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Realistic or Modern Pride Lions RP Thread

Kayzu had to reach to catch it and batted it back when he did, but when Grace suggested Hana escort Abyss instead he nearly fumbled it.
"Hana? What if Smokey does make a move? I..I can't put our healer in that position..." He seemed genuinely worried.
The question about how he became ruler of the regal Pride distracted him.

"Aaaha, well, that's a..story." He began, a little sheepish.
"See, I was prideless before, and I was hanging around in Regal lands for a bit. It's a really nice place. Mighty never really paid too much attention to where his pride wandered, so, I met some of you, you all seemed so nice. Anyway, Mighty caught me eventually. I had to fight him. Honestly I don't think either of us thought I'd win...It happened so fast, I'm still reeling."
He looked at them seriously then, something completely uncharacteristic for him. "You don't...hate me for winning, do you?"
Kayzu hadn't killed the old ruler, once he had the upper hand in the fight he had simply drivin Mighty off. Kayzu didn't like killing other lions unless he absolutely had to. And Mighty's male cubs would become heirs, not prideless, competing to take over, probably from Justice one day. Or, that was how Kayzu had worked it out.

Kitteh Kitteh gingingin gingingin

Grace met his eyes calmy. "I do. Mighty was my father's brother. Practically my father, if you think in terms of the lion who raised me."
"I don't hate you, Kayzu, but I hate that he's gone.
She brushed off her admittance as though it was a pesky fly.
"Well, then you can send Justice or someone to hang around Hana while she talks to Abyss. Plus, she could keep him in the center of the prides. Smokey won't attack with everyone there to see him."
Grace had just chosen her job the day that Mighty was challenged. He'd bestowed the role upon her with such pride in his eyes, and she'd stood tall as a mountain when she received her welcome.
Her mother had shielded Grace from most of the fight, keeping her to the back of the watching crowd. All she'd seen was Mighty limping away, and heard the roar of the new ruler.
Grace had forgotten that.
Maybe she just preferred not to remember.

(Kayzu SilverFlight SilverFlight Hana gingingin gingingin )
Hana looked over to Grace and then Kayzu, "I'll be fine.. I'm a pretty good fighter!" She half-joked, putting her paw up and swiping it as if she were trying to intimidate the lion. She then continued, "I'm fine with whatever you guys choose for me, all that matters is that Abyss walks out of that gathering alive and well."

The lioness then rested her head back on her paws, she had forgotten about Mighty and everyone else.. everything seemed to be different with Kayzu as the new ruler.

Hana had never really been close with Mighty, other than the occasional patching up and talks the two would have once in a while. To think that some Prideless lion from who knows where would ever dream of beating a ruler, Hana couldn't help but laugh.

Kitteh Kitteh SilverFlight SilverFlight
Hana looked over to Grace and then Kayzu, "I'll be fine.. I'm a pretty good fighter!" She half-joked, putting her paw up and swiping it as if she were trying to intimidate the lion. She then continued, "I'm fine with whatever you guys choose for me, all that matters is that Abyss walks out of that gathering alive and well."

The lioness then rested her head back on her paws, she had forgotten about Mighty and everyone else.. everything seemed to be different with Kayzu as the new ruler.

Hana had never really been close with Mighty, other than the occasional patching up and talks the two would have once in a while. To think that some Prideless lion from who knows where would ever dream of beating a ruler, Hana couldn't help but laugh.

Kitteh Kitteh SilverFlight SilverFlight

"I agree." Grace said simply.
"Not that I don't care for you, Hana- You're wonderful- But Abyss's death with no heirs means death for all of Regal."
She shook her head.
"I don't know about you, Kayzu, but I am not having Smokey as my Ruler. Overconfident lion."
The lioness turned a sharp blue gaze out over the hills, watching the herds move in the distance.

(Kayzu SilverFlight SilverFlight Hana gingingin gingingin )
Kayzu nodded. That was fair. It hurt, especially because he didn't mean for it to happen, but he could see now, how that could have made it all the worse.
"I'm sorry, for what it's worth." He said quietly. He sat in silence for a while, knowing that he still had a lot to prove as Regal's new leader. Theur pride had lost a good lion, and no one was really sure what they had gained...

Hana's comment made him laugh, and he pretended to dodge her paw, even though he was well out of reach.
"Good to know." And then with a bit more gravity. "Hana, if Smokey touches a hair on your head..I'll rip him to bits."
Grace's words made him smile. "No way is that lion getting anywhere near my job. He can bring it."

He followed Grace's gaze to the herds moving. There weren't many animals left in the dry season, they had moved with the rains, but there were enough. Then, something caught his eye in the shifting mass of bodies.
"That one's got a limp." He said out loud, and it was true, there was one antelope whose movement was jerky and unsteady and it was favouring a leg.
Kayzu looked to the lionesses. "I haven't hunted since I was prideless..."

Kitteh Kitteh gingingin gingingin
Kayzu nodded. That was fair. It hurt, especially because he didn't mean for it to happen, but he could see now, how that could have made it all the worse.
"I'm sorry, for what it's worth." He said quietly. He sat in silence for a while, knowing that he still had a lot to prove as Regal's new leader. Theur pride had lost a good lion, and no one was really sure what they had gained...

Hana's comment made him laugh, and he pretended to dodge her paw, even though he was well out of reach.
"Good to know." And then with a bit more gravity. "Hana, if Smokey touches a hair on your head..I'll rip him to bits."
Grace's words made him smile. "No way is that lion getting anywhere near my job. He can bring it."

He followed Grace's gaze to the herds moving. There weren't many animals left in the dry season, they had moved with the rains, but there were enough. Then, something caught his eye in the shifting mass of bodies.
"That one's got a limp." He said out loud, and it was true, there was one antelope whose movement was jerky and unsteady and it was favouring a leg.
Kayzu looked to the lionesses. "I haven't hunted since I was prideless..."

Kitteh Kitteh gingingin gingingin
"Are you saying you want to go hunting? I'm game."
Grace stood and stretched. She turned to look back down at Kayzu.
"I haven't hunted in a while either- This could be fun."
She extended her claws and shot him a grin.
(Kayzu SilverFlight SilverFlight Hana gingingin gingingin )
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Hana chuckled once more, "My heroo~" She said, fake-swooning over the lion. After that, she noticed that the two's eyes were on the herd in front of them. Her thoughts were then interrupted by their comments about hunting.

She slightly frowned, Hana wasn't one to go out and hunt as she was a healer.. but a change of pace could be nice.. She shook her head of the thoughts, which would've seemed weird to anyone who was paying attention.

"If you two are planning on hunting, go for it"
She said, rolling onto her side as her head now laid on the warm ground, "I'll be here.. so come back alive, please."

Kitteh Kitteh SilverFlight SilverFlight
"It's ok Hana, we'll get the food for you. Wouldn't want you to muss that pretty coat now would we?"
He nodded to Grace, excitement in his eyes.
"You give the the signal, and I'll drive the herd towards you."

He started off, slinking low in the grass. Slow and steady, the memory of his months alone coming back to him like an old friend. His muscles remembered what to do. Move downwind, keep to the tall grass. It didn't take him long to get in position, and fortunately, the herd was so far none the wiser. He was much too far to make a move on his own, but spooking the animals from here would push them straight to his hunting partner, and he'd the first to admit it, the better hunter, Grace.

Kitteh Kitteh gingingin gingingin
"It's ok Hana, we'll get the food for you. Wouldn't want you to muss that pretty coat now would we?"
He nodded to Grace, excitement in his eyes.
"You give the the signal, and I'll drive the herd towards you."

He started off, slinking low in the grass. Slow and steady, the memory of his months alone coming back to him like an old friend. His muscles remembered what to do. Move downwind, keep to the tall grass. It didn't take him long to get in position, and fortunately, the herd was so far none the wiser. He was much too far to make a move on his own, but spooking the animals from here would push them straight to his hunting partner, and he'd the first to admit it, the better hunter, Grace.

Kitteh Kitteh gingingin gingingin

Grace held herself against the ground. Her fur brushed the tip of the grass subtly.
"Come on..." She mumbled quietly.
The lioness gave him the signal, and sprang towards the limper as Kayzu drove them forward.
She slammed into its side, digging her claws in.
Grace let go as it kicked her and she tumbled into the soft grass below her.

(Kayzu SilverFlight SilverFlight Hana gingingin gingingin )
Kayzu loved this part. He stood, making himself visible to the animals and he watched one start at his appearance, and suddenly they all bolted. He loped through the grass, keeping them just frightened enough that they weren't scanning the grass in front of them, only worrying what came behind. He saw Grace lunge, her claws make contact, then he saw he knocked away as the antelope.
"Grace!" He called and slowed a little when he drew near. "You good to go?"
He started ahead, running faster and faster, and for a male, he could run pretty fast. The antelope was in full panic mode now, he couldn't catch it, but he could scare it into making a fatal mistake. He pulled out on the outside of it, pushing it closer to the trees, and suddenly the antelope darted into them.
That would harry it's speed, which, even injured, was an antelope's defense. Now they could catch up to it. Once it stumbled, Kayzu could use his weight to pin it, and then it was theirs.

Kitteh Kitteh
Kayzu loved this part. He stood, making himself visible to the animals and he watched one start at his appearance, and suddenly they all bolted. He loped through the grass, keeping them just frightened enough that they weren't scanning the grass in front of them, only worrying what came behind. He saw Grace lunge, her claws make contact, then he saw he knocked away as the antelope.
"Grace!" He called and slowed a little when he drew near. "You good to go?"
He started ahead, running faster and faster, and for a male, he could run pretty fast. The antelope was in full panic mode now, he couldn't catch it, but he could scare it into making a fatal mistake. He pulled out on the outside of it, pushing it closer to the trees, and suddenly the antelope darted into them.
That would harry it's speed, which, even injured, was an antelope's defense. Now they could catch up to it. Once it stumbled, Kayzu could use his weight to pin it, and then it was theirs.

Kitteh Kitteh

Grace scrambled to her paws and pelted after him. The wind had been knocked out of her, but she was trying.
She was almost there. C'mon, Grace. Get it in gear.
The lioness slammed into the antelope, digging in with her teeth.
"Got it!" She mumbled triumphantly around a mouthful.
Yes! Grace could still hunt. She hadn't been worried- Not Grace, no. No way.
With a pang of sadness, she realized that the last time she'd hunted like this had been with Mighty.

(Kayzu SilverFlight SilverFlight )
One Grace had the creature, it was over, Kayzu could catch up and with one huge leap, he put all of his weight on the antelope's back and its legs buckled.
The lion's signature strength ended the beast quickly and he stood to turn to Grace right after.
"Are you hurt? Lemme see. Where did it kick you? Should we get Hana?"
Kitteh Kitteh
One Grace had the creature, it was over, Kayzu could catch up and with one huge leap, he put all of his weight on the antelope's back and its legs buckled.
The lion's signature strength ended the beast quickly and he stood to turn to Grace right after.
"Are you hurt? Lemme see. Where did it kick you? Should we get Hana?"
Kitteh Kitteh

Grace waved him off and shook a thin layer of dust off of her fur.
"I'm fine Kayzu. Don't flip out."
She cast a glance down at the antelope, laying motionless. Its eyes were still wide with fear and horror.
"What do we do with this now?" They were a good walk away from where camp had been set up, and she realized suddenly that her back paw ached.

(Kayzu SilverFlight SilverFlight )
Kayzu didn't seem completely convinced, but he backed off. When she asked what they would do he grinned, sensing a chance to show off.
"No need to worry Grace, these muscles aren't just for show."
He took the antelope the the base of its neck and lifted as much as he could off the ground. It dragged a bit, but for the most part, he could move it without much trouble.
"Wead da way." He said with his jaws full of antelope, putting a paw out to gesture that he would follow her back.
Kitteh Kitteh
Hana had been watching the two, she abruptly stood up at the sight of Grace being kicked over to the ground. She was about to make her way over there, but before she could even react, Grace had already gotten up with the intent of getting the antelope.

She breathed out a sigh of relief, and silently hoped Grace was okay. She got up after having a mental fight about whether she should go and come to them or come to her. She decided she should catch up to them and proceeded to run to the lion and lioness. She huffed, "Grace, that was a pretty nasty kick.. and you must've hit the ground pretty hard.." She said as she observed the lioness, her gaze focused.

Kitteh Kitteh SilverFlight SilverFlight
Kayzu didn't seem completely convinced, but he backed off. When she asked what they would do he grinned, sensing a chance to show off.
"No need to worry Grace, these muscles aren't just for show."
He took the antelope the the base of its neck and lifted as much as he could off the ground. It dragged a bit, but for the most part, he could move it without much trouble.
"Wead da way." He said with his jaws full of antelope, putting a paw out to gesture that he would follow her back.
Kitteh Kitteh
Hana had been watching the two, she abruptly stood up at the sight of Grace being kicked over to the ground. She was about to make her way over there, but before she could even react, Grace had already gotten up with the intent of getting the antelope.

She breathed out a sigh of relief, and silently hoped Grace was okay. She got up after having a mental fight about whether she should go and come to them or come to her. She decided she should catch up to them and proceeded to run to the lion and lioness. She huffed, "Grace, that was a pretty nasty kick.. and you must've hit the ground pretty hard.." She said as she observed the lioness, her gaze focused.

Kitteh Kitteh SilverFlight SilverFlight

Grace snorted so hard at Kayzu's muscle comment that she almost fell over. "Really?"
When Hana approached, she waved the healer off. "Stop it. I'm fine."
Her voice was firm.
"Let's just bring this back to the rest of the pride, ok? It's fine."
The sandy lioness started walking, expecting them either to follow or stay there.
She did her very best not to limp on her stinging hind paw.

(Kayzu SilverFlight SilverFlight Hana gingingin gingingin )
Kayzu gave Hana a worried look. He wanted to say something more, but was afraid Grace would get angry. He started to follow behind, watching Grace try and hide her limp. If she was set on getting back to their camp like that, he wasn't really sure he could stop her. Hana's healing stuff was back at their camp anyway, they'd have to get there one way or another.
He glanced at Hana once more, maybe their healer could say something that would convince Grace to take a little help.
Kitteh Kitteh gingingin gingingin
Kayzu gave Hana a worried look. He wanted to say something more, but was afraid Grace would get angry. He started to follow behind, watching Grace try and hide her limp. If she was set on getting back to their camp like that, he wasn't really sure he could stop her. Hana's healing stuff was back at their camp anyway, they'd have to get there one way or another.
He glanced at Hana once more, maybe their healer could say something that would convince Grace to take a little help.
Kitteh Kitteh gingingin gingingin

Grace looked back over her shoulder, with her hind paw held in the air.
"Are you both coming?"
She looped back to help Kayzu with the antelope.

(Kayzu SilverFlight SilverFlight Hana gingingin gingingin )
Hana huffed once more, Grace did have a terrible habit of being stubborn. Her eyes met Kayzu's and she sighed, "Grace, stop being so stubborn. Let me at least take a look and check for any injuries.." The lioness said, tearing her eyes away from Kayzu's and now meeting Grace's as the other came back to their side.

She never liked it when the other lioness acted tough and such, it never helped anyone.

"I'm a healer for a reason" She added.

Kitteh Kitteh SilverFlight SilverFlight
"Yeah's Hana's a healer for a reason." Kayzu parroted unhelpfully, letting the antelope drop. Then his voice grew a bit more gentle.
"You don't have anything to prove Grace. I already know you're the strongest lioness we have." He stepped up beside her.
"But we're a pride for a reason. It's so we can lean on one another, so we're never alone. We're only stronger together if you let us help you."
To finish his little speech he summoned the best, cutest, cub eyes he could. "Please?"

Kitteh Kitteh gingingin gingingin
"Yeah's Hana's a healer for a reason." Kayzu parroted unhelpfully, letting the antelope drop. Then his voice grew a bit more gentle.
"You don't have anything to prove Grace. I already know you're the strongest lioness we have." He stepped up beside her.
"But we're a pride for a reason. It's so we can lean on one another, so we're never alone. We're only stronger together if you let us help you."
To finish his little speech he summoned the best, cutest, cub eyes he could. "Please?"

Kitteh Kitteh gingingin gingingin

Grace dropped the antelope on her end.
"Ok. What do you want to do out in the middle of a field?"
She glared at Kayzu. Stupid cub eyes. Why did he insist upon those.
"Do whatever, Hana." She sat back on her haunches and looked over at the other lioness.
The sandy defender turned her gaze back to Kayzu as if to say "see? i'm doing a good job."

( SilverFlight SilverFlight gingingin gingingin )
"My herbs and stuff are back at the camp, but for now, let me see what's going on.."

Hana sighed as she observed Grace's body. She was about to gasp before calming herself down when she got to her shoulder.. luckily it wasn't bruised too badly. She then picked up the other's paw, and pressed her paw into Grace's pad.. before looking up to meet her eyes,

"Did.. that hurt?" She asked, her head tilted slightly.

Kitteh Kitteh SilverFlight SilverFlight
"My herbs and stuff are back at the camp, but for now, let me see what's going on.."

Hana sighed as she observed Grace's body. She was about to gasp before calming herself down when she got to her shoulder.. luckily it wasn't bruised too badly. She then picked up the other's paw, and pressed her paw into Grace's pad.. before looking up to meet her eyes,

"Did.. that hurt?" She asked, her head tilted slightly.

Kitteh Kitteh SilverFlight SilverFlight

"Yes." Grace replied simply when Hana touched her back paw.
Why lie? It wouldn't get her anywhere, and Grace just wanted to be done with it.
She stood back up.
"Great. Let's head back and get it fixed up or whatever."
Walking over to the antelope, she cocked her head to the side slightly before gripping it between her teeth and hauling it up.

( SilverFlight SilverFlight gingingin gingingin )
"Hey now, Ease up there Power Paws. You're hurt. I can come back for the antelope, we should get you to the healer's cave. You can lean on me."
He offered her his shoulder. "Or, I can carry you on my back. Your choice."
Kitteh Kitteh gingingin gingingin
Hana nodded before grabbing the antelope in her jaws, "I can twy to cwarry it." The lioness said, struggling to speak with the carcass in her mouth. She quickly put it down, as to save her energy for the initial walk.

She looked over to Grace, and gave her a look that said "Let him help you"

Kitteh Kitteh SilverFlight SilverFlight

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