• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
Amber James
LocationOutside Theo’s House—> Inside —> Upstairs (and literally all over the place)
CompanyAlone —> Tess —> Ash/Dani/Ivy —> Tess
MoodHigh, Neutral
TagsBrief interactions: Winona Winona lette lette Chimney Swift Chimney Swift Current: elytra elytra
Click. AJ locked her phone screen, having checked the time. She was considerably late to this party, although that was nothing new. Things were always boring at the beginning anyways. At least now, everyone would be drunk or high off their asses, and she wouldn’t have to worry about too much shit finding its way to her. Not to mention, the gossip and drama she could stack up for the newspaper would be killer. The school newspaper had a gossip column, although she never wrote those. She would, however, always gather information for one of the preppy girls to write with. Plus, it was always nice to rack up some dirt on people, especially those who she never really liked. She pulled up to Theo’s on her skateboard, coming to a stop just before she got to the driveway. The second her feet were on the ground, she pulled out a joint that she had prepared just for parties such as this. Lighting it up, she took a long, lung-burning drag, holding the smoke in her lungs for as long as she could before falling into a miniature coughing spree. The high crept up on her slowly, hitting her a few seconds after putting out her joint. Any potential anxiety that she had felt coming to the party was now gone. The beauty of weed.

As she walked up the driveway, she noticed Owen- no, Aaron? -smoking with Drake. She had never been the best at names. Drake however, she did know. They weren't friends, per se, but she had bought bud and the occasional brownie off of him before. Which was a reminder that she probably needed to buy more. Oh well, that could be done another time. He and Aaron seemed preoccupied in their bromance anyways. She continued through the front door, immediately taking in the loud music and smell of alcohol and teen angst. Now all she had to do was avoid being directly involved in petty drama, and, well, her ex girlfriend. That would be fun. Speak of the devil! Not even in the building for a minute, and AJ could pick out her blonde-haired bitch of an ex girlfriend across the room, tipsily playing a game of spin the bottle with a smaller group of teens. How cute. She did her best not to stare, only to panic when Mia looked up, instantly making eye contact with her.

’Abort. Abort. Run away.’ Her mind instantly screamed. ’No. Just avoid her the same way you avoided straight dudes at Warped Tour.’ She had to remind herself, quickly slipping into the crowd of teens dancing, bumping, and grinding on each other, if only to get out of her ex’s sight. She eventually resurfaced from the sea of teens at the ice cream bar, quickly making herself a little scoop of ice cream. She braved the crowd once more to arrive at Theo’s perch on a table, doing her best to avoid his broom of doom. “I come in Capr-eace.” She proclaimed, shitty pun and all, while holding her hand up to make the stereotypical alien hand gesture, before diving it into a cooler of Capri-Suns. Unlike most, she took her time choosing a flavor, sighing in relief when she found grape. With that, she took a seat on the stairs where it wasn’t as crowded, eating her ice cream and slurping on her juice while the music blared around her.

When she finished, AJ tossed her trash away, trying to not to make any more of a mess than what most of the teens had done, before focusing on her next mission. Finding the bathroom. The downstairs bathrooms had lines to them, so in an attempt to find less of a wait time, she made her way upstairs. Jackpot, an empty bathroom in the hallway. After washing her hands, she almost made her way back downstairs, before curiosity got the best of her. She was a journalist after all, it was practically in her “job” description to snoop. The doors to several rooms were locked, but one finally opened with ease. As Amber popped her head into the room, her neutral expression shifted to brief surprise. “Tess, hey!” Tess was someone that AJ was comfortable enough calling a friend. They weren't super close, but then again, she wasn't super close with anyone at this school. AJ would often help Tess behind set of the plays, in exchange for first hand scoops for the newspaper, and over time a semblance of a friendship seemed to form. “And you brought your dog? Fuck yes.” There was a pause, as a little idea struck her. “I’ll be right back.” Almost as soon as she came, AJ closed the door and made her way back downstairs into the kitchen. The already drama filled kitchen. Trying to bite back any anxiety, AJ put on a playful smile and approached the girls.

“Ladies! How’s everyone been? Ash, you’re looking gorgeous as always,” She gave a playful wink, clearly not giving a damn about anyone’s sexuality aside from her own raging lesbianism, “And Dani, you’re still as sexy as you are feisty.” Her attention landed on the younger girl and she paused, “And while I think you’re adorable, I dont want to catch a case for flirting with you, so I’ll leave it at that. But definitely dont let them peer pressure you into drinking.” With that she continued on, pretending like the three girls weren’t even there as she grabbed two cups, mixing jack and coke in one and then making a half assed attempt at a vodka screwdriver in the other. It turned out well, even though she had to raid Theo’s fridge for some OJ. “It’s been fun, girls. Give me a call sometime, Dani, Ash? Promise I can give you everything these guys have to offer and more.” With that, AJ sauntered away. Okay, so maybe the one issue with weed was that it depleted AJ of any and all filter, and her usually harmless comments come off a bit more perverted than intended. Never mind that, she didn’t give a damn what the popular girls thought.

When AJ returned to the room with Tess and her dog, she casually shut the door behind her, walking over and sitting on the edge of the bed. “So i got a fruity drink and then classic whiskey and coke. Didn’t know your preference but I’ll drink whatever you don’t.” She offered the cups to Tess, setting them down on the bedside table as she went to pet the dog. “No offense, but I never took you for the partying type.”
owen bostwick
There were quite a few things to enjoy at a party, but absolutely nothing compared to the booze. Parties were the perfect opportunity to get blackout drunk without looking like a practicing alcoholic, and Owen Bostwick was not the type of person to pass up on such. He stood near the edge of the room, hovering near the wall but still close enough the group that had formed around one of the speakers to dance. It was hard to dance with a tropical umbrella embellished drink in one hand and a half-burnt cigarette in the other but Owen had managed, stepping from side to side in beat to the song. Owen, as easily amused as he was, had the biggest shit-eating grin known to man plastered on his face as he stared into the contents of his cup. For whatever reason, the way the heavy base made his vodka ripple vaguely reminded him of 'the worm' and Owen was having the absolute time of his life showing his 'dancing drink' to anyone that gave him the time of day.

He nearly dropped the cup in excitement when he heard Chase's familiar voice calling over the music; his grin, if even possible, growing at the sound of it. "Broooo!" He shouted in return, ignoring the nearby grimaces at his volume. He quickly stumbled over to meet Chase in the middle of the room, spilling some of his drink in the clumsy process to get over there sooner. Sure, it had only been a couple of hours since they had all hung out at the store and parlor, but he was excited nonetheless; a feat he made clear through the arm thrown over Chase's shoulder. You know, as bros do.

"The party is so good, bro. What about you?" he asked, his words already slurring together despite the party having only just begun. He'd started drinking when the party was still being set up and hadn't quite stopped since. "I'm glad your buffet is going well, bro. I'm trying to not eat much ice cream so I enjoy it more when we get some later." He giggled again at the thought of Chase climbing a rope of sheets just to have ice cream with him in his room. He couldn't imagine being conscious, much less sober enough, for it to actually happen that night, but the thought put a smile on his face nonetheless.

Owen only removed his arm from Chase's shoulder when he caught a glimpse of the shiny foil that could mean one thing and one thing only - capri sun. "Bro.. For me?" He shot him a grateful look, not hesitating a moment before grabbing the drink from his hands. He feigned a scoff at Chase's next comment but giggled at the thought of him getting thwacked by a broom. "And who put Theo in charge of Capri Sun patrol, huh? Denying a man his Capri Sun...That's, like, a crime, man. Shit should be illegal."

Just as Chase had, Owen didn't bother looking at the flavor he had been given. He gripped the straw with his teeth, quickly punching through the hole. It was then that he, unlike Chase, proceeded to squeeze the entire juice pouch into his cup of vodka. "Dude," he started, tossing aside the juice pouch. "This is gonna be so fucking delicious."

Tags: Beeze Beeze
Samantha Jones
"No I'm not new here." She promised, reaching over to grab a beer. Opening it, she'd turn back, staring at her. "Are you new here?" She'd ask after a moments silence, taking a sip from the beer. Tapping her free hand against her leg, she'd look past her. A loud highschool party is where she was, not some fancy dinner party with her parents or the birthday parties they threw her. It wasn't unwelcome, the sounds and laughter. But if felt more like she was somewhere she shouldn't be, and that was true. Did she care? No, no she did not.

lette lette

Fern Franklin

Fern showed up to the party quite a while after it started. She liked the occasional party and would normally show up a couple minutes early. However, today she had had to deal with her youngest brother falling sick and having a tough time getting to sleep. After reading the toddler a couple stories and singing a couple song (not that anyone outside of her little siblings would get to hear that), she had changed and gotten ready to go... only for her middle brother to ask for help with his homework. She'd gotten him through the toughest of the questions before handing him over to Felix. Though her brother had almost as much experience babysitting as Fern herself did, she had spent much too long describing what to do if Flynn woke up and caused problems or if Fletcher struggled with homework and started to shut down again.

Even on her way into the house, she checked her phone for any texts from Felix. There was only one, assuring her that everything was fine at home. While that (out of nowhere) could be concerning to most people, Fern smiled. Her brother knew her so well. He knew that the assurance was all she needed before she allowed herself to relax and just have a night to herself for once.

It was one of the few times she allowed herself to relax, especially a night like to night. She'd already texted her oldest brother in case she needed a ride home. She often played the role of designated driver, but Felix had already accepted her request of him taking that on himself if she decided to drink.

But before she could even consider letting herself loosen up, she let her eyes wander until they fell upon Theodore Stanton. Her face lit up as she went over to the host, immediately noticing the Capri Sun in his hand. A bit odd to see juice boxes populating a high school party (as she had seen some others with Capri Suns as well), but she couldn't judge. Must be taking his job as host pretty seriously. The broom in his other hand also confused Fern slightly, but she couldn't judge. Maybe he was just looking ahead - ready to clean up a mess or hit someone with the broom. "Hi, Theo! Thanks for hosting the party, and sorry I'm late," she said.

"Anyway, I just wanted to give you this," she said, holding out a small vase with a few flowers in it. While she didn't go out of her way to select a plant from her large personal garden, it did feel wrong to show up to a party without supplying anything. Her father had cleared the fridge of alcohol so she couldn't supply that. She doubted anything edible would top the ice cream buffet. So, a few simple flowers would do.

"Have I missed anything exciting yet?" she asked. The party seemed pretty normal at this point. A couple people smoking outside, many people drinking and dancing inside. She was 90% sure she had already seen someone passed out in the hallway.

She needed this party badly.

elytra elytra

Maddie Wilson

Maybe it was childish of Maddie, but she almost felt a slight bit of victory when Mason agreed that he hadn't expected her to stay at the party. And she wasn't. She still felt totally out of place and kept feeling that any moment the police would burst in and she would get in trouble and then she would lose any chance of getting into the college she wanted and her parents would send her to that dumb private school and Jack would ditch her and she would be seen as one of the bad kids that normally struck fear into her heart.

But she came here, and she stayed. She had taken a few drinks of alcohol earlier before leaving her can somewhere and losing it. But, hey, alcohol was supposed to make you relax, right? Maybe that's why she had pushed past her fear and stayed at the party.

When Mason talked about the effect that one beer could have on her, Maddie frowned a bit. Was he right? She didn't wanna get drunk. It sounded scary. But she held the can in one hand and placed the other hand on her hip, refusing to back down and let Mason win... in this made up competition. She hadn't drank much yet, but she was gonna blame it on the alcohol she had drank already. That's how it worked, right? Plus, Mason had no way to prove how much she had or had not drank.

"I could handle myself, Mason. No need to drive me home," she said. Though, if she start drinking more, she would be sure not to drive herself home. "I did think we could have some fun, though. All you ever get to see is boring Maddie, never fun Maddie!" Of course, fun Maddie didn't exactly exist, but she couldn't back down now.

When Mason challenged her about the taste of it, she looked into his eyes and took another drink. She cringed again, this time even less obvious than the last. She still couldn't get used to the taste. "Come on, Mason. The point of a party is to enjoy it, right? Let's hang out - friends, instead of our usual relationship."

Winona Winona
Noah Stewart

Parson seemed a little out of it, to say the least. He was being more awkward than usual, which surprised Noah. Noah himself was never awkward per se, but if he had even a little bit of alcohol inside of him, he sure as hell would feel even more carefree then usual, seeing that he wouldn't have to watch his every word, cautious of saying something too mean. Anything he said, he could blame on alcohol, which might have seemed awful, but he wasn't even that mean, probably just honest. And besides, you know drunk words are sober thoughts, right?

"Neither, actually." Noah smiled at the boy, hoping to break the tension, which was obviously there for Parson. "I don't really like beer that much, and I drove over here, so I don't want to break another stop sign and get arrested for driving under the influence or something like that."

The party roared, but Noah was glad to find somebody to talk to instead of killing himself on the dance floor with all the drunk people which he would've done if he hadn't stumbled upon the boy now standing in front of him. He hadn't really spent a lot of time with his friends during the summer due to hanging out with Elijah, meaning that he had no idea how any of them were doing, or how they spent their summer, or even if they were alive.

Of course, the whole summer fling thing he had with Elijah was a big mistake in Noah's book because, while Noah actually started getting feelings for the other boy, it seemed that Noah had been nothing but an experiment to Eli and that the football player didn't actually care about him. That was basically the only explanation for getting broken up with in a jumble of such metaphors and symbols.

"So, how's life been? I haven't really seen you during the summer." Noah small talked, but instead of people asking those things because it's the norm, he was actually interested to get back into his normal life, which included talking about his friends' lives. Sure, Parson and Noah haven't been that close of friends, but the boy was still interesting.

Interactions: Winona Winona (Parson)
Mentions: mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties (Elijah)​

Chase Callahan

Chase watched Owen, seeing his bro stumbling towards him and it was clear to him that Owen had been letting himself have way more fun than Chase did. That was good. Owen deserved to have fun and Chase knew he'd be by Owen's side the whole night if he hadn't had to watch the ice cream buffet. "Be careful with your drink, bro. I'd hate to be the reason it ends up all over the floor," he said, reaching out to steady Owen's hand.

When Owen mentioned their plans for ice cream later, Chase laughed. "Why don't we reschedule our Rapunzel ice cream for the night after the first day of school? Good way to unwind, and I need you to be sober enough for our official broship ceremony," he said. Chase didn't know if he had the arm strength to climb a sheet rope into Owen's room, but he was gonna try his hardest. "So knock yourself out at the buffet, bro. I saved an extra can of whipped cream just for my bro. You'll see it. It says bro on it. Bro."

"Always for you, Bro,"
he said, handing over the Capri Sun to his bro. Chase's eyes widened. He was about to agree with Owen's comments about Theo, but he was distracted by Owen's actions. "Bro. I think you have our brain cell tonight. That is genius," he said. He looked down at his half empty pouch of wild cherry Capri Sun. He quickly got onto two knees and held up his half empty pouch to Owen. "Bro, would you make me the happiest Bro in the world and accept my Capri Sun to make your drink even better?"

Chase was proud of his bro - the most genius guy at this party. And Chase's time at the party had most definitely gotten better. Like being the ice cream guardian was fine. It was a fun job. He got socialize and eat enough ice cream for a brain freeze and even drink when he wanted, but nothing beat hanging out with Owen. A bro needed a bro. He hadn't had any bros in Cadbury. He had texted Owen every day, but it wasn't the same as being able to be here and feel the energy bouncing between him and feeding off of each other like this.

The only thing that would make it better was dogs. While Chase vaguely remembered something about hearing people bringing dogs, he hadn't seen any yet. But that was fine. He at least had ice cream and his bro. If they desperately needed dog time, they could go find some when Owen was sober. That could be planned out when Chase did end up climbing through Owen's window. Hopefully that would happen the first day of school, but all Chase knew is that he NEEDED to do it.

Their bromance depended on it.

cadence cadence
Tessa Torres
Location: Theo's House, Upstairs
Mood: Tired & Wondering Why Anyone Would Sleep On This Bed
Interacting: Amber ( DxngerDemxn DxngerDemxn ) Mentions: Theo
It was a while until someone actually came into the room, which might have been because the door was closed. Then again, that hadn't stopped many people at previous parties; Tess had a habit of hanging out in a side room away from the noise whenever she went to such events, so she knew from experience. Maybe it was just luck that she had lasted as long as she had, and that when someone did end up coming into the room, it ended up being AJ.

Which, all things considered, was great. She really wasn't feeling like booting a drunk couple out of the room, and while she was fine with the idea of some people just coming up to see the dog, she preferred someone she knew rather than someone she didn't. Parties were social events, sure, but she didn't exactly come to make new friends and acquaintances and she wasn't sure she even had the energy for it. AJ she knew; they were at the very least friendly, if not friends, though their relationship had started off as an exchange of services, with AJ trailing her backstage and helping here and there while Tess gave out gossip and details on the ongoing shows.

She was about to greet her, but didn't manage to get a word in before the other student was out the door again with a promise of returning soon. So, instead, she sat up, rubbing her neck with one hand, already regretting laying like she had been for so long. She leaned back against the head board, breathing out a sigh. Her back felt like it would snap like a cheap yardstick; she wondered how any guests in the Stanton household actually managed to sleep. The bed was basically a rock.

It didn't take long for Amber to come back, this time to stay and with two drinks on hand. That was something to be grateful for; she hadn't been able to grab any before getting upstairs, and she hadn't really felt like dealing with the party raging on downstairs in order to get one. She took the whiskey and coke, and leaned back once more to get comfortable, watching Marshmallow basically melt and thump his tail against the bed as he got more attention.

"Thanks. And no offense taken; its not really my scene." She said, shrugging a little "Which is why I'm up here instead of down there. Theo asked me to come, and I told him I would only if I could avoid the noise and bring this guy. So, basically, he used me to create a hide-out for anyway overwhelmed by everything. Not that I mind." She paused, taking a sip of her drink, before continuing "People watching is fun and all, but I don't feel like being thrown up on tonight."

She took a moment to lean over to her dog, giving him a good few scratches under his chin. "What about you? Enjoying the party or just here to see what secrets the drunks spill?"
Theodore Stanton
: His House, Living Room
Mood: What the FUCK is Surfer Cooler?
Interacting: Fern ( Beeze Beeze ) Mentions: Tess​

People had brought a lot of things to the party.

Which wasn't a bad thing, Theo appreciated it. There was a lot of alcohol, a good amount of snacks, some assorted weed snacks, and a few other odd items that he couldn't remember. Tessa had also brought her dog which, score, that had been exactly what he'd been aiming for. He liked Tessa and all, from his brief interactions with her, but her dog was the star of the show. She also looked like she could snap him over her knee with little effort, so the dog made her a little less frightening.

The dog had won out on his favorite thing brought. However, the flowers were a close second.

"Aw, shit, these are cute. Thanks!" He put down his capri sun and broom down momentarily in order to take the vase and get a better look at them "I'll protect them with my life. Or, like, 1/5 of my life, at least. Since I plan to live to 100, that's around 20 years of dedication."

He stood up on the table, wobbling a moment, before leaning as far as he could in order to reach the shelf that was over the fireplace. He placed the vase on top of it, miraculously without falling on his face, before sitting back down again, this time with his legs hanging off of the table. He really did hope no one ended up bumping into anything. It would be a shame to lose them right after getting them.

"Depends on your definition of exciting." He said, picking his drink back up and taking the opportunity to actually check the label. Surfer Cooler. What the fuck was Surfer Cooler? It didn't help him figure out what fruit he was actually drinking, and he didn't have time to read the ingredients. God dammit, Capri Sun. Couldn't have the fruits in the name, could they? He wouldn't even mind if it was long, calling it Pear-Apple-Blueberry-Kiwi-Strawberry Juice wouldn't be off-putting to him. Fucking Surfer Cooler.

Instead of agonizing over it, he decided to actually focus on the fact he was talking to someone, which was the proper and polite thing to do. "Alright, so someone definitely knocked themselves out in my hallway." He began, using the broom to point towards the location in question, and continuing to do the same with every event he mentioned "There's a fight going on in the kitchen, I think. Verbal. No fisticuffs yet, which is why I'm not on it. Someone threw up in the bushes pretty early on, so that's nasty. Oh, some couple ended up breaking up within 30 minutes, publicly. I had a front row seat, though I really didn't want it. Other than that?" He shrugged, placing the broom back down beside him "Nothing more than the usual gossip and drunk dancing. Haven't had to kick anyone yet, so I'm feeling pretty good about that. The variety of drinks is amazing, by the way, if you haven't had the chance to scour the selection. Got a little something for everyone!"

"Fun... Maddie?" He echoed. That was a foreign concept and he wondered what had honestly come over Maddie to make her want to hangout with him as... friends? Fuck, they weren't really friends, were they? Sure, he texted Maddie more than he texted a lot of other people, but that was also because she watched Ariana pro bono. Do you know how hard it was to find a babysitter to watch a toddler for free? And Mason was incredibly picky about who watched his daughter. Hell, it had taken him forever to let Noah watch her.

This time, a laugh did escape him. Just a small one that was gone as quickly as it had appeared. "Alright, then what do you want to do? As 'friends'?" He asked, even adding little quotation marks around friends with his free hand. Mason leaned against the wall by them and looked down at Maddie. He was a still a little distracted.

His gaze drifted away from Maddie to look over the party for one certain face before falling on the kitchen. He could see two familiar blondes -- Dani and Ash. Mason rolled his eyes. Of course she was still distracted with Ash, but he was getting impatient and just wanted her to leave Ash and come hangout with him. This party was a little boring -- not that that had anything to do with Maddie, necessarily, just that Mason desperately wanted to be able to hang with Dani.

He'd find Dani later, when Ash wasn't around.

Well, at least Maddie was here to keep him somewhat entertained until Dani was free. And she did drive him and saved him from having to ride with, ugh, Noah. The least he could do was entertain her for a bit.

Beeze Beeze



"So you came to a party to not do... any drinking?" He asked. What was the point of going to a party then? Also wait... break another stop sign? Parson had heard that Noah was a bad driver, but he just assumed that meant he stopped too suddenly at stop signs or occasionally forgot a turn signal. Not, you know, taking out stop signs for the greater good.

He decided not to question anything else about Noah's apparent horrible driving skills -- it seemed like it was kind of a miracle that Noah had even been given his license, to be perfectly honest -- and instead listened as the boy asked... what he had done over the summer. Oh. Right. He should probably have something interesting for that, right?

"Oh well I, uh," Parson scratched at his head thoughtfully and then rubbed the back of his neck before his hand fell back to his side. "I pretty much just worked all summer at the drive-in theater which is about as interesting as it sounds." For the most part, Parson had been put on ticket selling duty but then he had been "promoted" to the joy of patrolling cars and yelling at people who brought in outside food. Yeah, he hated that and was sent back to his quiet booth to collect money. Way better and he could even sleep sometimes after most of the cars had arrived so his sleep schedule wasn't totally fucked.

"Well, that and hung out with Aya." Aka his only other friend. His best friend, even, and Parson was a little disappointed that he hadn't seen her here yet. But it was fine! Noah was great. Really.

"What about you? Do you anything fun over the summer?"

mogy mogy
Juniper Ava Rowlands

“Yeah, I could kind of tell this isn’t your norm,” Juniper calmly responds, taking the seat beside the other, “It’s kind of funny, most people I would consider wallflowers are here too. Theo’s definitely setting a standard this year.”

“Thanks!” She brushes a hand through her hair as she laughs at the girl’s compliment and fast speech. It was pretty often that she received remarks about her eyes. Not always positive, people tended to use it as another excuse to call her an unnatural being. Those were the people Juniper’s mother always told her were just jealous or too self-conscious about their own bodies. Of course, Juni listened to her mother even though the words still stung, but hearing it from someone that she could tell was being genuine definitely brought another wide smile to her face. Cute and Charming, she thinks just as the other apologizes.

Contemplating what the other had asked, she looked up towards the ceiling, hand in her hair now resting against the back of her neck. She’d never really thought about it before, being able to mix with surroundings that others would find overwhelming. Sure she understood their point of view well enough, Juniper has her own anxieties in certain situations, just connecting with people wasn’t one of them. Especially when it came to expressing herself. Her family was always there to hype her up and remind her that her definition of expression was just as great as the next person’s. As long as she was happy doing what she was doing, then nothing else mattered. Perhaps, no, it was absolutely how she was brought up that raised the thick skin she had towards the judgment from other people. That and the fact that she was a little beyond buzzed.

She returned her gaze to the other, “You know, I don’t know if I really have a good answer besides, I don’t really care. Parties are meant to be fun and dancing is fun for me, so I dance. I’m not harming anyone by dancing, so why should I be bothered?”

“Plus, if you wait till about this time during a party, most people are drunk enough that they’ll either hype you up or be totally fazed out of it to care.” She hopes that might get a laugh out of the other before she continues on, “Having another person to get you on your feet can help too.”

Mentions: Yanipurr Yanipurr (Aya)
Last edited:
Grace Johnson

Grace took a sip of her soda. "I'v only been here a month and A half or so". " I don't think I have seen you around" She looked back at the dance flood and down at her feet before she spoke "So, you wan't to dance...or we could go find somewhere to sit I guess". She wasn't really sure what to do. She never really went to parties, and didn't really know that many people here. She knew her goal for the night, meet a hot guy...or girl..maybe. She sighed at her own thoughts. She didn't want her fake reputation to follow her. At her old school, after her almost attack. She got a bad reputation because of the rumors the guy spread about her. After that she was afraid to put herself out there again. She wanted to over come that. Popularity wasn't necessarily her goal, she just wanted to be seen. She zoned back in from her thought and focused on Sam. At least she has someone with her now and she wasn't standing alone.

BasilOwO BasilOwO
Amber James

Location Upstairs
MoodHigh, Content
Tags elytra elytra
AJ grabbed the screwdriver she made, taking a sip and grimacing a bit at the taste. "Damn," She muttered under her breath. Next time, less alcohol, more OJ. Well it's not like she was going to school to be a bartender.. well, maybe? Nah. She did her best to refocus on the conversation at hand, "Yeah, you've got a point. If it werent for the free drinks and petty drama, I would be at home watching tv." That was a lie. She was still trying to find a place to stay after moving out of Mia's house so suddenly, and quite honestly, if she accidentally 'passed out' at Theo's place for partying too much.. well, it would be one less night on the streets. But now wasn't the time to bore her friend with sad details. This was a party after all, things needed to be fun.

"I for one, am glad to see a friendly face. Downstairs is filled with catty drama, not the interesting kind- but I did hear rumors of a breakup- nothing huge I don't think. So I'd much rather see you.. and the pupper. What's his name again? Fluffy? He looks like a Fluffy." AJ felt bad for asking what Tessa's dog was named. She had told her at least a dozen times in simple conversation, but as always she was never great with names. She copied Tess, casually petting the dog for a bit longer before scratching behind his ears one final time. There was a bit of a pause as she looked around the room, taking in the scenery. She heard the music blaring downstairs, but took time to appreciate the relatively peaceful 'quiet' of the room. However, sitting still wasn't her strong suit. AJ took a long swig of her drink, before mustering her courage to speak once more.

"So," AJ started, "What can I do to convince you to come downstairs with me? I know partying isnt your scene and you'd much rather chill up here, but school starts in a few days, and I think you could use a little fun. How about.. you come party with me and I'll... come help out on set for.. a month? Plus, I can be your personal bodyguard tonight, protect you from any of the vomit." She made a little determined face, crossing her arms over her chest to try and imitate a bouncer. The irony of the girl, who was several inches shorter and lacked any type of muscle, offering to protect Tess was comical to say the least. "All you gotta do is make a brief appearance, and if you're feeling up to it, dance a little with me?" AJ didn't dance, she couldn't dance, so maybe this was her subtle way of flirting. If there was anything subtle about it, "No pressure to the last one. But its at least a good opportunity to mingle, check out the cuties- guys, and girls, of course- and if all else fails, get some ice cream."

Amber stood up, running a hand through her hair as she chugged the rest of her drink. "And if you dont have any fun at all, we can come back up here and you can make fun of me while I butcher scenes from Hamilton or something." AJ forced a little grin on her face, trying to find some excuse to spend time at this party with Tess. And if her friend really didn't want to go downstairs, that was cool too. She had been meaning to spend time with Tess outside of school and now was the perfect opportunity. She wasn't just going to throw away her shot like that.
Samantha Jones
She nodded, taking a sip from her beer. "Well, we could dance if you'd like. I'm not one for it, but I can try." Her attire would tell any sane person she didn't, no- couldn't dance. The thought sickened her how she had come from a richer family, but both her parents tossed all their money to the world instead of helping their daughter learn the basics, like dancingm for example. She could do everything else, well everything but dance, and it scared her that someone would use that against her. "Or if you'd rather just talk, that's fine too." She'd add quickly, smiling.
Grace Johnson

Grace could feel the tension when she asked the other girl to dance. To be fair she wasn't a great dancer herself so it was probably for the best. She looked around and found a fee empty seats in a far back corner. she pointed to them to show Sam where she was heading instead of yelling. Sitting down legs crossed when she arrived at one of the seats. She smiled up at her new friend. It was much easier to talk in this corner of the house. "So what grade are you in, do you know many people here?" She took another sip of her soda and began lightly tapping the side of it with her finger. She felt like a loser.... she didn't even know how to talk to people anymore.

BasilOwO BasilOwO
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Eli Fischer was a party staple- Sure he often second-guessed whether he should really go, and sometimes he even said he wouldn’t go because he really should be studying, but at the end of it, there he was, at a party, drinking a Capri Sun as he laughed and talked with all his friends and acquaintances, which ended up being most of the school.

It was great, though, especially as Summer was ending and school was starting. He really was glad he’d come- He didn’t yet have to worry about football practice or homework or tests, and he had so many questions for everybody, like what they’d done over the Summer, and what they were looking forward to when they got back to school, which often got laughs even though he was serious, though that was fine!

Personally, Eli was looking forward to being part of a team again- To feeling needed.

Summer had left him feeling empty, in a way. Don’t get him wrong, seeing Isaac was always great, and his parents had taken them on a lot of trips, with back to school shopping and trinkets, and he’d even seen Thomas and they’d seen a play together and everything, but it was hard not to feel the gaping absence threatening to swallow them all whole- An absence that had already almost succeeded once.

It gnawed at his stomach, nibbling at the lining of his stomach even now, but it was so much more bearable, so much easier to ignore, when he could just let himself be absorbed by what other people were saying.

Even Noah Stewart hadn’t been enough to make it disappear completely, even if his presence did admittedly make it easier.

He missed him, even now, in the midst of conversation, and he missed him even more than he missed Gabe these days, and that just made the gnawing worse.

He almost missed Noah- The other Noah, Noah Johnson- calling out for him, but he was waving his arms around, and that caught Eli’s attention, and when he turned, they were making eye contact, and Eli couldn’t help but grin and immediately excuse himself from the conversation. He tried to be polite- He really did!- But it was, admittedly, not really possible to be at his best politeness-wise when he felt like an excited puppy disguised as a Senior wide receiver.

He waved his arms back at Noah as he made his way over, asking at almost a yell over the music, “How’re you doing?”

lette lette



They could head back. The very thought of it made Aaron’s stomach curdle- People, strangers and enemies and everything in between. And that hint of annoyance through the haze, because that isn’t what he’d meant.

But then Drake was trying to make os again, and it made him warmer than the fuzziness already encasing him did, and he simply took the blunt and rolled his eyes, a faint smile on his face, frail enough that even its mention would displace it. “I wasn’t talking about the party, dipshit.”

He took a drag, head lolling further to the side, eyes boring into Drake as he assessed him, taking in the uncoordinated mess to his hair, less tousle and more hadn’t combed it in a week minimum, probably because he really hadn’t, the dark circles under the eyes, and that scar under his ear that Aaron knew was from a dog bite when he was nine. “A drink would be good, but...”

The warmth grew, the feeling of just him, and Drake, and the illusion of no one else anywhere near them, even as people walked right by. Just the two of them, a blunt, and the stars. That image of Drake blowing up, high, trying to make those stupid little o replayed, and all the other times he’d done it before.

Aaron almost reached out, almost brushed his cheek, but he didn’t.

He looked up to the stars as he passed the joint back. “Not around those people.” Not around anyone other than Drake, if he were being one hundred percent truthful.

He was silent a second, and then, quiet again, leaning towards Drake again, like a flower towards the sun, he said, “I meant school. It starts on Monday, you know. It’s why Theo’s throwing this party.” At least there was sarcasm there- At least he didn’t sound like some love-addled dope who’d never had a crush.

Winona Winona



Max laughed, and Casper couldn’t help a giggle, curling in and leaning forward to watch as Max added to the drawing, only giggling more at what they saw.

The boy glanced to them, and they glanced back, cocking their head in question.

He started writing, and they looked down at the paper, forehead crinkling as they read the question, taking some moments to process it.

They smiled when it finally clicked, and they nodded in response, taking their own pencil and, after a long moment of thinking through their words, slowly writing in response much less neatly:

its luod but not to bad yet

They paused. Max was closer, now, and again, they fought the urge to lean. They added a smiley face for emphasis, gave the dancer fangs, then passed back the notebook.

Aya Sung
"What give it away?" A nervous chuckle escaped Aya's mouth as she asked the rhetorical question, but the other girl cracked a good point. Aya picked up her head and begun scouting the crowds, and she clearly wasn't the only wallflower scattered around the house, speaking of wallflowers wasn't Parson here somewhere sure he had told her about his party days but from what she had seen of him at parties wallflower seems much more appropriate, not that she was one to talk. God, she'd kill for Parson to be next to her now that would chill her out a lot more or anyone she knew just dragging her around would be good enough for her, she reminded herself of a lost puppy at parties the second she finds someone she feels comfortable with they will find it difficult to get rid of her.

The second that the compliment had left Aya's mouth she was more nervous than usual, anything unique is always the first thing people usually point out or insult and Aya sadly isn't an exception to that rule but that also meant it could be a touchy subject. The second that the other girl took the compliment well it was like a weight was removed from Aya, and the wide smile that covered the other girls face surely must have been contagious because one snuck onto Aya's face, it was a small one, and she swiftly hid it in her shoulder but it was there nonetheless.

Aya's question has clearly got the girl thinking her body posture proved that much which meant it clearly wasn't a straightforward answer, not that Aya expected it to be after all everyone is different she could ask the same question to a hundred people and get a different answer from each and every one of them. As the other girl was thinking and staring at the ceiling Aya was just awkwardly gazing at her taking in the finer details of her face, and the word pretty constantly came to mind. While Aya would never admit it a feeling of jealously came over her she looked so pretty naturally, sure she had some makeup on but looking past that and this other girl would still be good-looking. The feeling of jealously was swiftly crushed as the girl looked down and Aya instantly averted her gaze after relating she had just been staring at her the whole time.

The answer the girl had come up with put a smile on Aya's face, could it really have been that simple just not caring about it. It was very true what the other girl said she wouldn't be hurting anyone by dancing, well other than maybe their eyes but with how drunk people seemed to be she doubted that would be a problem. Aya's smile quickly turned into a laugh mostly due to how simple the answer is, and how much she was clearly overthinking things and going the entirely wrong way about it. The final part of her answer made two names pop into Aya's mind Parson and Casey the two people she was closest too but they were elsewhere probably having fun, especially Parson even as a kind of a wallflower he'd be up to one of his crazy shenanigans no doubt and surely not being boring or anything like that. The whole situation meant Aya would have to fend for herself, and with a goal to have fun in mind it was time to actually enjoy the party.

Aya jumped out of her seat and spun herself around to face the other girl. "Well erm..." Aya paused for a second it occurred to her that she does not know this girls name, she vaguely remembered it was something like June or Junie but not wanting to be wrong she went for a different approach. "Mysterious girl, I'm Aya Sung and I was wondering if you would like maybe wanna go dance or something?" As Aya spoke she offer the other girl her hand and for a pianist, her hand sure didn't look steady that was for sure. It was then that a thought crossed Aya's mind this girl had just come from the dance floor, did she just come here to rest and felt obliged to talk to Aya, that thought nearly made Aya retract her hand but she decided to stay confident or at least as confident as she could because she totally alluded confidence.

Interacting: Taelonthesands Taelonthesands (Juniper)
Mentions: Winona Winona (Parson), elytra elytra (Casey)
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Samantha Jones
She followed Grace, shoving past the many groups of people. "I'm a Sophmore, how about you?" She'd ask, looking around. Truth be told, she had no clue how many people were here, and that's what scared her. Going to a party with the whole school present would be a recipe for disaster, though she didn't really mind and would rather spend time away from her parents here than hide away in her room. "And possibly the whole school showed up, but I wouldn't know for sure, considering there are way to many people to want to count."

owen bostwick
"Bro, I'd dump this drink all over the floor if meant I got to see you sooner. Even if it means getting beat up by Theo. You're worth it, bro." He was thankful for the hand that reached out to steady his drink anyway, and gave a quick, thankful nod. While he would happily endure a broom thwacking for pouring his drink all over Theo's floor, he preferred being able to actually drink it. "Thanks, though," he said, playfully bumping the other's shoulder with his own.

"Bro... You're so smart," Owen said, mouth agape as if he truly were in awe of Chase's sheer brainpower. Rescheduling hadn't even crossed his mind, but it did seem like a good idea. It was the first day of school, after all. And Coach was making them run twenty laps. Owen was sure he'd have a lot to bitch about; a night of ice cream and relaxation with his best bro was essential, to be honest. You know, for his sanity. "Monday night then. It's a date." Besides, it wasn't like he was missing out on any ice cream. Being good friends with the guy who ran the ice cream buffet truly had it's benefits. While everyone else was limited to one or two scoops he, in Chase's own words, had permission to knock himself out. And he got his very own canister of whipped cream. "I'll go over there as soon as I'm done with this drink."

When Chase was down on both of his knees, Owen couldn't help but completely milk the situation to be as dramatic as possible. As two of, quite possibly, the most dramatic members of the cheer team, it was just what was expected of them at this point. "Bro..." He started, mocking all of the girl's he'd ever seen in proposal videos by feigning tears and fanning his face with his one free hand. "Yes! Yes! A million times yes!" If it weren't for the drink in his hand, he'd probably have leapt into Chase's arms at that point, initiating the hug and spin he'd seen so often after proposals. His giggling had died down a bit after taking the half-full capri sun out of Chase's hands, adding it into his own cup without even considering it might clash with whatever flavor he already had in it. "One condition though, bro," he started, handing him the vodka-capri concoction. "We share."

After the energy of their interaction died down a bit, Owen couldn't help but stare at his friend with a full-of-love, lopsided smile. Chase was... Honestly his best friend. They hadn't known each other very long and he was well aware of the fact that Chase had Ash, but it didn't change the fact that, at the very least, Chase was his best friend. "I love you, bro," he said without thinking. They'd proclaimed their love for one another so many times, Owen knew it probably wasn't a big deal. But it was different saying it in person. He felt the inescapable panic of telling someone you loved them just moments later. So Owen, desperate to focus on literally anything else, grabbed Chase by the wrist and led him closer to the center of the room. "We should dance, bro. Show these people how to actually party.

Interactions: Chase Beeze Beeze
Tessa Torres
Location: Theo's House, Upstairs
Mood: Guess We're Partying Officially Now
Interacting: Amber ( DxngerDemxn DxngerDemxn ) Mentions: N/A
"Marshmallow." Tess corrected in a casual manner, "But Fluffy is close enough, honestly. He responds to anything so long as you say it in an excited enough voice." Especially if the words 'walk' or 'treat' were mentioned. In which case, you didn't even have to say a name. There had been multiple occasions where Marshmallow had gotten so excited about both words that he'd slipped and slid through their tile-floor kitchen in order to get to her and see if she had anything to give him.

At mention of going downstairs to the party, she was hesitant. She could handle herself, of course. She wasn't that scared of social situations, she just sometimes didn't feel like dealing with a lot of people all at once. Especially drunk people engaging in petty drama. She did crack a smile at the idea of AJ acting as a body guard, though. It was a little ridiculous sounding, but the sentiment was appreciated. Besides that, ice cream also didn't sound too bad. The assurance that she could leave when she wanted helped as well, not to mention the help on set from someone she actually trusted was tempting...

After a moment of thought, she knocked back the rest of her drink and stood up. Seeming to know something was happening, Marshmallow followed, jumping down from the bed. "Alright, okay. I'll go down and I'll dance. People would probably appreciate a dog down there anyway." She agreed, grinning back at AJ "But if I get thrown up on, I'm right back up here. I don't trust many people here to be able to hold down as many drinks as they think they're able to."

Fern Franklin

Fern had wanted to bring Theo a better plant, but she hadn't had any time to spend by herself before she left. Even getting ready for the party had been paused by multiple calls of "FERN" until Felix started to take over. Unfortunately, that had consequences beyond Theo's lack of a well thought out and meaningful plant. She had looked down during her conversation with Theo to see that she was wearing mismatched shoes. On the left foot was her shoe, on the right was Felix's shoe.

The other major consequence was her lack of a plant. The flowers were pretty, but they weren't Theo. She liked to spend time with someone and then go home and find them a plant that matched them. She'd done in already with Max, and had to say that the Max plant was a good match. Maybe she could bring Theo a better option on the first day of school, since she didn't see herself coming back to his house before then.

However, his reaction to the flowers made her smile. "I doubt these will last twenty years. If you want a plant that'll last longer, I can get you one? My dad is never home so I turned his office basically into a greenhouse. I meant to find you something that screamed Theo, but stuff got kinda chaotic before I left," she said with a small laugh.

She watched him move to place the base of flowers out of the reach of the chaos and found herself holding her breath when he wobbled a bit. She didn't want him to get hurt, and that would throw a wrench into the party that everyone was enjoying. Basically, there was no winning. Theo would get hurt, Fern would feel guilty, and everyone else would be annoyed. And hopefully worried about Theo. He was a good guy, and it looked like he knew how to throw a heck of a party.

And it sounded like it to, with everything he was telling her. Break ups, knocked out people, arguments, and throwing up. Yeah, sounded like a pretty typical party. "So I've missed some interesting stuff, but nothing I want to be a part of. Got it." She leaned up near by him, watching the party for a moment and then looking back over when he mentioned the drink selection. "I'll check the drinks out. Did you want something? I won't make you anything strong if you're trying to stay sober for your hostly duties."

There was nothing wrong with a drink or two between friends, right? Theo didn't have to get drunk, and Fern didn't see herself getting drunk either.

"By the way... what's that broom for? I don't think you'll have much chance to clean until people start to leave... Ooooh! Is it for smacking people? That's fun," she said. Fern wasn't a violent person, but the image of Theo poking some drunk kid with a broom to make them leave was a pretty funny image.

elytra elytra
Noah Johnson

Noah removed the juice pouch from his mouth and watched as him and Eli locked eyes. He felt a pull at the corner of is mouth and his stomach did a little flip when saw the grin on Elis face. He couldn't pull his focus away from the boys green eyes. get it together Noah He calmed himself. This was the first time Noah talked to Eli since he really realized his feelings. It really shouldn't be that different. He is still your friend , and he looks happy to see you. that's a good thing. Noah reassured himself as Eli finally reached him.

"Hey man I'm good, this is a killer party. How have you been? How was football camp?" He took a sip of his juice to shut himself up. He didn't want to start rambling. He looked around at the other people in the party, trying to act natural. Why was this so difficult. It really didn't have to be. He looked back at the green eyed boy, and couldn't help but wonder... why him?

mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties

Maddie Wilson

"Fun Maddie," Maddie agreed. Where was she going with this? She had no idea. She wasn't fun. At least, not in the way Mason liked to have fun. She preferred to sit in the window with a good book and just read the night away. Or she liked to babysit Ari. She could usually get some homework done then, and Ari was a lot of fun to play with. Mason, however, liked to party and get with girls and drink. They had two very different thoughts of fun, but it was too late to turn back now.

"You think fun Maddie doesn't exist?" The question was rhetorical. She knew that Mason didn't think fun Maddie existed. To be fair, Maddie didn't think fun Maddie existed. But maybe Maddie could figure out fun Maddie tonight.

He was likely just humoring her. She knew that. She babysat his daughter for free and was almost always available when he needed her. Still, even if Mason was just waiting around for someone hotter to come by, Maddie was going to enjoy the time she got with him. She didn't get much time with him. It was usually just her coming over, him giving her a run down on things, and then him leaving.

"Well, what do friends like to do at parties?" she asked, trying to sound cool and obvious about it. What DID friends do at parties? She looked around at the different groups and couples around them. "Well, I suppose we could drink and hang out," she said, wiggling her can and then taking another drink. It wasn't good, but it was easier now to pretend that she wasn't disgusted. "Or dance. Dancing is fun."

There was also stuff like truth or dare, but that was kinda hard with two people. So she figured she would just settle on dancing. "Yeah, why don't we try dancing, Mason?" she asked. "Like, as friends, obviously." Good catch, Maddie. That would have sucked if she accidentally told Mason that she liked him.

It was a weird thing, she knew. They were so different. What did they have in common? They both liked Ari, and they lived in the same town. That was pretty much it. But still. Maddie knew there was more to Mason than the jerk he seemed to be. She saw it in the way he loved his daughter. He had a heart.

Winona Winona
Amber James

Location Upstairs --> Downstairs
MoodHigh, Happy
Tags elytra elytra
"Hell yeah!" Amber pumped a fist in the air before looking up at her taller friend. "Promise you wont regret it, and Marshmallow will be the star of the show, so you will be too, I'm sure." AJ made her way towards the door, "If you get thrown up on while under my protection then I owe you an extra month of help on set. But don't go intentionally getting barfed on now." With her final statement, AJ made her way downstairs, calling Marshmallow to make sure he and Tessa followed. Having chugged her rather heavy-on-the-vodka drink, the lightweight was definitely feeling tipsy, not that it was a bad thing. As soon as she got down the stairs and entered the living room she didn't hesitate to make their presence known.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I now present to you... the one and only, Marshmallow!" It wasn't long before people came over to pet the dog, and Amber was sure he was soaking up all the attention. She turned towards the stairs, where she assumed Tessa was and half spoke/half shouted, "So Theo's got Capri Suns somewhere, but he did Tweet about locking them up, so if we want 'em we might as well get 'em while we can, before he brooms us. Or if you want another drink I'm sure we can scoot past the Texan showdown happening in the kitchen." She tried to stay by Tess' side so that she wouldn't be uncomfortable, plus she had to be on the lookout for anyone who seemed drunk and vomitty. Maybe she could borrow Theo's broom to thwack any barfers. The room was rather crowded, but it didn't seem like any one else was entering for now, which was good. The music from upstairs was much louder now, the bass vibrating through her bones.

She looked around the room once more, before looking back up at her friend. "Now that the party's officially begun.. what's first?"

His eyebrows drew together, eyes clouding over with thought. Drake was used to Aaron calling him names -- hell he was used to everyone calling him names -- so he didn't even blink an eye at that. He was still staring up at the sky where he had been watching his little smoke o's float off into space, although they had long since faded, as Aaron kept talking.

A little huff escaped his lips and he leaned back, planting his hands firmly on the cold ground to hold himself upright while he stretched his rather short legs out in front of him and crossed one over the other at the ankle -- like Mason often did. Maybe the brothers looked nothing alike, but some of their body language was similar.

"You're fucking with me, right?" Drake whispered and looked over at Aaron now, eyes squinted at him. "You're not fucking with me." A groan was elicited as he brought a palm to his forehead and then ran his fingers through his hair. They got stuck in the tangled mess of his hair, but he managed to pull them out and then he was pushing himself up into a standing position.

Drake looked down at his friend. "Well if this is the last night to get messed up before school, I intend to enjoy it." He announced with a wide smile. He wasn't sure where the last month had gone, because Drake was sure that it was still supposed to be July, but whatever. Time passed when you were... having fun? He guessed?

"Stay out here or come with me to get drinks. I don't care." Drake said and started walking towards the house. His fingers felt a little cold, anyway, and he shoved them into the pockets of that familiar hoodie that he wore everywhere. Hoodies were nice.

And Drake had just stepped through the door back into the party when he saw a dog off to the side. His blood ran cold and he wanted to turn and run away but one) he forgot how his legs worked, and two) he heard AJ's voice over that. Plus the dog was on a leash so it wasn't like it could hurt him, right? His pale gaze flickered between the dog and AJ, only half listening.

Juice... party... revolution... broom...

Yeah, that's about the gist of what he got, and Drake wasn't entirely sure what she was talking about but she sounded happy and he started nodding his head in agreement because yes. Down with the man! War! Steal the brooms!

"Juice!" Drake yelled in answer to AJ's question as he threw his arms up in the air to make sure that his small frame wasn't overlooked. What? Drake didn't have the stupid height advantage that his older brother did. He faded into the background more. "Get the Texan juice!" She had said the juice was Texan, right? Did that mean it had a funny hat?

mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties DxngerDemxn DxngerDemxn elytra elytra
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