⚔ Endure and Survive ⚔
Life in a Quarantine Zone
FEDRA ( Federal Disaster Response Agency ) runs the Denver Quarantine Zone. FEDRA seized control of the U.S. government and armed forces in order to set up the quarantine zones (QZs) and they imposed martial law. In these QZs, soldiers prevented citizens from leaving the city, subjected them to labor in the zones and when supplies were low, restricted basic food rations. They often executed and expelled those that went against them. This included the organization called the Fireflies who were considered terrorists. What happens when a high ranking FEDRA officer realizes that this isn't want he wants? And when an artist tags along with him when he leaves, will they work together and survive?
A 1x1 The Last of Us Rp with icedthemoon

FEDRA ( Federal Disaster Response Agency ) runs the Denver Quarantine Zone. FEDRA seized control of the U.S. government and armed forces in order to set up the quarantine zones (QZs) and they imposed martial law. In these QZs, soldiers prevented citizens from leaving the city, subjected them to labor in the zones and when supplies were low, restricted basic food rations. They often executed and expelled those that went against them. This included the organization called the Fireflies who were considered terrorists. What happens when a high ranking FEDRA officer realizes that this isn't want he wants? And when an artist tags along with him when he leaves, will they work together and survive?
A 1x1 The Last of Us Rp with icedthemoon