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Fandom Supernatural RP OOC

I was close!! And depending on what he finds in her unconscious mind there maybe be more to discuss then a certain creature in the abyss
Yes, well that would the the first thing she would ask him about, given it terrified him and that is enough for Mac to be wary.

(because she's not very good at being cautious the rest of the time)
Urgh. Super annoyed but finally home.

Got half way here and apparently the office caught fire so I had to go back... posting now.
And I had to make it pretty.... because common, 4 characters, lol
Oh no...I just learned something knew.....

I'll use it for my next post though.

Mmm. Sorry for the poopy post.

On another note if there's a beautifying post gauntlet thrown down I'm picking it up.
No worries for the posts! Some times we just have those transition posts to get us to where we need to be :D

And yes, pretty posts! Think I may even adopt your style with coloring the speech text, though I'm not sure how long I could handle an Ashley-May flamingo pink speech. LOL
No worries for the posts! Some times we just have those transition posts to get us to where we need to be :D

And yes, pretty posts! Think I may even adopt your style with coloring the speech text, though I'm not sure how long I could handle an Ashley-May flamingo pink speech. LOL
Just explain how you got the image floating to work. xD
I've never figured out the exact coding for it here on rpnation.
[ imageFloat=left]
[/imageFloat ]


So this one needs a Direct Link to the image as

This is why I save and resize all the images I use to imgur. It's extra work but they never disappear and it offers a bunch of image options, including BBC ready ones.


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