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Realistic or Modern is there somewhere?


mostly void
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life

On the surface, Roseville is a perfect tourist spot. A rather beautiful city, with an abundance of independent businesses and some rather niche businesses, it seems... happy. But beneath the surface, there's a war that nobody dares mention. Two warring families, a feud that has existed for so long that people can hardly remember how it started. But it remains as brutal as ever. Businesses sabotaged, rumours spread to the media... it's a side that is lurking just beneath the shiny surface.

And then, as always, something changes. A son and a daughter of the two families meet, without knowing who the other is. Both carrying their own problems, both desperately trying to bury them. And in the space of a night, they fall in love. But then they discover who the other is, and are heartbroken. But can they overcome their families' differences to get their happy ending? Or will they be like the immortal star-cross'd lovers, destined to only be together in death?
lia scott aka scottie. #5e6b95. outfit.

The good news was, their op had been extended. The bad news was, it was only for three months. If Scottie couldn't get enough information to her team by that point, and her team hadn’t acted sufficiently on the information she had given to them, the whole thing would be pulled. It wasn’t that Scottie was dreading going back into an office; honestly, she was starting to miss the routine. It was more that she would have wasted months of her life and be putting herself in danger for almost nothing if they didn’t get the results. More than likely, she’d be transferred to a field office elsewhere for her own protection once she left the op, and if she was going to uproot her whole life again, she wanted to make sure it would be worth it.

She pulled off her beanie and tucked down the collar of her shirt, revealing her tattoos once again. She’d approved them with her supervisor and the undercover handler before getting them, but even still, there were times they seemed like a bad idea. They helped her blend in with the rugged, rough Gallaghers, but they also made her incredibly distinctive to all passersby. Trying to meet with her handler either meant doing it under the cover of darkness, or finding some way to hide them so she’d be less likely to be recognised. Still, she didn’t regret them. The moment she’d looked in the mirror when they were fully finished, it felt like a weight had been lifted. Like she’d finally become her own person and left her mother and her controlling ways behind. Her mother would have a stroke if she saw her now. Scottie smiled to herself at that thought.

She switched her phone back on as she headed into her favourite coffee shop. She had more burner phones than she could count, as well as two identical phones for day to day use. One for FBI and handler contact and information storage, which was remotely backed up to the FBI servers every half hour. The other as “her” phone, the one she used day to day. The Gallaghers would never contact her about missions or intel directly on them, instead using the burners that could be easily destroyed after only a few uses, but for day to day comms, it did the job perfectly. When she was sneaking out for meetings with her handler, the phone would be left at home, but on runs such as this, where she claimed she was meeting a contact, the phone came with and would just be switched off until she was clear. The family told her they weren’t tracking her. She didn’t believe them.

Perhaps it was paranoia after the few months undercover, or perhaps it was just the nagging feeling she had that she was running out of time. That the family knew there was something up with her. They hadn’t said or done anything explicitly that could let Scottie tip her team off that they were suspicious, but she’d seen the way they watched her like she was potential prey. Like they knew she was going to make a mistake, and they were waiting for that mistake so they could pounce. She’d taken to sleeping with a gun on her bedside table. Just in case. And yet to everyone else, it seemed like she was their favourite non-family member. The one getting picked for the best mission, the one invited to the fancy dinners, the one they compared everyone else to. And Scottie was sure that it was all part of their act.

“Hey, can I take your order?” The bubbly girl behind the counter asked.
“Oh, sorry. Could I get a large caramel latte?” she asked.
“Sure, we’ll drop that down to you.” She glanced around and spotted an empty table down the back of the shop, and made her way down there as she replied to the few texts she had.

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