Newsletter RpNation Newsletter: January 2018

January 2018 Newsletter
We're officially into 2018 and a new year has begun! Not to mention school and work for many. Don't worry though, RpNation is still here and going strong and going to explode with wonderful changes with the update to xenForo2.0!

Housekeeping Announcements

Many thanks to


Member of the Month

When did you start roleplaying? What were your early experiences like?
Oh boy, I'm not exactly sure when... My younger cousin and I would sometimes exchange chunks of stories back-and-forth, but they were pretty bad. The first "formal" introduction to RP was on Neopets in a Warriors RP Guild. I don't know how old I was, but I was under 13 because I maybe-possibly-might've fibbed about my age. Whoops! :angel3:

As you can imagine, the quality of the writing wasn't all that great, but it was fun! I enjoyed being part of a group and making friends through stories because I really didn't have many friends to imagine with otherwise. I eventually branched out and found some new genres and character games, and just ultimately had fun while improving my writing at the same time.

How did you discover RpNation?
Well, as any of the Neo migrants can tell you, the RP scene was suffering pretty badly. There were more 'good old days' threads than RP threads, existing ones were mostly Twilight/Vampire (or Xweetok!) or anime high schools, which were not my cuppa, and the censors were really stupid. I stuck around for a long time because I didn't know anywhere else to go, but finally I gave up and began looking around. I wanted a place that was friendly and active, but also fairly safe. I mean, the censors at Neo were extreme, but I preferred that to a complete free-for-all. When I found RPN on Google, I thought it seemed like a happy medium.

What features would be in your ideal roleplay? Do you have a favorite genre?
Most of the games I participate in are in some sort of fantasy or historical setting. I just really enjoy these worlds and love exploring them. Very rarely, if ever, will I take an interest in modern-type RPs.

I'm not sure what would be in my ideal RP. I think the biggest thing would be a fun and friendly group and a comfortable pace. That's something I kinda miss from Neo; it was expected that most rps would die or take forever between posts and there were only a few active members left, so if a group was established, they stuck together like glue and would have long OOC threads to keep them occupied while they waited. Even if the RP was long dead, a group would often stick together just to chat and have fun. I really enjoyed that, and it made writing with them so much more fun.

As far as pace, I would look for something that would update once or twice every couple days and that the group was okay with that. I'm actually more comfortable with a slow-paced RP than a fast one because I just don't have time to always sit on my computer. I would look for a RP that was definitely active and moving forward but had no qualms about pausing for a while. Going back to my last point, a chatty OOC helps a lot with that.

What are some other hobbies you have besides roleplaying?
As probably anyone who has been around me for long can tell you, I'm a huge Scotland and Ireland nerd! I love history, language, and culture, especially about these countries but also for anywhere else in the world. My main historical interests are 9th-18th century Scotland and 18th-21st century Ireland, especially about questions of culture, identity, and nationalism. I'm interested in learning Scottish and Irish Gaelic, but have made little progress so far. Hopefully I will one day, though!

Other than that, I enjoy writing children's short stories, being outdoors, reading, and playing computer games. During the summer, I enjoy swimming, hiking, and camping. Oh, and my boyfriend may be teaching me to swordfight soon, so that's fun!

Do you have a funny roleplaying story to share?
Hmm... The funniest one coming to mind right now was when I was playing my first ever session of D&D. It was a solo adventure and my character was an Outlander Wood Elf Druid leaving her reclusive tribe for the first time. Because of this, her Charisma was very low. On the way to the village, she met a bunch of bandits that threatened her. I decided to try to bluff my way out, and this solo five-foot-something wood elf with a quarterstaff successfully intimidated a bunch of bandits to the point that they would tip their hat every time they met afterwards. And then, when meeting a hellhound later on, she tried to talk to it and failed. So then, she was fighting it with a stick, and threatening/attacking things with her beaty-stick became a bit of a running joke.

At any rate, I thought it was funny.

If you could have one superpower, what would you choose?
Given the last story, this might be a bad idea, but I think talking to animals would be really cool! That, or the ability to time travel. The problem with that, though, is that either I would try to make something better and accidentally make it worse or it would break my heart to see things happen and be powerless to help. So, probably chatting with critters would be the better option.

Do you prefer heroes or villains?
Heroes, definitely. I'm a bit of a romantic, so stories of courage, daring, and sacrifice really appeal to me. I enjoy a good villain, but I prefer the character that is trying to help people or do the right thing. That said, though, I also enjoy ambiguity and thinking about whether this person is really good or bad, depending on your perspective. Patriot or Traitor is a classic example of this, but there are others as well.

Are there any books or authors that have been influential to you?
Well, I think the Warriors series was a pretty big one because it's what started me roleplaying. As far as writing style, at least for my children's stories, I think there's a bit of Brian Jacques' Redwall and Castaways series in there. I loved these books as a kid (I still have a soft spot for them!) and I think part of my descriptions and good/evil themes come from that.
In more recent times, I think James Herriot's gentle charm affected my taste for stories that I read or write. Finally, having just finished Edward Rutherford's The Dublin Saga, I'm badly wanting to write historical fiction now.

Is there a book/show/movie that you’ve been excited about recently?
That one! The Dublin Saga was incredible! It started in AD 430 and followed generations of families in the Dublin area all the way into the 1920s, weaving their stories together and echoing back to previous stories, and dipping in and out both through broad historical events and individual family stories. I can't say enough good about it and have been trying to share it with my friends and family, but no luck so far. But it was so good!

As far as TV shows and movies, I'm a little meh. I don't watch much TV, but I am looking forward to seeing Infinity War when it comes out. But, I'm terrified that they're going to break my heart because you can't plot-armor that many people... Please don't hurt my Cap-puppy... D':

Got any RpNation projects? Tell us about them!
Not at the moment. I've been busy and without consistent Internet access lately. The one RP I'm in right now is with Nicole and is a Skyrim 1x1 and follows my Stormcloak soldier and her Imperial-sympathizing civilian as they find themselves imprisoned together in Solitude and trying to work together to escape. The goal is to force the characters into contact with their 'enemy' and learn about their motivations and humanity, even if it doesn't change either character's mind.

For future projects, I have an idea for a large-scale Skyrim Civil War RP that basically is broken into three tiers (diplomats/generals, common soldiers, and civilians) that exist independently, but cross over to explore the experiences and motivations of characters in different tiers and on different sides. But that's a huge undertaking that I'm not prepared to tackle yet.

As far as smaller ideas, I'm thinking about trying to start up a survival-based hatching RP on a deserted island in the nineteenth century, or a 1x1 idea I have set in Dublin 1916 about a rebel and his sweetheart, basically looking at the choices they make during and after the Rising and how it affects their lives. For example, do both get involved in the rebellion? Is one strongly opposed? Do what extent? Do both survive? What happens with their lives afterwards? Etc. The idea is inspired by the song "Grace", if you're familiar with it and it helps at all. I don't know if either of those will happen, but it's an idea.

Is there any wisdom you’d like to impart to the readers of the newsletter?
Haha, you're asking the wrong girl! I don't suppose I really have anything to say except that there's always beauty to be found if you look for it, and that it's important not to take yourself too seriously. It's okay to be silly and laugh at yourself!


AlbaGuBrath AlbaGuBrath !​

Roleplay of the Month
All Your Powers by D duegxybus is a Quest rp the follows the character Mia Steele, a girl who can absorb the powers of other superheroes. After moving from a small town to Keptro City, she met her first superhero. In this universe, there are only a total of 50 superheroes. In this Quest rp, what path will the players lead Mia down?

What are some of the things that inspired you to create this roleplay?
Well, for starters, I'm incredibly interested in superheroes and powers and all things like that. I create many superhero roleplays on the webspace, which is probably one thing that lead me to make this RP. Perhaps the greatest motivator for me to create this roleplay was my boredom. I get bored of my own characters very easily, so I decided to make a main character that had the power to copy others' powers, kind of like Peter Petrelli from the TV show "Heroes." I put my own spin on things, and I'd like to think that this roleplay is mostly me trying to satisfy my boredom in the form of a choose-your-own adventure story. One of my main inspirations, especially for the statistic charts that will appear throughout the roleplay, is the webcomic unOrdinary. I really liked the aesthetics of the glowing eyeballs when someone used their powers. But for the most part, it was just boredom of characters and wanting to experiment with the ability to copy powers.

What has made your roleplay successful?
Well, in all honesty, it's the freedom of choice and the weight of each selection. I try to make each choice that people make within the Quest mean something big. Sure, it makes the choices a fair bit harder, but it's I'd guess that's what people are looking for in a roleplay. They want to see the main character grow, develop, change, fight, and become someone bigger by the end of the story. In this roleplay, I've given players the option to choose (through each new update, of course) whether the protagonist, Mia Steele, becomes an anti-hero that challenges the current society or a law-abiding hero that goes above and beyond the call of duty and uses her abilities the way society wants her to. Also, the fact that the main character has the ability to acquire powers, meaning she'll always have something new at her fingertips to keep the participants on their toes.

What do you like about Quest RPs specifically?
I am a control freak. Let's just put it that bluntly. I like to write stories and control everyone within the stories, and usually when I make an RP I try to make everything run as smoothly as possible. Yet I really want to surprise users since they do have to make MAJOR decisions for the RP. Quest RPs are perfect for me, as I can still get the input of others while still having my own story. I like having loyal readers and followers in my quests, and that just makes me feel warm inside when I have people who genuinely care about a world I made, all by myself. Also, the fact that people usually don't back out on quest RPs because it's very easy and quick to reply.

What do you believe are your strengths as a GM?
To be honest, I don't know them all. In regular roleplays, I start off with a story and a premise, and let others do what they want to do, to make their characters feel important. But in quest RPs, I think I have a completely different approach, since I'm the storyteller and I have to control every aspect of the world. I like to think that I'm detail-oriented, and I try to make the story cohesive while still keeping a sense of mystery in there. Another thing I think I'm great at writing is fight scenes with sound effects. In this kind of quest, it's very important to keep the participants engaged, and I think I'm doing that rather well. I think I'm a decent GM, and while there is a lot of room to improve, I still think I've come a long way since my first RPs.

How about weaknesses?

Just kidding.

It's mostly an interest problem. I keep coming up with new ideas and I feel like I have the need to cram them all into a roleplay just to make everyone happy when in reality, I'm just overwhelming them. It's quite sad to watch when I act like this. That's a major weakness on its own. Oh, and speaking of weaknesses, I usually demand a lot from my players in regular RPs, including explanations for everything and cohesive backstories. However, in quests, this weakness doesn't really apply to me.

How do you garner interest for your roleplays?
Clickbait titles and having my best friend B BlueClover advertise with me on our profiles and things like that.

No, on a serious note, I guess I just try to make the interest check as appealing to my target audience as possible and just have people join. However, for Quest RPs, I tend to write a very fancy introduction with a bit missing at the end, so people have almost no choice but to join the quest to find out what happens next. And then once people are roped in the story, I do my best to keep them happy with frequently updated content.

How did you come about roleplaying?
Roleplaying started for me when I was 11-12 years old with my best friend at the time. He introduced me to a roleplaying site that probably died by now, and then eventually RpN in 2015. I started off as a simple roleplayer, playing in basic superhero stories on RpN and some other things. Then I slowly took up GMing once I was placed in charge of a city within a roleplay, and just began doing that instead of participating in roleplays.

How did you discover RpNation?
Through my friends that were on the previous site. They saw RpN as a more professional platform and I joined along with them.

What is the most unique roleplay you ever participated in?
There was a roleplay known as Heavy Iron, which the concept was created by B BlueClover and fleshed out by me. It didn't last forever, but it was certainly an interesting premise. I thought it combined Attack on Titan and Pacific Rim, but it was so much more than that. It was certainly unique in its own respect. While it didn't end up as successful as it could've been, it was still the most unique roleplay.

What stood out most?
Things that usually stood out were originality and incredible, high-quality scenes as well as a decent combination of emotional moments. H.I. was a story of death and hopelessness in a broken world. It was the pacing and the mood that really set the story apart from others with me.

What is your fondest memory of roleplaying?
I have so manyyyy why are you making me choose like this???? o(>.<)o

I'd have to say one of the fondest moments was destroying an entire city once a roleplay ended. I described it in great detail. This was back when I took roleplaying really personally. I cried, lol.

What are some roleplaying tips and tricks you think others could benefit from?
I plan on compiling a thread later on in the Discussion section, but here are some things that I think YOU, yes, you, the reader of this, will benefit from.

1) Stay committed. If you start a project, make it because you want to be committed to it. It's because you like the idea. Don't drop it half-way.

2) Know your audience. Make sure you know your players as well as possible, and tailor the roleplay to their needs while still keeping sight of your original goal within the RP. While it's good to have standards, it's better to have the roleplay participants look forward to each reply rather than think of it as a chore.

3) Don't be afraid to go ham on detail. A lot of people like reading about things like that. It also paints a picture in the minds of your audience and it'll make them go, "Ooh. I'd like to be in THAT!"

Do you have any roleplaying pet peeves? If so, what are they?
Characters that have no other purpose except being protected. They aren't even important to the story, they're just victims of something, have no defining qualities, and the writer just expects them to be protected because people feel bad for them. At least make them special!!

Also, I'm really peeved by vague description. When people make a super awesome ability in an RP, and they describe it like this. "He shot lasers." Nooo!! Please describe everything! I want to FEEL the laser beam!

There are many peeves that I probably don't remember, but if they come up I'll definitely make it known.

Do you have any other projects in the works that you would like to share?
That is a secret! I always say that I'll make "something different" and this is no exception. I'll have something different within the works.

If you really want to know/help...PM me. I need...friends.


D duegxybus !​

Featured Artist
Our featured artist is Mourning Dove Mourning Dove , with her thread, Dove's drawings, paintings, and WIPs

Mourning Dove Mourning Dove 's drawings are wonderful windows into complex character scenes, using color tone to place the viewer into the setting that Dove had intended to illustrate. Their characters are full of life and incredibly varied, whisking the viewer into a complex world with only a single image. Her art is varied, covering everything from landscapes, small webcomics, and crystal-esque portraits. If you want to see more, check out her thread!


Mourning Dove Mourning Dove !​

Featured Discussion
One of the most people genres roleplayed here on RpNation is romance. rae2nerdy rae2nerdy asks How/Why Do You Write Romance?. You can join this discussion to share why you write romance and how exactly you go about doing so.


rae2nerdy rae2nerdy !​
Yeah, yeah. ^;3^ Forgive my poor frozen brain, it wasn't designed to operate at optimum efficiency under such wintry conditions!

Congrats to all our featured members! ^D^
Ahhhh!! Fyuri did so great on that pie badge! I'm gonna be sad for missing that one >~<

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