Other Random question of the day

Anthony Hopkins as our favorite cannibal in Silence of the Lambs was the most wonderful cunning serial killer rendition I've ever seen.
Danny Lloyd as Danny Torrance in The Shining, as well as just everyone in there from Jack Nicholson (my favorite American actor) and Shelley Duvall who played Jack and Wendy Torrance respectively. It is my all-time favorite movie because of just everything.
Hell, Jack Nicholson is just a really good actor in general. Love him.
David Tennant as The Doctor in Doctor Who. My absolute favorite actor and he actually loved playing as the Doctor so much that it actually really upset him that he couldn't keep renewing his contract with them, despite the low wage. Also when he played Barty Crouch Jr. in Harry Potter :3
Daniel Radcliffe when he starred in Horns. Absolutely amazing. Really dark in subject and he pulled it off really well.
Robin Williams in any role. I don't care. He's absolutely amazing in every role he does. Especially in What Dreams May Come. Is very heavy on what the afterlife is and it made me cry several times in the movie. I hate/loved the movie so much. And there was two hours of it, so I pretty much cried as much as I could.
Viggo Mortensen when he played Aragorn in the Lord of the Rings and kicked a metal helmet on the fifth take of the scene and broke his toe. He kept himself from screaming in pain and just screamed in anger to mask the pain instead as it was appropriate for him to scream in anger, as Aragorn at that moment thought Mary and Pippins were killed or captured by orcs. He turned that pain into performance and didn't tell anyone until they had to find out for themselves. Granted, everybody in the trilogy had gotten scarred up or went through some amounts of pain doing the movie.
Another one is Orlando Bloom when playing as Legolas. He was riding on the horse and fell, and the stunt double for Gimli landed on top of him, cracking his rib. He was also the first one on set to get an injury but he sucked it up and performed the next day. XD Also, the scaled actor (matching accurate height of character) for Gimli (Brett Beattie) dislocated his knee. During the chase scene where the large band of orcs were chasing after Gimli, Aragorn, and Legolas all on foot across the vast plains, it was going to be a wonderful shoot, but all three were wounded in some way, but all three sucked it up and ran as best as they could for the takes, only showing how in pain they were in between takes.

By the way, I got the information about the injuries in Lord of the Rings from an interview and this is amazing! I'll put it- nope... It's got a three-letter bad slur word in the URL and it won't let me link the video. That is sad.
The video is by channel sifigeek and the title is called "LOTR: Orlando cracks his rib & Viggo breaks his toes" and the video was uploaded on September 9, 2008.
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This was common when I was younger when I had a vague concept of hate and 'hating someone so much I didn't care if they died or wanted them to die'. Nowadays, not anymore. If they aren't bothering me or my family/friends, then I stop putting any energy towards them and put it to something useful. I refuse to allow people I 'hate' make me bitter and cynical and angry when I should be doing something else that is far suited for my mental health and my time.

Nowadays, I hate the actions people do, not them as a person. And even then if the people are just 'like that' then I stop caring for them because hating them still gives them attention, even if they aren't around to get something from it.

They say that the opposite of love is apathy, and that is correct. While hate may be a large dislike of someone to the point of being viscerally upset when they are even mentioned, you are still caring enough to put so much negative emotions into getting upset or angry. Apathy is feeling nothing for them and nothing is the true opposite of everything.

Wow, I got philosophical there at the end. xD lol

But yea, it takes too much energy to hate anyone now. I just avoid them like the plague.
Random question of the day:

Have you ever hated someone so much that you wished death on them?

Yes, that's literally the Premier of my province right now. We have the highest Covid cases per capita in all of North America (and even more than India too apparently) because he refuses to enforce the measures in place and put in more proper ones.
I mean, everyone has been betrayed at some point or another, just a matter of what level of betrayal counts as 'betrayal' to you. Most of our lives aren't soap operas where our evil twins will be coming to steal our love of the week, but smaller things? Sure.

I have no idea. I don't live in California. Would never want to live in California either. Guess it depends on what you mean by 'get anything done'.
Random question of the day:

What are some words of wisdom from a fictional character you tend to live your life by?

"If you work for a living, why kill yourself working?"
-Tuco, The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Random question of the day:

Have you ever hated someone so much that you wished death on them?

I mean, I wish a lot of people would die. But not because I hate them to death. Mostly, just because it would make my life Sooooooo much easier.
Random question of the day:

What does the American Dream mean today?
To take a quote of what the American Dream was originally believed to be:
"...This set of ideals – which includes notions of individual rights, freedom, democracy, and equality – is arguably centered around the belief that each individual has the right and freedom to seek prosperity and happiness, regardless of where or into what circumstances they were born. A key element of the American dream is the belief that through hard work and perseverance, anyone can rise “from rags to riches”, becoming financially successful and socially upwardly mobile."

But I feel that the later generations have become widely disillusioned to this ethos (myself included). The recent generations of Americans have been born into a world of immediate gratification, which leads away from working for the long haul. Couple this with an economic reality that actually does not reward you for diligent work, and you get a rather large group of people that simply do not see the point of trying too hard to get something they will not likely achieve. Crushing debt is not jus a dilemma, but a key component for how our economy functions. We are now expected to become slaves to it in order to grease the wheels. And that is wrong on so many levels.

On the subject of freedom and equality, we are very much stuck on a narrative of ridiculous nuances. I think Americans simply don't know what to "stand up and fight for" anymore. Everyone wants to be a freedom fighter in a time of great social freedom. So the age of the Social Justice Warrior has drummed up the stupidest things to get upset and offended over. In lieu of actual problems we have gone and made up new ones. This is not to say that we do not have real issues in this country. And not to say that we do not address them. But there are a slew of lesser issues that really are NOT important when compared to real crisis.
Random question of the day:

Do you feel that the COVID-19 pandemic has given the so called outrage mob too much time on hands?
nah, the "outrage mob" had too much time on it's hands already. We had the triggered culture years before Covid.
nah, the "outrage mob" had too much time on it's hands already. We had the triggered culture years before Covid.
Daily history lesson:
It was actually Republicans who invented "cancel culture," (I.e., calling anything and everything that wasn't pro-capitalism and/or pro-war "communist," trying to get Jimmy Carter disavowed for being too moderate, etc.).
Have a nice day!

Random question of the day:

If you could create your own boy/girl band, what would you call it?
Skin Donut! lol

But in all seriousness, I was a singer in a band at one point. We never got out of the garage. But if we had, I wanted to call us Black of Hearts
Not really a boy or girl band, but my dad and I agree that the best band name of all time would be "Midnight Chili"
Random question of the day:

Did Atari make a mistake trying to win the Bit Wars with the Atari Jaguar?

Not really. The Jaguar was actually a fairly impressive console, technically. But hardware means nothing without developers.
No. What REALLY killed Atari was the E.T. cartridge. That game along killed any lingering trust developers had in Atari. The Jaguar was doomed well before Atari ever drew up schematics: people just didn't trust the Atari brand anymore, with good reason.

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