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Fandom Sonic Rp (Don't know how to change tags but this is closed if in rp feel free to rejoin but no new members thank you)

"now you focus your spiritual pressure in you indessian form will in shikai state as well and imagine fusing with sonic but with your indessian and shikai"
"Okay" *I try again while also focusing on my chaos energy as I glow a purpleish color compeletly screwing it up* "What the hell! damn it I forgot my Black Arm energy interferes with my chaos energy" *I try again anyways but fail*
"okay....." *I try again but fail again* "C'mon focus damnit Focus" *I try again but a image of Turquoise flashes through my head causing me to fail* "ugh" *I try again and succed this time. I look like this*
Screenshot 2020-11-30 at 11.10.23 AM.png

*exactly like this color and everything*
Shadow: "fine" *he teleports him and Kravel back to Shawn and them and stays in his new form* "I'm still confused on why my Shaikai is gone unlike in my basic Shaikai fused form"

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