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Fantasy The Feuding Kingdoms---IC

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Elder Prince of the North

Karion, Northern Kingdom

Interacted: Hyunjae ( Hyelin Hyelin ), Achillea ( Trappy Trappy ), Adrian ( Morzone Morzone ), Jericho ( Soma Schicksal Soma Schicksal )
Mentioned: Erlria ( Cosmos Cosmos ), Angeline ( NightPhoenix NightPhoenix )
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Homecoming II

Of brothers and sisters, Kirin had only established such honorifics for the Silver Legion. Perhaps it was a certain longing to vicariously call upon his comrades in arms brothers and sisters, from whence he have yet to utter those names to his true kins - aside from Jericho. Upon Achillea's announcement of their arrival within the grand hall, Kirin's eyes met the prior's. Much attention was already given to them for so long, that the Elder Prince had grown tired of it. Yet, he did not chide the paladin, for she was only doing her duties, a testament of a faithful and honorable knight in his service. Many times before, Kirin had caught her yearning eyes, the very spark of wishful thoughts for home. Little words, among the expected formalities, were more than enough for the man to acknowledge her unspoken wish to go about her ways. Perhaps they would have to share words at a later time, should all is well. That was, until his brother broke the pause in between the armored quadruplets.

"Yes, some rest would be nice, truly nice. I’m sure you wouldn’t mind the Paladin by your side during those times though would you brother?"

Kirin's stern amber eyes met his brother's. He felt his daggered words stinging bite, warranted by his admonition of a remark. He remained silent throughout, lending an ear as to what his impetuous brother has to say. As Jericho went on about Achillea and his brother, the latter let out a slight sigh beneath his breath. The cold winter breeze was all but frigid, as compared to his familial pressing words.

"I…spoke too much…my apologies…" Jericho finally said, where the rest of his words faded into his own contemplation.

Kirin's gloves found its way upon his brother's hair. His seemingly firm grip turned out to be a gentle pet upon Jericho's head. Shuffling his younger brother's hair, with his eyes fixed on the boy, Kirin raised his voice.

"Fondness and affections are what separates us from the beasts of war, brother. For the souls that have wrought, and thought and toiled with me, some noble work may yet be accomplished. Nothing a good old reliable evening rest won't be able to fix." Kirin said nonchalantly.

While he did not directly address Jericho's clear affections for Achillea, Kirin had thought it to be wise to let his brother compose himself orderly. As he had learnt in the past, one could only be tested by their own thoughts and acts. Fleeting words can only go so far, even among families. On the other hand, the war had taken its toll on the Motherland, not by the scars that they had donned upon their attires and flesh, but of the mind. Doubts, grieves, wrath, and lust, these were the very thing that Kirin have had to wrestle with every single day, and he sees it in those around him as clear as day. As thus, he could only dissect the situation for them, as each man and woman are responsible for their own fate, and it was not his place to govern what is right or wrong for any individual. Such was his way, and such will be his way, for as long as he lives.

Directing his attention towards the two feminine figures before them, Kirin's petting gesture quickly transformed into a firm pat that found its impact upon Jericho's back.

"Such a slovenly expression won't do, brother. Now! Lift your chin, back straight, and eyes front! Forward, march!" Kirin cracked into his commandeering voice, as the four sallied forth to meet Hyunjae and her maid, of whom were already waiting for them. Given her white hair and fair skin, Kirin knew that she had to be his sister. The aloof demeanor in her eyes, as well as her refined axe. The maiden beside her, whose evident abdomen was surely a surprise for the man, of whom he has yet to be informed of. Given their close proximity in respect to each other, Kirin could only assume that the two were close. At least, closer than he was to Hyunjae and Angeline. Her dark, elegant hair and wide eyes upon the encroaching personnel in armor before her were more than warranted for.

Sashaying into the fray, Kirin felt his armor growing heavier with each steps. Even now, he has yet to conjure up words to deliver to his twin sister. The fresh aroma of perfumed carpet and Eastern-imported bouquets were more than enough to snap the man back into reality, as he found himself coming to a halt. Placing his right hand upon his chest, Kirin followed through with his usual formal conduct of greeting a lady. Slightly leaning forward for a bow, the man lowered his eyes, while his cheeks turned as red as snow bunny's on a wintry day.

"Sister..." he simply said, with a slight pause, before continuing.

"... No doubt, you have every right to reprimand my absence after all these years. The pain that Jericho and I have caused for you and Angeline, as the Elder Prince of the realm, I am willing to bear that responsibility. While we have not spoken much, I ask not for forgiveness, but a chance to make this family whole again." Kirin's eyes strayed from his sister's, fixed on the ground.

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The blooming prince of the East
Interactions: Reiia silver Reiia silver

The prince looks at Erica, serious. An expression you won't see too often on his face. He leans his head onto her forehead and kisses her. "My Love, I'm more than happy to see you again" he whispers, though he seems a little strange from other meetings with her. Mizuko seems... unhappy, sad. "I know about how you feel, more than you can imagine" he continues, slow and uneasy. The prince hates seeing her like this, it is tearing his heart into millions of pieces.

But then he looks at her, softly caressing her cheek. "But you should not worry, my dear. I'm am sure that we can arrange that. And if not, only then I am willing to run away with you after I tried everything else" he mumbles, looking at her with his sweet smile. "Because running away is not a proper solution my love, they will search for us, and if they find us... I honestly do not want to complete the sentence"

The man, dressed in his traditional clothing swiftly turns around and pulls out a necklace. "I would like you to wear it" he murmurs softly as he holds it in his big hands. "It shall be a promise, from me to you. That no matter what happens, my love will always be for you and you only"
Mizuko seems confident, but deep inside him... is his fear. Of losing her. Her and her trust. And it is eating him inside out.
The freezing cold princess of the North
Interactions: Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59
Near: Cosmos Cosmos Trappy Trappy and Soma Schicksal Soma Schicksal

The tall princess stands up, her dress touching the floor. Jae's expression can't be read, not even her best friend. She seems cold, it irritates the guards, maids. Her axe grinds on the withe marble floor making a screeching noise. Then she makes a halt right in front of Kirin and looks at him. "Stand up" she speaks monotonously, letting her eyes examine every little bit of him.

Then she reaches a hand out for him, letting her axe fall down on the ground. "As my brother, you should not bow to me" she whispers, her eyes slowly getting wet. Though she tries to be strong, not to show any weakness. She is supposed to be angry, for letting her suffer all these years. But she can't. Jae swallows hard and clears her throat. "I have been waiting... all these years, just for this very moment" he mumbles under her breath.

As she snaps back to reality she shakes her head in dismay of herself. "I should not have reacted like this..." the woman murmurs quietly before looking away. "Your rooms are all ready, you can go to sleep, after all, you just came back..." she continues. It is hard for Jae, her twin brother changed so much... finally he is home again... and he apologizes... "And do not be sorry for something you could not have changed" the princess finally speaks. She looks at the other people that accompany him. She is sure they are closer to him than she is, and it hurts her heart. So much. The cheers from outside slowly diffusing and the sun setting, giving the throne room a golden accent.

Jae so badly wants to just fall onto her knees, cry, hug him and never let him go again. You can see it in her eyes. But she can't. She has a name to lose.

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Isla has been watching the execution with a bit of a pouter the thought of losing such a useful body to law. Still she loved the sight of the head rolling around and the blood all over the place. She couldn’t help but be excited about it as she watched her king start towards wherever his destination was. Needless to say it brought him close to where she sat on a cart eating an apple. Watching him curiously with her dead eyes as he spoke with some people till he froze.

Hearing the words escaping the persons mouth about his marriage then him asking again brought a burst of laughter from her. Bellowing our as she fell back into the cart a little with a thud. Kicking her legs as she laughed at him almost to the point of stomach pains as she sat back up pointing at her prince with joy. “Ha!!! Your being married off!” She exclaimed before falling back laughing more at him.
Kloudy Kloudy
|| Elrlia - Maid/Lady in Waiting of princess Hyunjae of the North ||


El gave a nervous look at Jae as the princes entered, her best friends expression changed, cold- hard, even she herself couldn't truly work on what was going on behind that mask, it was something she hated that the elder girl just so happened to be adept at and not herself. As the princess stepped forwards she quickly followed suit across the floor, the screeching of the Axe stung her ears, but she was used enough to it by now not too give it too much bother.

As Kirin, the elder prince began an apologetic speech, fore fronted by a short exchange between him and the younger who ran off she blinked a tad curious and had to remind herself to keep up appearances. Once words were exchanged she had to hold her breath for a moment, eyes flickering to Jae once more half scared herself that the princess were about to cut the poor boy in half, luckily for everyone however such did not happen, and she was close enough to here the girls small mumbles, a small smile curving onto her lips followed by an almost silent chuckle, the only tell tale sign being her closed eyes and slight shoulder tense and loosening.

As much as her friend tried to play the part, she herself probably knew better than any what a softie the woman could really be. She probably wanted to smother the boy in hugs this very moment, "Ha, Jae~…." she mumbled under her breath with a light head shake, she couldn't even imagine not seeing Jae for as long as the siblings had been apart, then again, she supposed family was different from friendship.

Snapping out of the musing she perked up and gave what was evidently a semi clumsy and difficult bow to the male,
"K- prince Kirin, i-is there anything I could get you or yourparty members before slumber? I'm more than happy to makeup some tea and a hot meal?" she got out with only two small stumbles, rather proud if she did only say so herself showing by the wide smirk and glossy pinkness of her cheeks.

However she did look back at Hyunjae juuuuust in case she messed anything up, eyes slightly widened like an innocent puppy wondering if they correctly performed their command for the treat.

Mentioned/Interacting: Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 Hyelin Hyelin Trappy Trappy Soma Schicksal Soma Schicksal
Angeline - Youngest Princess of the NorthInteracting with: Hyunjae ( Hyelin Hyelin )
Mentioned: Kirin ( Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 ), Jericho ( Soma Schicksal Soma Schicksal ), Adrian ( Morzone Morzone ), Achillea ( Trappy Trappy )
Nearby: Elrlia ( Cosmos Cosmos )

Angel stood outside the room her siblings stood in with bated breath. She had hidden in a nearby hallway to catch a glimpse of her brothers before she had to actually meet them, in hopes of reducing the shock. She had no memories of her brothers. They'd left around the time she was born, so she'd only ever seen paintings of them, and heard Hyunjae talk about them.

The paintings didn't do them justice, or perhaps they were simply outdated. The tall, silver-haired man whom the others seemed to revolve around—that was probably the crown prince, her eldest brother, Prince Kirin. That meant the other silver-haired man was Prince Jericho. With them were two others, a brown-haired woman and man. When she heard any whispers of the battlefield's ongoings, she did hear about two knights who were said to be the crown prince's closest confidantes. It must've been these two. As she observed their stances, it was obvious just how close they were, particularly Kirin and the knights. Jericho seemed slightly out-of-place, somehow, like a puzzle piece with matching tabs and blanks that didn't quite fit exactly.

After they entered, Angel moved to the side of the doorway and peeked in, trying to catch her sister's eye. Would it be alright to enter now? she tried to communicate silently. In hindsight, this may have been a bad idea; it wasn't quite proper for her to be late to her brothers' own return.

Kaeden - Youngest Prince of the SouthInteracting with: -
Mentioned: Marx ( Kloudy Kloudy ), Miriam ( Morzone Morzone ), Erica ( Reiia silver Reiia silver )
Nearby: -

Kaeden had been lounging around on the palace walls as usual, curled on his side, his eyes roving over the words in his novel. It was out of the ordinary for him to be reading such horrific, terrifying fiction, but he had felt like trying something new, for a change. Steps sounded behind him. He ignored them. It was probably a guard, or an instructor trying to get him to return to whatever he had on his schedule now. He furrowed his brows, distracted for just a moment. What was it, anyways? A lesson on agricultural trade, was it? As quickly as his mind had drifted away from his book, it returned to it again, as he focused on the pages with pounding heartbeats and quickened breaths. No, no, why would you even go there? He mentally berated the character for her sheer stupidity.

It was only when he finished the remaining pages of that chapter when he realized that the person behind him had been calling his name several times. "Prince Kaeden," the man—sounded like it was Bennar, one of his least favourite advisors—said now. "What?" Kaeden sighed. "If this is about that lesson, you already know that I'm—"

"No, Your Highness. This is not about that, although I am obligated to request that Your Highness returns to his lesson, even though I understand perfectly well that Your Highness is highly unlikely to do so. But I digress. I am here to inform Your Highness that Her Majesty, Queen Jade, has issued a request to you and your siblings,"

"Well, what is it?" Kaeden said impatiently, turning around to face Bennar, even as his mind reeled. Queen Jade? What could she possibly want from him, or Erica, for that matter? If it was Marx and Miriam, that he would understand.

"To put it briefly—"

"Well, if you wanted to put it briefly, you didn't have to add that, did you? Takes more time, I would think," Kaeden let out a long-suffering sigh. Can he get back to his novel now? His curiosity regarding Queen Jade's request had already diminished, quicker than a candle being snuffed out.

Bennar cleared his throat. "Your Highness is to be wed to the princess of one of the other three kingdoms, to foster a good relationship and lasting bond with them, in the interest of all four kingdoms' prosperity."

Kaeden's breath hitched. His mind blanked out. Survival instinct kicked in, and...

...He turned back to the other side and continued to read.

Behind him, the advisor stared at him, trying to figure out if he felt shocked or completely unsurprised at the young prince's behaviour.

Calrin - Butler of the Eastern Royal FamilyInteracting with: -
Mentioned: Hana ( Reiia silver Reiia silver ), Nero ( Soma Schicksal Soma Schicksal )
Nearby: -

Calrin, possessing one of the highest ranks in the royal household (after the royalty themselves, of course), had been one of the first to receive the news about Queen Jade's command to the siblings.

As he continued about his duties, maintaining a mask of cool, unperturbed confidence, his mind swirled with thoughts, particularly of Her Highness, Princess Hana. He worried for her. She already had enough on her plate, didn't she? He resisted the urge to reach up and run his fingers through his hair, as he often did back then. Here, he had to ensure his hair perfectly stayed in its place. It was one of many things he had had to ingrain into himself when he came here, tiny things that combined, made all the difference in what people said about him. He didn't really care about that, exactly, but he understood with crystal-clear clarity that anything people said about him was a reflection on Hana herself, since she was the one who had so ardently advocated for him to work here.

He strode down the halls, and rounded a corner before stopping in his tracks and quickly backing up. Well, what a coincidence. There was Hana, looking as upset as he had expected her to be. Her expression made him want to reach out, but do what? What could he possibly do to console her? But it was alright, since there was her beloved, the knight of her affections. As he watched, Hana suddenly embraced the knight. Calrin's eyes quickly darted around. Had anyone seen that? She should be more careful! Especially now that she was to be a bride to another. Calrin then decided to stay and keep an eye on their surroundings, lest the lovers be too caught up in each other to notice spying eyes, or even innocent bystanders who would then squirrel away to gossip to their friends about the young princess and her scandalous relationship.
Royal Knight of the North
Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 Soma Schicksal Soma Schicksal Trappy Trappy Cosmos Cosmos NightPhoenix NightPhoenix
Parades and homecomings were something new to Adrian, and he was quickly discovering that they were not his thing. Sure most all the attention was pointed toward the two royalty returning from their valiant efforts on the war front, but the knight could not help but feel out of place in the middle of such a celebration. So he did what he always did: keep quiet and to the back. Achillea seemed more in her element than he did, she even announced their return as they entered the doors.

Jericho's response surprised the knight a bit, it had seemed a tad antagonistic for such a homecoming. Then again Adrian knew less about the younger prince than his elder brother. Was there something between him and Achillea? He couldn't recall his fellow knight ever mentioning something about a relationship with the younger prince. Beyond friendship such a thing would be out of place after all. They were sworn to serve the royal family in the highest manner possible.

It was pleasing to see the elder Princess again. He had never known much about her, but Adrian had always held her in the highest regard. She emitted the air of a great ruler, much the same way he'd always felt Prince Kirin embodied the spirit of a leader and valiant warrior. Seeing their reunion was probably the best part of his return from the war front thus far. He didn't smile, the knight didn't want to be informal in front of the royalty, but his serious expression could not help but lighten slightly at the sight.

The feeling that something was missing struck Adrian as the lady-in-waiting suggested tea before their rest. In a quick moment the knight allowed his eyes to flit around the scene, trying to discern what he thought was missing from what was already such a touching situation. Had he been imagining something different? Surely this was- ah. A pair of stunning blue eyes were staring at them from around the edge of a door. Of course, the youngest princess had not been present. How could he have overlooked her? Adrian decided it was a lack of attentiveness. He needed to do better in serving the whole Royal family, not just Prince Kirin.

Adrian didn't want to steal any spotlight in this heartfelt reunion though. The young princess should think that it was her family that had noticed her, not some random knight. He'd have to let the others know without making it obvious at a distance. Without looking in the young princess' direction he spoke in a hushed voice to the others, "I apologize for the interruption, your hignesses, but I believe the young princess Lady Angeline is waiting by the door to welcome you back."
Assassin Knight of the East Nero


Nero had just finished his daily knightly workout and managed to clean up this morning before heading over to his main job which was taking care of Princess Hana, as he made his way over however he was hit by a strong force of power until hands wrapped around his torso. His cheeks slightly flushed red as it always did around her, her warm embrace held onto him tight until she finally spoke up with a look of panic and worry. the mention of the baby only made him remember that night…she became his that night, he only wondered if she felt the same way…it was an accident but not an accident he was ashamed of. Deep in his heart, he loved her and their child…he honestly couldn’t believe still that they had done what they had done. He wanted to confess to her. He needed to…otherwise she would be gone forever, he would be damned if another man would get ahold of his child…he was the rightful father and no one would stop him from staying with her.


The knight gave a warm smile before taking her by the hand. “Hmm well, then princess if you are so worried we should go check on him. I’m sure he is pretty capable of fighting off a squirrel if he had to though, he is ‘OUR’ child.” He said with confidence and with that he snuck off with the princess to their small cottage in the more forest area of the Kingdom, it was one he personally built for relaxation purposes but now it had become a sacred family home for the 3 of them. He paused as they entered the home and there he was calm, cool, and collected just like Nero himself but with the good looks of his mother, his name was Xander. It was a name they decided on because well it was unique. “Princess…no…Hana…we need to talk.” He spoke as he let her hold the baby as she loved to. “I have a confession to make and…I rather not wait until it is too late…I don’t want you to get married to anyone else but me…I have strong feelings for you, I’ve had them for a very…very long time…since we were young. I could tell you were always the girl that was meant for me and me for you, you are my heart and I would and will protect you and our child with all my might…I love you, Hana.” He looked up from the floor, his eyes staring into her beautiful amber eyes before gently moving her bangs out of her face and connecting their lips together in an attempt to show his affection. It was a bold statement but one he didn’t regret if she didn’t feel the same then…well, he hadn’t thought that far…he would most likely feel hurt and maybe she would just get rid of him and get a new bodyguard.


Interacting: Reiia silver Reiia silver
youngest princess of the South
mentions: N/A
interactions: Hyelin Hyelin (Mizuko)

Erica could only imagine that he was feeling the same way, after all they had made their confessions to one another quite some time ago. A soft smile filled her whole face, she was so happy to be with him at that point. She didn’t care who knew sometimes, even though they did have to keep it a secret or who knew what kind of trouble would come their way. She looked up at him when he was caressing her cheek, it felt so calming and nice that she never wanted the moment to end.

“I just-- always think about sometimes, is us just running away somewhere calm and relaxing…. Somewhere no one can ever find us….”

She paused a moment, when suddenly she was presented with a necklace. She placed her hands on top of her cheeks as she quickly took a hold of it rubbing it with her fingers. “Mizzy…. This-- this is amazing! I should treasure it for the rest of my life…. When I am lonely, I shall think of you whenever I touch it, I will feel as though you were close to me….” She got up and wrapped her arms around him tightly, she didn’t want to let go and she wanted them to just disappear

“I’m so scared, I’m so very scared! My love!” She said this time she was practically crying, as she tried to stop herself but didn’t seem to be working out very well.
youngest princess of the East
Interactions: Soma Schicksal Soma Schicksal ( Nero)

Hana did not have much time to think or answer, the next thing she knew she was being dragged off, but the thing was she trusted her-- what was he to her? The one she loved, the father of her child, the man she wanted to eventually marry? She really didn’t know; her feelings were so mixed up whenever he was around. Still, she was pretty sure that what she was feeling inside was love for him, it’s not every day a girl gives birth to a man’s child without feeling something. She did love him, she loved him very much but a part of her was so afraid to even admit that, because if she did, she’d also have to admit that they couldn’t be together.

She remained quiet as he led her to the small cottage, she loved the little place that he had built even though she felt bad that he lost a peaceful place for him to go. She wrapped her arms around the small infant, holding him tightly to her chest as she began to cry a little. She wanted to be with him all the time, it hurt her so bad that she wasn’t allowed to be with her son.

She turned around as he began to talk, she was not expecting confession at all and she listened very carefully. She must’ve squeezed the baby a little tight, as he made a small little noise and she loosened her grip around him. All she could do was stare at Nero, he loved her? She couldn’t even imagine how this was possible, she didn’t feel lovable and at the same time she was really confused about her own feelings. She had to answer at some point, she could not just leave him thinking bad thoughts or anything. before she could think about it anymore, their lips touched and she could feel the tears falling down her cheeks. It felt amazing, she didn't realize how much she wanted him, she wanted to be only has and for them to be the perfect little family.

“I- I love you too?” She didn’t mean it is a question, but again her feelings were so confusing, and she held the baby up looking in his face. That’s when her heart began to just go crazy, she did love Nero and she loved their baby more than anything in the world. She quickly wrapped a free arm as she pushed the baby in between them, this was her chance to have the family she always wanted. “I- I’m sorry I didn’t mean that as a question, I do love you too. More than anything in the world, you and--“ she looked down at the baby in her arms who at this moment was trying to wiggle around. “OUR amazing little boy, but—”

She moved away to place the baby down in the small cradle, she rubbed her hand across his forehead, as she smiled a little bit. “What’s the point in loving one another? No one would ever approve of our relationship, except for the few people who seem to understand…. But I’m getting married Nero…. In fact, I need you to accompany me to the middle kingdom, but I’m afraid of leaving our son for so long…. It kills me inside….”

She quickly wrapped her arms around him again, this time she didn't have to hide it she didn’t have to and she looked up at him. He was quite a bit taller than her, but that’s the way Hana liked it because she thought it more romantic. “Kiss me…. Please, I long to feel your lips once again….”


It didn't take long for passion to take over, she laid in the arms of her beloved as she snuggled up against him and laid her head on his bare chest. "I could really get used to this, but I know that we can't keep doing this.... what are we can do? It hurts knowing that nobody would approve of what were doing, I can't bear to be away from you." She held onto him before sitting up as she looked closely into his eyes, her cheeks were little on the pink side and her hair was a bit of a mess. " will you accompany me to the middle kingdom, for now that is something I have to do and after that we can make our plans my darling?"
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Legendary Blacksmith Vulkan "Vi" Phaestus


As head read the paper he counted the items trying to memorize in his mind which weapons still needed more work and which were ready to actually be given to the royals. Speaking of royals, however, Vi found himself collapsed on the ground his head spinning circles as he was in shock…he didn’t understand what happened but he felt the weight of a person onto of him along with lips attached to his. A lover? H-he was being kissed! His eyes focused on who it was and found it was the younger princess of the West. She…kissed him but soon apologized nervously. He sat there at a loss for words before finally speaking but not to her, more so to himself. “A princess kissed me? No way this is real…Hmm, only one way to find out.” He confidently pulled CiCi closer and once more kissed her but for a longer period of time before he stared into her eyes at the realization that she was indeed very very real and there was a chance he was going to be very very dead. “I…you are real…I…” His heart fluttered…he hadn’t felt this feeling for a very long time…now here he was with a girl…no Royalty and Royalty that seemed genuinely nice and cute. “You…have nice lips ya know? and amazing Emerald eyes…Green is my favorite color…I’m Vulkan but you can call me Vi princess…” He said as nonchalantly as possible.

He looked around and only hoped no one would see them like this. “I kinda have a feeling I’m gonna die soon for us having done something so forbidden…especially in a time when things are supposed to be arranged for marriages…sorry to have maybe ruined your first kiss or something…” he was genuinely sorry but honestly was thinking about kissing her again…she was a very kissable princess and whoever had her for the arranged marriage would definitely be happy, he could tell. Vi looked around for his paper and seen it sitting next to the princess. “Mind if I have that back?” He said as he noticed her bracelet fell on the floor along with them. He simply grabbed it and fixed it to fit her wrist perfectly before staring back into her eyes. “I believe that belonged to you.”

Interacting: Mooniee Mooniee
Nearby: FireMaiden FireMaiden
Location: Western Kingdom - Castle Halls
Interaction: Mooniee Mooniee Soma Schicksal Soma Schicksal
Mentioned: idalie idalie AEONmeteorite AEONmeteorite
Outfit: 01

Celeste ran off almost as quickly as she got her bracelet back, causing Aeryn to chuckle. She never could understand the energy, the innocence her sister had. Maybe Aeryn had them once too, but Aeryn wouldn't punish her for it. After their mother passed four years ago, Aeryn herself had been more in charge of overseeing Celeste, but of course, her other duties kept her away most of the time, but her sister, well both of her siblings, were very important to her. Their opinions were more important to her than their father, maybe even Lawrence. Aeryn didn't seem to realize she was still standing in the same spot, lost in thought for a moment, she finally moved, walk down the same hall Celeste had him down her goal the shortcut to the kitchen, having smelt her favorite tarts when she passed earlier that morning. Her mission however was haulted quiet suddenly as she came across as scene she never expected to have to deal with. Thunder shook the sky as rage twisted into Aeryn's face. A man she knew was kissing her sister. The woman had not seen the events leading up to it, but knew that Celeste did not invite a kiss. But she had heard one of his comments.

"You have nice lips you know?"

Her vision went red, the rest of what he said not going unheard, only fueling her paralyzed rage. She acted before the had time to fully process, rushing forward to grab Celeste and pull her away from Vi, a swell of water gathered from just outside the nearby window following her intended path, it hit the man with the force of getting kicked by a horse, slamming the blacksmith into the closest wall. The uncomfortably hot, near boiling water consumed his chest, grabbing onto his arms, pinning them down. "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?" She roared. The delicate dress she was wearing seemed inappropriate for her actions, but Aeryn was not just a woman revered for her tactical prowess. Her temper was something to be feared as well, her eyes a tempest of firey hate. "Vulkan Phaetus! I have half a mind to drown you right here and now, and feed you to the hounds! Now, EXPLAIN WHY YOU WERE KISSING MY SISTER!" She growled, the sound of what seemed to be a vicious animal coming from deep in her throat, stepping closer as she erupted into another roar. Her message was clear. Answer, give her a good reason, and if she wasn't happy, the consequences would not be in his favor.
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Sir Lawrence Llewellyn
Western Knight Commander

He chuckled, not only at her reaction but of a fond memory. Less fond for her he supposed, yet it remained a staple moment for his reminiscing. The year she was presented to the court, he was out on the frontlines by summer. A guard came running, shattering whatever spell of nostalgia Law found himself under. Sincerity clouded the messenger's expression, a sense of overwhelming apprehension causing Lawrence's smile to draw into a grim line. The Knight bid farewell to Aeryn as she up and left, a low, distracted tone that trailed off. He began to unfold the presented parchment, eyes flickering back and forth the shakily written words. Words from a woman who seemed like a lifetime ago. The grip his hand crumpled the paper, creasing it tightly.

It was during his younger years he took her to bed over gold and heckles from fellow squires. After a long campaign, most of those soldiers would take their pick and lust for the touch of a woman. But it was in the hours after that those moments became more intimate than carnality. They could speak to those working girls, tell them the darkest things they’d done and leave. It was how Lawrence learned Aqua’s name, how she had learned of his battalion and titles. But come dawn they parted, two strangers on a diverging path.

She was dead - it hurt more than he expected. Suffering out of good faith for him. Raised a daughter of which it said was his, left the ways of sex work to find a better life. Had she only asked, had she only reached out, Llewellyn would’ve married her. Saved her from the life of which led to her demise. Perhaps held the child that stood before those imposing palace gates.

He seized up, chest tight with a new sort of fear. Not of what his father would say, but of how to care and nurture - how he could become a father with a decade down the drain. Perhaps some family would take her on? Comfortable, well-balanced. This world of his was no place for children, god be damned! He couldn't hold down a relationship let alone juggle the responsibilities of parenthood. What just was he to do? And right before the royal weddings were to take place.

Lawrence got to his feet, face drained of colour. Ambling through the courtyard and across the palace grounds, hung on the truth of old lovers. He could see the small silhouette, sun on her back, standing with the guard whilst he made his way over. The closer he got, the more the resemblance became evident. Those brown-amber eyes of which he shared with his own mother stared right back.

Nodding to the men, they let Essie in. The Knight looked at her a long while, strange sentiment overcoming him. “Essie, right?” He arched his brow; dropping to his haunches. For a man as tall as himself, it was a long way down to crane his neck. “It’s a pretty name.” He offered one of his rough palms, “I’m Lawrence, your mother mention me?” His lips upturned slightly, not reaching the remorse of his gaze.

"How about we get you something to eat and you tell me about the journey?"

Reiia silver Reiia silver
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Elder Prince of the North

Karion, Northern Kingdom

Interacted: Angeline ( NightPhoenix NightPhoenix )
Mentioned: Erlria ( Cosmos Cosmos ), Achillea ( Trappy Trappy ), Adrian ( Morzone Morzone ), Hyunjae ( Hyelin Hyelin ), Jericho ( Soma Schicksal Soma Schicksal )
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Homecoming III

Kirin felt Hyunjae's words to the bones, like a frozen droplet upon the morning leaf. Beneath her forgiving demeanor, waned by the salted minerals of unspoken grieves, the Elder Prince saw no potential to further his words. His body ever weary by the chains and plates that grasped tightly onto him, as if binding him. His nonchalant visage concealed his falling emotions. There were so much to say, confined by what time and situation he found himself in. Despite his wishes to dispatch for home as soon as he could, it was only now that he realized that easiness were all but an illusion of the deprived. Only when one strays far from their wants, that they should recognized what they needed. Such was the fate of man - a delicate creature of taken and given obligations. When offered his sister's accommodating words, Kirin followed suit with a light nod, without further words. His armored gloves raised, yearning for a warm embrace. In the end, he could only find his hand upon his chest - a subtle salute. Perhaps it was not the right moment.

"K- prince Kirin, i-is there anything I could get you or your party members before slumber? I'm more than happy to makeup some tea and a hot meal?" a voice broke the silent truce between Kirin and Hyunjae, catching the prince's drowsy, yet vigilant eyes.

"We will happily concede to your hospitality, m'lady- " Kirin answered, before turning his attention towards the door, at the behest of his knightly companion's voiced concerns.

"I apologize for the interruption, your Highnesses, but I believe the young princess Lady Angeline is waiting by the door to welcome you back." Adrian spoke, prompting Kirin to part ways.

Waltzing over to the platinum lady, whose vibrant blonde hair and deep blue eyes fell within Kirin's line of sight. Where she was shy of his own height, Kirin saw the determination, and perhaps a certain sense of uncertainty, of his younger sister. Like many depictions of the royal families before them, one could only take heed of their speculations until what meets the eyes. Much to his surprise and gladness, Angeline had grown no less as he. While this was the first time he had seen his younger sister face-to-face, Kirin was determined to cast aside his vigilance.

"You must be Angeline." Kirin remarked, reaching into his small satchel.

Procuring upon his hands, a small hand-sized mannequin. Hand-crafted with cherry-wood furnishing and a rune-etched base, the miniature model was also embedded with a mana-infused crystal. Powered by ice magic, Kirin's hand called forth his powers, manipulating the mannequin to greet Angeline. His frosted surges of energy would quickly engulf the figure, procuring for the wooden puppet to take form of his armor - laden by ice and permeating frost. The mannequin has seen quite some work during Kirin's time on the frontlines, with attentions of details given appropriately by the studious prince. As thus, he could only hope that his younger sister would take a liking to it, or rather, to bridge the gaps between them.

"No matter where you might venture. Know that little Kirino here will always be with you. I shall see you at dinner, my sister." Kirin said, placing the miniature mannequin into Angeline's hands.

Kirin was incapable of putting up a smile, but his earnest eyes to reconcile with his sisters were evident in his trials. The prince was glad to have Adrian at his side. While he did not speak of it, the prince had taken comfort in Adrian's note of Angeline's presence. A simple, but conforming gesture of taking his first steps to make amends. Rising to meet his companions and Hyunjae's hospitable hand-maiden. He shot a glance over at Adrian, with an unspoken nod his way - a courteous gesture for the latter's help at pointing the prince towards Angeline, lest his weary peripheral awareness abides with his neglect.

"Seek to your quarterly needs and respite, brothers and sister. We shall dine together at dusk." the prince said to his knights and Jericho, dismissing himself and his companions to follow the dark-haired lady towards their respective rooms. Kirin put up his nonchalant facade, despite his bottled sentiments.

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Eldest Princess Miriam of the South
Kloudy Kloudy Togy Togy NightPhoenix NightPhoenix Reiia silver Reiia silver
A short bath and a change later, Miriam had a plan. Which was to say, she was going to do what she always did when unsure of the future: she would take charge. Taking leave of her quarters she called to the nearest maid, a quick footed girl Miriam knew to be reliable in errand fulfillment, and instructed her to find out where her brother Marx was currently celebrating his return. No doubt he was back by now, though Miriam had no interest in joining in her brother's 'festivities.' She had long given up trying to persuade Marx against going to the tavern, and likewise her brother knew not to bother inviting her to come along with him. Nowadays her efforts were put into keeping Kae' and Erica from following his lead.

"When you find him, please deliver him my message. No doubt that he has heard of the marriage arrangements, we are too meet our partners at a ball in the middle kingdom. Keeping with the high honor and tradition of our Southern nation, I have set arrangements for the four of us, that being myself and my three siblings, to travel so as to arrive prior to all other Nations. If all goes well we shall be suitably in place when our neighbors arrive behind us. We will be leaving from the Palace gates this very evening." She instructed the maid. As she finished speaking the Maid bowed respectfully and turned to hurry off. She was just about to turn the corner when Miriam called for her to wait. "If he asks, his personal retainer has been included in the travel arrangements. It shall be his responsibility to ensure his retainer does not dishonor our nation during the ball." The maid nodded and bowed once more, and vanished around the corner. 'Personal retainer' was what Miriam had always called the young man who followed Marx around everywhere he went. She knew his real name of course, Marx had repeated it many times in trying to get her to use it, Ashkin she believed, but such things were completely inappropriate. Miriam had never truly liked him, she considered him unfit to follow the eldest prince wherever he goes and generally saw him as an embodiment of Marx's faults. Still, she could tolerate him enough and Marx was oh so fond of him, Miriam would never be able to persuade her brother to let him go.

That was one brother taken care of. The next group of servants she passed by she instructed to search for Princess Erica and relay a similar message. They were to leave that evening for the middle kingdom, so as to arrive prior to all other nations for the ball. Miriam made sure to send out several servents this time, as unlike Marx who would reliably be getting drunk down at the tavern, Erica could be anywhere. Literally- with her teleporting Miriam was often suspicious her sister left the castle and even the capital regularly. Hopefully this time it would not be the case.

That just left Kaeden. She would have to speak with him herself, she knew. No servant would be able to get through to him after he'd heard the news of the marriages. Thankfully this time, she didn't need to send any servants out searching. Miriam had spotted him heading toward one of his common 'hiding spots' while on her return from Training and she knew there was little chance her brother had vacated the book he'd brought with him already.

Sure enough, a short walk later Miriam was up on the palace walls, her brother visible in the distance. He was exactly as she had pictured him: curled up with a book. Miriam knew the pose though, she'd watched Kae' read enough times to recognize he had different poses for each mood he might be in. His pose now told her he was hiding from something, though it was different than how he acted when hiding from lessons. No this time he was hiding from something he was afraid of, or perhaps couldn't understand or even know how to feel about. Miriam had certainly felt like that at first, to think such a life chaning evnts was coming so suddenly.

With a sigh, Miriam sat down on the ground next to Kaedon, her back against the wall. She didn't try to move into his line of sight, but she'd made enough noise no doubt he was aware of her presence.
"Looks like you've heard the news Kae'. We're getting married. You, me, Erica, and that drunkard we call our brother. She paused for a moment, glancing at Kaedon to see any reaction, before she went on, "There's a ball in the middle kingdom. I've made arrangements to leave tonight, so we can get there before any of the other nations do. We'll be meeting our partners there." Miriam sighed again, this time her eyes turned down toward the ground. Despite the brave face she was putting on for all this she didn't feel the least prepared for marriage to a stranger from another kingdom. "I told Marx it was so we could uphold the Honor of the South, getting there first and all. Really I just don't want to be left behind any more than I already feel am. Its all so sudden, the only options I have are to run toward it, or run away from it. Except we can't run away this time, Kae'. Not this time."
Kaeden - Youngest Prince of the SouthInteracting with: Miriam ( Morzone Morzone )
Mentioned: Marx ( Kloudy Kloudy ), Ashkin ( Togy Togy )
Nearby: -

Immersed in Iona's palpable terror as the air chilled and the footsteps drew closer, it took Kaeden awhile to notice that someone had approached him, but even when he did, he didn't show any sign of acknowledgement. It was probably his older sister, here to talk to him about the...thing. Then she spoke, confirming his suspicions exactly.

As she talked, Kaeden tried to divert his attention back to his novel, but successfully failed. It was always harder to ignore Miriam than, say, Marx and Ashkin, mostly because she was the one who he felt understood him most, and was usually there for him. Typically, he wouldn't want to ignore her, but when the topic was such a thing as this, well, let's just say he'd rather be in Iona's place than have to face the truth.

"I told Marx it was so we could uphold the Honor of the South, getting there first and all. Really I just don't want to be left behind any more than I already feel I am. It's all so sudden, the only options I have are to run toward it, or run away from it. Except we can't run away this time, Kae'. Not this time."

Kaeden sighed, and finally closed his novel, though he kept a finger between the pages where he left off. Turning to his sister, he thought for a few moments before opening his mouth.

"Mir," he began. "I don't think those are your only two options. The way I see it, you could run towards it, run away from it, or...you could walk towards it, one step at a time. It's not like training, or lessons, when you have to stay ahead of everyone else, to always be better. It's our life partners we're talking about. And...um, well, yeah, I get that maybe it'll be scarier to take it slow, but...well, I don't know about you, but I'd rather look back and remember everything, every moment of nervousness and happiness, than...keep rushing forward and forward, and think back 20 years later and realize that every memory is just a vague blur. Because then...it'd just be a waste, I guess—all that time and energy put into something you don't even remember clearly."

Well. He didn't know he could be that poetic. All that reading must have paid off. But wait, did he actually say anything useful? His face flushed. Maybe it'd sound cool enough that she'd be too busy being impressed by his spur-of-the-moment spiel to actually sift through what he said. Maybe.

Who was he to preach, anyways? Just moments ago he had been eagerly seizing at the escape his novel offered him, hadn't he? But if he had to admit it to himself now, he was slightly excited at the prospect of meeting someone. He'd never say it out loud, but he wanted to know what it'd be like to see someone and feel that rush in his blood, to smile at the mere thought of her, to hold her in his arms and feel her lips on his...Okay, he'd seriously been reading too many romance novels. He sounded pathetic, even to himself. He pictured Marx and Ashkin roaring with laughter if they ever heard his inner monologue, and resolved to read only horror fiction for the next few months, at least. (Barely two days later, he would find himself nose-deep in yet another romance novel, but he didn't know that yet.)

"And, uh," he continued awkwardly. "If anything, I'll be there for you as much as possible, I guess. You could...write me letters or something?" Well, where did all that eloquence from before go? He should probably shut up now.
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Celeste - Youngest Princess of the West
Celeste stood silent. Shocked by what had just happened. Instead of being angry or embarrassed he had kissed her again? His nonchalance left her speechless, not quite sure how to respond. “I, um. Thank you,” she managed out as her bracelet was tightly fastened around her wrist.

While his face was not familiar, his name was. Vulkan. She wasn’t sure where but she had heard the name before. It was possible she had heard her Aeryn talking about him before with their father. She would have to ask her sister about the man later that day. “I’m Cele-” she started to introduce herself but was swiftly cut off by the crackling of thunder.

Celeste found herself stumbling backwards, being pulled away by a strong grip. The roaring of thunder was replaced by those of her sister. The smell of rain filled the room as water rushed in, pinning Vi to the wall. She cringed at the anger in Aeryn’s voice. She had rarely seen her sister’s get angry and never to this extent. Was this even the same woman who had found her bracelet only a little while before?

She didn’t know what to do or how to help. Truthfully, she was terrified of her sister’s anger. Celeste knew the threats made towards Vi were serious; Aeryn could easily drown him if she wanted. Shaking and legs feeling like the could give out at any moment, Celeste did the only thing she could think of, grabbing one of Aeryn’s arms. “Aery, please, don’t hurt him.” Her plead was pathetic, not knowing how to calm her sister. She held onto the older woman’s arm tightly, refusing to let go. The anger and hatred in her sister’s gaze sent shivers down her spine.

Lukas - Youngest Prince of the East
Rather than being slowly roused from his nap, Lukas woke up coughing and sputtering. He tended to sleep with his mouth wide open, allowing easy access for any flying insect who crossed his path. Winning the battle for his life, he decided to from his shaded spot. His legs were stiff from staying in the same position for what had to be at least thirty minutes. At that moment, he just wanted to move.

The garden was a spacious enough area for him to stretch his legs. Following the various desire paths, he found himself approaching the center. On a bench was a girl who appeared deep in thought, his older sister, Nome. Was she thinking of her marriage?

Standing beside the bench, Lukas yawned a greeting. “Good morning, I almost died you know! I was poisoned, I tell you! Someone tried to choke me in my sleep!” He exaggerated with hands flying up to his throat to emphasize his words.

“So, I assume you’ve received that letter from Queen Jade? Interesting, isn’t it? I wonder how our spouses were selected?” Was it random or was there some sort of pattern to it? "Anyway, I wonder what the Middle Kingdom will be like?"

Interactions: Northless Northless

Character: Nome, oldest princess of the Eastern Kingdom
Location: Eastern Kingdom - Inner Garden
Interaction: Mooniee Mooniee

Nome was taken by surprise and nearly winces at the greeting. She really had to stop dwelling on thoughts as much. She smiled at him, somewhat concerned by how true the story was, or by how little he thought of it. If he really thought so, he couldn't be as carefree, right? She gestured for him to sit on the bench as well.

"Good morning. I've received it, yes, but it's probably best to not question Queen Jade in this matter. Whatever she has in mind, I'm sure it'll be beneficial for the kingdom as a whole. It's our duty to accomplish it, not to wonder."

She dreaded the mechanical sound of her voice, repeating things he must already know like the back of his hand. She wondered how much of it was to self reassure herself instead. "The bards say the Middle Kingdom is a lovely place. It might not have the beauty of our 'Blossoming Lands', as they call them, but I'm sure they have their own perks. How are you faring, Lukas, with all this? Did you plan to marry this soon?"

Because for all looks of it, she had no idea what was going on in her brother's head. What was he really thinking? Had he realised yet what this all meant?
2untitled.pngAnneliese had heard through the grapevine, basically, the gossiping maids, about the arrange marriages. It was strange to her why force people to marry? From her experience or rather what she witnessed even finding love could not promise a happy life. So why put someone through something like a arrange marriage? What did she care anyway, it's not like this marriage had any effect on her life. Thinking about it for some reason made her stomach sick"....Did I eat something bad?" Anneliese was currently doing the prince's laundry. As she was washing another thought came to her mind. What did this mean for her? Would him getting married change her position....and on top of that what about her pay? She was getting paid extra because of this position. Also, if she still stayed on as his personal maid would she have to move or would they be coming back to this kingdom? Was she even going with him to the Middle Kingdom? And what about the planning and packing? She was probably going to be stuck with most of the work! The more she thought about it the more irratated she got. Great seems like the marriage did affect her life. "Ugh....Damnit! I better go talk to him.....probably should finish this up first." She said as she stared at the laundry in front of her. "sigh"

Mentions: Mooniee Mooniee
Assassin Knight of the East Nero


The knight gave a saddened expression at first when she said she loved him as a question, His heart sank for a moment, she was nervous and then she grabbed the baby and smiled before she admitted her love for him and their son. His love then went on about what the point in loving each other was and with that he grimaced, he hated when she went on about stuff like that, they had kinda had this conversation at some point but it was more about ranting on how she couldn’t be with whoever she loved and how it troubled her. Guess it made a lot more sense now that it was him. “Hana…my love the point is to fight for what you want, no one else controls your body except you, if you want me then you have me and that’s how it works. I don’t think you want to be stuck with someone like any prince you don’t like and then have to try and sneak out to see your son…it wouldn’t be good for us or for him. We can come up with a plan later, for now, let's just worry about me protecting you on our way to the Middle Kingdom."

He gave her a smile as his cheeks crimsoned at her comment. He did as she please interlocking lips with her once again. And like that time passed. “Weeeellll we can, I think we just need a plan…we need some sort of escape out of this. There is more out there than just these kingdoms you know?” He explained as he kissed along her neck gently. He nodded at her last comment and kissed her once more before getting up and getting redressed into his guard apparel, ready to take her wherever she needed to be. “Sounds like a plan to me. Princess.” He ended with.

Interacting: Reiia silver Reiia silver
Young Prince Jericho of the North


Once again he got a pet like pat from his brother, he just rubbed off his comment then spoke a few words of his own. He could tell by those words that Kirin knew himself that Jericho had a thing for Achillea, he kept his eyes fixated on his older brother before looking back towards the ground. “I’ll take those words into consideration…my mind just feels all over the place. I apologize for coming off as…immature Kirin.” All the male could do was calm his emotions, it wasn’t like him to act this way but since the war, it felt like everything was getting under his skin. Jericho looked ahead bringing his posture back up to something much more suitable for the situation and confident. Two women stood in front waiting for them, one who he recognized as his older sister, even though she was angry with them she knew that she always let things slide with him. Next to her was some sort of lady in waiting he didn’t recognize but anyone close to his sister was a friend of his. He allowed his older brother to speak first before saying some words of his own. “I feel the same Hyunjae…I do hope you forgive us.” He listened carefully after that to his older sisters words. Rest did sound like a good idea…however he couldn’t keep his mind off of Achillea he wanted them to converse first.

The Lady in waiting spoke and offered them a hot meal, Jericho nodded at her question. “A meal does sound nice, it would be good to sit as a whole family again.” Speaking of the full family he noticed his younger sister shyly making an observation of their squad. He waved at her with a small smile not trying to make her stand out too much since she seemed to not want to be in the open with her sibling just yet. It seemed the knight Adrian also caught her staring, he was very observant and it didn’t surprise him he could sense her presence so easily, he was an elite knight after all. His brother was so upfront about meeting their sister and Jericho just felt like a failure of a brother….almost too afraid to actually approach her.

Interacting: Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 (Kirin) Hyelin Hyelin (HyunJae) Cosmos Cosmos (Preggo lady)
Mentioned: Trappy Trappy (Achillea) Morzone Morzone (Adrian)
Legendary Blacksmith Vulkan "Vi" Phaestus


All of a sudden a giant gust of water punched Vi in the chest almost causing him to knock out from the impact, his teeth gritted as the hot water began to become a problem…luckily he was wearing some sort of light armor today otherwise his skin would have turned red from such pressure. He tried his best to stay calm as the Eldest princess angrily kept him captive with her abilities, if only she knew that it wasn’t necessarily his fault for the first kiss but Vulkan could tell that she wasn’t having it, no matter what he said she wasn’t gonna let go so what was the point in speaking? He analyzed his surroundings as Aeryn awaited an answer from him…there was the carpet that was used to escort people throughout the building…some tables with nicely placed flowers, and some other things…nothing that could really be used to escape but more so to buy him time. Vi could only think of one solution as to how to escape her grasp without being dissolved to death and that was to slip out of his comforting apparel and escape in his undergarments.

Just as he was thinking of a good distraction for his escape the young princess came to his aid, the one who’s name was CICi…this was his chance. As she grabbed her older sisters arm he began to make his move, quickly wriggling like a worm to slip out of his clothing he made his way out, now time for part two of his idea…he quickly pulled the car[et beneath him hoping to cause the furious princess to fall buying him more time to escape. Vi ran off gallivanting in his underwear before deciding on a hiding place, THE KITCHEN! No one would think of losing there for an indecently dressed blacksmith! He sneakily entered the kitchen being sure to not be noticed by the chefs and hid in a cabinet under where some freshly made sweets were just placed. No way anyone should find him.

Interacting Sort of: FireMaiden FireMaiden (Aeryn) Mooniee Mooniee (CiCi)
Location: Western Kingdom - Castle Halls
Interaction: Mooniee Mooniee Soma Schicksal Soma Schicksal
Mentioned: idalie idalie AEONmeteorite AEONmeteorite
Outfit: 01

Her face softened slightly, though the water didn't lessen as she turned to look at her younger sister. "Cici..." What was she going to tell her? Go back to her room? This didn't concern her? Of course, it did. But Celeste being the soft girl she always was, was going to step in and try to defend Vulkan. Aeryn couldn't back down, she never did. Not until she got the full story, not until someone explained what had happened and she was sure that they weren't lying to her. The woman, however, didn't have a chance to tell her sister anything, attention snapping back to the man wiggling free of his clothing and the water (which her having pinned his arms and chest to the wall, she didn't exactly see how he managed to) water tendrils lashed out, grabbing for him as he tried making his escape, just barely missing. He grabbed at the carpet, pulling it out of place, but if he expected anything from that, he didn't know her history. A year of fighting on frozen ground and icy waters, Aeryn was simply pulled with the carpet. She growled again, "GUARDS!" And for the first time in many years, she glared at Cici, that stern glare mothers gave their misbehaving children. "An explanation, Celeste. I want an explanation, from him, as to why he was kissing you." She knew that Cici would try defending him, or not give her the full story, so she would need both of them.

The thunderous sound of every nearby guard whoo had heard Aeryn call echoed down the hall, a group of two dozen entering at both sides. The water on the floor, empty armor, both princesses, they looked confused because nobody was hurt. "Vulkan Phaetus is running around somewhere in nothing but his panties. I want him found, and brought to me, and only me. If he tries to escape your clutches once he is in your hands, kill him." A shocked murmur settled upon the crowd, "Someone go find Lawrence, give him that same message and that he should find me. Tell the archers on the walls that if they see the blacksmith trying to escape outside, aim for the knees." She paused, looking around at each group to make sure they understood, before she looked at her sister. "And under no circumstances will anyone looking for that weasel report, take orders, or interact with Princess Celeste unless I say so or she is in danger, understood?" Another shocked, but hushed murmur showed they did, but didn't exactly know why. "Well, what are you standing around for? Go!" Men. Most of them were disgusting, and honestly so horrendously stupid it made no sense. Lawrence may be the only except to both, and her brother, well he was an idiot at times, but he at least knew how to treat people fairly.

As the guards went off to do what she had ordered, the bustling sound of the castle picking up tremendously, she turned to the puddle of water. With a slight flick of her hand, it surrounded the armor left behind by Vulkan, and went right out the window, falling into the area below. "Celeste, if you see him again, you will call for the guards. He's made his situation worse ten fold by running like a coward. And I-" A woman dressed in dark clothing came out from nowhere, interrupting the princess mid-sentence. The dark haired woman nodded as the spy whispered something to her, the princess nodding. "If you need me, I'll be in the war room." And with that, rage still pouring off the older woman in waves, Aeryn left down the hall, leaving Celeste alone.
Angeline - Youngest Princess of the NorthInteracting with: Kirin ( Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 ), Jericho ( Soma Schicksal Soma Schicksal ), Adrian ( Morzone Morzone ), Achillea ( Trappy Trappy )
Mentioned: Hyunjae ( Hyelin Hyelin )
Nearby: Hyunjae ( Hyelin Hyelin ), Erlria ( Cosmos Cosmos )

To her surprise, the man—her brother, she reminded herself—suddenly noticed her and ambled over to her. She flushed, having been noticed peeking at them. As he approached her, she tried to study him, as he was doing to her, she was sure. But she could barely register anything before he was in front of her, saying, "You must be Angeline."

Immediately, her instincts took over and she attempted a smile, the soft, sweet smile she usually offered strangers. She dropped into a graceful curtsey without thinking, even though it was strange to act so formal with a family member. She'd only ever curtseyed to Jae at official ceremonies and even then, it was rare.

What was she supposed to say now? "Yes, I'm Angeline, but you can call me Angel,"? "Yes, it's a pleasure to meet you,"? Both of those sounded silly and odd, like something you would say to a new friend or acquaintance. This was her brother. But in a sense, he was a new acquaintance, wasn't he? As she opened her mouth, about to say something, anything to drown out the uncomfortable silence, he reached into his satchel and withdrew a beautifully crafted, tiny mannequin. It was gorgeous enough, but he embellished it further, covering the mannequin with ice and frost to resemble what seemed like armour. Her eyes widened, roving over the intricate details.

Handing it to her, her brother said, "No matter where you might venture. Know that little Kirino here will always be with you. I shall see you at dinner, my sister."

She took it, cupping the mannequin like it was the most precious thing in the world. "Thank you," she answered, surprising herself with a smooth, clear voice. She was sure she'd stammer. "It's really beautiful; I love it. Um," she hesitated. "Welcome home...brother."

She watched as he left, heading off to his rooms to get some rest. Now that the initial awkward greeting, the biggest hurdle, was over, the excitement from the previous few weeks of getting to meet her brothers, the men she had heard so much about and yet never seen in person, her own blood, slowly, finally set in, and a real smile took over her expression, and a spark lit in her eyes. This wasn't how she usually smiled around others, so uncontrolled and natural, but she couldn't help it. It was also partly caused by the trepidation and anxiety that she had felt all day finally being released, in a wave of exultation.

Still feeling giddy, she walked up to her other brother, the silver-haired prince still standing with Jae. It was slightly easier to approach Jericho, since he didn't possess the same intimidating build and aura as Kirin. "Hello," she said, her smile and voice still containing a tad of nervousness. "I'm your sister, Angeline—Angel is fine. W-welcome back!" She curtseyed again, this time just a small bob.

Addressing the knights that had accompanied them in was much easier, since there was no such blood relation. "Sir Adrian and Lady Achillea, correct? It's a pleasure to meet the two of you. I've heard about how you've served alongside my brothers until now. I'm truly grateful for the precious camaraderie you've offered them," She beamed at them. "Welcome home."

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