Other Random question of the day

Well I'd be in Tamriel right now! Skyrim, to be exact. Let's just hope the imperials won't try to behead me... Again... X'3
Drink some specific wine because it's associated with good memories.
It's nothing huge, but I really like to take a couple of hours by myself after the party to turn off all the lights except for the tree and watch a Christmas movie (this year, Die Hard). I make a cup of tea, maybe have a couple of cookies, and just kind of recharge.

I also like to drive out to the boujee part of town to see all the different light displays.
Random question of the day:

What are some of your Christmas traditions?

NOT eating turkey. We try to find a type of meat we have never eaten before to have as our Christmas Day roast. We've tried springbok, zebra, camel, alpaca and crocodile, among others, and this year: water buffalo.

My side of the family would always put up decorations as a family on Christmas Eve, then open presents after supper, while playing carol music. Christmas Eve was for family. Christmas Day we'd play in the church orchestra for the carol service, then invite over people from the church who had no local family to share with, for a big meal. These days there's only two of us left and we live a long distance apart, so those traditions have gone.
The debut of the modern cartoon style. It was the dawn of the ugliest, must gut wrenching, garbage I have ever seen. It makes even the worst child drawing look better.

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