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The Altered.

Rend- Well, of course you are going! Fine fine, let's just hurry up. *Walking along with him* I am an only child. Mm, yes I've seen them around.. but I don't really care about that.

Hmm... Wrestling huh? *Looks him up and down* I guess you'd be okay at that. *Looks at him like 'are you stupid'* (About joining a club) I know them because of where we spend our time.. that's all. It's not like I hang out with either of them... or like them for that matter! So don't go getting any ideas!
Hyde- Where do you spend most of your time? *Looks back at Rend giving her a calm down relax look.* Only child huh. That's cool. You don't seem to like much of anything really. What do you do to pass your time? What's your favorite thing to do? Oh we are getting close to my house just a little longer now.
Rend- Hey! Don't say it like that! I don't dislike everything you know! *puffs her cheeks* I don't really know... *Looks down* I'm usually just in my house. My father isn't around much. He travels for work, my mother always goes with him. *They come up to Hyde's house* Alright! Just go change already..
Hyde- *After changing comes back outside and finds Rend waiting on him.* ~Wow, I'm surprised she didn't just leave. I'll have to give her a little more credit now.~ So lead the way Rend I want some of this cake. You know I'm sorry about offending you earlier. I really didn't mean to. What does your dad do for a living? Mine works at the factory like everyone else here. My Mom passed away a while ago so me and Kasumi try to help him out as much as we can around the house. He keeps really busy and unfortunately isn't really a big part of our lives any more. It is kind of sad seeing him. I think he is lost and doesn't really know what to do. I guess I could say that about my older brother as well. Me on the other hand. I think everything will be alright. I don't plan on staying in this town. I think I'm actually going to try and get into college. The only thing really holding me back is Kasumi. *Looks down.* ~Kind of Umiko now. I wish she was here. But I just now only know her. Gosh I can't wait to eat with her later tonight. Oh I better pay attention to Rend or she will get mad with me.~ *Looks back up at Rend waiting for a response as they walk together to the cake shop.*
Rend- ...It's alright. *punches his arm* But...still. *Smiles a little* Don't do it again. *Starts walking and leading the way to the cake shop, which is in the higher class shopping district* Mm, I guess were in the same boat with our fathers. *Shrugs* Oh well... who needs 'em anyways.. I'm stuck in this damn town for now.. but it's definitely not permanent. I just haven't decided what I'm going to do yet.. *They reach the cake shop and sit down together as they look over the menu's and pick what they want to eat, the waitress takes their order and brings out there food a bit after that* Mmmm! It looks so gooood! *Grabs her fork and digs in without hesitation, excited for the delicious cake* ...Hey, you seem okay I guess... so about that thing you said earlier.. I guess I can show up for a couple of hours at least. You said it was at the Inn right? * Looks over at him as she sips her tea*
Hyde- *Eats his cake in one bit. While still chewing when Rend looks up he begins to blush with a mouth full of cake.* Ummmm.... *Swallows food.* Yeah that would be great! It is at the Inn. You could meet everyone else. I think you'll get along with all of them. *Tries to sip his tea so it isn't gone in one go.* Yeah I know what you mean about dads. If you don't mind me asking you. I can't really tell what you are by your smell. What did you end up Altering with? Mine was a brown bear.
Rend- *laughs at him a little* Maybe we should have ordered three for you... *Smiles, then her smile fades when Hyde asks about what she is altered with* ..Does it really matter!?.. *Says in an annoyed way, looks down* ..I don't even know.... *looks around* Were done here right? I've got the get going.. *Stands and puts some money on the table* See you tomorrow. *walks out quickly, not giving him much of a chance to talk back*

Umiko- *Inside her house, sitting on the couch very properly, keeps looking at her phone for the time and putting it away, stands and goes to a mirror hung in the living room, checks her hair nervously*

Uzagi- *Comes in the front door*

Umiko-*Jumps a bit when he comes in* Oh.. Uzagi, it's just you, *Puts her hand over her heart and sighs, smiles a little* Welcome back.

Uzagi- ..Well yeah, of course it is. Who were you expecting? *Gives her a look*

Umiko- Oooh.... um.. heh no one! heh heh.......I'm just meeting a friend tonight for dinner. *Looks away knowing Uzagi will protest*

Uzagi- *Squints at her* A friend? ....What's her name? *Crosses his arms, standing in front of the door*

Umiko- Well....Hyde..? *shrinks a bit and starts to turn red*

Uzagi- Hyde huh? ...That's a pretty weird name for a girl. *Not enthused *

Umiko- W...ell... it isn't. Hyde's a boy.. *Picks at some of her hair out of nervousness*

Uzagi- *Sighs and drops his head* Umiko! I thought I told you to stay away from the kids here! You know they are no good.. Besides, you're too young!

Umiko- He's only a friend Uzagi! Don't act like I don't know what I'm doing! I'm not stupid you know... *Looks down*

Uzagi- Hey come on! I never said that! *Sighs again* Look, I know you aren't stupid Umiko, but you don't understand a lot of things as well! And I know boys are one of them! They will take advantage of you!

Umiko- No he wont! Not everyone is like that Uzagi! Besides! It's not like we are dating..

Uzagi- I'd rather you go with a group! Not a one on one!

Umiko- ...Dad wouldn't mind..

Uzagi- I don't care!

Umiko- ...I do! *Hesitant to talk back to her brother but does anyway*

Uzagi-*Sighs and gets a bit angry* FINE! Do what you want! *walks away in anger*

Umiko-...*looks down, feeling bad *
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Hyde- *Walking to Umiko's house quickly.* ~There must be a story about her Altering. I guess I shouldn't push it with her anymore. Man I cannot wait to see Umiko. I better hurry up. I don't want to keep her waiting.~ *Finds the house and walks up to knock on the door.* ~I'm kind of nervous. oh well here it goes.~ *Stands up straight makes sure his clothes are proper and knocks on the door.*
Umiko-*still messing with her hair to get it right, looks over at the door as she hears the knock* ~Oh! He's here!~ *Clears her throat and takes a deep breath to try and calm down, opens the door with a smile* Hello. I hope you made it here okay.
Hyde- *Voice cracks slightly.* Hey Umiko, 'cough cough' yeah I found it alright. How are you doing?
Umiko- *smiles a little more, seeing that he is nervous too* I'm well. *Starts to walk with him* And you? ~Should I ask him about that girl in our class he went with today?... No, it's not my place..~ S..o, um... Where are we going?
Hyde- I was thinking we could go up to one of the nicer places to eat in the shopping area. Then we could walk around some after or go through the woods to the shrine. What do you think? Oh hey, are you going to help out at the Inn this weekend?
Umiko- *Smiles* That sounds nice. Hm? Oh, yes. I've worked there before for the previous owners so i'd really like to again for the Ashburrows. I think it'll be a lot of fun with everyone else helping out too! It will go by a lot faster and it's not as much work when more people are involved. *Thinks back to earlier when the group agreed to help out at the Inn*

(Earlier, lunch room, after lunch, Umiko and Nadine are talking)

Umiko- You wanted to talk with me Nadine? *Smiling*
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Nadine- Hey Umiko, thank you for talking with me. Umm. My parents would love for you to work for us at the Inn. But.... well.... Umm we don't have any money right now. We are living on our savings and we couldn't afford to pay you for at least a month. And you see we would love for you to help us now because we could get the Inn up and running sooner and we could pay you sooner. We just couldn't pay you right now. BUT my Dad said he would certainly pay you for all the work. *Looks around feeling bad she doesn't have a lot of money.* ~Please say yes. I really want a girl I could talk to and be friends with. I need a best friend...~ *Looks at Umiko with a smile.*

(Evening, walking to dinner, Umiko and Hyde are talking)

Hyde- Yeah I can't wait to help out. I don't remember the last time I went to the Inn. So are you alright with sushi? I know a really good place! *Walks a little ahead to lead the way.*
Umiko- Oh! Is that all? *Smiles* Of course I can help now. No need to worry about the pay. I really love the Inn and I can't wait to see it up and running again! The Inn is usually so lively and fun.


Umiko- Yeah, me either. I really love there hot springs! It's so relaxing. Mhmm, I really like sushi. *Smiling, walking along*
Hyde- *Looks kind of sheepish.* What is a hot spring? Is that like a hot spring roll? It is just right up here by the way. Do you want to share some tea with me? Their tea here is really good!
Umiko- *laughs lightly* No silly! You know, like a large bath. *Smiles and nods* Oh yes please, I really love tea. What kind do you like best?
Hyde- *Looks kind of shocked.* Everyone takes a bath together? Umm I guess that could be..... interesting.... Anyway I really like Goyokuro tea! Let's get a seat come on. *Takes her by the hand to lead her into the restaurant.*
Umiko-*Turns red* N-no! They...they separate men and women. *Looks down at their hands, smiles* Okay. *They find a table and sit together* It's really nice in here. *Says as she takes a look around the place*
Hyde- *Still looks kind of confused.* Well I guess I could try it. *shrug* You've got to try the salmon here. It is really good! So how was school today after I left?
Umiko- Okay. *Smiling, having a really nice time talking with Hyde, slowly opening up more and more as their time together goes on* It was fine... Um, you were okay right? I mean.. after you got that spill on your shirt? It didn't burn you or anything? Who was that girl who tripped? Um.. If you don't mind me asking heh...
Hyde- *Not fazed by the question at all, not really understanding he left school with a girl.* Oh yeah I was fine. It really wasn't hot by the time it ended up on my shirt. That was Rend. I really don't know much about her but she is in our class. I was asking her to join our group a little more because she is such an outsider. I also got her to come on the weekend and help Nadine and her family out with the Inn. So you will get a chance to talk with her then..... Umm it is getting a little late do you think you can still head to the Shrine or will your parents get upset if you are out late?
Umiko- ~Rend.. At least I know her name now.. He talks freely about her. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not..~ Oh that's great! I'm sure Nadine will be happy about that. *Smiles slightly, looks out the window, sees that it's starting to get dark but doesn't want to cut their time together short* Umm...No, no not at all... I can go. ~Why did I say that! Uzagi will be so mad... Dad's going to be going to the factory, I know he wont care... but... uzagiiiii....~ ..Let's go!
Hyde- *looks outside* Do you want to go to the shrine now? I really like being outside. I'm starting to feel cooped up in here. *Hyde waves for the check to pay, after paying they stand up and leave the restaurant. Walking to the Shrine the sun starts to go down and the street lights turn on.* This time of night always makes me tired, I feel like I wake up more once the sun goes all the way down.
Umiko- *smiles and nods, disregarding her thoughts of getting in trouble with her brother, walking with him as well, looking around, slightly nervous* Oh? heh, it's probably the bear DNA. I still get pretty tired when the sun goes down. *They get to the Shrine, smiling* I really like it here, i've never been here at dusk before though.

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