• If your recruitment thread involves completely going off site with your partner(s) then it belongs in the Off-Site Ad Area.
  • This area of the site is governed by the official Recruitment rules. Whether you are looking for players or looking for a roleplay, we recommend you read them and familiarize your self with them. Read the Recruitment Rules Here.

Realistic or Modern Project Brethren [Discontinued|Closed]


Ardent Advocate of the Ausrufung
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
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Throughout history, faithful servants of God have striven to prevent the End Times, as time went on, politics and concurrent setbacks brought about the eventual decline of these military orders. Despite their arduous journey, crusader orders remained true to their duties until this very day. Faded and jaded as mere warmongers on the pages of history, the Crusades have yet to end with the fall of Acre.

Pagan followers of the Old Gods, practitioners of the dark arts, and greedy monarchs, inherit of their thirst for the forbidden knowledge, have brought about a series of cataclysmic events throughout history. This led to the opening of several portals to another world throughout history.

In the past, religious relics were kept from the hands of pagan practitioners. As evident during the Crusades in the Holy Lands, the Holy Grail in Jerusalem was used to open a gate to the Otherworld. Daemons, fiends and monstrous beasts of Aether, were unleashed into the world. Where faiths collide, malevolent Daevan cults are ardent in their pursuit of these relics, in hopes of harnessing true powers from the Aetherial Realm. While little is known about the Realm itself, amalgamations of grotesque and destructive creatures summoned by pagan cultists were more than enough for most to be dissuaded by the Aetherian Realm’s promises of powers. As a result of their thirst for the forbidden knowledge, Daevans are feared and shunned by most of Christendom. Where chaos reigns, Daevans became benefactors of turmoil, with daemons as their personal instruments.

Despite the current mundane lull of the negligent world, the war rages on.

"The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time."
- Genesis 6:5

[/div][/div] [div class="scrollBox two"] [div class=mainHeader] Milites Christi [/div] [div class=mainText] [div class="imageBorder"]
The year is 2025, more than seven centuries since the fall of Acre. Forgotten but not abandoned. Throughout history, unrestrained paganism invited otherworldly evils into the world. Negligence, bred from the mundane world, have quickly taken shape. Where the world have indulged themselves with promises of peace, there are those that continued to battle against malevolent forces behind the curtains. Where old and new evil lurks within the shadows, there existed those that rose up to safeguard humanity and combat these threats. They are known as Crusaders.

Taking upon different establishments, Hospitallers, Templars, or Teutonic Knights, their mission remain true.
Soldiers of faith and protectors of mankind.

Many times before, Aetherial gates were uncovered and eventually destroyed. During the Medieval era, the Catholic faith was the first to act when news of an Aetherian portal in the Middle East reached Christendom. Thus, the birth of crusaders - dedicated paladins of the faith, diverse in their skill sets and ethnic backgrounds, united by one sole purpose to contain and eradicate Daemonic threats. Divine Gears, as they were called, have accompanied many knights into battle since the Crusades. Embedded with sacred artifacts or simply blessed by divination, Divine Gears provides the user with unique powers in their fight against foes.

Where their stories are swept under the rug and forgotten with time, the crusaders never once faltered. From common part-timer youths, to ardent old knights, these faithful operators that are responsible for the protection of mankind. Accompanying them on their quest to vanquish evils are Outremers, reformed Daevans and Aetherians that have accepted the words of the Lord, their purpose renewed for everlasting justice. Armed with what modern technologies can offer, blessed Divine Gears, and their righteous cause, they continue to fight for the survival of mankind.

For whom shall the bells of victory toll?

"Then the Lord raised up judges, who saved them out of the hands of these raiders."
- Judges 2:16

[/div][/div] [div class="coverFlexContainer three"] [div class="coverFlexBox expositionLeft"] [div class="coverExpositionText"] In nomine Patris et Fillii et Spiritus Sancti. [/div][/div] [div class="coverFlexBox coverTitle" style="flex: 1 0 50%"] [div class="coverText coverCenter"] Brethren [/div][/div] [div class="coverFlexBox expositionRight"] [div class="coverExpositionText"] Deus lo vult. [/div][/div][/div] [div class="scrollBox four"] [div class=mainHeader] Arlington Chapter [/div] [div class=mainText style="white-space: pre-wrap;"][div style="white-space: normal;"][div class="imageBorder"]
[/div] Being one of the few remaining knightly orders of the modern era, the Teutonic Order is dying, their purpose unwanted, and their spirit nearly extinguished. What was once a knightly brotherhood of hundreds, was now reduced to a series of scattered enterprises with a handful of those that remained.
The Arlington Chapter, one of the few remaining stronghold of the Teutonic Order in the United States, has seen its share of inactivity. Remnants of a purposeless knightly chapter and their rusting home eventually became a small coffee shop. In an effort to maintain their foothold in America, the Pope has sanctioned a cooperation project to bring together knights of different orders. Orchestrated by members of St. Lazarus Order in hopes of bringing their Christian brethren together, the Arlington Chapter is one of the most diverse Chapter of Christendom in modern times - housing Templars, Hospitallers, Lazarian, Santiago and Teutonic knights. With modern dilemmas, come modern adaptability. Fresh-faced half-brothers met those of the old knights', divided in spirits and principles.
However, when reports of an unusual anomaly reached the ears of the Order, the Arlington Chapter will have to cast aside their differences and unite under the sign of the cross. With the landlord pressing for their dues, and conflicted obligations, the Arlington Chapter must be swift and decisive in their course. As they attempt to expedite their investigation, new enemies arise, and the lines of duty begin to blur. Dark pasts collide, and alliances shift, while humanity’s existence hangs in the balance.
A storm is brewing. Will you take up your blessed steel and fight alongside your Christian brethren?

" 'What shall I do, Lord?' I asked. ‘Get up,’ the Lord said, ‘and go into Damascus. There you will be told all that you have been assigned to do.’ My companions led me by the hand into Damascus, because the brilliance of the light had blinded me."
- Acts 22:10-11

[/div][/div] [div class="scrollBox five"] [div class=mainHeader] Expectations [/div] [div class=mainSubheader] TL ; DR [/div] [div class="mainText"] Modern fantasy RP, where Crusades were actually fought to ensure world peace from otherworldly monsters. Modern day crusaders, with guns and stuff, how cool is that?! Blah blah, relics are important plot devices. Blah blah, action and adventure. Blah blah, Deus vult. Anime guys and gals doing a Crusaddle adventure. [/div]
[div class="mainText"] The general idea of the RP is inspired by multiple video games, as well as on some ideas and lores I've written in the past, and I'm hoping to live up to your expectations (with some help). I highly prefer a tight group with close interactions, and would appreciate it if y'all would include yourself throughout the course of the RP (we won't bite). Brethren is an open-for-speculation universe, with balances and sensible tweaks in mind, as the story progresses. Any contributions or additions to the lore are welcomed and highly appreciated! [/div]
[div class=mainSubheader] Players & Characters [/div] [div class="mainText"] Two things: Community & Courtesy. Communication is key (collabs, character interactions, arc proposals, lore devs, etc.), and don't leave your brothers and sisters hanging (ghosting). If you have IRL issues or are unable to post, please notify us ahead of time. Respect one another, as we would unto you. If you would like to participate in this RP, please be prepared for these two points and commit.

[div class="mainText"] Regarding characters, I have no quarrel with multiple characters. Butt! You may only have one main character. Anything past that will become NPCs or supporting cast. I might consider letting y'all create a second main character - dependent on the situation. We will make room for character arcs and such to strengthen everyone's character development. If anything, our biggest pet peeves include human-wave CSes that yields no thoughtful purposes. That dog just ain't gonna hunt. Strength in quality, not quantity. [/div]
[div class=mainSubheader] Writing Posts [/div] [div class="mainText"] I don't mind short posts, long as it is clear and leaves room for interaction and development (that means no one-liners!). Your posts should be at least a paragraph (5-6 sentences). Grammars and spellings should be literate. Stick to consistency, but with emphasis on efforts. [/div]
[div class=mainSubheader] MP Posting Mechanics [/div] [div class="mainText"] Based on an idea from one of my fellow RPer, the MP Mechanic in a nutshell is the posting requirements required to clear a stage within the story. The general idea is similar to that of an RPG's questing system, where you need to collect x amount of items to clear a quest. If the group is pitched up against a boss, the amount of posts required are usually concurrent to the player count. Situational difficulty may increase posting requirements.

>Initiate three posts count in total to proceed with interrogation.
Player 1 posts interrogation.
Player 2 posts review of evidences.
Player 3 posts conversation with Master of the Chapter.
>Interrogation situation develops. New clues added.
[div class=mainSubheader] Commitment [/div] [div class="mainText"] Reiteration of what I stated above. With your help, we can create something fun and thoughtful. Communication is that bridge. If you are unable to comply with communication and common courtesies towards others, then I would not recommend this RP for ya. Regarding IC compliance, I expect you to follow the story and post at least once or more per week (or like I said, let us know if you can't or need help with inserting your OCs). [/div]
[div class="mainText"] A generous Sushi can be a malevolent Sushi. I have no problem with displacing insensible personnel that does not commit. In this world, you either concede, or yeet. General RPN rules and guidelines apply. Batteries sold separately. Feel free to throw in your questions and thoughts below, and I'll try my best to address them.

"His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself. He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God."
- Revelation 19:12-13
[div class=mainHeader] Links [/div] [div class=mainText] Lore
Character Sheet

[/div] [div class=mainHeader] Credits [/div] [div class=mainText] BBCode credits and rights go to inherit authors and their respective coders: Lexielai, Alteras and Sugarvine, as stated within the code.
Gifs are from mobile game Arknight.
Background Arts are drawn by renatus.z, lm7_(op-center) and tantu_(tc1995).
Honorable Mentions Trappy Trappy Kabboom Kabboom .

[/div] [div class=mainHeader] Disclaimer [/div] [div class=mainText] The following content is a work of fiction inspired by historical events and characters. Any names or references that correlates with referenced personnels or events in real life are purely coincidental and referenced to a fictitious work. The following contents are made by and for personal role-playing purposes.

Viewer discretion is advised.

[/div] [/div] [/div][/div] [/div][/div][/div][/div] [/div][div class=genVar][/div]
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View attachment 618105

My dream has finally come true. Something Warhammer-esque without being Warhammer!


Welcome aboard!~

Talos vult! Wait wrong one.

Dues vult? Maybe bread vult?

(has Dragon flashbacks)
I will consider that as a running joke in RP. The bread one of course.

Be advised, I'll give it another day until I release the lore and CS page. Until then, please check your DMs for the Discord link, as we will use that for fluid communications. For those that wish to reside on here, an OOC thread will be up as soon as I am able. Until then, I am more than happy to answer any questions that y'all might have here.
Kabboom Kabboom Trappy Trappy Remembrance Remembrance Spiderverse Spiderverse darkborn darkborn

Character Sheet and Lore are up. Hit me up if you have any queries regarding the CS and Lore, and I'll answer them.

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Throughout history, faithful servants of God have striven to prevent the End Times, as time went on, politics and concurrent setbacks brought about the eventual decline of these military orders. Despite their arduous journey, crusader orders remained true to their duties until this very day. Faded and jaded as mere warmongers on the pages of history, the Crusades have yet to end with the fall of Acre.

Pagan followers of the Old Gods, practitioners of the dark arts, and greedy monarchs, inherit of their thirst for the forbidden knowledge, have brought about a series of cataclysmic events throughout history. This led to the opening of several portals to another world throughout history.

In the past, religious relics were kept from the hands of pagan practitioners. As evident during the Crusades in the Holy Lands, the Holy Grail in Jerusalem was used to open a gate to the Otherworld. Daemons, fiends and monstrous beasts of Aether, were unleashed into the world. Where faiths collide, malevolent Daevan cults are ardent in their pursuit of these relics, in hopes of harnessing true powers from the Aetherial Realm. While little is known about the Realm itself, amalgamations of grotesque and destructive creatures summoned by pagan cultists were more than enough for most to be dissuaded by the Aetherian Realm’s promises of powers. As a result of their thirst for the forbidden knowledge, Daevans are feared and shunned by most of Christendom. Where chaos reigns, Daevans became benefactors of turmoil, with daemons as their personal instruments.

Despite the current mundane lull of the negligent world, the war rages on.

"The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time."
- Genesis 6:5

[/div][/div] [div class="scrollBox two"] [div class=mainHeader] Milites Christi [/div] [div class=mainText] [div class="imageBorder"]
The year is 2025, more than seven centuries since the fall of Acre. Forgotten but not abandoned. Throughout history, unrestrained paganism invited otherworldly evils into the world. Negligence, bred from the mundane world, have quickly taken shape. Where the world have indulged themselves with promises of peace, there are those that continued to battle against malevolent forces behind the curtains. Where old and new evil lurks within the shadows, there existed those that rose up to safeguard humanity and combat these threats. They are known as Crusaders.

Taking upon different establishments, Hospitallers, Templars, or Teutonic Knights, their mission remain true.
Soldiers of faith and protectors of mankind.

Many times before, Aetherial gates were uncovered and eventually destroyed. During the Medieval era, the Catholic faith was the first to act when news of an Aetherian portal in the Middle East reached Christendom. Thus, the birth of crusaders - dedicated paladins of the faith, diverse in their skill sets and ethnic backgrounds, united by one sole purpose to contain and eradicate Daemonic threats. Divine Gears, as they were called, have accompanied many knights into battle since the Crusades. Embedded with sacred artifacts or simply blessed by divination, Divine Gears provides the user with unique powers in their fight against foes.

Where their stories are swept under the rug and forgotten with time, the crusaders never once faltered. From common part-timer youths, to ardent old knights, these faithful operators that are responsible for the protection of mankind. Accompanying them on their quest to vanquish evils are Outremers, reformed Daevans and Aetherians that have accepted the words of the Lord, their purpose renewed for everlasting justice. Armed with what modern technologies can offer, blessed Divine Gears, and their righteous cause, they continue to fight for the survival of mankind.

For whom shall the bells of victory toll?

"Then the Lord raised up judges, who saved them out of the hands of these raiders."
- Judges 2:16

[/div][/div] [div class="coverFlexContainer three"] [div class="coverFlexBox expositionLeft"] [div class="coverExpositionText"] In nomine Patris et Fillii et Spiritus Sancti. [/div][/div] [div class="coverFlexBox coverTitle" style="flex: 1 0 50%"] [div class="coverText coverCenter"] Brethren [/div][/div] [div class="coverFlexBox expositionRight"] [div class="coverExpositionText"] Deus lo vult. [/div][/div][/div] [div class="scrollBox four"] [div class=mainHeader] Arlington Chapter [/div] [div class=mainText style="white-space: pre-wrap;"][div style="white-space: normal;"][div class="imageBorder"]
[/div] Being one of the few remaining knightly orders of the modern era, the Teutonic Order is dying, their purpose unwanted, and their spirit nearly extinguished. What was once a knightly brotherhood of hundreds, was now reduced to a series of scattered enterprises with a handful of those that remained.
The Arlington Chapter, one of the few remaining stronghold of the Teutonic Order in the United States, has seen its share of inactivity. Remnants of a purposeless knightly chapter and their rusting home eventually became a small coffee shop. In an effort to maintain their foothold in America, the Pope has sanctioned a cooperation project to bring together knights of different orders. Orchestrated by members of St. Lazarus Order in hopes of bringing their Christian brethren together, the Arlington Chapter is one of the most diverse Chapter of Christendom in modern times - housing Templars, Hospitallers, Lazarian, Santiago and Teutonic knights. With modern dilemmas, come modern adaptability. Fresh-faced half-brothers met those of the old knights', divided in spirits and principles.
However, when reports of an unusual anomaly reached the ears of the Order, the Arlington Chapter will have to cast aside their differences and unite under the sign of the cross. With the landlord pressing for their dues, and conflicted obligations, the Arlington Chapter must be swift and decisive in their course. As they attempt to expedite their investigation, new enemies arise, and the lines of duty begin to blur. Dark pasts collide, and alliances shift, while humanity’s existence hangs in the balance.
A storm is brewing. Will you take up your blessed steel and fight alongside your Christian brethren?

" 'What shall I do, Lord?' I asked. ‘Get up,’ the Lord said, ‘and go into Damascus. There you will be told all that you have been assigned to do.’ My companions led me by the hand into Damascus, because the brilliance of the light had blinded me."
- Acts 22:10-11

[/div][/div] [div class="scrollBox five"] [div class=mainHeader] Expectations [/div] [div class=mainSubheader] TL ; DR [/div] [div class="mainText"] Modern fantasy RP, where Crusades were actually fought to ensure world peace from otherworldly monsters. Modern day crusaders, with guns and stuff, how cool is that?! Blah blah, relics are important plot devices. Blah blah, action and adventure. Blah blah, Deus vult. Anime guys and gals doing a Crusaddle adventure. [/div]
[div class="mainText"] The general idea of the RP is inspired by multiple video games, as well as on some ideas and lores I've written in the past, and I'm hoping to live up to your expectations (with some help). I highly prefer a tight group with close interactions, and would appreciate it if y'all would include yourself throughout the course of the RP (we won't bite). Brethren is an open-for-speculation universe, with balances and sensible tweaks in mind, as the story progresses. Any contributions or additions to the lore are welcomed and highly appreciated! [/div]
[div class=mainSubheader] Players & Characters [/div] [div class="mainText"] Two things: Community & Courtesy. Communication is key (collabs, character interactions, arc proposals, lore devs, etc.), and don't leave your brothers and sisters hanging (ghosting). If you have IRL issues or are unable to post, please notify us ahead of time. Respect one another, as we would unto you. If you would like to participate in this RP, please be prepared for these two points and commit.

[div class="mainText"] Regarding characters, I have no quarrel with multiple characters. Butt! You may only have one main character. Anything past that will become NPCs or supporting cast. I might consider letting y'all create a second main character - dependent on the situation. We will make room for character arcs and such to strengthen everyone's character development. If anything, our biggest pet peeves include human-wave CSes that yields no thoughtful purposes. That dog just ain't gonna hunt. Strength in quality, not quantity. [/div]
[div class=mainSubheader] Writing Posts [/div] [div class="mainText"] I don't mind short posts, long as it is clear and leaves room for interaction and development (that means no one-liners!). Your posts should be at least a paragraph (5-6 sentences). Grammars and spellings should be literate. Stick to consistency, but with emphasis on efforts. [/div]
[div class=mainSubheader] MP Posting Mechanics [/div] [div class="mainText"] Based on an idea from one of my fellow RPer, the MP Mechanic in a nutshell is the posting requirements required to clear a stage within the story. The general idea is similar to that of an RPG's questing system, where you need to collect x amount of items to clear a quest. If the group is pitched up against a boss, the amount of posts required are usually concurrent to the player count. Situational difficulty may increase posting requirements.

>Initiate three posts count in total to proceed with interrogation.
Player 1 posts interrogation.
Player 2 posts review of evidences.
Player 3 posts conversation with Master of the Chapter.
>Interrogation situation develops. New clues added.
[div class=mainSubheader] Commitment [/div] [div class="mainText"] Reiteration of what I stated above. With your help, we can create something fun and thoughtful. Communication is that bridge. If you are unable to comply with communication and common courtesies towards others, then I would not recommend this RP for ya. Regarding IC compliance, I expect you to follow the story and post at least once or more per week (or like I said, let us know if you can't or need help with inserting your OCs). [/div]
[div class="mainText"] A generous Sushi can be a malevolent Sushi. I have no problem with displacing insensible personnel that does not commit. In this world, you either concede, or yeet. General RPN rules and guidelines apply. Batteries sold separately. Feel free to throw in your questions and thoughts below, and I'll try my best to address them.

"His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself. He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God."
- Revelation 19:12-13
[div class=mainHeader] Links [/div] [div class=mainText] Lore TBD

[/div] [div class=mainHeader] Credits [/div] [div class=mainText] BBCode credits and rights go to inherit authors and their respective coders: Lexielai, Alteras and Sugarvine, as stated within the code.
Gifs are from mobile game Arknight.
Background Arts are drawn by renatus.z, lm7_(op-center) and tantu_(tc1995).
Honorable Mentions Trappy Trappy Kabboom Kabboom .

[/div] [div class=mainHeader] Disclaimer [/div] [div class=mainText] The following content is a work of fiction inspired by historical events and characters. Any names or references that correlates with referenced personnels or events in real life are purely coincidental and referenced to a fictitious work. The following contents are made by and for personal role-playing purposes.

Viewer discretion is advised.

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yep, i'm in.

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