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Fandom RWBY: The Ringmaster Rises || OOC

I'm making an oc. Anybody want to share some backstory? Be best buds or rivals or something?
You can make my character be friends or be rivals. Depends on you. Hell, they could even be teammates back at school. Just as Cenedril said, though, it really depends on who your character is.

Cool cool. Also StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18 I might need some counseling on coding. My biggest concern is resizing the picture, cause right now it's waaaay too big for that tiny box.
You can use imgur. If not, just screenshot it, post it in paint, then resize the pixels. That's what I did mine. If the whole picture doesn't fit, you can just add a link on the Appearance section.

I'm not that good with coding, but I'll offer my help nonetheless.

For now, I'm crashing. Need that sleep for a 9am school workshop on how to read academic sources and boooooy will that be fun. (it won't be)
Wait, what's this about color? Do team names need color?
The creator of the show encourages fanfic creations to ascribe to the color naming rule. You can find more about it in RWBY's wiki. The reason why it's so important in-universe is that in an attempt to lessen Grimm attacks in Mantle / Atlas, they banned creativity or some such. Mistral allied with Mantle, agreeing with logic while Vale and Vacuo said, "fuck no, we like our freedom and creativity tyvm". Vale and Vacuo won so the color-naming rule is to honor what was almost lost.
The creator of the show encourages fanfic creations to ascribe to the color naming rule. You can find more about it in RWBY's wiki. The reason why it's so important in-universe is that in an attempt to lessen Grimm attacks in Mantle / Atlas, they banned creativity or some such. Mistral allied with Mantle, agreeing with logic while Vale and Vacuo said, "fuck no, we like our freedom and creativity tyvm". Vale and Vacuo won so the color-naming rule is to honor what was almost lost.
I didn't know that. That's pretty awesome.
I can change my character's last name in a heartbeat. First name too if someone can give me an alternative.

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