoenix NightPhoenix
Talking with Kaeden was always a strange experience to Miriam. Perhaps it was simply the nature of someone who read all day and preferred to think rather than act. In a sense they were complete opposites, siblings though they may be. Kaeden had always had this uncanny way of speaking her own thoughts back to her. Many times those thoughts were things she hadn't wanted to admit to herself.

Miriam had questioned herself many times. Many times wondering if she should simply sit back and accept what happened rather than always trying to influence everything. Would life be easier? happier? Simpler if she rolled with the punches instead of always punching back? Kaeden was right, she knew it. This wasn't like the lessons where you could impress a tutor and move on to the next thing. This was marriage, and if anything was going to trip her because she'd ran without looking, this was going to be it. Still... Miriam couldn't bring herself to let go of her anxiety, and she still only really knew one way to deal with her fears: face them head on.

"You think I ever have time to slow down when I have a little brother like you to take care of?" She joked, lightly punching Kae' in the shoulder. "I'll make you a deal Kae'. I've already started to run, we're leaving tonight for the middle kingdom. When we get there though, when we go to this ball, I'll let go of the reigns for a bit. You can show me how to take it slow. Who knows, maybe I'll get lucky and get a guy who can do the work for me and let me relax for once." Miriam smiled and jokingly punched her brother again, "Maybe you'll get a girl who will do all the work for you and let you read in the library all day."

The princess pulled herself to her feet, stretching after sitting on the hard stone. She held out a hand to help pull her younger brother to his feet as well. "And you better write. I want all the stories of your love life written out for me to read when I'm bored. Come on, we better be ready to leave before Marx or he's going to get on my case for sending servants after him."
Calrin - Butler of the Eastern Royal FamilyInteracting with: Nome ( Northless Northless )
Mentioned: Lukas ( Mooniee Mooniee )
Nearby: Lukas ( Mooniee Mooniee )

As Hana and her knight snuck out, Calrin deemed it safe enough, and resumed his duties. Preparations for the trip were underway, and servants rushed to and fro. Since all four of the royal siblings would be travelling, there was a lot to be done. Security, clothes, gifts for the queen—those were just a few of the things to take care of. Even though he wasn't the one to personally oversee each minute detail, the heads of each bureau generally reported to him on their progress, or went to him with questions regarding the trip.

After a report from the captain of the guard that the accompanying soldiers had already been notified, and an (unnecessarily enthusiastic) update from the Mistress of the Robes that the dresses that would be brought for the princesses had been selected and prepared ("They'll be the most beautiful belles no matter the occasion!" she happily informed), Calrin decided to go find the eldest princess, to give her an update of his own.

He found her in the palace gardens, with the youngest prince. Overhearing the last part of their conversation, he detected the upset tone in her voice.

"I apologize for interrupting, Your Highnesses," he bowed. "I'm here to inform you that the staff have been working hard on the preparations, and thanks to their efficiency, we will be ready to leave tomorrow morning at the earliest. We only await your decision on the matter."

He lifted his head slightly, studying her. Yes, she was definitely in distress, even though she carefully covered it up with a smile. Whether her siblings knew or not, he wasn't sure, but Princess Nome had frequently approached him to confide in him, when she was feeling troubled or insecure. He had responded in kind, trying to help her whenever he could, and mostly just lending her an ear. Although he didn't feel as emotionally bound to her as he did with Hana, he had grown rather fond of Princess Nome—or perhaps 'concerned' was the right word. She had a lot on her shoulders as the eldest, and always held herself to the highest standards achievable. Sometimes he felt he could almost see the chains of responsibility and expectations (both self-imposed and external) weighing down on her, shackling her.

Since, even now, she was probably trying to look strong for her brother, he didn't want to directly ask her about it. Instead, he tried to communicate it with his eyes. Are you alright? He even tried asking silently, Do you need me to make up an excuse for you to leave? That was slightly harder, but he just wanted her to know that if she didn't have the energy to deal with her brother right now, he was ready to assist.
7fa70667a2192d71ebbf85e440eeaea7d32bcdd0r1-574-673v2_00.jpgCharacter: Nome, oldest princess of the Eastern Kingdom
Location: Eastern Kingdom - Inner Garden
Interaction: Mooniee Mooniee Lukas, NightPhoenix NightPhoenix Calrin

The Princess of the East stoically nodded at the provided information, but Nome couldn't be more glad Calrin of everyone else had found them. After several years, he was the one she had shared most with, both good and bad, and even if she would have reprimanded the same behavior from her siblings, she didn't regret any of it. She knew she could tell him anything, and that those secrets and thoughts were sacred for him as much as for her. Even now, when he didn't win much worrying about her while there were others around who may do so too, the concern in his eyes was evident, and Nome couldn't help but feel herself smiling a little. A true, non-orchestated smile. For all of the looks of it, she couldn't bring herself to lie to him, conscious decision or not.

He was safe to be around. And she was grateful for that.

"Of course, we must aim to leave as soon as possible." She turned back to her brother and gestured to Calrin, more as a suggestion than something she meant to be accomplished "You should make sure you're not forgetting anything, Lukas. It'll be a long way there tomorrow. I'll accompany you later, I'll rather... stay outside for a while more. These gardens are one of the things I'll miss the most, for sure."
6e67f8badb652ee7f70ccd535057e5dc (1).jpg
Location: Western Kingdom - Castle Halls
Interaction: idalie idalie
Mentioned: AEONmeteorite AEONmeteorite Mooniee Mooniee Soma Schicksal Soma Schicksal Kloudy Kloudy Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59
Outfit: 01

The war room was a mess, no more than usual with papers strewn about the large map table, Aeryn starting down at the map her hands shaking. Celeste didn't need to experience the brunt If her anger, she wasn't mad at her sister. Especially not for something like this, but sometimes it was needed. Like this, there was a chance Celeste would go find their brother or someone to comfort her rather than going after the blacksmith. It hurt her, Cici didn't deserve it, but if it kept her away then Aeryn felt it was worth it. And besides, cheesecake could solve all problems. Anyway, her attention was on the messanger before her. "So, the Flameheart has returned home?" She was aware that unlike her, the princes who fought in the wars, The Flameheart and the North's Defender, or whatever they called Prince Kirin, did not have the same luxury as her. Her father pulled her back as soon as she turned 18, and Aeryn at the time didn't have a choice.

"Yes milady. The southern soliders that our troops were still fighting was the act of independent generals. Prince Marx executed them for their actions, so we shouldn't have any more trouble from them," The messanger said, a military report in her hands. "What do you want to do?"

"I've already given orders to only engage for purely defensive purposes, a retreat isn't necessary. The prisoners our troops have taken are still having their wounds mended, and the civilians in the area may need assistance, I see no reason to change my mind suddenly. If Prince Marx has an issue, he can send a letter. I assume he knows how to write." At least one stress was lifted from her shoulders, she raised her hand, punching the bridge of her nose. "You're dismissed, thank you." The woman clad in dark clothing nodded, bowing before turning to leave just as Lawrence entered. "She's not hurt, no." Aeryn sighed, "Physically at least, my anger isn't well hidden."

Aeryn knew that it could be an issuse, but in most cases she could control. When someone hurts her family, control is not an option. "I stumbled upon blacksmith Vulkan kissing Celeste, and given the shock on her face, she didn't ask for it. I pinned him to the wall, he slipped free of the water and his clothing, and is now wandering around in his panties. I've given an order for the entire castle to find him, kill if he tries escaping again. I will get answers, or he will be punished, it's as simple as that." She said this, her voice stern, an air of anger still hanging around her. "He went off towards the kitchen, but I had to address the situation in the South, so I couldn't follow."
Sir Lawrence Llewellyn
Western Knight Commander

The war room was in disarray by the time he’d reached it, Aeryn dismissing a messenger - their conversation unknown. Whatever it was did nothing to aid the situation he might suppose, for the running of a Kingdom was not something easily left. Lawrence slowly moved to close the distance, leaving enough space for it to remain in a professional capacity. “Good, what matters is Celeste is alright. I almost thought the girl was on her deathbed.” The Knight let out a heavy sigh, his shoulders slumping from where they’d been tense, rigid through rage.

Lawrence’s face dropped into a dark scowl at the personal retelling of the tale, Celeste being kissed by such a man and unprovoked at that. She barely knew that damn, filthy blacksmiths son. He couldn’t allow himself to get so infuriated, not when the situation was being dealt with. What he was told, however, about Vulkan heading to the kitchen was of news to him. He could only pray the stupid boy had been caught or ran through and out again, save having to explain it for Essie. The maids had her in good hands.

Silence carried, Llewellyn placing one of his hands on her shoulder. A warm, comforting weight, “And speaking as a friend, are you alright?” He questioned, staring into her youthful and troubled expression. Those dark eyes of his softened by sympathy. “A question I should be asking you more and more these days.” Law released her and instead began to gather up the parchment strewn about. “Sometimes, I wonder how much the world has changed in our lifetimes. Clearly not enough for fools otherwise Vulkan would know what's best for him.”

Moving to set himself upright, the Knight placed the paperwork in a neat pile. “Almost reminds me of myself.” He smiled, looking to Aeryn with a shake of his head. “If it wasn’t for my desire to break his kneecaps and make him understand a simple yes and no. We used to beat men for that. Still do.”

Llewellyn rested on the edge of the table, gazing down at his feet. “But I fear I’ve committed a sin, Aeryn. I fear I am not the man I thought myself to be, much less the man you might think I am.” He withdrew the letter passed to him from the guard initially, offering it to the princess. “I’m stuck between love in more ways than I ever prayed to avoid, I feel as if I should send her away. To have something more. Tangible family. She deserves stability in the face of her upbringing. For someone to protect her as you do your own siblings, I worry I don’t have what it takes. I’m too far gone, Ryn.”

FireMaiden FireMaiden

Lukas - Youngest Prince of the East

Lukas didn’t take much notice of the butler and missed the exchanged glances all together. He did notice, however, the hint of a smile forming on Nome’s face. His sister was always so stoic, so it was always a surprise to see even the slightest smile. When she suggested he prepare his things, he let out a groan before standing from the bench.

“That means I will need to find Anneliese. You know, I have an impeccable taste in fashion but that woman always disagrees! What is the point of asking my opinion if she ignores it every time,” He complained, still grumbling as he walked away.

Truthfully, he was thankful for her. Many servants were assigned to him over the years, however none lasted. The longest standing servant had been an older, plump woman who prided herself on taking care of even the most difficult children. She last no more than a single month. Anneliese had stayed with him even when he moped or bickered with her. Of course he would never tell her those things.

In only a short amount of time, Lukas had found the maid doing his laundry. “There you are Anneliese! Nome had asked me to get my things together and as you know, whenever I do it myself, my items tend to go missing.”

Whenever packing himself, Lukas tended to forget things. A lot of things. Shoes, clothes, and even his lucky handkerchief! He always assumed that his things had been lost during his travels. Magically, they always were at his home when he returned! Mostly likely because he never packed them in the first place but that was an unimportant detail.

Northless Northless NightPhoenix NightPhoenix animegirl20 animegirl20
2untitled.pngAnneliese was busy finishing the last of the laundry when she suddenly heard Lukas call out to her. She glanced at him then continued working. "More like you forget to pack them." Finally, she was done she hung the last of his clothing up so it could dry then walked over to him. "I actually was going to come get you. I wanted to talk to you about this trip." She said as started making her way to his room. The more she had thought about it the more she wasn't even sure if he could really answer her question. Also, she wasn't sure she wanted to think that far ahead. Things were already fine the way they were she honestly didn't want anything the change. Change didn't always mean good things especially with her, things usually only got worse. Getting this castle job was the only really good life change she had in a long time "So how do you feel about this arrange marriage?........ Oh by the way when we get to your room and start packing, I have the final say in what clothes you take. If left it all to you you'd look like a train wreck."
Mooniee Mooniee
Location: The Eastern Royal Gardens
Interaction: Open
Mentioned: Northless Northless 5b96d39ea7eb0965bd73f78852064240.jpg

Cheneka had always loved the Eastern gardens; they were always sprawling with life and beauty. So when she news broke that she would have to accompany the royals to the middle kingdom, the girl knew that she would have to come here. It made her sad, not knowing the next time her eyes would see this place. This was the one area that had comforted her in the times of worry and need, but now it was time to abandon it.

The gardens were her protection and Eden. All of the careful colours created an allure like no other, with no flower overpowering or suppressing the others. All of the scents waltzing through the air, infusing her nose with sweet aromas. All of the wildlife supporting the ecosystem, working their busy, peaceful lives. It was all linked, creating a place that could soothe even the most worrisome of minds. Usually she would come here after a stressful day at court, or if she had received some harassment from those within the palace.

Coming here also stopped her thinking about the marriages; the princesses and princess were no much older or younger than her and they would have to get married. What happened to love? Why couldn't they find an alternative way for peace? It made her dumbstruck how the kingdoms only way to create peace was to marry off its children. This is what centuries of war had done. The girl had made up her mind on the matter, but she knew know that her opinion wouldn't change anything. Her main objective was to just not get hurt by it...Mizuko would now be further from her than ever, a royal and married.

Just as these thoughts had begun to break the barriers of her mind, Cheneka saw Lady Nome enter the gardens. "Princess Nome!" Cheneka curtsied in a polite manner, "I hope I'm not intruding on you...I can leave if you want."
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Kaeden - Youngest Prince of the SouthInteracting with: Miriam ( Morzone Morzone )
Mentioned: -
Nearby: -

Although she was joking, Kaeden gave it some serious thought. A girl who would do all the work for him and let him read all day? Was that what he wanted? The thousands of female characters he'd read about ran through his mind. Some were strong, some were more dependent on the hero, some were bright, some were quiet. What was his ideal? He'd never really thought about it before.

He was shaken out of his musings as his sister continued to talk. Taking the proffered hand, he quipped, "Instead of writing all those 'stories' in letters, perhaps I could just publish my own novel. I should write under a pen name. What do you think about"—he waved his hand in the air dramatically—"Sir K? Creative, isn't it?"

Calrin - Butler of the Eastern Royal FamilyInteracting with: Nome ( Northless Northless )
Mentioned: Cheneka ( MinTea MinTea )
Nearby: Cheneka ( MinTea MinTea )

Calrin's blue eyes followed the young prince as he left, making sure he was well and truly gone before turning his gaze on the princess. His expression softened, his posture relaxed slightly, and he allowed himself to make eye contact with her.

"How are you feeling about the marriages, Your Highness? Do you want to talk about it?" he enquired. The corner of his mouth lifted in light jest as he continued, "As your butler, please allow me to assist you with anything you may require."

He heard the footsteps treading softly near them far before the girl herself came into view. By then, his usual expression had already snapped back into place. As he had suspected from the sound of the footsteps—he had observed and familiarized himself with the people in the closest positions to the royal family as much as humanely possible—it was Cheneka, Hana's lady-in-waiting.

He kept his expression neutral, but felt a small twinge of annoyance at Cheneka, wondering if Princess Nome would get any breaks today.

Location- Eastern Kingdom - Castle Halls
Interaction- Open

Mentioned- Reiia silver Reiia silver (Hana) Northless Northless MinTea MinTea NightPhoenix NightPhoenix (Calrin)
Outfit: 01

Devi understood why. She understood the reasons and the how, and gods knew she understood how all of this worked both politically and personally, but that didn't mean she had to like it. Her friends, her princesses, were going away. Far away, and Devi would have to chose someone to follow, she couldn't in her right mind just leave them alone. Princess Hana had two ladies in waiting, Cheneka could go with her, so logically that meant Devi would be going with Princess Nome. It was only right. And what would Calrin do? Would he remain here, or follow one of the princesses as well? Devi could only wonder at this point, no clear answers and no clear direction. And thanks to the general confusion of today, Devi for the first time in a long time, found herself with nothing to do.

Of course she could go find one of the princesses, see how they were doing, but she felt like maybe they would prefer to be left alone. At least for another little while. She could go paint, or chat with their mother, or even find one of the princes. Though, she never really did connect with either of them, not that they weren't friends, but she prefers the company of women, it was easier that way. And more socially acceptable to be friends with them than it was men. Anyway, Devi had wandered from her room, to the kitchen, to various other places of interest hoping to run into someone, but her luck didn't seem to be on her side at that moment. And, passing a window that overlooked the courtyard below, she found out why.

"Having a party and nobody invited me, how rude," she chuckled to herself, standing there for a moment to watch the princess, the butler, and her fellow lady in waiting for a moment, before moving on. It wasn't her business anyway, she couldn't possibly eavesdrop from all the way up there. Well, she could, but...eh, no matter. Devi would let them have their privacy for now, Princess Nome most likely didn't feel the best about this whole situation, she certainly needed a break. With a sigh, the girl looked around her general vicinity, finding nothing more than a bench and no interesting people to talk to, she sat down. Maybe something to do would magically pop up, and save her from boredom.​
Youngest princess of the South
interactions: Hyelin Hyelin (Mizuko)

Erica felt really guilty for crying, she had not meant to make such a big deal about the whole ordeal. She knew that no matter what they had to be together, the two of them had been like this for so long now. She stared at him for a moment, all the while she gently wiped her tears. A smile appeared on her face, as she suddenly felt his lips on her, she felt the happiest she never was. She didn’t care how long it took, she would definitely wait for him and stay by his side.

She hadn’t thought about how late it was actually getting, when he pointed it out she was actually pretty surprised. She did feel hungry, but at the same time she was a little worried that if he left something might happen. “Yes, it’s often tiring using my teleportation--” her eyes began to glow almost as she was smiling. “But it’s worth it, no matter where you go I will always find a way to stay by your side. I promise you that.” She moved towards the window just peeked out, she found the Eastern land to be quite interesting. “I- I don’t think I will be able to leave for a while, this might cause you a problem and I hope not. But, I need time to rest before I go back…. I want to rest with you.” Her cheeks were bright red this point and she began to wave her hands in front of her. “I meant nothing inappropriate by that-- I hope you know….”
Daughter of Lawrence, Knight of the West
interaction: Mooniee Mooniee (Celeste) AEONmeteorite AEONmeteorite (kyne)
Esther happily began to eat some food, the cook that was in the kitchen seem to find the most perfect thing for her to eat. She didn’t realize how hungry she possibly was, although it only made sense since she didn’t have a lot to eat in the past couple of days. She sat there pretty happy, but she was really curious what was going on in the kingdom after all people Walking by or walking in talking about it. At the moment, she was more curious about her father but he seemed pretty busy.

She grabbed a piece of bread before she began to wander around, sure she knew it was probably not the best to leave the kitchen. If she was being honest with herself, it was because she was very curious as to what a castle was like. She had never been in a place so fancy, but before she left the kitchen she peeked her head out. Essie was making sure there was nobody who would try to stop her, she began to walk down the halls and looked in every room that wasn’t closed.

She took her eyes all around as she was walking, she didn’t notice but as she walked bits of bread crumbs fell from where she was eating. “This place is so big ….” She shook her head looking back behind her, she was wondering if she would be able to find her way back. It made her nervous a little bit, only because she didn’t want to worry anybody.

Finally she walked into another hallway, down then she noticed the more she walked that somebody was crying. Esther hated when people cried, she remembered her mom crying a lot and it reminded her of that. She found herself running down the hall going straight up to Celeste and attempting to suddenly hug her. “Don’t cry, why are you crying? Did you get hurt? Did somebody hurt you?” She didn’t know the girl, but still she felt like it was her duty to help make her feel better. Then she remembered what she was wearing, as she stepped away and looked down. “I’m sorry-- I just don’t like when people are really sad--”
Youngest princess of the East
mentions: Mooniee Mooniee (Lukas) FireMaiden FireMaiden (Devi)
interactions: Soma Schicksal Soma Schicksal (Nero)
Hana return the kiss, as she got up herself and got her dress back on. She didn’t know exactly how everything was going to work, all she knew at this point was that it had to work. She went back over to the baby and picked him up, she smiled as she playfully rubbed his cheek. She gave him a kiss on the forehead as a tear ran down her cheek, she placed them back in the cradle and walked towards The door. Her heart was breaking, but at the same time she was filled with darkness as to the fact her child would never be accepted as royalty.

Before long, they made it back to the castle and Hana was in a very bad mood at this point. “Nero no matter what happens, we have got to make sure our son never gets found out. If he does, I fear he may suffer greatly…. “ after that she just continued to walk straight down the hall, she didn’t want to talk to anybody else and that the moment she wanted to have a good cry. “You can let anybody who has been looking for me know I am home….. “ she spoke to a nearby maid, before she walked into her room and collapsed on the bed.

Why didn’t all have to happen this way? Life would’ve been so much better had she just listened everybody, done what she was told and not fall in love with Nero. At the same time, it was their fault for designing her such a noble knight, she didn’t know what to feel about any of it. Then, she thought about who might be a good qualification to help her take care of the baby. She sat up quickly, opening the door she began to shout towards a nearby maid. “Tell my lady in waiting, Devi that I would like her here, tell her it’s important. “ She was going to let her in on her deepest and most sacred secret.=

“Nero, I think that Devi could be the answer to our problems, on top of that I’m sure we can trust her…. “ she sat down on her bed, as she waited for the maid to send and she just hoped from the one person that she did not want audience with. Her brother Lukas, he knew about this and he did not approve. She worried that he might just lecture her, and top of that she kind of wanted to tell her sister but didn’t feel like she could.
6e67f8badb652ee7f70ccd535057e5dc (1).jpg
Location: Western Kingdom - Castle Halls
Interaction: idalie idalie
Mentioned: AEONmeteorite AEONmeteorite Mooniee Mooniee Soma Schicksal Soma Schicksal Reiia silver Reiia silver (Essie)
Outfit: 01

The sight of Lawrence was a relief. Anger subsiding for a moment, she gave him a brief smile, before her face fell again, eyebrows furrowed. "No, of course not. If anything worse had happened to her, I would have drowned him." She meant that, and if that was the case, she certainly wouldn't have hesitated. Despite her sister's presence. Her eyes were focused on the map in front of her, papers obscuring a few places, but she wasn't truly observing the map. Her mind was elsewhere only drawn back when she felt his hand on her shoulder. Instinctually, she moved a hand, placing it gently on top of his. She turned to look at him, silent for a moment before she turned away. "No, Lawrence, I don't think I am." Silence again, a painfully minute of it, before Aeryn shook her head. "I was so angry I could have killed him. I...I don't like feeling that. Oh god, and Cici...she had to see it, what if I actually snapped? What if I had actually killed him and she had to see it? Four years and the first time I call her Celeste, I'm on the verge of murder." She took a shaky breath. "Did I ever actually tell you what happened when I got captured?" Aeryn asked, stepping away from him.

She wasn't even sure if she had told the officers in charge of her safety, least of all Lawrence. "Two weeks in one of the main Northern encampments, Recruit Chanalet was left in the hands of a mighty commander." She chuckled dryly raising her arms to exaggerate, before running a hand through her hair, "I don't even know his name. But what he did to me, the look I saw on Cici's face...it reminded me of how I felt, what I went through, the fact that if I didn't have the excuse of combat behind me, some men in the world would question my worth as a woman, a leader...she doesn't deserve that. But I...I don't know if I did the right thing." She paused again, looking back to him with a ghost of a smile. "You know, when people say they see red, I think they mean it."

The air hung heavy with her words, Aeryn hoping Lawrence understood what she was telling him, a knot had formed in the pit of her stomach, her eyes lazily lingering on him as he cleaned up the papers. "I know what it looks like, but I'm certain that mess was my father's doing." He never could just clean up after himself, could he? She nodded, not saying anything to his comment. She felt the same, and honestly, nothing would be changing. She was however, surprised when he handed her the letter. Cocking an eyebrow, she unfolded and began to read, shock over taking the angered, stress expression that had been playing her face for the past while.

"You...you have a daughter?" She asked queitly, her face twisting for a moment, her reaction unreadable for a moment, before she began to chuckle. That chuckle turned to a soft laugh, a small smile spread on her face. "Not what I expected from you dear Lawrence, where is she?" Aeryn folded the letter again, and handed it back. This letter could have been delivered by a carrier, or maybe his daughter delivered it herself. "Is she here? Should we go find her?"
Sir Lawrence Llewellyn
Western Knight Commander

He should’ve held her, he should’ve held her like he used to - rested his chin lightly on the crown of her head and wrapped her in a long embrace. Yet he didn’t. Briefly noting Aeryn’s hand resting on his, the soft fingertips; her gaze stripping apart his very being. Lawrence inclined his head, thumb stroking the side of her palm before she drew away. He knew the feeling of what she described. It raised goosebumps on his flesh, hair standing up at the back of his neck as he recalled the distinct pop of a squires head in his arms. A boy who wouldn’t stop struggling, crying. One of their own. Law had twisted the kid to look at him - trying to tell him to shut up, breaking his neck. He’d been furious, clouded by his own anger to the point it made him sick.

Llewellyn exhaled, not realising he’d been holding his breath. “I know you have dreams about it,” He remarked, folding his palms together. She had been through trials and testaments to her strength for it to be questioned over being the fairer sex. He understood. A game of faith and few rewards that lead him in a spiral of thought, his morals had grown grey and soon his hair would follow before he realised the meaning. “I wish something more could’ve been done, then again only a fool would wish for peace. I think we must be truly incapable of it.” Law covered his forehead, arm wrapped around his stomach. “I’ve seen red more than any colour, with it comes good things and bad. Yet they all look the same. What you did is what makes you human, looking out for your sister. I can’t comment on whether murder is forgivable, nor can I see the world as Celeste does. But I see a woman with a heart of gold, a little tarnished these days, but solid.”

Finishing gathering up the papers, distracting himself from the scenario which unfolded at multitude between war and children. Lawrence managed a smile, “Yes, the King is certainly a little scattered these days. I wouldn’t blame him, nor the maids, they know they’re not allowed in here.” He waited for her to read the letter, fingers painfully massaging his temple where they ached.

“A little girl,” He nodded, moving his hand to below his hip, “Yay-high, sweet as anything.” Her laughter made him see the humour of the situation and yet he couldn’t bring himself to join. “Aeryn, I can barely look after myself. I have done things, much like you, and I fear I will do something terrible.” Lawrence searched the princess’ expression. His Adam's apple bobbed, “I have this unnerving feeling like everything is about to be ruined.” The Knight hung his head and gestured out the war room.

“I left her in the kitchens, she arrived today. Her mother passed, I was the only next of kin she had.” Law moved to lead Aeryn, "She needs a room still, clothes, education. I don't know where to start. I'm not a fan of shipping her to another home, but I can't possibly take her to the middle kingdom. I won't start on what my father will say when he hears this." The older Llewellyn's cold face interrupted Law's thoughts. No, he wouldn't be happy at all. Let alone approve and Lawrence couldn't allow himself to be disowned for the impact it'd have on his career and livelihood as a whole. The Llewellyn name was more than a noble lineage, it was built on sacrifice and provided respect.

FireMaiden FireMaiden Reiia silver Reiia silver
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7fa70667a2192d71ebbf85e440eeaea7d32bcdd0r1-574-673v2_00 (1).jpgCharacter: Nome, oldest princess of the Eastern Kingdom
Location: Eastern Kingdom - Inner Garden
Interaction: NightPhoenix NightPhoenix Calrin, MinTea MinTea Cheneka

As if on clue, Nome's smile grew bigger when he let himself joke, some of the situation's weight seemingly disappearing. She found she had to think on the question, though. It wasn't that she didn't feel a thing, she discovered many found feelings at the whole plan, but until now, hadn't formed a personal opinion on it. She had just finished walking herself through the initial shock, for crying out loud; And those kind of opinions on orders weren't too proper of a princess to have, where they?

She sighed softly, not bothering on how her words would sound. Calrin himself was a sort of reality check, in that matter. When you can't lie to someone, you can get surprised at your own words. "Ain't that the matter? Been feeling too much about the whole thing already. In the end, my thoughts on it won't change anything, would they?"

She wanted to tell him that it was alright, that maybe not giving it much thought was the best thing to do for now, when they heard the woman approaching the place. Nome had the sudden realisation that if matters went down as she thought they would, one of the only things she would have left from her homeland would be the people from there. To talk with them now, before the storm, didn't seem unnecessary... In fact, any distraction from the current situation was welcome, not that she would admit it out loud.

She stood up from the bench, carefully hiding any kind of gesture that could be misinterpreted, and nodded lightly at them. "Cheneka, I always appreciate your company, don't ever doubt it. I believe you have heard of the recent mayhem surrounding the marriages. You're accompanying us, -she turned to Calrin a little too fast, feeling bad for not asking earlier- both of you will accompany us to the Middle Kingdom, right?"
Eliot Lanen, Royal Paladin

Location: West Palace, Hallways

Interactions/Area: Esther ( Reiia silver Reiia silver ), Kyne ( AEONmeteorite AEONmeteorite ), Celeste ( Mooniee Mooniee )

Mentions/Important: Aeryn ( FireMaiden FireMaiden ), Lawrence ( idalie idalie )

Eliot never enjoyed visiting Coralin, and less so when it was a command given due to his name as a Lanen, the family currently ruling the Coralais Dukedom. He never allowed people to refer to him as a Lanen when possible. Anyone who knew him knew it wasn't polite to him to call him by his surname. He mostly had his brother to thank for that attitude to his name, as well as his hate for politics. Eliot didn't know whether to feel relieved or frustrated once he entered the palace. The guards were beginning to calm down from the recent incident, but it was a surprise to Eliot when he heard the news. He was more concerned with Celeste if what the guard who let him in the palace said was true, and if it was Vulkan was a damned fool for thinking he could do what he did without consequences.

Eliot was hungry, he had ultimately decided to head for the kitchen for a snack after his return. The report to Aeryn and Lawrence on the wartime activities at Coralin's harbor being halted. He was perhaps back earlier than expected. Upon walking into the kitchen, Eliot just took a portion of preserved meat. As he was walking back into the dining area he noticed a little girl, unsupervised, peaking suspiciously out the door and leaving. Eliot was curious, he had never seen her around before. It would be a shame if she got lost or in a wrong spot. He shuddered to think what the guards would do to a little girl if she found herself in an office and discovered highly classified information.

He was beyond a corner when Esther had looked back, and he was doubling his pace when he heard someone crying. Redirection at that point would be best, but as he turned his head around the corner he saw the child run up to Celeste. Eliot had to reassure himself to keep his hand away from Aquapiek, his spear which was wrapped in cloth at the blade. Celeste was crying and Eliot wondered if what he heard earlier had anything to do with it. Prince Kyne was there, someone Eliot was a little more comfortable with due to Kyne's lack of political involvement from what Eliot knew. Seeing and hearing the little girl's actions and words affected Eliot in a warm way as he was reminded a little of his own younger sister. Sure the two were eight years or more apart from what Eliot could see, but the purity and kindheartedness being a similarity brought a smile to his face.

"Normally, one would be cautious making any sudden move towards Celeste," Eliot said as an introductory sentence. Once he had drawn attention he gave a small curt bow and said, "A good hug seems to be what she needs now though. May I ask the situation?" Eliot was very curious to know the story, but he asked in a way that said he didn't want to pry if it were too uncomfortable. It hadn't been an hour since his arrival back to the palace and his day was being filled with matters beyond his job description or control. Not that he minded, it often beat dealing with his brother or his mother on a bad day.

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