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Realistic or Modern The Devil's Throne - OOC (Open)

I just read the relationships you guys have made as of yet, and I can happily say I screamed in the middle of my school lobby from happiness
I'm almost done with the first post. It's pretty depressing... but I make no apologies. :D

seasonedcat seasonedcat I was thinking maybe she's been there a couple of months? But their engagement has been arranged for much longer?
IC is now up and ready! Go ahead and post.

The RP is closed to any new players but I'm happy for you guys to create new characters during the RP. :)
Sorry it took me a day longer than expected, I completely forgot it was halloween. However have posted my character sheet and will post in the IC once I'm back from uni tomorrow :D
Man this was tough! Fun though, I'll place it on my CS, let me know if anything needs to be changed!!

Royal Family

Queen Arielle Ravenswood (Queen) Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess

The Dearest Queen, Mother of her ward, and most powerful woman in the land. If there is anything that describes Celitje's relationship with Arielle it is caution. A woman to be respected certainly, but deep down, Celitje contains a sense of fear and dread when in her presence. Very few lords and ladies in existence manage to make her feel as anxious pouring a glass of wine as Arielle does. As such, any attempts by the Queen at their relationship becoming anything more than Master and servant have been expertly swerved. The Queen's position of power and respect preventing anything other than pure service.

Christopher Matthias Ravenswood (Eldest Prince) Misty Gray Misty Gray

For months before her contract began, Celitje only heard the bad when she inquired about her future Lord and Master. What she heard was that the man was cruel, harsh, and cutting. That he was to be a man like the King before him, an uncompromising hate filled man. What Celitje encountered instead was a man firmly committed to his station in life. Lord Ravenswood is a proudly just man who has been given a horrid reputation. Out of all of the Ravenswood family, it is Lord Christoper that Celitje respects the most. For the burden he bears, the life he lives and the fairness he lives by.

Amren Raenswood (Eldest Princess) Ms. Sparrow Ms. Sparrow

The eldest of the princesses and the one that has been, in Celitje's opinion, most difficult. Having been with the family going on six years, Celitje has gained impressive insight into nearly everyone in the castle grounds, Amren included. And what Celitje has decided is that Amren for too long has gotten along by being the eldest female of the group and little else. The girl spends day and night in retreat from the realities of her life and should be managing her affairs and courting a husband instead of hiding inside books. She is odd and ill placed, though courteous enough, but it is not enough to hinder the feeling that Amren is a square peg being forced into a round hole. There is also the issue of discretion, being a young woman and all it is no stranger she has appetites but Amren must be more careful and considerate of her family when making such choices. Celitje of course treats her with all the respect and reverence due for a woman of her station but in her opinion, it will be a fine day when she is shipped off to be a burden on another family.

Arthur Ravenswood (Prince) Braddington Braddington

Oh Arthur, if anyone captures the ancient feeling of the Knightly orders it is dear Arthur. Having known him since he was a boy of 14, Celitje has found great joy in watching him become the man he is today. There is of course bias, being that he is the direct twin of her Ward, but even without that there is no doubt she enjoys being in his forthright presence. There is however, a great fear to the man. A fear no other is responsible for than himself. This is something she dare not address directly but through words and deeds, Celitje hopes to be a source of encouragement and to be forever ready to provide words of reinforcement in his own quest to right the wrongs of the world.

Olivia Ravenswood (Princess) apolla apolla

Lively 'Livia, or so Celitje thinks to herself. When the contract was issued to act as Valet for the middle sister and twin, Celitje was granted interview with the King himself. It was due to her past actions in being in service to the young French lord for so long that Celitje was thought capable of handling the rambunctious Princess. While it has not always been easy, Celitje must admit it is rewarding. Olivia is a bright star of life and a joy to be around. Few have been able to bring up a real chuckle or smile from Celitje but Olivia has managed to on more than one occasion. Her personality though is a double edged sword and countless time Celitje has been the one to reign the girl back in. At first via force and manipulation but as time has progressed and Olivia matured, her ward has seemingly shown herself wanting to earn respect and admiration from her servant. An odd position to be in but one that confirms to Celitje that Olivia on on the right path to a strong future.

William Ravenswood (Prince) Moka-chan Moka-chan

A fine young man but one dearly in need of some order. His energies and dislike of social orders go hand in hand if one wishes to create an ill adjusted adult. Much like Olivia, the child needs to be channeled into something proper and constructive. Celitje finding that he would do well if placed in charge of situations were he would be forced to be responsible and adherent to society. Perhaps placing him in charge of some livestock or granting him a tithe of land to yield would pull him up and allow him to be the best he could become.

Adelia Ravenswood (Princess) arryn arryn

The youngest and quite possibly the child Celitje is most optimistic about. A good head on her shoulders, a strong will, and a giving spirit. All of the above will make for a good future ruler but as of late there have been hiccups in the process. Celitje attributes this both to the girl becoming a woman and the hardships that entails on the mind and body, as well as the whole situation with the traitorous Margret. While it is not her place to say so or to do anything about it, the girl needs some exposure to the real world to see that not everything is so rose colored in the world and that evil does truly exist. She should be thankful her brothers are there to protect her from it but it is high time she learn some worldly truths.

Amalia Fiera (Christopher's Fiance) seasonedcat seasonedcat

A fairly recent addition to the Lineage, one that has so far checked out clean and efficiently. Something Celitje fully approves of. The girl seemingly knows her place in the world and is doing quite a good job of it so other than running the odd errand for her or finding her nearly perpetually lost eye wear, Celitje has little of note to add to her.

Possible love interests
Gabriel Lancaster (Head of Security) Misty Gray Misty Gray

A royal protector and someone that Celitje has an untold amount of respect for. Anyone who places their life on the line for their masters is to be admired. A competent servant, a capable man, and one dedicated to his job, all positives in her book but there is that kernal of worry in regards to his actions in attempting to spare the life of the recently executed Margaret. He fought tooth and nail in order to find some leeway for her, this was in direct opposition to the Prince Regent and concern has blossomed from this.

Stephen Crowley (Prince's Adviser) Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess

If there are any that Celitje finds to be her equal, it is Crowley. Stephen if she was alone with him. The man is outrageously charming yet frustrating. Easy to anticipate yet unpredictable. His very arrival in her presence requires Celitje to devote enough mental energies to easily organize a ball. On more than one occasion she'd been left thinking of him long after he had gone, sputtering in indignation in her quarters at his actions. It is frustrating and complex and she will not yield this battle easily.

Titus Harbord (Tutor) TYPE TYPE

A generous man who is also quite dangerous. Like Celitje, the man is not part of the Family nor is he a noble. He is a servant like herself who happens to dine with the Family on occasion. Inhabiting both worlds may be good for those with wide eyes and keen minds like Titus but it makes one susceptible to inappropriate ideals. This is what she'd been warned of during her years of training and she could scent it on him a mile away. The smell of dissatisfaction with his place. He would have to eventually overcome that. Until then, she keeps a spare eye on the man and listens in to what he says to her Ward. Making sure no corrupting influences seep in. Other than that minor concern, Titus is a brilliant man who on occasion seems to wish to draw out her bad habits. Placing wagers on things and what not. As for now she'll indulge as it causes no harm.

Genevieve Montjoy (Love Interest) - Hysterical Hysterical
While not fully involved with the girl, Celitje cannot help but keep an eye on her. She seems fine but any of those that keep company with Amren are quite usually more than they appear to be on the surface.

Mary McKinley (Maid) Moka-chan Moka-chan
A lesser servant, competent and capable. She will attend to her tasks and Celitje will attend to hers. As long as the girl knows her place belowstairs, there should be little issue between the two.

Maxwell Tanner (Stables/Farmer) Misty Gray Misty Gray

The out of place one, like most people that worry Celitje, he gives off a presence that seems to disagree with the core of how she lives her life. While always friendly and prompt with his service, it is his laid back attitude and almost outright refusal to behave in accordance with proper etiquette that turns Celitje off from him. Let it be know she keeps tabs on his whereabouts when he is on ground, Celitje liking nothing less than a servant gone rogue.
Yesss!! So excited!! I’ll get my post up tonight or tomorrow. I’ve got a busy week ahead of me full of college tours so I cant vouch for how active I’ll be, but I’ll try my best haha
Sheesh... Titus has problems. More than I initially thought. I think he is more dangerous than I planned... but I like it.
All of the posts have been been great. :D

I'll get to posting Maxwell and Christopher now.

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