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Fantasy Seiunita OOC

That actually made me laugh.


That's a win for me cus I don't like my mom...
*reads pg 39. Stops....*
wait...YOU WERE ZALGOS!!!!! THE ZALGOS?! I loved Zalgos!

holy shit this is a great reunion! You were like one of the best Rpers there. You and dreamtique gave me hope for Arwyn. It was strange because no matter what I did she was always separated from the guild. No matter what! :ghostxnx:

Funny thing is, Arwyn was a key player in the second arc/RP and why magic users and gods are no longer powerful. (uhh... and why there were magic tyrants.) Needless to say she made a bad choice.

*chokes back tears* ???? i'm so flattered like??? thank you!!! I wish I interacted with Arwyn too -- she had a dragon, right? A wyvern sort? Ahh....this was real nice to wake up to. OH AND DONT WORRY, Zal's only proper interaction was only between the GM and CO-GM and then Dreamtique, but most of the time he had been alone too xD.
Man, those were decen times.

The light kingdom won, everyone can go home now.
*mlg horns*

The dark kingdom, light kingdom and fire kingdom are so aggressive.... What really shocked me was how aggressive the light kingdom is.
ITS ONLY AGGRESSIVE because Heisen and Eleph make it so, but Emil, Nolan and Aure are pretty docile
*chokes back tears* ???? i'm so flattered like??? thank you!!! I wish I interacted with Arwyn too -- she had a dragon, right? A wyvern sort? Ahh....this was real nice to wake up to. OH AND DONT WORRY, Zal's only proper interaction was only between the GM and CO-GM and then Dreamtique, but most of the time he had been alone too xD.
Man, those were decen times.

*mlg horns*

ITS ONLY AGGRESSIVE because Heisen and Eleph make it so, but Emil, Nolan and Aure are pretty docile

Oy, don't underestimate Jean and Walt! They've got aggressive light-men on their side too. Y'know, Jean uses to hang out with the green men, and they killed a couple of, eh, rogue orks and wicked creatures.

That was, until they died and Jean decided to return to the kingdom, only to see it getting torn down by some kinda junk dealer by the name of Aurelie. The basics; yada, yada, yada.

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