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Austin hears Jade's sigh and instantly becomes worried... What could she have to ask that could make her so on edge? However, after she asks he can't help but chuckle lightly as he pulls over onto the side of the road, turning on his hazard lights and putting his car into park. He glances up at his GPS, stating that he's already 30 minutes away from the dorms, according to his current position... He'd been on his way to work, two towns in the opposite direction.

Despite this, though, he can hear the seriousness in Jade's tone and couldn't just leave her hanging.. "Yeah, sure.. How do I get into the room? Isn't it locked or something?" And, with that, he puts on his turn signal and makes a rather illegal U-turn... Thankfully he was still on a back road, not the interstate yet, so the road was practically bare.
Jade giggles slightly and a small smile creeps across her face. "There's a key on the top of the door frame. That is, if the door is actually locked." She said then immediately added, "Thank you..So much Austin. Be careful.." She said, her voice obviously concerned for him, as she had no idea what he was doing right now.
Despite her not being able to see it, Austin nods with a smile upon his face once more. "No problem, Jade. I'll be there in like an hour.. Good?"
Jade nods then blushes, realizing he can't see her do so. "Uh y..yeah." She said with a nervous giggle as her heart raced in her chest. Austin was going to bring her music, he was also going to physically come see her and this just made her even more nervous. "S..see ya soon." She said then waited for him to say something, if he even did.
"Yeah. See ya." Austin then takes in a deep breath, hanging up the phone before releasing it. "Damn, girl.." A smile involuntarily slips across his expression as he presses on the gas, speeding slightly back to the dorms. She actually called me... Now she has to see me.. That couldn't have been an accident! Right..?

Sarah smirks at Jade, mischievous glint in her eye as she stares pointedly at her friend's blush. "So. Good conversation?"
Jade jumps out of her skin and turns to look at Sarah, her blush only deepening. "I uh..suppose so." She said awkwardly then looked away from her friend and help out her phone. "Here. I have that huge canvas to paint ya know." She teasing, hoping her friend would let her go and work.
Sarah only snickers, shaking her head in humor as she gets back to her own canvas after tucking her phone into her pocket. "Whatever you say, kiddo~" She continues painting, pausing only a moment later with a sheepish expression as she glances over at Jade, "Oh, by the way... Would you mind if Meghan came over tonight? It's our two year anniversary, and we wanted to have a big date night..." She grins widely, showing her excitement for this plan, "We're going to reenact our first date!"
Jade shivers as she walked over to her huge canvas and grabs a paint brush, not caring she had nothing on her as she got paints and started painting the background a dark midnight blue. "Uh well..actually. You two can have the dorm tonight..I think..I'm gonna go out." She said, and she was, there was a concert she wanted to go to tonight and knowing her, she wouldn't be back to well after midnight.
Sarah pouts lightly, "Awwh, c'mon! We wanted you there too, J! You're the whole reason we met, so we wanted to treat you to dinner and a show!" And, it was true. Two years ago Sarah went to sit in a class with her new dormmate, Jade, after about two hours of begging since she didn't want to be alone, and there she met the love of her life, her soul mate, Meghan. "Please?" She begs, lifting up her paint brush coated in pink paint and puts a bit on the tip of her nose, the same thing Jade had done to her as a-albeit strange- way of convincing her to go.
Jade sighs deeply and looks back at Sarah with a small smile. "What time is dinner and I'll debate from there alright?" She said, her face already covered in paint along with her clothes, which was funny because she hadn't even been painting but a few seconds. Then again..paint and various other art supplies always wound up on her within mere seconds.
Sarah grins widely, letting out an excited gasp before lunging forward and tackling Jade into a hug, "Thank you so much!" She squeals out in happiness, pulling back and just resting her hands on her friend's shoulders, much like she'd done earlier. "Dinner is at 5, then we're going to the movies for 6:30!"
Jade hugs her friend back and pats her head. "I can deal with that, but after words would you mind dropping me off downtown?" She asked, the smile on her face only growing as she was glad she could make her friend at least a little more happier. In fact Jade loved that she could bring the girl happiness, and surely her soulmate would be happy about this too.
Sarah nods vigorously, the grin never leaving her expression, "Yeah, totally! Ugh, thank you so much, Jade! We were so worried you'd say no!" She playfully pouts, staring into her friend's eyes, "You've been really distant to us, lately... I don't know why, did we do something to make you mad?"
Jade shakes her head. "Neither of you did anything wrong. I just..need time to myself ya know? And i have a lot of stuff to do." She said, both of which being true, though she left out the part about not liking all the sex and other couple things they did in the dorms. Jade knew it wasn't right for her to be jealous of their relationship, but she was in so many ways. They always seemed so happy and in love..it made her loneliness only deepen and her longing worse.
Sarah smiles halfly, not totally believing Jade's words but also not much in the mood to argue with her over it. "Alright, then.." She sighs softly, quirking an eyebrow up at the clock, "So, when's Mr. Not-Loved-Lover Boy coming?" She smirks to her friend out the corner of her eye, the expression seeming her default from how much she'd made it, lately.
Jade looks up and blinks several times, had the time really passed by as fast as it seemed or was the clock just broken. "He said an hour when we got off the phone..so soon I suppose?" She said, biting her lower lip then looking away from the clock and painting once more.
Sarah shrugs and gets back to painting, making a plan in her mind on how to give Austin the 'third degree' when he got there.

The poor-fated boy, on the other hand, had been stopped by three policemen for speeding on his way back toward the dorms... He made up valid excuses each time, though, so he escaped getting any tickets. However, due to such delays, he was only just arriving at Jade's dorm.

"C'mon, where's her damn room?" He mutters to himself, walking down the female dorms corridor with a frown etched into his expression. "Can't have been this far down, could it?" He glances at the names written on white boards pasted to the outside of the doors, finally seeing "Jade Tarrow" on one, with a little rose drawn underneath it. It was that rose which made him smile, as he remembered teasing her years ago for being so enthralled by a rose he'd carved into a tree... He'd given some bullshit excuse at the time, carving over it with X's after, but in truth it was a memorial carving for someone very close to him who'd died... He later made the same memorial into a tree outside his home.

Snapping out of his nostalgic stupor, Austin reaches to the top of the door frame and pulls down the little silver key, then unlocking the door and making his way inside to find Jade's phone. After finding it plugged into a pink and black swirled laptop, the headphones plugged in and wrapped properly around it, he unplugs it from the charger and pockets it, then heads back out. Little did he realize he'd pocketed the key, as well.

Another twenty minute drive later, Austin is parking outside the campus art studio, locking his doors, and heading inside.
Jade had become so enthralled by her work, she;d completely forgotten that Austin was coming or that anyone else was really in the room. In fact her mind was concentrated souly on the art in front of her. She'd painted the background completely, and to be honest it was a beautiful night sky starting with midnight blue and transgressing into dark purple and blue hues with a crescent mood and starts all over. In the middle of the painting however there was a girl that was still being painted. She had huge angel wings and her arms were out stretched though most of the detail wasn't focused there, it was more focused on the wings right now as Jade was going though with silver paint and making each individual black feather on the wings stand out and on the tips she let the pain run down the canvas to give the wings like a melting effect.
Austin notices Jade so purposefully working on her painting, and walks over, glancing over her shoulder. Sarah notices him ,but says nothing as she watches. The eighteen year old stands over Jade's shoulder, smiling as his eyes widen in awe at the pure beauty of her painting. It was amazing; professional quality in the hands of naught more than a novice. "It's so amazing..." His words come out as nothing more than a breathy whisper, though his warm breath does disturb the fine hairs on the exposed back of Jade's neck, something the young man didn't notice. He was entirely absorbed in her painting, taking in every detail as if it were the last thing he were ever to see, its beauty absolutely captivating.
Jade jumps right out of skin, her pain brush flying out of her hand and hitting the ground as her heart raced in her chest. She was so distracted that when the breath and voice come out of Austin it had literally been a surprise.

It took her a good moment to calm herself as she looked over at Austin. Her entire body and face being covered in several different colors, that made her skin only look paler. A vast majority was also in her hair, though as soon as she saw Austin she blushed deeply an looked away, suddenly ashamed of her art work. "I..uh..er..it...uhm.." She didn't have any words right now as her face was bright red and her art was still beating rapidly in her chest from him scaring her.
Austin can't help himself as he chuckles at the girl before him, shaking his head in humor as he pulls out her phone and puts it on the small stool beside the canvas. "Sorry I was late, I had a few... Inconveniences." He shrugs as if being pulled over three times wasn't a big deal, then takes in her appearance, his smile turning soft as love is evident in his eyes, the red light over his chest actually now shining bright enough a faint red circle is distinguishable through his black t-shirt. "Anyway.. I'll see you later, Jade." His words come out sad, as he remembered that Jade needed time to 'think', which he was certain meant she just didn't want to flat out tell him "no". But, he'd respect her decision. She had every reason to not want to be with him, he deserved it.
Jade smiles sheepishly and looks at the light on his shirt, then doing something that surprised even her, she walked over and simply hugged him. "Thanks Ausie." She said softly with a small laugh, her head laying on the little light, the one in her chest growing brighter as this was a willing move on her half, and even though this was kinda awkward, Jade couldn't help but admit to herself, she liked hugging him and being close to him..a lot and that reflected in the light in her chest as it was now faintly more visible though her paint covered shirt.
Austin grins widely.... After his momentary shock subsided about a minute later... Slowly but surely, his arms raise and wrap themselves around Jade's waist in return. "No problem, Tar..."
Jade closed her eyes, and for once aloud herself to, in a sense, let go of things on her mind and simply enjoy this moment. She'd never willingly hugged anyone before unless it was her parents. Just now hugging someone, specifically, Austin, it felt.. well simply put amazing. Never ever in life had something felt this good, other than perhaps a home cooked meal of a good nights rest, but then again those weren't as close as how physically and emotionally pleasing as this. This moment was beyond thoughts or description and Jade would remember it forever, though her curiosity peaked up at the thought of what it would be life to kiss someone seeing as she'd never actually gotten her first kiss. Unless she was so drunk it happened and she didn't remember. Which was most likely the case.
Austin tightens his hold on Jade slightly, the light on his chest shining a bit brighter as his head rests on the top of hers. His entire being felt at peace, as if nothing could come between the two of them; as if they were the only two in the world. It was like the lights in their chests connected, then expanded to enclose them within a little bubble for only they two. It was magical, a feeling he never wanted to forget. What happens next, though, he knows may very well ruin it all... But at the moment, because of what he's feeling as well as her willing action, he can't help himself. He leans down to Jade's ear, his warm breath once more tickling the hairs against her neck as he whispers, "I love you."

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