• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Natalie Brenton

Natalie wasn't sure how long she could stand here in this entire situation...or rather stand? She glanced in the direction of the third speaker, her stomach churning into a knot. They did what? Oh that...that wasn't good now was it? She could see the other two's names, and their sins easy enough. But this one was a different breed. She couldn't quite make out his name, it was blurred and wrong. Darren was playing the game well enough and kept going, but to say he wasn't in a good mood at the moment was an understatement. An uncomfortable stone settled in her stomach as Darren gave the news. She was going to wring his father's neck, and then use his uncle's dead body to beat the father. She hadn't gotten to how she was killing his uncle yet but she'd get there when she got there. THEY were in charge of the slave ring, the god damn heathens!

-Inside the mindscape-
This scene has been Redacted

-Back to reality-
"Of course, sir," she replied, grabbing his sister with as much care as she could muster with murder on the mind. As they walked out she felt as bristled as a cat, she was going to make that creep burn especially charred. Getting to the car she settled his sister into the car and buckled her in, then got them going as soon as possible. She wanted to say something, say anything, let her anger be vented. But not right now, she had to be there for her apprentice...no, she had to be there for her friend. She started towards the hotel. How was she going to juggle two of these kids? "We're going back to the hotel. I have to...digest, and you deserve time with your sister." Her skull was throbbing, it felt like she was being given sixteen lobotomies at once. A very healthy nosebleed had started to run down her lips...and was she crying blood? She glanced in the mirror...ah yes, she was definitely crying blood. That was a bad look. Hurt like a bitch too. Agas was pissed, she had to make distance and fast. Was she smelling toast? Burnt toast? "Darren, sweet lamb, love? I need you to take a deep breath, and try to calm down. One, because I know you need this cry but you need to be able to greet your sister and catch her up and you don't want her first sight to be you with red eyes and a runny nose. And two, because I'm fairly certain that I may be close to passing out at any moment and I need you to help me stay here, otherwise we're losing all of Los Angelas."

Deathkitten Deathkitten
1608254363549.pngDarren and Tracy
Darren hiccupped his breaths and bit down against his lip in an effort to stop the tears from flowing. He nodded and sighed in that shaky way people do when they've had their heart broken, and forced a small smile to his face, "Can we go to Father Anderson instead and his church? He... his church feels safe... and I've never tried to pray before but if there was ever a time to start I think that's now. Plus... he'd know what to do... and he can help us calm down." He sighed and rubbed his face clear of tears with one arm, as he simultaneously rested his left hand on Natalie's knee.

"I appreciate how much you care. Ah... I know you don't want to even have it around, but since it's there anyway, you might as well use it. Try to focus on that weird comforting feeling my ability is sharing with you. Try to focus on it more than Agas. Agas's being a bitch anyway... sorry for my language... As much as we all want them dead, doing it carefully means more will be... and any aprehension I had before is dead in the water. I want them dead. Right now... I even want my father and uncle dead. BUT. That's not what we're focusing on right now! So! Father Anderson and church and stuff. Hey! So. Uh... how do you pray?"

ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles
"Yes, War is. No, it is not... most likely, anyway," Daoloth said, simply, more or less looking at the door before its attention snapped back to Adam, "Sylvia is not angry at you, she is concerned for your wellbeing and frustrated in her inability to share your problems in their entirety. She has had a small amount of interest in seeking out artifacts or the sort to attempt to solve this shortcoming of her mind's fragility. M&M is easily pacified. Give her an interesting book to read, a video game, a friend to hang out with. It is simple. For this instance, it will be more difficult, especially if Dunnie is going with you. Chutes cooperates with knowledge... also apparently guilt-tripping, given some recent events. War is here for... interest, mostly. There. You have the answers you were looking for. I shall take my leave."

Without another word, Daoloth, the strange being that he was, crunched back down into a singularity before disappearing altogether, as though he wasn't even there to begin with.

ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles
Natalie Brenton

Well, he was stopping crying. That's good. "That's the spirit, love. Deep breaths. If you want to go see the good Father, we can do that. I'm perfectly calm. Okay, I'm not, but I'm a lot more calm than Agas is that's for damn sure. I'm chipper as I can be in this moment, see?" She asked, glancing over at him. "Love, can you hand me a napkin or something? I don't want to walk into a church crying blood. It's bad enough I'm pretty sure I'm suffering from a mild stroke at the moment." She wasn't enjoying this experience what so ever. She also was doing something she swore she'd never do...and that was she asked Agas for the best ways to kill someone as painfully as possible. DAMN she was creative. "Darren, sweet pup, of course I care. You're more than my apprentice. You're more than a friend. You're family to me at this point. You're like a little brother to me at this point. So yea, I'm here for you."

She gave a soft grumble at the concept of focusing on the comforting feeling, but if for no one else but him trying to help, she did just that. It was like wrapping up in a heated blanket in the middle of winter, a comfort in a situation devoid of any. It was impossible to drown Agas out, they were actually conversing after all. But the solace of comfort between Agas' raging and attempts to rip control of her body helped, if only a bit. "We'll get them...all of them. That includes dear old dad and uncle. I uh...honestly, I feel like your mother is just brainwashed. I think I could fix her. Well, Soulflare could fix her. Napkin, please?" She turned her attention back to the road, mulling over the question. "Think of prayer as just...having a conversation. Like you're talking to your best friend to ever exist, someone who cares about everything you will ever say and do. Someone who wants only the best for you and to give you warmth and comfort, and love you unequivacly. But that friend...well they have a sore throat, and they can't talk. Or like you're sending a text message. Lay it all out, as detailed as you want or as not, it doesn't matter. They'll understand, one way or another, they always will."

Deathkitten Deathkitten
Detective Marshall

He pinched the bridge of his nose, heaving an annoyed sigh. Great, so probably not going to go up in a fireball. Par for the course today it seemed. At least Sylvia wasn't upset at him, just the situation. He just had to have a discussion with her later on why her trying to fix her mental state was a very, very bad idea. As Daoloth dialed down to a singularity and then was simply gone he went about putting away the elder signs before opening up his office door after undoing the copious amounts of locks present. "Hey there sweetheart." He reached down to give her a hug, kneeling on his knee to be at her level. "Before you ask, no you can't come with me. It's dangerous, and I don't want you getting hurt. I'd never forgive myself if you got hurt or worse. Dunnie has to come with me though, because she knows the situation. Why don't you play a game while we're gone, and then I can come back home and play with you after I do some running around? Maybe even take you out for sweets after?" It'd be easier to have a conversation yet again about why one shouldn't make contracts with eldritch deities and entities when she was placated. He'd have to try the 'strange man in a white van' analogy, the actual message of THAT got across easy enough with her. And if there was ever a eldritch deity handing out 'free handy', thy name was Nyarlothotep.

Deathkitten Deathkitten
Raum & Oriax
Hotel Room | "I wish I could tell you I was sorry." "How many more lies, Raum?"

Raum's poker face all but vanished the moment Melita left his presence, now fully shifting his gaze over to Dantalion. "You needn't push back your tears, it is only more painful that way," he said with a small sigh as he removed his gloves and placed a hand gently on Dantalion's hair. He seldom touched anything with his hands without his gloves on. "Forgive me - I relinquished any hope for a reunion right from the start. I wish I could say I was sorry, but I'm afraid empty apologies amount to little. I-"

Raum wasn't able to complete his little monologue, as Oriax had rudely interjected with a fist thrown toward the archdemon at lightning speed. Oriax's fist made a loud 'crack' as it connected with Raum's face, throwing the archdemon off his feet and into the wall. Raum landed with a thump, blood starting to drip from his shattered nose. "RAUM YOU PIECE OF SHIT-" Oriax screamed at the top of his lungs, lurching forward, pulling Raum up by the collar followed by another heavy strike, this time a jab across the left cheek. "YOU WISH YOU COULD SAY YOU WERE SORRY?! DO YOU UNDERSTAND JUST HOW MANY APOLOGIES YOU OWE, YOU INCOMPETENT ****?! EVERYONE WAS LITERALLY SUFFERING THE SHITTEST TIME OF THEIR LIFE, WHILE YOU JUST DECIDED TO FUCK AROUND WITH HUMANS FOR FIVE-THOUSAND YEARS!" For one reason or the other, Oriax was fuming. He had been the moment he had kicked down the door, but he had kept silent and waited to cause a ruckus while the Reaper was gone. Otherwise, she'd have no doubt have probably tried to defend the piece of shit bird. "Be honest with me, you got tired of Hell, didn't you? That's why you decided to let it all go up in flames, but you were too much of a bitch to die, so you left when it was most convenient, right?"

"If it suited the desires of demonkind, I was fine with relinquishing my title to another. And as it stood, Hell had needed no demon of secrets." Raum's response prompted Oriax to kick him in the chest, completely ignoring the fact that this was all in front of Dantalion. Settling an old score was far more important at the moment.

"Bullshit. You were backed into a corner, where no matter the solution, you'd stand to lose far more than you'd like. Therefore, you just gave the fuck up, instead of seeing it through, you're like a spoilt fucking child who throws a tantrum when they don't win. I realized, Raum, when you ordered me to take Dantalion out of the manor, it was all bullshit, wasn't it? You already knew, more or less the outcome, and you just fled because you didn't want to see the aftermath, right?"

"You knew the consequences when you pledged loyalty to a Lord of Lies."

Oriax's glare only hardened as he raised his fist back again, but loosened with an aggravated sigh. "Fuck, man, I don't even want to see your shitty face. 'There exists no such thing in Hell such as repayment without interest. Thus you must repay the pain inflicted upon you back tenfold'. You said something like that, right? So fucking follow through with your own words, you fucking $*&^." He was still far from finished yelling, but the more he yelled, the more rage started bubbling up. "Fuck it, I'm out of here," Oriax huffed before making a leap out of the window. Raum was now on the floor, leaning against the wall with a smirk on his face as he chuckled softly to himself.

"He's not entirely wrong, you know?" Raum said softly, "This world is unstable, far more than the likes of Hell at times. Ask Oriax to take you back to Hell, he'll bring you to Lady Zyla - your mother is better suited to offering you protection than I."

While this was all going on, there were at least five people outside the entrance, pushing entire carts stacked to the top with Raum's room-service order, most mouths wide agape at the unbelievable sight before them, being the door wedged into the opposite wall, a sketchy-looking guy beating the shit out of their customer, or the sketchy guy in question leaping out of the window.

Deathkitten Deathkitten Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
Father John Nicolas Eastaugh
Orphan Shelter | "... you smell like shit."

"Aight, all aboard, let's get the fuck outta 'ere~!" The door exclaimed, slamming shut as the last man entered. Their visions would black out only for a moment before finding themselves in a brightly lit room, clean, and though decorations were lacking, it was clear that the room was tended to very well. There was a desk in one corner, occupied by a blue-haired girl with her face practically buried in a manga, chewing on a cookie. However, it was more pressing that, before them, stood a man in an apron with 'KISS THE COOK' plastered on the front in bright pink. If one were to look closely, underneath the embarrassing apron were... priestly vestments? However, the most terrifying thing about the man before them would have to be the double-barreled shotgun he held in his hands, aimed right at them and finger millimeters from pressing the trigger and blowing the heads off all three unwitting guests.

There was an awkward pause, the silence interrupted only by the girl at the back crunching on cookies. The priest lowered his shotgun promptly following Nexus' hasty explanation, though a sour expression was still painted across his face. Had they upset him in any way? To be fair, though, appearing in somebody's place uninvited was rather rude. "I see. Demon reaper thingy? I suppose it makes sense, given the exorcist over there. The talking door also explained the situation. Badly. But I appreciate the effort. John Nicolas Eastaugh, I run this orphanage, but you're free to stay as long as you don't make a fuss," he said as he took Nexus' hand. He then looked over to Carmen and her ghostly companion. "The poltergeist, he your buddy? If not I'm sending him straight to God's arms. Last thing I need is broken furniture, retirement wages aren't f*cking unlimited," He stated, grumbling in annoyance as he aimed the shotgun over to Magnus.

ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles Deathkitten Deathkitten Stricken Steel Stricken Steel
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Interaction: ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles
Location: Park

Charlie easily kept pace with the dogs as they entered the park. Landing about 20 feet in front of the woman she slowly got to her feet in some confusion. Her eyes scanning over the pack she had collected as well as the big wolf she was currently petting. When the woman looked up to Charlie she hesitated a moment or two before speaking. “I’m hello miss. May I ask why you have gathered all these dogs?” Charlie asked her cautiously. Still unknowing if she was a friend or a foe.​
A red-head and a FUCK TON of dogs
Even being up to twenty feet away, there was a heavy scent that surrounded the woman like a miasma, impossible to miss. The scent of copper and iron mingled together in an unpleasant symphony, sharply metallic and clinging to the air and refusing to leave. The strong scent of blood surrounded this woman. Glancing up from her copy of 'War and Peace' the woman then glanced at all the dogs, stopping the ear scritches on the wolf dog for only a second before she continued. "It was by no means on purpose. They must just like me." Bookmarking her page she closed the book, setting it beside her and crossing her leg into her lap. "Can I help you, then?" The redhead seemed completely unbothered by the fact there was a ten-foot young woman in front o her, the only signal she noticed this is by the slight incline of her neck to look at her face. "If this is about the dogs, they'll leave eventually. You're a hero, right? How's that working out for you?" She folded her gloved hands across the leg that lay in her lap, studying Charlie in silence. "Do you want to sit? The bench is a bit wet, but it's nothing that will kill you."

Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
"Woah woah woah! I'm not gonna go breaking anything or something! I'm a nice poltergeist!" Magnus claimed, raising his hands up in defense, going from floating to standing firmly on the ground. When he wasn't floating, he looked positively normal. He offered an awkward smile, "I promise, I'm not gonna break anything. We didn't expect to end up here. Carmen was worried about the tin man over there, and so I followed along. She and I are work partners. I'm a professional sort of poltergeist, not the usual crazy vase tossing sort. Father Eastaugh, if you would be so kind... are we still in Los Angeles? The door thing didn't actually say where in the heck we were going to end up."

ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles Stricken Steel Stricken Steel LostHaven LostHaven
Project Nexus

Nexus got mad when the Poltergeist called him a 'Tin-Man'. "Ahem, Scuse me son, But I ain't no fucking Tin-Man. I'm One-Hundred Percent American with a dash of Modern Tech, And why are you guys worrying about me like I'm a child in daycare? I mean Jeez...I just woke up from some sort of fuckin...Cryopod and all I see on the front headline is 'Bad Guy kills Superhero'. I've been away for a long time and I have to wake up to find everything has gone to literal Hell? Also Mr.Eastough, Nice gun. My grandpoppa had one of those, Sadly they don't make 'em anymore. Alright, I'm done ranting." He said as he closed his visor.
Blessed Death
She took a few moments to get acquainted with their surroundings before she took quick note of the fact there was a gun leveled at them all, her hands raising slowly in surrender. She wasn't overly concerned, he looked like a man of the faith. He just...so happened to be dressed in an apron with big pink 'Kiss the cook' on it. Par for the course for the states she supposed. Lowering her hands she crossed one across her stomach and performed a humble bow, something that would fit a butler better than an excorcist. "A pleasure to meet you, Father Eastaugh. We had a run-in with a rogue reaper and a powerful one at that. Luckily his door seems rebellious, otherwise, we very may well have died. Introductions are in order. I am Carmen Shwarz, ordained excorcist of the Holy See. I am better known by my Alias 'Blessed Death', but refer to me what you will. The Poltergeist is assigned as my partner, his name is Magnus. He's...not so bad once you get to know him."

She continued to speak once Magnus and Nexus had their say, soft germanic accent still ever-present. She glanced at Nexus before speaking. "Apologies. I pursued you due to the fact we were in a heavy necrotic miasma, and I wanted to ensure you hadn't been 'touched'. It would have been a shame if I had to mop up or cleanse you." She glanced at the Father, offering a small smile. "Father, is there a shower I could use? I smell of the grave and I'd much rather not at the moment. I can assure you that Magnus will be on his best behavior. He's not so bad over all. He even has stopped floating through the bathrooms while I'm showering simply because 'that way is shorter'. I do request you don't send him on."

LostHaven LostHaven Stricken Steel Stricken Steel Deathkitten Deathkitten
Father John Nicolas Eastaugh
Orphan Shelter | "No, I'm serious, you fucking reek."

"The fuck's a professional poltergeist? Sounds like something a malevolent one would say, you take me for an idiot?" The priest snapped, about to press down on the shotgun, and really send the spirit to the afterlife until Carmen began to introduce herself in the nick of time, saving Magnus from an early purification. "Blessed Death? God I hate superhero aliases," John muttered irritatedly before lowering his firearm. "Yes, you're still in Los Angeles, not very far from the fucking ruckus going on. Check the news, that necromancer's already caused a huge fucking uproar. Huge chunk of area is filled with mist, you'd almost think he's going to build a necropolis or something."

Following this, the priest unceremoniously picked Carmen up by the back of her collar, the girl dangling from the priest's hand much like a normal person would hold a rotted banana - dangling from the hand, held outstretched, and as far from the person as possible. "Make yourselves at home," he said, specifically at Nexus, considering the glare he shot at Magnus right after. "You don't have to call me 'Father', I don't give a damn. Call me whatever, except 'Judgement's Bullet'. If you do, I'll personally fill your mouth with cement and then sew it shut. By the way, the gluttonous list over there ordered a shit load of pizza. Pick it up for me when it arrives. Feel free to share, she's socially awkward so she won't object if you take her pizza. Don't feel too bad about it, she's technically the same person as the Reaper that tried to kill you. As for you, Exorcist, you're not touching anything until you've taken a fucking shower. You reek of blood, corpses and necromancy. Especially necromancy. It smells like shit, you could've at least doused yourself in holy water or something first, that horrid mist is terrible."

John carried Carmen over to the bathroom and tossed her inside along with a towel and a change of clothes. "I'll snap the Poltergeist's fucking neck if he tries to go through the wall. He also can't pass through the walls. They're all warded," John said with a sour frown as he held out his palm toward Carmen. "Your gloves. They're the fucking worst, it looks like somebody tried to forcefully imbue it with necromantic magicks. I'll redo the blessing on them."
ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles Deathkitten Deathkitten Stricken Steel Stricken Steel
sov girl maybe.pngThe Church
Darren rummaged around in the glove box before he produced a napkin and offered it to Natalie, "Being alone with our thoughts right now is probably not the best... or in your case, your thoughts plus Agas. Gotta admit... it's weird as all hell seeing you literally crying blood. The last time Agas took over you were just down for the count. I guess she must have surprised you then. Is this normal? Or is she especially pissed off right now? I feel like if this happened this often more places would be destroyed by her than there have been in recent history... I'm sorry everything is just that crappy between my family and the OA and everything." He sighed, the sound loud and exasperated as he looked back at his unconscious sister.

"How am I even gonna tell my mom and dad about this...? They deserve to know. It's not like they hated her or anything. They loved her. And what are WE gonna do?? She was a villain! Yeah her soul is cleared or whatever since she was dead and all that, but that doesn't mean her behavior is gonna change now. I don't want Agas to want to kill her too!" he groaned and flopped back into his chair facing forward. They pulled up to the church, this time without a plethora of injured angels, and his focus went back to the question of how one prays.

"So... you just... talk? Does anyone ever answer back? How do you know anyone can even hear it? And if there's no answer then why do you do it at all?" he asked questions as he was getting out of the car and as he unbuckled and scooped up his sister... Damn it, he felt like he was gonna cry again, now that he was actually able to hold her. He missed this idiot.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, in the case of the little no-named girl, they didn't get more than a few feet in the door before the little black-haired girl rushed over to them. She was talking to Father Anderson, it seemed, but at the opening of the cathedral's doors, attention was brought to Darren and Natalie. The girl's eyes went wide, and she had rushed straight to Natalie.

"Searching for a place of worship was the best decision I could have made! I'm so happy you're here, sister. I am lost as can be and so very confused in this world. No one around me, not even Father or any of my brothers and sisters. I've had no explanation! Sister, I thank Father that I am so fortunate to find one of you," she rambled, clearly exasperated and confused as well as drenched from the rain as though she had been walking in it for hours.

Darren, now almost as confused as this random girl, slowly set down his sister on a pew and turned to look at Natalie as if to ask, "What fuck?"

Father Anderson hurried over, offering little by way of explanation, "What good timing! This little one just came by after quite a bit of wandering around town. She said she was looking for her brothers and sisters. You know her?"

(( ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles Osuka Osuka I dunno if Xasura is there.))
Project Nexus| "Donald Trump is the President? Fuck Yeah!"

Nexus went into the front main room and sat down on a couch, It was like it was a hard pillow, but also seems to be soft under a soldier enhanced with technology that weighs about 250 pounds. There was seemingly a large screen of some sort that somewhat resembled a Television but was bigger than the ones he knew from the Late 90s.
He looked on the clean and well-sanded coffee table seeing a remote, He grabbed it and his Visor examined it. "I guess...Hmm...I think I point it at the TV?" He said as he pointed the slim remote at the TV and pressed the Big red obvious button on the end of it.
The TV powered on and Nexus watched it for a few minutes then he wanted to try this new idea he came up with. He pointed the front of it at his Visor and pressed the button, It began to emit Infrared Lights which he could see.
"Nice..." He mumbled to himself. "Let us see; Bigger TVs, Touchscreen Phones, This so-called Wi-Fi?, Hmm...What else would I be missing?"

LostHaven LostHaven Deathkitten Deathkitten ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles
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Location: Park
Interaction: ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles

Charlie while still hesitant didn’t really see any threat. Slowly her bow started to slowly fade away. Starting from the tips down to the center till it was gone. Slowly she started to approach. “Y-yes I am. Though new to the career.” Charlie said softly As she turned her focus to the pack. Slowly she started to step through and over the maze of dogs. “M-May I ask why they gather to you?” Charlie questioned the woman as she made her way closer.​
STILL a ton of dogs
The closert Charlie got, the more intense that stench of blood seemed to be, though the woman in question didn't seem bothered. "Ah, a prospective new young hero. Off to save the world and do the right thing? So altruistic." As Charlie approached the dogs didn't seem to mind her, all eyes on the redhead and wagging tails, if they had tails to wag. Others just wiggled their stumps. Grabbing her book she set it in her lap, folding her hands atop it. "Dogs have always gathered around me. I don't mind, I do so love them." She glanced at the bench where the book had been, taking note of a blood stain from the back of the book. "Ah, seems I missed a spot. Ah well, no harm no foul, the rain shall wash it away. Now then, what might your name be? Who do I have the pleasure of hosting?" The woman never smiled, she didn't seem to show any pleasant emotion even if her tone was friendly enough. "Come, sit." She reached out, gently patting the wet park bench beside her.

Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
Location: Park
Interaction: ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles

It was only when she got closer did Charlie sniff out the smell of blood. Her look grew more cautious as she stood next to the woman now. The woman while indeed nice was making Charlie more and more on edge. “May I ask.... where the blood came from?” Charlie asked her cautiously as she slowly took a seat next to the woman After she had patted the spot. Eyeing the shorter girl with caution as Charlie took note of the dogs once more for any signs of aggression from them or her wolf.​
A Red-Head
She glanced at the bloodstain on the bench, which the steady fall of rain was working to wash it away. "Feel free to ask. I had to deal with an insect that thought it could bite. I was disappointed, as I always am." She reached out, stroking the wolf-dog on the head as its heavy tail thumped on the ground. "So tell me, Charlie was it? Why did you become a hero? An altruistic desire to help others? The fame and fortune that comes with it? Something else? I enjoy hearing all the reasons one can provide for their way of life and getting by." The horde of dogs continued to stare at her, their eyes never leaving her. She glanced at them and gave a soft nod, which may have been her way of smiling. "I take it you were called out, due to the dogs that were no doubt wandering around?"

Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
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Natalie Brenton

Taking the napkin offered to her she calmly wiped the blood away from her face or at least attempted to. As blood was wont to do, it smeared a bit. Nothing a little elbow grease and a little saliva couldn't fix though. "Yea, she caught me off guard last time. I went into the situation this time around expecting the worse. This hurts like a bitch, just so you know. This is...not normal, actually. First time this has happened. She is right pissed though. Not your fault your family is a bag of dicks, nor your fault the O.A is a cult of madmen. What you do is what you can. We have a location and a little more information about them. I also have names. Saphira and Ehi for the two who talked. The other one who looked bored...something wasn't right with his soul. Not like your families, like it had been tampered with almost. I couldn't see his name clearly, it was smudged around."

She glanced at him, frowning a bit. "Love, I hate to ask it but...do you think it's still a safe bet to ask tell them? As I see it, if they find out they'll be more than happy to help those bastards out with whatever they ask, or at least we run the risk of them doing that. As for your sister...I dunno, I'm a positive influence, aren't I? We could probably make her a better person. I try not to play favorites though...she turns into a threat, me or someone else will have to deal with her. This isn't me being mean, but I've had to do it to some of the kids I grew up with too. It sucks but...it's part of my job."

"If anyone answers you, please let me know, I have an obligation to tell the Pope and the clergy that we have another prophet running about. No one ever responds, not really. It's all in the name of what religion is, you goon. It's faith. You have to have faith, seeing isn't always believing. We had Michael the ArchAngel on the news this morning, though you probably missed that. I assure you, it's all well received. It's not like Agas is on the other end listening to you."

She didn't have adoring admirers or fans, or anything of that sort. So when the young girl rushed her she was considerably surprised. Even more so surprised when Agas just...shut the fuck up. "Uhhh...Darren? It's...it's all quite on the eastern front up here." She looked at Anderson, slowly shaking her head. "Can't say I do-" WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!?

Natalie's vision blurred as she stumbled a bit, having to lean on Darrens shoulder as Agas went up several decibels in her head, a low groan escaping her. She may as well have been hit over the head with a railroad hammer. "She's not happy. Ow, shit." She blinked hard, her eyes watering in pain. "What the fuck was that for!?" "She is a creation of the Father. A new one! She's a spirit of vengeance. Or at least...some mimicry of one. She's not well thought out if she is one. HOW IS SHE HERE!?" "What the hell do you mean NEW CREATION?" "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK I MEAN YOU DUMBASS? SHE'S FRESH OFF THE ASSEMBLY LINE!" The moment of silence that equated to .5 seconds was more than enough for that conversation and more, her vision still swimming. "So, to sum it up...Agas isn't happy. And she's confused. Says the girl is like...A spirit of vengeance...or a mimic of one. And she's...brand spanking new. Father, do you have some aspirin?"

Deathkitten Deathkitten
Mia yawned as she rounded the corner in the building where her friend lived. She had gotten driven there since she got in trouble with dad again for running off. Her friend was a little bit squishy and weird. She had lots of human issues. Her immune system was kinda horrible. So when she got near the door she had to sterilize herself before she was allowed to go in. She and her sister were like the only people that could visit her since humans had germs and stuff and couldn't be as severely decontaminated. They'd kinda die if you decontaminated their insides.

She let herself in and yawned again, "Jaaaaaaaaade! Siiiiiis! I'm here now. Got some talking to again from dad so I was a little late. I kinda snuck out again and walked around town. Some nice lady gave me a ride home last night though. He was aaaaaaaaaaaaaaangry. Anyway! You guys having fun without me? What're we doing today?"

ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles
Jade and Ariah

To say Ariah was one hundred percent done by the time she had gotten to the penthouse yesterday was an understatement. She was ten thousand percent done. She made Jade her meal, helped with some planning and schematics, and then buried her face into a couch pillow, and 'went to sleep'. Or as asleep an AI could get. Everyone in the AAAAC knew Mia, how couldn't they? They were practically their CEO's only friend, outside of her live in help. There were polite hello's and greetings and 'how are you doing?' from people she passed. The entire building was always busy. Each floor was either a lab, a room full of people at desks, an industry line, on and on. This building was the beating heart of the Automatic Automail Assistance Allied Corp, and every other building that helped them were the veins and other organs. But here, so much more work was done here than in any single workshop. Because if one though the upper floors were impressive, that said nothing of the basement sections. While the water level was generally an issue in many aspects, the AAAAC had their work around and the technology always helped get what they needed done.

The sterilizing was extensive, to say the least. If Mia wasn't synthetic, she would have needed a specialized suit to even go through it without suffering side effects.The sound of footsteps could be heard approaching, the young CEO of the corporation standing in the 'living room' of the penthouse room, offering her a cool little smile. She had no shoes on, just black and red striped socks, and of course the rest of her attire. "Hey there, Mia. Can you not give your dad a heart attack for once, he's sort of an idol for me. Who gave you a ride?" Ariah could be seen rounding the corner, arms crossed across her chest looking very much the disappointed big sister. "Mia, come on. You keep doing that and dad is going to put you on house arrest." It was a bit strange, seeing the two right next to each other like that. Ariah was easily 5'10, whereas jade was pushing 5'5, leaving a decent height gap between the two of them. "Leave her be, she's adventurous. If I could get away with it I'd sneak off too." Ariah slowly shook her head, making a motion of 'come in' towards Mia. "You want anything to eat or drink? Either of you?" Jade glanced at her, considering the offer. "I'll take water."

Ariah gave a calm nod, walking off towards the kitchen side of the top floor. The entire top floor of the building had been turned into a lab, a living space/home, a business room, and so much more. Jade couldn't leave the confines of this floor, so the best alternative was to leave her want for nothing up here. "Alright, Mia. Fill me in, what've you been up to? Been a bit since you last visited."
Deathkitten Deathkitten
Carmen Shwarz
"I was assigned the Alias, I'd much prefer to use my name to be frank, Father." A disappointed sigh escaped her at the news of the Reaper raising hell on earth unabated now. Hopefully, someone better equipped for facing it would be coming along to face it in short order. He had played the game well, and they had been forced to beat a hasty retreated because of it. Carmen made no noise as the Father lifted her up, only earning a confused look. It wasn't a particularly difficult feat, Carmen was only about 5'4 in height and was a 'dex' built above all. Being tossed to the bathroom she landed with catlike grace, dusting herself off. "My apologies, Father. And yes, I shall continue to refer to you as such as it is the correct way of addressing you I'm afraid."

She paused as he held his hand out for her gloves. She truly despised not wearing them, they felt more like real hands than her own did anymore. Then again, she couldn't rightfully wear them in the shower now could she? Gently tugging them off she gave a nod, offering them out to him. "Thank you. Magnus, be a dear and assist in any way you can. And..." she glanced at the clothes she was wearing, and then what the priest had offered her. "Do be prepared to 'clean up' my usual attire. I'd feel out of my own skin in anything else. I'm sure you have something in that mind of yours and your assortment of magics for such. I'll be right out." Closing the bathroom door, the sound of the shower running could be heard, followed by the sound of the water being interrupted by something getting in the way of its streams

Deathkitten Deathkitten LostHaven LostHaven Stricken Steel Stricken Steel
Well... Azroch's method of movement made being stealthy a little difficult. Plus she was on someone's tent so that didn't help either. "I feel like you underestimate my abilities sometimes. Right... so as to not garner too much attention, shall we keep our mess to a minimum? Body count should be fine, but the mess of the tunnels collapsing would be annoying. I don't feel like dealing with heroes. It'd piss angels off and give them a freebee on trying to fight me - usually, Michael doesn't allow it. I can think of at least two Heaven twerps that would loooove to have a chance to fight me."

She sighed, looking at a few very irate military personnel scrambling about. She stepped in front of one that was trying to move to Azroch, "Don't. We're here to clean up your problem. Don't bother that one though, he's testy. Just stay out of the tunnel for now, yeah? I wouldn't want any of you to get caught in the crossfire." This seemed to placate people, given they seemed kind of like heroes... plus what were they gonna do anyway? They needed people to go fight them one way or another, and their big heavy hitter wasn't really well-suited to a small tunnel.

Seiva jogged back up to Azroch's side, looking at the entrance, "I'm far too hyped. I'm worried I'll just be disappointed. Would you like first dibs on whoever's in there?" The tunnels were cold and dark, not that that would stop either of them. The same man as before was leaning against the wall, bouncing a ball against the other wall from boredom. He wasn't interested in the two intruders.

ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles
Xiard simply gave up trying to argue with Alexandria. He had met a few like her. And he himself could be said to be like her. Theybare stubborn. Block headed fools. Only knowing the way they believe in. ".....i dislike these garments all the same... No matter your word... I can not place trust in fabric... Then again... Not even my armor stood the might of that demon i sparred with ...." He exited the vehicle following Alexandria. Carrying his gigantic blade in his left hand.... He did not mwan to be rude... But the feeling of the.... Nanite... Arm Alexandria gave him as a temporary arm.... It was alien to him. It moved to his will... Yet... He felt so seperated from it. It moved almost to well.... "Who are we here to meet Alexandria?" He asked. Looking around

Osuka Osuka . (Sorry on mobile. )

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