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Fandom Pokemon Journey

Bloody_Death Bloody_Death

When Luna went to try and pat the Magikarp on the head, it bit her hand. Ofcourse, when Luna had looked up to see where the sellsmen went, he was no where in sight.
"Ow..." She sighed a bit and flicked her hand trying to ignore the stinging pain from it's bite before standing back up. "And the man is gone." She couldn't help but laugh as that was such and expected thing to do.

JCKane JCKane
"It's perfectly fine. Hopefully Kappa will warm up to us eventually." She stretched a bit and nodded sitting Manny on the ground. "I think it's about time you stretched your legs out aha. Anyway! You're right, so let's get going."

She began to walk down the path, with Manny following closely behind her, that hopefully led them to Cerulean city.

JCKane JCKane
Bloody_Death Bloody_Death

The two continued to walk until they finally arrived at Cerulean City. Ofcourse, the first place JC wanted to go was to the Pokemon Center to get her team healed up.

"Aside for the gym, anything else you wanna do in town?" JC asked Luna as they walked towards the Pokemon Center.
Luna looked around the city and smiled. It was definitely a sight to behold. Even if it wasn't that big. As they made their way to the pokécenter she simply shrugged.

"Um I'm not entirely sure. I'll have to look around a bit before knowing for sure." She picks up Manny as they're approaching the center and smiles a bit. "How about you?"

JCKane JCKane
Bloody_Death Bloody_Death

JC gives a shrug.

"Well, I hear there's a popular Dating site which is now the location of a Contest hall," JC said, "I'd love to check it out before we go."
"A contest hall?" She said not knowing there was one here. She smiled and nodded at JC. "Sure! I didn't know there was a contest hall here. I'd like to check that out while we're done there as well."

JCKane JCKane
Bloody_Death Bloody_Death

JC was a little caught off guard when Luna mentioned the Contest Hall. She mainly wanted to check out the Cape because it was said to be a great spot, yet wasn't thinking of the Contest Hall itself.

"Oh, you into Contests?" She asked her.
"Ah! Well I'm not too sure yet. I definitely want to try it out though! My elder sister is a rather good pokémon preformer so I thought that maybe I could get into it too." She laughed a bit sheepishly.

"I'd like to try that dating site you were talking about too. Sounds like it could be fun." She said as she stopped walking as the pokécenter was already fairly close.

JCKane JCKane
Bloody_Death Bloody_Death

"Sounds like a plan," JC said as she gives Luna a smile before turning her attention to the Pokemon Center's doors, "Welp, Let's get our Pokemon healed up then.... huh... guess we should check when the next Contest is being held, may have to do that before the Gym." She began to walk into the Center and up to the Pokemon Nurse at her usual station.
"Awesome! Let's get going then!" She followed JC in and as she had her pokémon healed she grabbed all her pokéballs and handed them to the nurse shortly after calling Manny to his pokéball as well. Once that was all done she clipped the balls to her belt and smiled.

"I'm going to let my pokémon out for a bit. Wanna find maybe a park or grassy area to do that?" She asked glancing around at the other people before heading out.

JCKane JCKane
Bloody_Death Bloody_Death

JC also handed her pokemon to the Nurse and got them healed up. One musical chime later, and her team was right as rain. She then followed Luna out of there.

"Well, maybe the Cape?" JC susgested though she wasn't sure entirely how far it was to get to that location.
"Hrmmm, okay! I can't say I know how far that is from here but that sounds like a good place to go." She looked around for maybe a map or signs that'll lead them to that place.

"Do you know where it is?" She asked keeping her eyes on the surroundings.

JCKane JCKane
Bloody_Death Bloody_Death

"I just heard it was north of town," JC remarked before noticing a sign by a bridge, "There," She said pointing it out as it seemed to be an advertisement for the Contest Hall.
Luna quickly looked to where she was pointing and nodded. "Alright, well let's get going." She held onto the strap of her bag and began to heading north of the town following the direction of the sign.

JCKane JCKane
Bloody_Death Bloody_Death

They'd soon arrive at the bridge and the sign, seemed the Contest Hall was across the bridge and to the east. Not super far either.

"Well, Let's go check it out," JC said as she began to walk along the bridge.
"That's not far at all." She said with a laugh and followed behind JC as she began crossing the bridge.

Now entering this new area Luna would take in the other buildings that were around noting certain buildings she might want to check out later.

JCKane JCKane
Bloody_Death Bloody_Death

As they got about half way, they'd suddenly see another individual standing in the middle of the bridge. Almost blocking their path. She had dark skin, red hair, and and had an inverse color scheme of JC's same outfit. Black hair with crimson letters hard to make out, Crimson Sports Bra with a Black overshirt, but still had those dark blue jeans. She was looking at the others, just staring at them as they were getting closer.
Luna glanced at the individual that was standing on the bridge. Usually, she wouldn't mind people but this girl seemed to be staring right at them as they got closer to her. She couldn't help but feel a bit nervous about the girl now.

Once the pair got close enough to the stranger Luna would give a hesitant wave to her before speaking. "Um! Hello there...did you need something from us?"

JCKane JCKane
Bloody_Death Bloody_Death

The girl's eyes shifted from the both of them to just looking at Luna. A slight scowl increased on her lips as she seemed to be looking her over.

"So this is her," She said with an almost disgusted yet menacing voice, "huh, JC?"

Her eyes shited to JC as she finished her question. Yet JC was completely confused.

"What are you talking about?" JC asked, "For that matter, who are you and how do you know my name?"

There was a slight shake of the girl's head at JC's reply.

"You can call me Shadow," she said then her voice suddenly got darker, "But, if you don't mind, I'm going to crush your little friend here."

Suddenly, she pulls out a pokeball from her belt as she glares over at Luna. Her look was clear, battle and she wasn't taking no for an Answer.
"Huh...?" Luna was very confused. She had no idea who this was yet it seemed that this, Shadow, knew both her and JC and now wanted to battle.

Luna didn't like the vibe and the faces she was getting from this girl. It reminded her of those grunts from the cave. Mean and intimidating. She didn't want to fight, especially when she just got them healed up. But it seemed she didn't have a choice.

"Well...if we must battle it out, would you mind telling us why you're challenging me?" She asked, carefully watching the girl's movements as she reached for Chestnut's Pokeball.

JCKane JCKane
Bloody_Death Bloody_Death

JC was trying to figure out just what was going on. Perhaps, this 'Shadow' will tell them.

But, it didn't seem like she was going to as all she did was toss her pokeball to reveal a Sneasel.
Luna sighed as it seemed she wasn't going to get an answer before grabbing her chespin's Pokeball and tossing it.

Chestnut hopped out and gave a call of excitement as he seemed to be somewhat more pumped than normal. This made Luna smile a bit. "Alright! Let's show her what we got!"

JCKane JCKane

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