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Dice Rifts Adventure OOC

fixed i think, while we are on the subject is there anything else that i need to fix on my character sheet?

Could i add W.P. Archery to my character so he can have a bow and do archery as a hobby?
If you have the skills for it, sure.

Did you change the skill percentages yet? I want to make sure you have the correct numbers for your skills.
Your old friend just happens to be Brazamal the dragon, and he's got a job offer for you.

I know that name! But... I know it as "Brazzemal." He was a red dragon in Dungeons and Dragons, wasn't he? Sherwood, did you pluck it from there? =)

Uh, my fabulous gaming store not only has Rifts: Ultimate Edition, but they have it in hardcover for $30 USD instead of $42! I'll be right back, folks and friends! WOO! =)
Ok, I added a few things and polished up the skills. You now have a suit of Medium Borg Body Armor, and a Plasma Rifle. I also stuck in on your sheet your Xp chart so as I award points, you can see how far you have to go to get to that next level.
I know that name! But... I know it as "Brazzemal." He was a red dragon in Dungeons and Dragons, wasn't he? Sherwood, did you pluck it from there? =)

Uh, my fabulous gaming store not only has Rifts: Ultimate Edition, but they have it in hardcover for $30 USD instead of $42! I'll be right back, folks and friends! WOO! =)
I like the name, so I went with it. lol I wasn't expecting anyone to catch that.

Also, go get that book! You'll love it.
Well, since everyone has the bulk of their sheets posted, I will hopefully have the initial IC story post up later today.
Use the following, but with [ ] instead of ( )
info you want hidden
Okies. I made a few minor changes to Gradicus.

W.P. Katana at 4th level is now W.P. Daisho at 3rd level (provided by Zanji Shinjinken Ryu).
He is 40 years old (nearly 41)
He is 6 feet, 4 inches; 220 pounds
Added Lore: Dimensions: 30% (per Atlantean R.C.C. which states all Atlanteans being dimensional travelers have this skill
Added Atlantean Abilities (healing, Ley Line Phasing, etc.)
Edited the long version of his story (again - I think I got everything?)

I am buying gear now. Please check it out after I'm done? I'll post here when that happens.

Sherwood, under Psionics, it states "Standard." Should I make a percentile roll to see if he qualifies for Psionics (or is that still a thing)?
Go ahead and make your percentile roll for Psionics. In the Ultimate Edition, you have a 1-10% chance of being a major Psychic, and 11-25% chance of minor Psychic powers. Good luck.

Who else needs a roll? Dano Dano Psychie Psychie if you'd like, you can post one here, too. I think everyone else already has Psi powers.
Okies! Here goes!

Nope! But thanks for letting me and the others roll! =)
Well, it looks like our Smuggler has some Psionic powers. Assuming you want them, of course. Good roll, BTW.
Psy is right. Dano Dano , if you are interested, you do qualify to have some psychic powers. As a potential Major Psychic, you can get eight powers from either the Sensitive, Healing, or Physical powers of your choice.
Wait what? lol... I thought I rolled terribly...

Can you explain the categories of psychic powers a little more? I'm not familiar with them (I know what healing is... but never heard of psychic healing...).

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