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The Altered.

Hyde- That sounds interesting. I wouldn't mind talking with her. Do you know if she likes anything in particular? I want to make her comfortable. *Sees Ick coming and shrinks a little. Looks over at Erebus giving him a look of 'please don't leave me with him.'*

Sebastian- ~Not the fffiiissshhhh. Anything but the fish.~ *Slowly starts backing away from the group.*

Kane- *Sees Sebastian backing away and moves just behind him blocking him into the group forcing him to interact.* Hahaha.

Kasumi- Oh yeah that is my brother... actually both of them.

Nadine- *Sees everyone and starts waving* HELLO!!!

Hyde- *Looking back to the group walking toward them and sees Umiko smiling.* ~She seems so sweet. What a nice smile.~ *Walks over and greats Kasumi first with a hug, goes to Ick and gives him a man-hug, goes to Ludwig and gives him a handshake hug, goes up to Umiko and gives her a hug.* Whats everyone up to? I want to eat. I'm starving. Do you guys want to go to the dinner close to the Factory?
Erebus- She really likes cake... Reeeeally likes it. Fruit cakes mostly. *Shrugs* Other than that heh... beats me. But I really wouldn't bother, she wont talk to you.

*Jumps a bit when Nadine says 'hello'* ~Shes so loud.. ...but it's not that bad of a voice I guess.. If you like that... high pitched thing.. Good thing she hasn't really noticed me.~

Ludwig- *His eyes widen a bit, points at Sebastian* That short one is your brother?!? Hmm...Is he younger than you? *Looks at her* Hey Hyde. *smiles a bit*

Umiko- *A bit surprised Hyde hugged her, blushes a little* Oh.. hello. *says quietly* ~He's so friendly...I don't think i've been around anyone this nice before..~

Ick-Yeah! I'm starved!! Let's go eat! There's a pretty good dinner on the other side of the river. Not as good as mine buuuut... it's close at least? They have a pretty good beef steak.

Umiko- ...Doesn't that mean we have to cross the bridge? *Looks a bit worried* (The bridge across is very poorly built, it has multiple broken planks and ropes and it sways a lot, even when there is no wind)

Ludwig- We could go around?

Ick- No way!! Come on let's go! *Starts going ahead of everyone*

Ludwig- *Shrugs* Careful Kasumi. *walks with her*

Erebus- *Starts lagging behind a bit, watching Nadine*
Sebastian- SHUT UP DEER! Don't call me little! *Tries to puff himself up as much as possible.* I'll make you regret it! *Starts to back off and slides to the back of the group so as not to start anything.*

Kasumi- Yeah, that was my brother. Watch out. He kind of has a short fuse. *Walks across the bridge and doesn't mind Ludwig.*

Nadine- *First one across the bridge.* Come on guys that was fun! I'm hungry and I've got to get back to the Inn soon! *Sees Erebus lagging behind and decides to skip back across the bridge to where Erebus is.* Come on keep up! *Grabs his hand and starts to skip back toward the bridge pulling Erebus along. Remaining innocent and humming to herself.*

Hyde- *Smiling at Erebus being pulled along by Nadine. Notices Ludwig being closer to Kasumi. Notices Umiko's nervousness about the bridge and her blushing after he hugs her.* ~I don't really like Ludwig being close with Kasumi already. I shouldn't scare him off but I need to show him that I care about Kasumi and that he shouldn't try anything..... Maybe I should help Umiko across. She doesn't look as happy now.~ *Walks toward Umiko.* Hey Umiko, tell me about the Pep Rally. You also said you had a brother? ~I hope this will keep her mind off of crossing the bridge. Plus I'll actually have a chance to learn a little about her.~
Ludwig- *freezes a bit with large eyes when he is yelled at by Sebastian, looks both ways* Whoops... *says quietly* Heh... yeah seems so. I didn't mean to offend him. *Shrugs* I guess it can't be helped.

Erebus- ~What is she doing!! Watch out! How can she go across so qui-~ *Squints to see who is coming his way, His eyes get larger as he notices it's Nadine* ~What's she doing now?!~ *looks down at their hands* ~Shes... holding my hand..? ...How is this happening to me?! ...what's happening~ *Has a mini-breakdown in his head, nervous and flustered* Uh........ *can't think of anything to say so just follows behind her obediently*

Umiko- *holding onto the side railing tightly and inching her way forward as she looks down, looks over at Hyde* Oh.. Hyde, hello.. *Looks down again, nervous* Um.. The pep rally? It was... falling apart... *realizes what she said* Um no! I mean, it was fun!.. Hm? My brother.. yes, he fights.. Well! I mean he's not.. bad.. he owns a...place. *Can't focus on her words because of her fear of water* (Can't swim)
Kasumi- It's alright. He gets angry at a leaf falling on him. It really is inevitable, it normally happens to me. Hyde is good at keeping him somewhat controlled through. Plus he sticks up for me. ~Oh uh. Hyde.~ *Realizes that she is standing closer with Ludwig. She looks back at Hyde but sees him with his hands full with Umiko being really nervous on the bridge.* Umm by the way Ludwig. Hyde will probably talk with you or yell at you about being around me. He doesn't mean to be mean, he is just.. looking out for me. He really is very sweet and easy going. So I'm sorry in advance for whenever he does talk to you. *looks down kind of sheepishly.*

Hyde- ~Crap it isn't working! She is so scared.~ *Puts his hand on Umiko's back innocently to provide reassurance that she will be alright.* Fighting that sounds pretty cool. I was thinking about joining the wrestling team at school. So what is your favorite food? I don't really know mine. I really like all types of food. *Continues to ramble on about nothing in-particular.* ~Man I hope this works. I'm running out of things to say. Just a little further Umiko.~ *Loses track of Erebus being pulled by Nadine and Ludwig standing closer to Kasumi. Completely focused on Umiko.*

Nadine- *Still humming to herself. Looks back at Erebus' face. Seeing he is slightly uncomfortable gives a sweet assuring smile.* I really like your scarf! Oh and your tail!

Kane- *Laughing to himself almost uncontrollably at Erebus and Hyde.*
Ludwig- Heh.. yeah. *rubs the back of his head* Ah that's okay. I don't blame him. I've always wanted a little sister. I think it would be cool to be a brother. I'm an only child. My parents are always traveling so it feels like i'm the only one in that house most of the time. *Shrugs again* Oh well.

Umiko- *Doesn't notice his hand at first* Oh?.. You..should talk to my brother then, he could help.. *Starting to loosen up a bit and feel less scared* *Looks over at him* I like--

*Get's cut off by Ick*

Ick- WOAH! Look at that huge fish! *points, throwing his body a bit and caused the bridge to swing* HEY BUDDY! *Waving at the fish*

Umiko*Her heart drops as she feels the bridge swaying underneath her* AHH! *Closes her eyes and grips onto the railing, crouching down quickly* I don't want to fall!!

Erebus- ~M..y scarf?..And tail?..~ *looks at her a bit dumbfounded, then feels the bridge sway, gets tossed against the side a bit, pulls on Nadine's arm and grabs her shoulder so she doesn't fall, Looks back at Ick angrily, then back to Nadine* Are you okay..? *says in a very quiet tone*

Ick- ...oh whoops... heh... sorry!! sorry!! *smiles nervously, sweats* ~I think i'm going to get yelled at again..~
Hyde- *Having enough of the bridge and Ick rocking it picks up Umiko and rushes Nadine and Erebus along the bridge threatening to pick them up if they don't move quickly enough.* Sorry Umiko it will be over in just a second. *Looks at Ick with a look of pure anger but doesn't act on it or say anything. Gets Umiko to the end of the bridge and puts her on the ground close to Kasumi. Looks at Kasumi to help calm Umiko down.*

Kasumi- *Understanding Hyde's look squats down next to Umiko and starts talking under her breath so others cannot hear their conversation.*

Kane- *Extremely anger with Ick.* (cannot swim) Ick! Get the hell of the bridge you stupid bird brained moron! Are you trying to kill us! What the hell man!
Ludwig- *sighs* Ick.. *shakes his head* Moron..

Erebus- *Rushes off the bridge with Nadine as well, puts his hands in his pockets and waits for the commotion to die down* ~Looks like Umiko doesn't like water very much, I can't blame her. This water will make you sick.~ *Looks down at Nadine* ~Was she scared..?.. I can't really tell with her...~

Umiko- *holds onto Hyde in fear then looks up at Kasumi as she talks to her, kind of teary but not crying, starts to calm down now that she is on solid ground and hearing Kasumi's words, wipes her eyes* Sorry... *looks over at Hyde* ~..thank you..~ ~He looks really angry..~

Ick- Bird Brained! Isn't that an insult to you?? C'mon! I said I was sorry! I didn't mean it honest! *slinks off the bridge and looks down in shame*
Kane- I might have wings but I'm not stupid. Your the one that thinks a fish is your buddy! Just get off the bridge guppy!

Sebastian- *Hearing all the commotion checks out what's going on while remaining semi hidden in the woods.*

Hyde- Thanks Kasumi. *Looks at Kasumi and Umiko and smiles. Looks back at Ick walking by giving him a glare of disapproval wanting him to understand what he did. Still doesn't say anything to him.* ~I didn't think Umiko would still be hanging on to me. She is so sweet.~ *Looks at Umiko again and smiles.~ So Umiko, now that your off that bridge what was your favorite type of food? Haha. *Trying to lighten the mood now.*

Nadine- ~Hmm this group still has problems getting along. I think we need to do something all together. I like everyone here they are great friends. Maybe we could go on a weekend trip before the summer weather goes away.~ *Looks up at the sun, then down at the water.* ~This water looks kind of weird. I need to remember to tell my parents to get bottled water or a water filter. Not to mention it kind of has a funky smell. I wonder if the rest of them notice the smell anymore.~ *Looks at Erebus and lets go of his hand.* Well that was eventful! What a rush! Come on guys lets keep going! I'm still starving! *Notices Ick is feeling down.* HEY ICK! Bring us to this dinner already! Keep the pace up!
Ick- Ahh.. you guys are mean! *looks at Hyde, shuts up, looks down* mmm *grumbles then looks over at Nadine, smiles* Sure thing! *walks forward feeling a bit better now*

Umiko- *Smiles* heh... it's candied ginger. *Stands*

(They all go to the dinner and have a nice dinner all together, still kind of bumpy but the night goes pretty well, it starts getting dark so some of the guys offer to walk the girls home, Ludwig and Ick walk alone, Sebastian takes Kasumi, Erebus follows Nadine, even though she said she'd be fine, and Hyde takes Umiko)

Erebus- *Following behind Nadine so he can't be seen* ~She hasn't noticed me at all... How is she still so energetic?~ *Watching her closely*

Umiko- *Walking with Hyde in silence* ... Um.. Hyde? *Looks over at him* I just wanted to thank you for what you did on the bridge.. I also wanted to apologize.. I didn't mean for you to have to baby sit me. I can't swim and have been afraid of water since I was a little girl.. Heh... It's irrational I know.. But I can't seem to over come it.
Hyde- *Looks down at Umiko.* You don't have to thank me, and please don't apologize. If anyone should apologize it should be Ick. That isn't irrational at all. Believe it or not I used to climb trees all the time when I was younger but now I don't know. I feel like I'm to big to get up there. I'm kind of scared of it. I'm really glad you came with us today. *Catches a familiar smell in the air as they are getting closer to Umiko's home* ~Hmm. I know where you live now Rend. You've got to be close to here.~ *Looks back at Umiko.* Hey isn't that the Inn you were talking about?

Nadine- *Gets home and looks around outside to check for anyone. Doesn't see anyone so she shuts the door and locks up.* Hey Mom and Dad, I'm home! I'm sorry I'm a little late but I could help unpack now!.... Mom! .... Dad! ... *Looks around the house and cannot find them.* ~Hmm I wonder if they are at the Inn.~ *Calls the Inn.* Uh hey Dad! I didn't think you would still be at the Inn. I'm coming over there now.

(August 2nd, The Inn, Mid Evening)

Nadine- *Gets to the Inn and finds her parents diligently working away preparing the Inn for opening.* Hi Mom and Dad. Sorry I was late getting home today. But I have some good news! I met Umiko Isondae today at school. You remember getting that letter about her helping out at the Inn? She really wants to come help out. I could ask her to come tomorrow after school?

Mr. Ashburrow- *Looking at Nadine and then at the clock.* Well I guess you do need to make some friends so it is alright you were late this one night. However, I really need you to help us get the Inn up and running fast. Remember we are living off our savings right now with no income yet sweetheart. I would love to have Ms. Umiko come help us but I won't be able to pay her until at least a month from now, or at least until we have a little income to pay her. I'll certainly pay her and if she rather wait a month I understand. *Looks over at all the boxes. Then at the three of them.* I could really use the help though. Come on sweetheart lets get working. I don't want you to tired for school tomorrow.

Nadine- *Looks around at the mess and all the boxes.* ~I really hope Umiko trusts us. We will never get ready in time without more help...... OH WAIT! I have a great idea.~ HEY DAD! I could ask all my friends to help us out with the heavy stuff and we could offer to do a cook-out for them, like cheeseburgers and hotdogs! I could make our tea too! I bet they would love it and I'm sure they would help us some.

Mr. Ashburrow- *Looks around the front of the Inn again seeing the daunting task at hand. Gives a checking look to Mrs. Ashburrow who nods her head with a smile.* You know sweetheart that sounds like a great idea. Ask them all tomorrow and give me a number of how many and I'll buy us the food. Make sure you talk to Umiko on the side about working for us though alright.?
Umiko- *Smiles and nods* Yep... Well this is my home. .. Thank you so much for walking me Hyde. I really appreciate it. *Bows to him* I'll see you at school tomorrow okay? Get home safe and tell Kasumi I said goodnight! *Smiles and hesitates to go inside* ...Goodnight. *Goes inside*

Erebus- *Sees Nadine go inside then walks on his way*


(August 3rd, Lunch time)

Ludwig- *Comes up to the group and sits with them, everyone slowly migrates to the group as well* Good Afternoon everyone. Hyde? What club are you joining next week?

*Sitting beside him, trying to show him that he is no threat to Kasumi*

Rend- *Sitting by herself at a table not too far away from them*

Umiko- *Chatting with Kasumi and laughing*

Erebus- *Sitting with Hyde, kind of dreading being inside, has a chocolate milk in his hands but hasn't opened it yet*

Ick- So then! I put it in boiling water and then the oven! Try it! *Talking to Kane and Sebastian about the lunch he made himself which looks like someone stomped all over it* (Ick can't cook, at all)
Hyde- *Looking around trying to get comfortable with all those people around him. Looks over at Erebus and sees him struggling as well.* ~At least I'm doing better than him. I should try to get the group to eat outside next time.~ I think I'm going to join the wrestling team. *Stretches while purposely flexing a little to intimidate Ludwig.* What about you? Are you joining any team? *Smells Rend close by and looks around for her. Once he makes eye contact he smiles and nods slightly.*

Nadine- ~Well I guess this would be a good time to ask them since they are all here.~ Hey EVERYONE! Umm I have an announcement for you guys! So if you don't know my family is the one that owns the Inn and we just moved into town not to long ago. And well there is a ton of heavy stuff that me and my parents are having a hard time setting up and moving. SOOO I wanted to invite everyone to come over on the weekend to help us set the Inn up and get all that work done. BUT NOW LISTEN! If you come and help out my parents are going to have a cook-out and cook a whole bunch of food for everyone and we will have my families tea that you've got to come and try! So what does everyone think! Will you come help us out!? *Gets back down from standing up at the table and leans over to Umiko.* Hey Umiko I talked to my parents about you working for us, could you come talk to me after lunch once every one else clears out? *Gives a really warm inviting smile.*

Kasumi- *Looks over at Hyde and nods in approval of helping out.*

Kane- Free food for moving some boxes, hell yeah I'll be there count me in!

Hyde- Me and Kasumi will certainly come help out Nadine.
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Ludwig- Ah, I see. I think that would be a good calling for you. *Smiles* Wrestling really isn't my strong suit. I'm better with weapons. I'm joining the Kendo Team. I think Kasumi would be good at it too. She has good discipline.

Rend- *Glares at Hyde* ~What do you want Monkey!?....With your stupid face...~ *Looks away*

Umiko- *Smiles and nods* Sure thing Nadine. I'd love to help this weekend too! I'm looking forward to meeting your parents.

Ick- Food?! Count me in too! *Raises his hand in excitement* I'll do it! Ludwig will help too. *Smirks*

Ludwig- Me!? Don't just volunteer me like that Ick! ... *Sighs* Ah.. I guess I'll help too. I like tea. *Shrugs*

Erebus- ~Helping at the Inn?.. Everyone else is saying yes.. I guess I have no choice~ *Looks at Hyde* ~At least Hyde is going.~
Hyde- ~What an ugly face she made. I'm going to go talk with her. I don't know what her problem is but I'm going over there before lunch ends.~ *Looks around the table and ends looking at Ludwig after what he said sunk in with him.* You know something Kasumi does have good discipline. I think she would be good at Kendo as well. Not me though. I don't need a weapon. I rather rip someones limbs off and smack them in the head with them. That wouldn't be a half bad team to join either. HAHAHA. If you all wouldn't mind I've got something I need to do before lunch is over.... I'll see you after school right Kasumi?

Kasumi- ~Well I guess that was a better exchange of words than what Hyde has done in the past.~ Yeah of course Hyde. *Looks over at Ludwig.* You better be coming to help. I would have volunteered you if Ick hadn't. And I think I will join that Kendo team. That does sound fun and it would give me something to do with my time.

Nadine- Aww thank you everyone so much for helping. I promise the food will be great! *Smiles at Umiko to let her know she will talk with him in a few minutes.*

Hyde- *Looks over at Erebus giving him a look of wish me luck. Stands up from the table and walks over to Rend sitting down right in front of her across the table.* Hi there Rend. I'm not sure if you remember but my name is Hyde. I just wanted to ask to see if you were alright from that fall. We missed you at the Intersection. It was a lot of fun. Ummm... You don't have to answer right now but the class is going to go help Nadine and her family this weekend at the new Inn. If you wanted to come or show up please do. I told Erebus this and I'm not really that outgoing when it comes to big groups. I really like hanging out with Umiko and Erebus because they are a little more quite and my speed. I think you would fit in with us really well. So please consider coming with us alright? *Smiles at Rend trying to give the softest face he can. Tries to show body language of hoping she says yes.* ~Man I hope this works. Please don't yell at me again. I hope Umiko doesn't get angry with me for leaving her at that table to come talk with you. Don't turn down don't let me down pleeaasseee.~
Ludwig- ~...Strange guy.~ *smiles at Kasumi* Heh, guess I really did have no choice then. Well it's fine with me. Oh? That's great. I'm sure you will really enjoy Kendo. *Happy he now has a friend to train with*

Umiko- *Smiles at her as well*

Erebus- *Smiles/Smirks at Hyde* ~Ohhh... not a good move~ *Watches him with Rend*

Rend- *Just glares at him for a moment before she speaks* Oh? Are you done? ...Good. Now I can tell you to go away Monkey face! Why would I ever be interested in coming to help someone I care nothing about!? I'm getting nothing out of it so bud out and leave me alone! Why do you think you can just come over here and talk to me like you know me so well!? Huh?! *Stands up with her tray to move, hits her foot on the side of the table and her tray goes flying as she catches herself, the tray hits Hyde's chest, ruining his shirt with a staining sauce* ....oooo, that wasn't... intended. *Mumbles and just looks at him*

Umiko- *looks over at Hyde, stands in concern* ~Hyde?..What is he doing over there?... Hmm.. I wonder who that is? I don't think I've seen her around... wait. She's in our class..~

Erebus- *Lets out a bit of laughter under his breath at Hyde's predicament* ~Well... at least now she owes you.~
Hyde- *Looking down at his shirt with a huge stain on it.* ~I could use this. Think think fast...~ *Looks up at Rend with a huge smirk on his face* You know... My shirt is ruined. I look like a fool. I can't really go back to class like this. I know you aren't a huge fan of class either. Why don't you come with me and keep me company. I need to head home and change my shirt. Then we could go over to the Intersection to get something to eat.
Rend-...mmmmm *grumbles and mumbles to herself* you've got to be kidding me..you're kidding me right...?....right...? *Sighs deeply* Yeah whatever Monkey brain lets just go already!! *Walks ahead of him* But don't think I'm going into your house!! You could be some kind of psycho or something!

Erebus-*A bit surprised Rend actually agreed to go with Hyde, smiles a bit* ~Wonder why hes so interested in her?~
Hyde- *Smiles a bit knowing that he got Rend.* ~Ha that ended up being easier than I thought.~ Hey Rend, wait up I need to do something real quick. *Runs back to the table. Gives Erebus a smile of confidence and triumph.* Hey Kasumi, I'm running back to the house to change my shirt. I won't be back to get you after class. Hey Erebus, Ludwig, would you mind walking her home for me? *Smiles at Kasumi because he included Ludwig, Shoots death glare of you better not blow it to Ludwig.* Umm hey Umiko, Do you want to meet up tonight around dinner time? I think I remember where you live.
Rend- What!? Hurry up will you!! ...stupid monkey..

Erebus-*Smiles at Hyde and nods at him slightly to say 'good luck' then nods more saying yes* Mhmm.

Ludwig- *smiles a bit then gets a straight face again when Hyde looks at him, then goes back to a smile when he leaves*

Umiko- Huh? Oh.. um.. S-ure. *looks at the group a little flustered he asked right in front of everyone* ~He's leaving school with her?..hm..~

Rend- HURRY UP! Geez!...*Walking a long with Hyde, leading the way even though she has no idea where Hyde lives* I can't believe you are really dragging me out here like this!
Hyde- Thanks Umiko. I'll come get you later. *Smiles really wide at Umiko.* Alright Rend lets go. *Starts running and is deceptively fast getting ahead of Rend. Turns around to face Rend once they are outside.* Alright Rend. First off I am not a monkey. I am a bear. I don't think monkeys have huge hands, are strong, and are fast. Plus I can smell you from a mile away now that I've picked up your scent. I don't want to argue with you the whole time so could we please try to get along and have a normal conversation?
Rend- Well well... someone thinks highly of themselves.. *Rolls her eyes* And what do you think we should talk about? I hardly doubt we have anything in common. *Has her arms crossed and a stand off-ish body language* How much farther until we get to your house anyways!? I want to get this over with already!
Hyde- The more you pout the worse it will be. Well lets see if we have anything in-common. My favorite color is yellow, I really like being outdoors, I prefer small groups to large, and *With a smile on his face because Erebus already told him about it looking at Rend.* I really like fruity cakes.... What about you? You like any of those things?
Rend- *Her eyebrow twitches a bit as she hears 'fruity cakes' * ...no way! Yellow is horrible.. *Shrugs* I guess the cakes aren't...so bad? I mean.. ones with Strawberries are pretty good... ....and maybe some whipped cream... *starts to smile* I LOVE cake!! You are getting me cake now! I know a really good shop close to here! They do all sorts of cakes! They are all so pretty and yummy too! *Starts acting a bit child like with her excitement*
Hyde- *Huge smile on his face knowing that he got her again.* Alright I could certainly go to this shop. But first I need another shirt. Come on I know a short cut. ~I think she will talk with me a little bit more. Maybe I should talk about myself first so she doesn't feel put on the spot.~ So do you know my brother and sister? My sister is Kasumi the girl that hangs around Ludwig, and my brother Sebastian is always moving around and seems constantly angry. I was thinking about joining the wrestling team next week. Is there anything you might join? How do you know Erebus and Kane?

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