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Fandom Rapture: A Multifandom Survival Sandbox RP [Always Accepting]

Rapture System

General Rex doesn't tolerate any sarcastic behavior or insults coming from this woman, although he chuckled when the pilot said he wasn't good looking, he was a Clone after all. Although hitting a woman under the Sith Imperium was against the constitution, hitting a woman who is considered an enemy to the Sith Imperium is necessarily.

"Do you really want to die, Imperial? Replacing me to the Sith lady will be your death." General Rex replied in a stern tone as he stand up.

"Good thing I don't hit women but I already hit you in my mind. Anyways," General Rex looked at his holopad, "Who in the name is Roan Fel? There's no Roan Fel here." He looked at her once again, "Last warning, your surname, your birthplace and your affiliation."

Rex said it in a serious tone, he mean it. The Sith troopers tighten Aleena's shoulders after Rex gave them a signal to do it.

Username Username
Rapture System

"He is my Emperor, i don't know what else to tell you. I was born on the planet Bastion, my surname is Dahn, and my affiliation is to Roan Fel's Empire." She looked at the sith soldiers before looking back at him. "how about you tell me who the hell you guys are, and why you guys are flying around in such an outdated ship? I bet this thing doesn't even have interdiction fields!" Aleena said, sounding quite annoyed. She knew that it was best to remain calm and more apathetic, but she was a bit of a hothead at times, so actually doing that was a completely different game than just thinking it.

Rysesaka Rysesaka
Rapture System

General Rex nodded when she told her surname but he was so sure that there was no Roan Fel or if this Roan Fel ever existed in this galaxy as it was his first time hearing that name. The female Imperial's allegiance towards this Emperor Roan Fel makes him think whether this Imperial lady is joking or serious, judging by her tone, it's serious. That includes to Bastion which it never existed (although it remained a secret Imperial world just like in the real timeline).

"Roan Fel-.. Bastion-.." He looked at the holopad. He looked at her when he said, "doesn't exist." He looked at the holopad to search Roan Fel once again but this time he found one but with a different name called Soontir Fel.

"Look, Aleena, Roan Fel doesn't exist but there is someone called Soontir Fel here." He showed the picture of Soontir Fel to Aleena in the holopad. He looked at the helipad once again and explain who Soontir Fel is,

"Soontir Fel, considered a war hero in Palpatine's empire, one of the deadliest starfighters in the galaxy, the Baron of the Empire. He participated in the Sack of Chandrila which killed millions of people, he participated in the bombardment of innocent civilians in Chandrila." He looked at her in the eye by saying, "And you are saying that this murderer is your Emperor?"


Name: Soontir Fel
Date of Birth: 12 BBA
Homeworld: Corellia
Occupation: Pilot
Affiliation: Galactic Empire
Titles: Baron of the Empire

Considered a war hero in the Empire. One of the deadliest starfighters in the galaxy. Participated in the Sack of Chandrila where he and his squadron bombard millions of innocent civilians as it was considered an anti-Imperial Core World that joined the Sith Imperium against Palpatine's Galactic Empire.

+ Must be captured ALIVE.
+ Most wanted man in the CORELLIAN SECTOR.
+ Most wanted man in the entire Sith Imperium.

General Rex and the two Sith troopers chuckled. One of the Sith troopers replied by saying,

"Swearing allegiance to an Imperial pilot and seeing him as an Emperor is so delusional, sir." The Sith trooper said as he looked at the General, the General nods at the trooper.

"And what do you mean this ship is outdated? Are you delusional, Aleena? This ship is used by both parties. Your Empire and OUR Empire. Speaking of interdiction fields, this ship has it. Insult this ship when Lord Kenobi is present." Rex said.

"Anyway, your EMPEROR ROAN FEL and your birthplace doesn't exist, it seems that you see our interrogation as a joke. Well then, I must call the Sith lady to the job. What do you say?" General Rex chuckled as he awaits Aleena's response.

Username Username
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Parasoul Renoir
-Canopy Kingdom-

Parasoul had listened to what the girl have said. She wants to find shelter, as well as wanting to know how she got into Canopy. She also said that from where she came from, mankind was extinct. The princess was going to make a reply when another unsuspecting person comes in and holds his gun up. She turns to the one Egret that has his gun pointed at the girl and gestures him to lay it down. The Egret does so and the princess turns to Sento and ask "Sento, may I use your room for a while? I need to speak with those two in private."

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Username Username
-Lord Eneru-
Somewhere Above the Desert

High above the clouds of the Southern Desert, where even mountains become mere dots on the ground, a floating ship sailed smoothly through the air. The ship was grand: made of gold and the finest quality skywood, it would be impossible to miss if it wasn't dozens of kilometers up. On the deck of the ship, hundreds of men, dressed in all assortments of strange clothing gathered around, speaking in hushed voices.

In front of them, Eneru was lying like a king, supported by a massive futon the area of a queen-sized bed. Several female servants were draped around his giant body, in various states of undress. The only thing shared among them was a miserable expression, a kind of kinship formed from the situation they were collectively in. Eneru was casually groping the breasts of one young girl, while an attractive maidservant fed him grapes.

Eneru had made himself a lord over this world. He knew, of course, that with his abilities, wherever he went, he would be revered as a God. He never expected any different. The looks of fear and shock on the faces of these pathetic Groundmen when their weapons passed through him without causing harm was completely priceless. Over time, conquering around the desert, he had gathered an army of thousands of slaves, mostly random mercenary groups who had pledged divine allegiance to him. It could be said that the status of Eneru now was not far from when he amassed a massive army on the Moon.

However, for the people he had gathered, life wasn't so peachy. Eneru could easily take to the air, as Birkans had no lungs and therefore no need to breathe, but for the humans on the ground, the lack of oxygen this high up was absolutely fatal. Combine that with the propensity of Eneru to work these people (who he saw as an inferior species) to the bone, and it could easily be seen why the group of mercenaries that started with a thousand now only had a few dozen members remaining. These men were the most resilient of their species, yet even they were finding it hard to bear this type of life. However, Eneru was an absolute ruler, and it wasn't as if they could jump from the ship and live. Thus, they just had to grit their teeth and bear it.

Today, 20 or so people were gathered in front of the golden throne of Eneru for the monthly debrief of any new information they had gained. They were members of a mercenary group which specialized in info collection and spying. Originally, they used to be 100 strong, but now...... The newly-appointed chief of the group, a royal ass-kisser named Stevens stepped forward with a sheet of paper in his hands. "Er, Lord Eneru....."

Eneru raised a hand to silence him. "GOD Eneru," he corrected.

"Um, yes, God Eneru, we 'ere have discovered a mighty large colony towards the Eastern parts of the desert. Hundreds o' thousands of people, all gathered round giant steel factories and... er, big robots. It's a real giant too, stretches the whole desert almost. I don't think they know of our presence, uh, God. But they 'ave a lot of people on their side."

Eneru smirked and slowly rose from his seat, exposing his giant frame, more than ten feet tall from head to toe. His earlobes fell up against his torso. "Very good, you may leave." he said in a casual manner, "Perhaps, I'll even give you an extra dividend at the end of the month." As the group left in an excited silence, Eneru looked to the East, deep in thought: It had been a few months since he had appeared in his world, and even then, he knew that it would be hard for him to regain the glory he had as the God of Skypiea. However, now this colony on the ground showed up, and even though he had no frame of reference to what factories and robots were, the description of covering the whole desert gave him memories of Skypiea. He had an urge to conquer that land.

"Take the ship down, down to where the ground-dwellers can see us. Then take it eastwards." ordered Eneru to the royal assistant. Sure enough, in a few seconds, the ship abruptly stopped in midair and lurched downwards. As the humans onboard were struck with airsickness, the mansion-like Ark Maxim continued its descent, all the way to 7km, just enough for anyone with good eyesight to see him. After reaching that area, the ship began its journey towards the steel colony, as per the orders of Eneru.

"Let's see how strong the people of the Blue Sea are. How quick can I destroy them? In a day? An hour?" smirked Enel. "Yaaa-ha-ha-ha." And with that, the ship set off into the horizon.

--Ryuga Banjou--
Vytal Festival Tournament
Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind

Sky eventually found rolled to the side to avoid the torrent of ink, getting up and dashing for cover as an act of preservation. Checking the aura on the scoreboard, it's obvious that Sky's aura is almost at it's limits, so he had to resort on trying to outsmart his opponent...Keyword, Try. Sky tried circling the building to get behind the squid girl and dupe her with simple rocks. . .

Meanwhile, Ryuga and Cardin are clashing weapons as his blade. the Beat Crosser was swung down while Cardin's in a batter swing. The two glared at each other as they both back off, preparing an attack. Ryuga took out a yellow bottle and pushed it onto the slot onto Beat Crosser's guard as he then pulled on the handle placed on the bottom of the hilt.

Seeing this, Cardin bashed on the rock on the desert biome, sending several chunks towards Ryuga as he continued to pull, soon stopping as some of the rocks hit him square on the chest, pushing him back. The blade glowing blue, a yellow energy forms a key where Ryuga held the blade

Mega Hit!

"I'm ending this!" Ryuga declared as he swung the blade, sending a yellow slash towards Cardin as he tried to run from it, only for him to be pushed out of bounds along with the slash, carrying him until it exploded on the nigh corner of the arena, making him fall to the dirt outside of it. A red glow can be seen before hearing an airhorn sound. Ryuga glanced at the score board in curiosity to see what was up; Cardin's scoreboard had just reached the 0, his portrait turned grey as a red text reading 'out of bounds' can be seen as well.

"Ooh! And with that, Cardin Winchester has been eliminated by both Aura level AND being Out of Bounds!" Port commentated as Ryuga let out a fist pump of victory before heading over to Monika's direction via the trail of ink.

--Sento Kiryu x Stella--
Zamasu Zamasu Username Username

Stella was genuinely surprised that JD was still here. She'd thought that the soldier would've escaped by now. Of course, she didn't think that he was waiting for her. However, the threat seemed to work, as the Egret lowered his weapon by the order of the princess, soon asking the brown coated man for permission to use his quarters.

"You're already doing a surgery in my lab, so I don't see why not." The man answered before turning to Stella. "Oh! While on the subject of dropping weapons, mind leaving yours here? I kinda wanna...Examine it." He asked, a lock of his hair lifting as if excited. "Please?"

". . .What are you going to do with it?" She asked, gripping her weapon, not trusting the man one bit.

"I'm just gonna tinker with it a bit, see what makes it tick, etc." The man explained, his hands on the pocket of his coat. "Plus, I'm detecting some Smash residue on that thing, so that might be worth investigating."

"Smash residue?" Stella tilted her head as the man brushed her inquiry aside.

"I'll explain later. Right now, the Princess should take over." He said with a smile as Stella slowly took out and placed the weapon on the ground. If it'll guarantee that she'll get answers AND safety, then she'd do it. . .Now how does Rookie take all this?
Felix and Locus
Exodus (West Region)
Vale (Amity Coliseum)
The doors to the coliseum swung open once more as what appeared to be two heavily armored individuals entered the fray of fighters and spectators.


“Tch. Look at these ammeters, Locus. We’ll kick all their asses, easy.” The one in orange armor, named Felix, said as they continued down the steps to watch the ongoing fight firsthand.

Never underestimate your opponent.” The taller one clad in green and black armor said in a deep, gruff, and almost menacing tone of voice, not even sparing his partner a passing glance as the pair continued onward.

“Really? Just look at those assholes, Locus! They’re not even in the same league as us.” Felix replied, earning only a grunt from Locus as the two eventually reached the railing that separated the fighters from the onlookers. Felix would lean forward and dangle his arms over to the side almost lazily, as Locus remained standing upright as the two watched the fight take place, studying their opponents movements for when they were up in the ring.


"Where are you going?" Monika puzzled, as the guy just sort of ran away from the jets of ink. She stood there, dumbfounded, just as a rock nailed her in the back of the head. That couldn't have looked good, but it certainly hurt less than she expected. She turned around to face her opponent again, "You're on your last legs, aren't you? I didn't think this would be quite as easy as it was!"

"Now, stand still so I can finish the job!" Monika ran towards Sky, Splattershot primed. He ran the other way, frightened by the little squid girl who they had vastly underestimated. He didn't think the Tournament would be over so quickly for them. Especially to some New Arrivals. This was deeply embarassing, and Sky felt like he wasn't going to hear the end of it any time soon from Cardin. He decided to get out of the suddenly-claustrophobic cityscape, making a beeline for the desert half of the arena.

Unfortunately, Monika could run much faster than Sky, and she quickly caught up with him. She pulled the trigger on the Hero's Splattershot as soon as he was in reasonable range, "Get back here!"

(This long enough Thepotatogod Thepotatogod ? I feel my posts are really lacking recently... D : )


The agent emerges from their ink, tank brimming. Fortunately, nobody had decided to approach while they were charging their ink tank, and it seemed like the grotesque thing that attacked them was done moving around in a lively manner. The grass-green [#74CC1D] ink covering the creature appeared to be corroding whatever was left of its muscles and bones, though it was hard to tell given its advanced state of decay when the agent discovered it mere moments before.

Perhaps the coast was clear, and this monster was nothing more than a simple fluke. What a thought that would be! The agent shook it off immediately, preferring to stay on edge at all times. They holstered the Hero's Blaster next to another unidentified weapon on their back. They would have to experiment with the other gun later. Perhaps it could provide an out to their current situation, which seemed not immediately perilous, but on the brink of further endangerment.

The agent walked past the rotting entity, exploring the wasteland further.

(Nobody else is here, yet. I'll just continue doing my own thing in short segments)
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Canopy, New Meridian

Rookie lowered his weapon slightly, but still in a ready position so that he could immediately snap back towards any of them, should this be a trick. He then stepped forward a bit, and looked towards parasol, waiting for her to lead him to where she wanted to speak in private. He didn't trust her one bit, nor did he trust anyone else here, and was ready to refuse going, should they ask him to relinquish his weapons. Outwardly, his stance was calm however. He was quite good at keeping his cool in tight situations, and was used to ones far worse then the one he was in right now.

Zamasu Zamasu Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

Rapture System, Exodus Orbit

"Soontir? No thats not him....looks like he must be some sort ancestor though...." she said trailing off. She quickly snapped back however. "Alright look, i am telling you the truth, and you are not going to get any different answers, whether its you, that sith bitch, or whoever the hell else you bring in pal!" Aleena was beginning to get quite annoyed with the back and forth argument she was having with these sith.

Rysesaka Rysesaka

Rapture System, Edge of system

At the edge of the system, a sizable fleet of warships appeared, as if they were ripped directly from hyperspace. Onboard of the largest ship, the Centurion class battlecruiser known as the Indomitable, in the spacious bridge, a woman in dark robes, stood, staring out into space. "Captain" she said, not even bothering to look towards who she was referring to. "I want a status report...what happened." the woman said calmly. The captain hesitated. "Lord Revan...we were pulled out of hyperspace...as if were caught by an interdictor....but we aren't in any known system, infact...it seems like we aren't even in our Galaxy..."

Under her mask, Revan arched her eyebrow. "i see...do a scan of the system" Almost immediately, the Captain responded. "already done ma'am, there are three worlds with life signs on it, one with a very high amount of industry and heavy defenses, another one that seems to be less stable, but still well defended, and a wasteland" Revan grew silent for a few moments.

She turned to her Captain. "have the Ebon Hawk prepared for me....and have someone retrieve less threatening clothing for me" She then turned to leave the bridge. "Lord Revan! Why not just send a scout team instead?" The captain asked her, to which Revan just said "i want to see the world myself, and more importantly, i want to make sure all my information is accurate, and no mistakes are made." She then made her way to the massive hangers of the ship, which was quite a lengthy journey due to the ship being over a kilometer in length.

In the hanger, there were about a hundred star fighters, along with various shuttles, dropships, and Revan's personal ship, the Ebon Hawk. As she made her way to the ship, a young naval officer presented her with the clothing of a commoner, as she requested, and then, after saluting Revan, left to go carry on his normal duties. Revan then boarded her ship, going straight to the cockpit of the Ebon Hawk, and taking control of the ship herself. She was not nearly as good of a pilot as Carth was, but she could fly a ship well enough to get herself to and from places. She considered it regrettable that she couldn't get him to join her, along with the others who refused to follow her, but she expected it as soon as she turned.

As T3 buzzed about the ship, performing maintenance on it as per usual, the Ebon Hawk took off, leaving the hanger of the Indomitable. The ship zipped passed her small fleet, which she was glad to have, as it was far better than having nothing but the Ebon Hawk. The Ebon Hawk made its way towards the middle planet in the system, as Revan prepared herself for whatever may lay head.
Parasoul Renoir
-Canopy Kingdom-

With the permission granted, Parasoul leads the girl and the soldier in Sento's quarters. With the door shut, Parasoul takes a good look at the two and begins to speak "You two may think that I am someone that is not to be trusted. I assure to you that I am very trustworthy, and that all of my people has faith in my rule. However, should someone commit any crimes against my kingdom, be it here or out, their actions will not be tolerated. Now then, starting with the girl, I want you to identify yourselves and tell me where you came from, how did you end up here, and what were you doing around my kingdom. I want your descriptions be thoroughly detailed, never leave any loopholes."

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Username Username
Amity Colosseum

As Wall-Knight cheered on Ryuga and Monika, he noticed something else in the stands. He got up from his seat and slowly approached the disturbance. He hasn't seen readings like this anywhere. Of course, he was in a brand new world, so that was to be expected, but still... He put on his belt and looked closer. There wasn't anything visible, so Wall-Knight stepped closer, brushing by a guy in a bright red and blue suit.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore and anyone in the colosseum
Amity Colosseum

As Wall-Knight cheered on Ryuga and Monika, he noticed something else in the stands. He got up from his seat and slowly approached the disturbance. He hasn't seen readings like this anywhere. Of course, he was in a brand new world, so that was to be expected, but still... He put on his belt and looked closer. There wasn't anything visible, so Wall-Knight stepped closer, brushing by a guy in a bright red and blue suit.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore and anyone in the colosseum
Exodus (West Region)
Vale (Amity Colosseum)

As he was gawking over Mario and Luigi (who he assumed were still just really good cosplayers), Peter was definitely take by surprise when he felt something brush up against his shoulder, causing him to flinch a little.

“Gah!” He exclaimed as he reflexively rose up his arms in defense, only to slowly lower them once he glanced over and saw that the previously perceived threat wasn’t actually a threat at all, but rather some.... sentient walnut in a belt. Well, that was definitely new.

“Hey!” Peter exclaimed as he tapped the creature’s shoulder to get its attention. “Are you lost?”

H Hal lucination Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins

(since Percy isn't responding ill respond instead)
"A little help would be nice Mr assertive instead of oh you know, cowering in a corner. Maybe you can think of something smart or just shoot the damn thing off my tail?" A2 guessed that the object was tailing her out of curiosity but it wouldn't hurt to be a bit paranoid "flight unit ready the cannons and increase the speed. We may have to shoot our way out of this one"
Sleek Sleek
H Hal lucination

"Negative. A2, stand down. Engaging now would compromise the rest of us. Draw it out of the city."

Jerome said as he raised his rifle in their direction. The Spartan gripped it a little tighter, making sure that he could hit his shots if it came to blows. While the carrot was likewise not within his views of protection, he had a feeling A2 wouldn't give a damn about collateral damage.
That was unacceptable.

"Keep. It. Clean. Collateral will not be tolerated."

The super-soldier barked into his comms, then began looking for a way to get to higher ground.

SlightlyOpenCurtains SlightlyOpenCurtains 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B H Hal lucination
"Jesus fine. Flight unit cancel charging the cannons but increase the speed. Mr assertive I'm gonna try and draw it away from us and try to lose it. unfortunately, you'll have to deal with the guards with Minecraft boy and 042 unless you got any other bright ideas" She paused "why are you so touchy on collateral?" The speed of the flight unit increased drastically as A2 bolted across the city.
Sleek Sleek
H Hal lucination
~Mario and Luigi~
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
H Hal lucination

The brothers roared in applause after witnessing Ryuga's devastating sword slash. Though the young man tried to flee, it was far too late for him, for as Ryuga slashed, his sword blasted a yellow, crescent-shaped projectile- it must have been energy of some kind- matching the exact size and length of the slash Ryuga had performed. He wouldn't be getting away from that, even if the young man was as good as his attitude suggested; the projectile caught up with him in no time at all, literally sweeping him off of his feet and carrying him right to the edge of the arena. He couldn't shake himself loose in time, and as soon as the projectile reached the edge, it detonated, causing a mighty eruption that sent the young man flying and laying in the dirt.

The sharp, harsh sound of an air horn rang through the arena, before the television screen turned the young man's portrait greyscale and plastered a great "OUT OF BOUNDS" stamp over his digital face. The health bar which accompanied his portrait had also been depleted. Ryuga had knocked him out!

"Ooh! And with that, Cardin Winchester has been eliminated by both Aura Level AND being out of bounds!" A loud, yet sophisticated voice boomed over the arena's loudspeakers. The brothers recognised the voice as the portly professor they had talked to yesterday. The brothers leapt to their feet again, cheering loudly and clapping like thunder- almost literally, in the case of Luigi and his Thunderhand!

"Yeah! Way to go, Ryuga! You got him good!" Mario exclaimed. They both cheered and whistled in an attempt to show their support. If this was how they fought, then the brothers might be in trouble when it's their turn!

Woah! Nice costumes, guys.

"Huh? Sorry, were you-a talking to-" Luigi began, as he turned his body towards the source of a voice that had addressed them from behind; but he cut himself off with an uncontrollable yelp of fright and a startled jump backwards after laying eyes on the man's mask, like a frightened cat. The man's mask wasn't threatening at all, but the sudden sight of it was a little bit jarring- as the two observed him, he was wearing a full costume to go along with it. It was bright red with black markings all over, resembling the pattern that a spider web might take. He had two white, almond-shaped spaces where his eyes would be, accompanied with what could be best described as a black outline. Mario was a little startled, too- but certainly not to the extent of his brother.

"Oh! Ah, well, thank you very much, but these aren't-a costumes. I think your costume's pretty good, though!" Mario interjected, in an attempt to keep the conversation flowing. He cleared his throat and paused, before asking "I'm-a very sorry, but... we aren't from here. What's-a your name?" This was a question that the brothers always felt terrible to ask- so many people seemed to know them, but the brothers had no idea who they were. At least in the Mushroom Kingdom, they knew more people, since they were local- but here, it's a whole other world.

They paused for a second, reminded of home.

All of a sudden, though, the man seemed to flinch- seemingly in response to something touching him- turning around and raising his arms defensively. The brothers leaned to the side to see what would elicit such a reaction for themselves-

Out of everything that it could've been, a walking, talking walnut in a belt was at the very bottom of the list the brothers were expecting. They had encountered some unusual creatures in their days- Goombas, Toads, whatever Fawful was supposed to be- but not something... quite like this. Just as they were beginning to wrap their heads around what they were seeing, the man in the costume tried to get its attention.

Hey! Are you lost?"
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Amity Colosseum
Wall-Knight turned to Peter. "Hmm? Oh, I'm just tracking an anomaly in my scanners. It's supposed to be around here." His radar blipped, then the anomaly disappeared. Wall-Knight frowned as he stared at the screen in his interface. "That's odd... the anomaly dissapeared. My scanners aren't picking up anything else. Oh well." Wall-Knight turned back to Peter. "I'm Wall-Knight, by the way. Nice to meet you."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins


Beta-Carrotina continued to track the android. Suddenly, a second anomaly of a different signature appeared on her radar. She stopped following the android and took off in pursuit of the second anomaly.
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Both Monika and Sky stopped suddenly when a loud horn sounded, signalling the defeat of Sky's partner, Cardin. It seemed both him falling out of bounds and his Aura depleting disqualified him simultaneously. That was rough. What didn't stop was the shower of ink Monika was constantly spraying towards Sky, which found its target when he paused

"Looks like your friend's down for the count!" Monika continued to taunt. She was having way too much fun getting on this guy's nerves, especially when she was clearly the more capable individual. She pulled the trigger again, to douse him in ink, but all that came out was a loud clicking, signifying that the tank on her back was empty. Sky turned around, and began charging, swinging his halberd with reckless abandon. Monika turned and fled in sudden, ink-deprived panic.

Fortunately, she still was a little faster than Sky Lark, so she let him trail her out of the city, where she knew Ryuga would make finishing him off much easier.

( Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Here look I did a post acknowledging your stuff and throwing my characters at you. Have fun with minor and major rewrites of your own WIP post... sorry about that)
--Eiji Hino x Ankh--
Random Town, Hoshido
(Open to anyone)( Truthblade Truthblade maybe you?)


Eiji hears a familiar voice talking as he stared into the darkness, looking around for the source of the voice.


"Ankh...?" Eiji muttered out as light soon filled his vision, as he closed his eyes.

"Oi! Eiji! Wake up!" Eiji hears a voice as he opened his eyes, looking at the blue sky above him, feeling the sandy ground on his back. There's also some old looking houses that looks newly built--like that one time he took a visit at an Edo-period town. He feels something slapping his cheek the entire time, yet no one was looking at him. Just as he was about to look at the side, a floating scaley forearm floated into his vision, it's fingers wriggled as if to speak.

"Oh good, you're awake." The hand's disembodied voice spoke as Eiji got up, obviously suprised. "Get up. You're gathering attention lying on the street like that..." The hand barked as Eiji sat up, the pointing at the stick carrying his underwear stuck on the ground beside him. "...With your damn underwear waving around in the wind as a flag, no less."

Eiji took a glance at the hand and took out a red medal im his possession; miraculously fixed. The medal had what appeared to be a hawk engraved on it. His eyes widened before glancing back at the floating hand.

"You're probably wondering how my core medal got fixed." The hand instinctively knew what Eiji was thinking,pointing like him like a detective would. "The thing is, I don't know nor care. Now quit embarrassing yourself and get up, you idiot!" He dismissively ordered, his entire fist clenching as if angered.

"Angry as always, I see." Eiji smiled as he got up, brushing off the dust off his clothing(except his back). He looked around to see some townsfolk clad in yukatas and kimonos looking at the pair in an odd sense of fear. "So, uh...Ankh, are we...Back at Japan?" He asked, seeing the infracture similar to Edo Japan. "In the past, I guess?"

"No, we're not." The hand identified as Ankh shook his wrist as he floated beside Eiji and spat out a paper out of his palm and handed it to Eiji. "I wandered around some shops before I found you in the middle of town. Here, take a look." He said as Eiji took and unrolled the piece of paper, seeing a map of what appears to be two continents. There's also two transparent emblems found on the continents, as if marking a territory.


"Apparently we're at a country called 'Hoshido'." Ankh began to explain as he floated beside Eiji's head and pointed at the mountains near what appears to be a castle on the part with the four pointed star emblem. "I don't know if this place has any hierarchy and all that political junk, but all I can take from it is that it's similar to Japan."

"Talk about Deja vu." Eiji shrugged as he rolled the map and shoved it into his pocket. "So...Where do we go from here?"

"It's up to you. You're the only human that I know here." Ankh answered as Eiji took his underwear on a stick off the ground and rested it on his shoulder. "Besides, I need my core medal if I wanna possess a body."

"I thought we talked about not possessing anyone else?" Eiji looked at hand beside walking forward.

"No, we didn't." Ankh answered, "You just told me to let you know before I take a popsicle off a cart." If he had a body, he would let out a grin.

The townsfolk are still terrified by the floating hand, as they stayed within their homes the entire time the two talked, but they admired the man's courage of talking to the floating monster hand.

--Ryuga Banjou--
Vytal Tournament
Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind

Just as Ryuga reached the middle of the arena, he spots Monika making a run for the desert biome with Sky tagging along quite shortly. Ryuga noticed how Sky was struggling to keep up with her...He knew he's on edge.

Ryuga took out Cross-Z Dragonbox from his be, his armor soon fading into the air.

"Help her out, Cross-Z!" He yells out as he tosses the dragonbox as hard as he can towarda Sky, flying through the air like a catapult.

Sky was about to tackle Monika when he saw a box speeding towards him and conking him at the side of the head, causing him to stagger a bit.

The box soon uncurled into the Dragonbox Monika recognized, and roared as if to signal her to assist it. The Dragonbox then spat out small blue flames at Sky as he tried to avoid it, only for him to be hit at the side of the cheek.

The unarmored Ryuga made a mad dash towards the distracted sky, holding what appears to be an oversized orange knuckle duster with a black bottle on it's slot.

His Aura's almost down for the count, let's finish em' off!
View attachment 447296
~Mario and Luigi~
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
H Hal lucination

The brothers roared in applause after witnessing Ryuga's devastating sword slash. Though the young man tried to flee, it was far too late for him, for as Ryuga slashed, his sword blasted a yellow, crescent-shaped projectile- it must have been energy of some kind- matching the exact size and length of the slash Ryuga had performed. He wouldn't be getting away from that, even if the young man was as good as his attitude suggested; the projectile caught up with him in no time at all, literally sweeping him off of his feet and carrying him right to the edge of the arena. He couldn't shake himself loose in time, and as soon as the projectile reached the edge, it detonated, causing a mighty eruption that sent the young man flying and laying in the dirt.

The sharp, harsh sound of an air horn rang through the arena, before the television screen turned the young man's portrait greyscale and plastered a great "OUT OF BOUNDS" stamp over his digital face. The health bar which accompanied his portrait had also been depleted. Ryuga had knocked him out!

"Ooh! And with that, Cardin Winchester has been eliminated by both Aura Level AND being out of bounds!" A loud, yet sophisticated voice boomed over the arena's loudspeakers. The brothers recognised the voice as the portly professor they had talked to yesterday. The brothers leapt to their feet again, cheering loudly and clapping like thunder- almost literally, in the case of Luigi and his Thunderhand!

"Yeah! Way to go, Ryuga! You got him good!" Mario exclaimed. They both cheered and whistled in an attempt to show their support. If this was how they fought, then the brothers might be in trouble when it's their turn!

Woah! Nice costumes, guys.

"Huh? Sorry, were you-a talking to-" Luigi began, as he turned his body towards the source of a voice that had addressed them from behind; but he cut himself off with an uncontrollable yelp of fright and a startled jump backwards after laying eyes on the man's mask, like a frightened cat. The man's mask wasn't threatening at all, but the sudden sight of it was a little bit jarring- as the two observed him, he was wearing a full costume to go along with it. It was bright red with black markings all over, resembling the pattern that a spider web might take. He had two white, almond-shaped spaces where his eyes would be, accompanied with what could be best described as a black outline. Mario was a little startled, too- but certainly not to the extent of his brother.

"Oh! Ah, well, thank you very much, but these aren't-a costumes. I think your costume's pretty good, though!" Mario interjected, in an attempt to keep the conversation flowing. He cleared his throat and paused, before asking "I'm-a very sorry, but... we aren't from here. What's-a your name?" This was a question that the brothers always felt terrible to ask- so many people seemed to know them, but the brothers had no idea who they were. At least in the Mushroom Kingdom, they knew more people, since they were local- but here, it's a whole other world.

They paused for a second, reminded of home.

All of a sudden, though, the man seemed to flinch- seemingly in response to something touching him- turning around and raising his arms defensively. The brothers leaned to the side to see what would elicit such a reaction for themselves-

Out of everything that it could've been, a walking, talking walnut in a belt was at the very bottom of the list the brothers were expecting. They had encountered some unusual creatures in their days- Goombas, Toads, whatever Fawful was supposed to be- but not something... quite like this. Just as they were beginning to wrap their heads around what they were seeing, the man in the costume tried to get its attention.

Hey! Are you lost?"
Exodus (West Region)
Vale (Amity Coleseum)

“Woah woah hey! It’s okay!” Peter exclaimed, holding up his hands as Luigi seemed visibly frightened by his appearance. “There’s nothing to be scared of. I’m not gonna hurt you.” Peter said before turning back to Mario.

“Huh? Well, if those aren’t costumes, then that would mean that you’re Mario and Luigi. Which would make you two like... real.” Though, after taking a good long look at the other inhabitants of the coliseum, and then back to the Bros, Peter would pause for a moment and stare at the two.

“Are you two seriously the real Mario and Luigi?”
Amity Colosseum
Wall-Knight turned to Peter. "Hmm? Oh, I'm just tracking an anomaly in my scanners. It's supposed to be around here." His radar blipped, then the anomaly disappeared. Wall-Knight frowned as he stared at the screen in his interface. "That's odd... the anomaly dissapeared. My scanners aren't picking up anything else. Oh well." Wall-Knight turned back to Peter. "I'm Wall-Knight, by the way. Nice to meet you."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins


Beta-Carrotina continued to track the android. Suddenly, a second anomaly of a different signature appeared on her radar. She stopped following the android and took off in pursuit of the second anomaly.
“O-oh right!” Peter stammered out before offering to shake Wall-Knight’s hand, followed Mario’s and Luigi’s as well. “I’m Spider-Man!” He exclaimed proudly. Mario had asked him the same question mere moments ago, but Peter didn’t exactly hear him due to the sudden realization that two of his favorite video game characters may very well be standing right before his eyes.

“O-oh... well I can help you find whatever anomaly you’re looking for.” Peter said, hoping to help out however he could.

Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins H Hal lucination
Asriel Dreemurr
Random Town in Hoshido

"Frisk....take care of Mom and Dad for me, won't you?"

He reached for the child standing before him, hoping they'd reciprocate the gesture. His time was up. Hell awaited him, and he best not keep it waiting.
Another flash of white, and he opened his eyes to a bed of golden flowers. It started here, and it was fitting that it ended here.
The child closed his eyes....but something felt wrong, like he was in a bad dream.
The feeling grew, intensifying as he felt like he as falling in a dream, unable to wake up but able to feel his own fear at his oncoming demise and-

The child gasped, sitting up straight suddenly and yelling as if he had been struck. His fur bristled on end, and his body trembled.
Suddenly, the monster looked down at his hands, seemingly in shock. The fluffy white fur and pink pawpads were real. This wasn't a dream, no way. The sun felt warm against his body, and he could feel the wind gently ruffling his fur. The kid grabbed at his ears, in shock. He tugged until it hurt and then let go.

He was alive. This fact, while something taken for granted by 99.99% of the population, was staggering to the child.
He couldn't believe it.

Though, his disbelief would only increase as he looked up and saw actual humans watching him. He began to sweat profusely, though externally, he just seemed normally shocked (or however normal shocked could be).

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod ( Truthblade Truthblade maybe?)
Amity Colosseum

Wall-Knight extended a robotic limb and shook Spider-Man's hand. "Nice to meet you, Spider-Man." Wall-Knight tilted his head(his whole body.) "You want to help? That'd be great. Thank you. No offense though, but unless you have some sort of 'Spider-sense', I don't think you could help. My scanners indicate it disappeared without a trace." (OOC: the anomaly is the same one Beta-Carrotina's tracking. It's right outside of the Colosseum)

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Major A5718 was awaiting Snake's arrival at the meeting point. It was an empty field in Falkreath that was ideal for aircraft landings and a good assembly points. Around him were dozens of other troops milling around the area, mostly consisting of fabricators constructing additional defenses and surveillance equipment, although there were also a large number of combat troops and vehicles such as Levelers and Slammers. The afternoon sun reflected off the metallic blue paintjob on each unit.

Advanced radar and sensor systems picked up the flight of choppers the moment they entered the province, and even before that, satellites and recon planes had been tracking them the moment they left Mother Base. When they entered Skyrim itself, that was when the Major had travelled to the designated LZ. A squad of Skirmishers were accompanying him. Unlike the more humanlike posture of the Major, the bots were stiff and unnaturally still, given their far more limited programming than the advanced A.I. of the Major.

The Major observed as the helicopters landed in front of him, and a rather grizzled-looking man with an eyepatch hopped out. "Venom Snake," He greeted over the loud chopping of not just Diamond Dog choppers, but also Heron units taking off, landing, or flying past overhead, along with the roar of Kestrel engines. "I have been awaiting your arrival." He reached out to shake Snake's hand.

Several utility transport trucks, resembling modern-day equivalents, moved forwards for the men to load relief supplies into their cargo compartments, assisted by Skirmishers.

Sleek Sleek


The Zone

After listening to the ragtag group of new arrivals all agreeing to help, Strelok nodded to Kirov. "Alright. We will help you get your things back."

Kirov seemed rather relieved. "Oh, that's great!" He said, smiling. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a rather crudely-drawn map of the village, with several locations marked out. "We've stored our stash here." He pointed to one of the houses. There was some Russian text next to it that was completely unintelligible to the non-Russians in the group, although it was rather easy to know what the text was referring to. "You get it back and we'll pay you with some stuff from out stash. We'll head out the the blowout ends."

That seemed reasonable to the Marked One, as he nodded in agreement. He glanced out a window to see that the blowout was still going strong, although it was slowly beginning to clear. "Alright. It seems doable." He nodded and checked the ammo in his AKM-74/2.

With that done, Kirov leaned forwards. "Say, have you heard of the newest rumour?"

Strelok glanced at him with a look of mild interest. "Let me guess: Beard selling a new brew of his mushroom tea that makes you high."

Kirov pulled out a bottle of purified water. "Well, that too, but also something else." He said, unscrewing the cap.

"A bunch of Loners came into the Skadovsk last week with a fucked up story." He took a sip from his bottle. "They said that they came across a bunch of bandits holding up some rookie for some cash. You know, the assholes who extort weaker Stalkers for cash. So, they say that they were considering helping the poor bastard, when some crazy shit started happening." He leaned forwards, and his pale blue eyes reflected the light from the fire. "They said the rookie just grew a pair of fucking claws. Not the cat kind, either, both of his arms just morphed into these fucked-up claw things with machetes for fingers. Then he went to town with them, rushing forwards faster than humanly possible and slicing up the bandits."

The other two members of Kirov's group seemed to be very interested, especially Alexei, who seemed to be listening intently to every word.

Kirov took another sip. "The bandits tried to fight back, but the rookie didn't seem to care. He bled with each shot, yes, but the rounds didn't seem to do shit. He didn't even notice them, they said. So, after killing all but one bandit within a span of roughly twenty seconds, the last one decided to make the wise decision to get the fuck out of there. But the rookie just changed his arm into a tentacle and grabbed the bandit and dragged him back. And you know what happened after that?"

"What?" Strelok himself was admittedly enthralled by Kirov's story. He'd never heard of anything like it, and he though he'd seen everything the Zone had to offer.

Kirov grinned. "The rookie fucking absorbed the bandit into himself." A crack of thunder outside seemed to intensify the moment. "Said tentacles wrapped around the bandit and digested him or something." He sat back and stored his bottle away. "And after all that, the rookie changed his arms to normal like nothing had every happened. And then, the rookie just turned to where the Loners were hiding, as if he knew they were there all along, before he walked away."

"The Loners were fucking terrified of course, and they just ran all the way back to the Skadovsk like gold medal Olympic sprinters." He finished, glancing over at the Stalkers and new arrivals. "They called him Chernyy svet. Blacklight."

Out of the inhabitants of the house, Alexei bore a rather unsettling grin. "That was a good story." He said, speaking for the first time since he was introduced.

"Da. It was good story." Said Vitaly. "Although I could not of understand half of things you say."

Strelok blinked. "So... if it is true, what do you think the... rookie was?"

Kirov simply shrugged in response. "Hell if I know. Probably some new fucked up mutant or some shit."

The blowout had passed by the time the Stalker finished. "The storm is over," He said, cocking his head towards the window to show that the storm had cleared. "Grab your things. We'll move out once you're ready."

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod CerpinTaxt CerpinTaxt Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind
Last edited:
--Eiji Hino & Ankh--
Random Town, Hoshido
Sleek Sleek

Eiji and Ankh were walking around, trying to catch up with one another when they saw something peculiar in front of them; It appeared to be a young goat of white fur, standing on two feet, wearing a sweater and blue pants.

"What the hell is that supposed to be?" Ankh muttered, pointing at the anthropomorphic goat, "It doesn't look like any Greeed nor Yummy I've seen."

"Ankh, I don't know by you, but that sounded rude." Eiji glanced at his floating hand friend, trying to correct him. "Plus, it looks like he's confused too! Maybe he's just like us!" He said with a smile as he approached the goat child.

"Tsk...One of these days, Eiji, you're gonna get shanked, I swear to god." Ankh sighed as he followed him from behind.

"Are you okay?" Eiji approached the goat child in a calm and somewhat reassuring manner. "You look a little lost."

Canopy Outskirts, Sento's Warehouse-Lab
Username Username Zamasu Zamasu

Stella followed the princess into the scientist's sleeping quarters, which is located right beside where a surgery is being held. The princess slid one of the whiteboards to 'close' the room. The Princess then began to ask some questions about their origins and their actions.

"My name is Stella. I'm a clone made out of Alien DNA. I come from a world where mankind went extinct fighting off alien invaders. I was the last one of my kind." Stella began, omitting several things such as how her squadron died, Nana's existence, and the fact that she was repopulating the animals in her desolate planet. "I...Am not sure how I got here. I was asleep but when I 'came to', I was standing in the middle of the pedestrian lane." She told her how she almost got run over by a car. Truthfully, a vehicle wouldn't really hurt that bad, but it'll still hurt. "I wandered for hours, trying to figure out where am I, then I saw this monster...I think it's called a Smash, was it?" She confirmed with the Princess, "Anyway, the Smash was destroying a street-- Cars, flipped over, a corpse littered...The usual signs of destruction...Obviously, I couldn't sit still...Neither could him, apparently." She soon glanced at Rookie, signifying his importance to subduing the monster. "I...Took down the creature with a charged shot out of my cannon, and as soon as I walked over, some blue things floated into the sky, then a man in white was in the spot where the monster should be. I didn't know where he went after that, I was too busy trying to figure out what that was." She concluded. "Since I wasn't sure how does this society work, I went out to the one of the abandoned warehouses to take shelther...I didn't know it was habitated, so when several armored men came, I thought I might've stumbled into an enemy base. As it turns out, it's just some scientist." She concluded, "That's everything I did."
--Haru Okumura--
The Zone
Corrosion Corrosion Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind CerpinTaxt CerpinTaxt

Haru listened through the story that was told, which she could assume to be true. Several people witness a man change his arms into that of a monster's and absorb a person...This reminded her of a Shadow for some reason--Manifestations of a person's distorted desires. They can appear as a normal person and transform into a monster...Haru felt like the could potentially be a Shadow too, but...Absorption? That throws everything she knows about them out the window.

However, this brings up some degree of worry. What if they run into this 'Blacklight'? What should they do then? She wasn't sure if her Persona could handle such a creature...Hell, she isn't sure if she COULD summon her Persona in this world.

Soon enough, the Blowout had passed by, and the group was told to grab everything they need. Haru merely nodded and stood up, slinging her Ax onto her back as she took out her grenade launcher instead. It appears that short ranges equipment is frowned upon, so.. Perhaps using a gun as a main weapon would benefit her better.

"If you don't mind me asking, are there spare ammunition for a grenade launcher here?" Haru asked the russian crew, hoping they'd share at least some of their supplies since...Well, the ones she has may not be enough.

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