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Realistic or Modern Pride Lions RP Thread

Kayzu smiled and then placed a paw against his chest with the most innocent look he could muster. "Who me? I am sooo responsible. You'll be back before bed time. I promise."
It was just then he caught a scent in the air. It was a lion, but one he didn't know.
"Grace..." he trailed off, looking at her with concern. This lion was in Regal territory.
"Looks like we get a practical follow up to your last question."
Kayzu began to track the scent carefully. He saw several zebra, milling about in the distance, the air dancing about them as heat radiated from the plains, but he couldn't see anything else...yet.
Kitteh Kitteh Vixenshine Vixenshine

((No worries, there is more to life than rp XD))
Kayzu smiled and then placed a paw against his chest with the most innocent look he could muster. "Who me? I am sooo responsible. You'll be back before bed time. I promise."
It was just then he caught a scent in the air. It was a lion, but one he didn't know.
"Grace..." he trailed off, looking at her with concern. This lion was in Regal territory.
"Looks like we get a practical follow up to your last question."
Kayzu began to track the scent carefully. He saw several zebra, milling about in the distance, the air dancing about them as heat radiated from the plains, but he couldn't see anything else...yet.
Kitteh Kitteh Vixenshine Vixenshine

((No worries, there is more to life than rp XD))
Scarlett kept stalking the zebra**

Kayzu smiled and then placed a paw against his chest with the most innocent look he could muster. "Who me? I am sooo responsible. You'll be back before bed time. I promise."
It was just then he caught a scent in the air. It was a lion, but one he didn't know.
"Grace..." he trailed off, looking at her with concern. This lion was in Regal territory.
"Looks like we get a practical follow up to your last question."
Kayzu began to track the scent carefully. He saw several zebra, milling about in the distance, the air dancing about them as heat radiated from the plains, but he couldn't see anything else...yet.
Kitteh Kitteh Vixenshine Vixenshine

((No worries, there is more to life than rp XD))

Confidence shot through Grace as she got to her feet. Suddenly, this wasn't a strange cuddle with her leader- this was an intruder.
As they crept closer to the zebra, with Kay tracking the scent carefully, she saw a ripple in the grass.
She flung herself to the ground. Grace lay flat against the warm earth.
"There." She whispered to Kayzu.
The head of a lion was barely visible over the grass.

SilverFlight SilverFlight Vixenshine Vixenshine

((Yeah- it was a busy day today too lmao))
Confidence shot through Grace as she got to her feet. Suddenly, this wasn't a strange cuddle with her leader- this was an intruder.
As they crept closer to the zebra, with Kay tracking the scent carefully, she saw a ripple in the grass.
She flung herself to the ground. Grace lay flat against the warm earth.
"There." She whispered to Kayzu.
The head of a lion was barely visible over the grass.

SilverFlight SilverFlight Vixenshine Vixenshine

((Yeah- it was a busy day today too lmao))
Scarrlett flung themself at the zebra, not noticing the other lions near him*
Kitteh Kitteh SilverFlight SilverFlight
Kayzu crouched a split second after Grace, scanning the horizon where she had indicated. There.
"Let's see how this plays out."
Kayzu wasn't convinced this single lion could take a full-grown zebra by themselves, but if they managed to tag it Kay would help, the Regal pride leader wasn't going to pass up a chance for more food for his pride in the lean season. They would talk to the stranger afterwards.
Kitteh Kitteh Vixenshine Vixenshine
Kayzu crouched a split second after Grace, scanning the horizon where she had indicated. There.
"Let's see how this plays out."
Kayzu wasn't convinced this single lion could take a full-grown zebra by themselves, but if they managed to tag it Kay would help, the Regal pride leader wasn't going to pass up a chance for more food for his pride in the lean season. They would talk to the stranger afterwards.
Kitteh Kitteh Vixenshine Vixenshine

Grace nodded. A heartbeat later, she was pelting towards the zebra.
She flung her paws around the zebra and yanked hard towards the ground.
"Are you ok?" The lioness yowled to the new lion.
Digging into the struggling animal with her teeth, Grace ripped hard at its neck.

SilverFlight SilverFlight Vixenshine Vixenshine
Kayzu seemed taken aback. "Or, we could charge in right now." He followed Grace's lead, lending his strength to the kill. Zebra were strong, and it took all of Kayzu's strength to hold it down. Still, he couldn't believe their luck. Two kills in one day. It was still heaving, lashing out with powerful hooves every chance it got. They would have to steer clear of those.
"Haven't seen you around before. You're not from our pride. Where did you come from?" Kayzu's voice was strained from the current battle with their prey.
Vixenshine Vixenshine Kitteh Kitteh
Kayzu seemed taken aback. "Or, we could charge in right now." He followed Grace's lead, lending his strength to the kill. Zebra were strong, and it took all of Kayzu's strength to hold it down. Still, he couldn't believe their luck. Two kills in one day. It was still heaving, lashing out with powerful hooves every chance it got. They would have to steer clear of those.
"Haven't seen you around before. You're not from our pride. Where did you come from?" Kayzu's voice was strained from the current battle with their prey.
Vixenshine Vixenshine Kitteh Kitteh

Grace stepped back and nodded seriously.
She struggled to control her heavy breathing, wanting to maintain that air of sound strength.
"No, you're not from our pride."
Settling back onto her haunches, she affixed a sharp look to the newcomer.

SilverFlight SilverFlight Vixenshine Vixenshine
Grace stepped back and nodded seriously.
She struggled to control her heavy breathing, wanting to maintain that air of sound strength.
"No, you're not from our pride."
Settling back onto her haunches, she affixed a sharp look to the newcomer.

SilverFlight SilverFlight Vixenshine Vixenshine
*Scarlett looked at them nervously* "..I come from a place just outside of this territory, and i accidentally crossed the boder.." *Scarlett looked down embarssed*

SilverFlight SilverFlight Kitteh Kitteh
Kayzu shot the stranger an easy smile. "Relax, you're not in danger. If anything we should thank you for giving us a chance to catch this." He gestured to the zebra, now dead in the dry grass.
"What's your name? Why are you out here?"
Vixenshine Vixenshine Kitteh Kitteh
"Well Scarlett, looks like you've been traveling a long way. Why don't you rest here with us. Our pride isn't far. I'll call them in."
Kayzu lifted his head and gave a deep, low bellow.
"Go ahead and eat. Grace, you should eat too, I don't know how much of that antelope you had earlier, but it wasn't very big."
Kayzu walked a distance away and began to scan the horizon. The blood from their hunts was bound to have reached the scavengers' noses by now, and Kayzu wanted to make sure he knew just who was coming.

The heat mirage shimmering above the grass made it hard to see, and the dryness in the air reduced scent too, but when the wind changed direction he caught something and wrinkled his nose.
"Vulture, Jackal and...Hyena."
The defenders were the first to arrive, cautious of the newcomer but Kayzu's lax demeanor put them at ease.
"Keep the cubs at camp with two defenders, start in shifts, those who got the most food this morning take first shift."
The zebra would be the biggest target for hyena, but they wouldn't waste an opportunity to get to unguarded cubs either.

Vixenshine Vixenshine Kitteh Kitteh
"Well Scarlett, looks like you've been traveling a long way. Why don't you rest here with us. Our pride isn't far. I'll call them in."
Kayzu lifted his head and gave a deep, low bellow.
"Go ahead and eat. Grace, you should eat too, I don't know how much of that antelope you had earlier, but it wasn't very big."
Kayzu walked a distance away and began to scan the horizon. The blood from their hunts was bound to have reached the scavengers' noses by now, and Kayzu wanted to make sure he knew just who was coming.

The heat mirage shimmering above the grass made it hard to see, and the dryness in the air reduced scent too, but when the wind changed direction he caught something and wrinkled his nose.
"Vulture, Jackal and...Hyena."
The defenders were the first to arrive, cautious of the newcomer but Kayzu's lax demeanor put them at ease.
"Keep the cubs at camp with two defenders, start in shifts, those who got the most food this morning take first shift."
The zebra would be the biggest target for hyena, but they wouldn't waste an opportunity to get to unguarded cubs either.

Vixenshine Vixenshine Kitteh Kitteh

Grace waited patiently as he gave out orders, before bowing her head respectfully to him and the newcomer.
"I'll be on my way, then."
The sandy-gold lion turned and padded amicably off towards camp, settling herself into a seat in a defender's spot.
She swiped her tongue around her jaws as she scanned the horizon.
The defenders called back and forth to each other with little roars and growls.
A hyena's grim cackle could be heard nearby.

SilverFlight SilverFlight Vixenshine Vixenshine
"Well Scarlett, looks like you've been traveling a long way. Why don't you rest here with us. Our pride isn't far. I'll call them in."
Kayzu lifted his head and gave a deep, low bellow.
"Go ahead and eat. Grace, you should eat too, I don't know how much of that antelope you had earlier, but it wasn't very big."
Kayzu walked a distance away and began to scan the horizon. The blood from their hunts was bound to have reached the scavengers' noses by now, and Kayzu wanted to make sure he knew just who was coming.

The heat mirage shimmering above the grass made it hard to see, and the dryness in the air reduced scent too, but when the wind changed direction he caught something and wrinkled his nose.
"Vulture, Jackal and...Hyena."
The defenders were the first to arrive, cautious of the newcomer but Kayzu's lax demeanor put them at ease.
"Keep the cubs at camp with two defenders, start in shifts, those who got the most food this morning take first shift."
The zebra would be the biggest target for hyena, but they wouldn't waste an opportunity to get to unguarded cubs either.

Vixenshine Vixenshine Kitteh Kitteh
Scarlett sat away from most of the lions feeling anxious*
SilverFlight SilverFlight Kitteh Kitteh
Kayzu eyed Scarlett and shook his head.
"I can't force you to eat, but I'm the leader of this pride, so if I say you're safe here, you are."
Kayzu decided to lead by example, and approached the kill. The lionesses moved to avoid him and he began to eat.
"I know you must be hungry Scarlett. I was prideless too, not so long ago.."
Kayzu ate enough to be full, but not so much that he'd have a hard time running or fighting. He didn't entirely trust this new lion yet, and the hyenas would make a move, it was only a matter of when.
Vixenshine Vixenshine Kitteh Kitteh
Kayzu eyed Scarlett and shook his head.
"I can't force you to eat, but I'm the leader of this pride, so if I say you're safe here, you are."
Kayzu decided to lead by example, and approached the kill. The lionesses moved to avoid him and he began to eat.
"I know you must be hungry Scarlett. I was prideless too, not so long ago.."
Kayzu ate enough to be full, but not so much that he'd have a hard time running or fighting. He didn't entirely trust this new lion yet, and the hyenas would make a move, it was only a matter of when.
Vixenshine Vixenshine Kitteh Kitteh
"I guess I'll eat a bit.."
SilverFlight SilverFlight Kitteh Kitteh
A loud growl, fiercer than the ones before rang out from Grace's seat.
Her ears were pinned to her head and her lips were drawn back to showcase her teeth.
She could see a hyena's head poking out of the grass, and she was a perfect display of aggression.
Doubt crept into her mind. Could she take a hyena?
She just hoped to scare it off before it got closer.

SilverFlight SilverFlight Vixenshine Vixenshine
Kayzu seemed satisfied with that answer, and surveyed his pride happily. Grace's growl made him put an ear in that direction before he turned.
He began to walk to her, slow and purposeful, in plain sight of anything that was sizing the lioness up for a fight. She wouldn't be fighting alone.
But then again, neither did hyenas.
"They'd have to be pretty desperate to attack us here." Kayzu said when he reached her, he hadn't taken his eyes off of where the hyena lay crouched in the grass a ways away.
The cubs, true to their innocent nature, were playing noisily in the center of the camp, one defender trying unsuccessfully to keep them hidden and quiet.
"But when it gets dark I want to run them off properly."

Kitteh Kitteh Vixenshine Vixenshine
Kayzu seemed satisfied with that answer, and surveyed his pride happily. Grace's growl made him put an ear in that direction before he turned.
He began to walk to her, slow and purposeful, in plain sight of anything that was sizing the lioness up for a fight. She wouldn't be fighting alone.
But then again, neither did hyenas.
"They'd have to be pretty desperate to attack us here." Kayzu said when he reached her, he hadn't taken his eyes off of where the hyena lay crouched in the grass a ways away.
The cubs, true to their innocent nature, were playing noisily in the center of the camp, one defender trying unsuccessfully to keep them hidden and quiet.
"But when it gets dark I want to run them off properly."

Kitteh Kitteh Vixenshine Vixenshine

Grace's eyes swept over the tall fronds, checking for more.
"I'd rather they learned from the last time they had their tails beaten."
For half a heartbeat she was distracted by a particularly noisy cub. Thankfully, Royal swept in to take care of it before the little scrap got too adventurous.
Another cackle rang out in the distance, and Grace flattened her ears.
Grace was nimble, for a lion, but like most lions she was heavy and lumbered a bit. So if she didn't have brute force or a sneak attack ready to go, Grace was pretty much screwed. That would not be good at all.
Hyenas were particularly hard to fight, because they were tiny, sneaky, and knew to focus on one lion at once. Doing that made it easier to take them down, because a helper would have to not injure the first lion while removing hyenas.

SilverFlight SilverFlight Vixenshine Vixenshine
Grace's eyes swept over the tall fronds, checking for more.
"I'd rather they learned from the last time they had their tails beaten."
For half a heartbeat she was distracted by a particularly noisy cub. Thankfully, Royal swept in to take care of it before the little scrap got too adventurous.
Another cackle rang out in the distance, and Grace flattened her ears.
Grace was nimble, for a lion, but like most lions she was heavy and lumbered a bit. So if she didn't have brute force or a sneak attack ready to go, Grace was pretty much screwed. That would not be good at all.
Hyenas were particularly hard to fight, because they were tiny, sneaky, and knew to focus on one lion at once. Doing that made it easier to take them down, because a helper would have to not injure the first lion while removing hyenas.

SilverFlight SilverFlight Vixenshine Vixenshine
Scarlett looked up confused*
SilverFlight SilverFlight Kitteh Kitteh
"Wouldn't we all." Kayzu laughed.
Just then something to the right of them caught his eye: another hyena, this one much closer than the others they could hear.
"I don't like this. It looks like they're not content to wait for nightfall."
He growled low. "Care to start the chase Grace?"
Kitteh Kitteh Vixenshine Vixenshine
"Wouldn't we all." Kayzu laughed.
Just then something to the right of them caught his eye: another hyena, this one much closer than the others they could hear.
"I don't like this. It looks like they're not content to wait for nightfall."
He growled low. "Care to start the chase Grace?"
Kitteh Kitteh Vixenshine Vixenshine

"Glad to." Grace remarked fiercely.
She stood, stretched out her claws, and bounded towards the canine.
"Get away!" she roared as she flung herself across the field.
Her claws snagged in its side and scored down in. She landed heavily on her now-bloody paw and lifted her other front paw to strike it hard and fast.
"Care to join me?" The defender whirled around and raked her claws down the hyena's face, shoving it aside.

SilverFlight SilverFlight Vixenshine Vixenshine

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