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Fandom Supernatural RP OOC

I can't bring myself to be angry with Brendan, especially with that new pic. He looks all dignified and stately.
Eh I'll just sort of retcon/timeskip to the point that Solomon has already brought Pan to heel and Hypnos is just... loitering or napping.
I think all of these uncomfortable interactions are going to create a singularity of awkwardness that destroys Vitae before the Wolves ever get the chance.
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Know that I've actually read a page NanLia NanLia

It seems a certain Oracle is having bad thoughts. Hypnos may have to purge some memories from your little head lol. Be very careful.
St. Boethius St. Boethius

If you want a rescuer for Solomon I think there's a number of people already at the gate that he just passed out at. ;p
A pair of wolves in particular that would catch his scent from being closer than Chase.
Unless you want chase specifically involved for some reason.
St. Boethius St. Boethius

If you want a rescuer for Solomon I think there's a number of people already at the gate that he just passed out at. ;p
A pair of wolves in particular that would catch his scent from being closer than Chase.
Unless you want chase specifically involved for some reason.
Nope was just expecting Bert(?) The gate guard to pick him up. Doesn't matter to me who picks him up. Just figured he might notice.
I also like that he's just going to invade her sleep to figure out what she's doing

Damn it. Of course she has the sleep god.... Lol

Didn't think that through...

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