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Fandom Sonic Rp (Don't know how to change tags but this is closed if in rp feel free to rejoin but no new members thank you)

Indessian Shadow: "I won't work for SHAWN!!!!!!!!!!" *I teleport and kick you into the wall* "Luckily for you I played along with Ruukia just to hear what I wanted to hear" *I sigh and spin dash you through it and then throw you into the sky as I fly up there to you and throw a green chaos spear at you*
Indessian Shadow: *makes the spear disappear since it was my own and I fly towards him teleporting and kicking you back a little* "KRAVEL LISTEN YOU CAN BETRAY SHAWN AND JOIN ME AND MY FRIENDS INSTEAD!"
Indessian Shadow: "Then I'm sorry I have no choice" *My 4 rings break in half* *i enter Dark Chaos Indessian* "I'm Sorry Kravel I have to kill you" *I teleport behind you and spin dash you*
Dark Chaos Indessian Shadow: *I turn back to Super* "Yeah I think I will" *I teleport back into the place* "You all may not believe me if I told you but I will say it anyways.....Kravel works with Shawn and wanted me to join them"
Super Shadow: *I walk back into the kitchen and use Chaos Control to reverse time on the wall only so it is repaired*
(So the wall is the only thing now as it was before)

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